Benutzer:Mst/Kurze Artikel (Musikglossar)
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enthält kurze Artikel in Kategorie:Musikglossar
SELECT CONCAT('[[',cur_title,']]') AS Artikel, CONCAT(LENGTH(cur_text),' Bytes') AS Laenge, CONCAT(' ') AS Bearbeitungshinweis FROM cur, categorylinks WHERE cur_is_redirect = 0 AND cl_from=cur_id AND cur_namespace = 0 AND LENGTH(cur_text) < 501 AND (cl_to='Musikglossar' OR cl_to='Sachlexikon Klassische Musik' OR cl_to='Stimmlage') AND cur_title NOT REGEXP '/[A-Z]$' AND cur_title NOT LIKE '%/Zahl' AND cur_title NOT LIKE '%/0-9' AND cur_title NOT LIKE 'Liste_%' AND cur_title NOT LIKE 'Fotoglossar/%' AND cur_text NOT LIKE '%{{Begriffskl__rung}}%' AND cur_text NOT LIKE '%{{URV%' AND cur_text NOT LIKE '%{{L__schen%' AND cur_text NOT LIKE '%{{Zu_L__schen%' AND cur_text NOT LIKE '%{{Vorlage:Zu_L__schen%' AND cur_text NOT LIKE '%Falschschreibung%' AND cur_text NOT LIKE '{{Wiktionary%' ORDER BY LENGTH(cur_text) ASC, cur_timestamp ASC LIMIT 100
Dump vom 13.07.2005, Abfrage am 2.9.2005 ausgeführt.
Artikel | Laenge | Bearbeitungshinweis |
Notentext | 236 Bytes | |
Aftertouch | 268 Bytes | |
Kantilene | 283 Bytes | |
Colla_parte | 297 Bytes | |
Fistelstimme | 301 Bytes | |
Multiphonic | 387 Bytes | |
Delay_(Musik) | 407 Bytes | |
Timestretching | 410 Bytes | |
Koloratur | 428 Bytes | |
Altus_(Stimmlage) | 435 Bytes | |
Cantus | 437 Bytes | |
Vokalise | 456 Bytes | |
Dal_Segno | 458 Bytes | |
Col_legno | 461 Bytes | |
Particell | 479 Bytes |