Nirs Artikel
Nirs Artikel
Nirs Artikel
DOI 10.1007/s10877-012-9348-y
Received: 15 October 2011 / Accepted: 6 March 2012 / Published online: 31 March 2012
Ó The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at
280 J Clin Monit Comput (2012) 26:279–287
2 Technical background monitor module, and thereafter directed via glass fibers to the
probe tip (InSpectra, Hutchinson Technology Inc., Bio-
The technical background of NIRS has been presented in Measurement Division, Hutchinson, MN, USA), other
detail recently [4] and will therefore be presented here only devices generate the light within the probe itself (Equanox,
briefly. Distinct biological molecules change their optical Nonin Medical Inc., Plymouth, MN, USA). In both cases, the
properties when binding to oxygen. From experience, one probe is usually attached to the skin above the tissue of
recalls that highly oxygenated blood appears red, whereas interest. Respective stickers of the probes serve to stabilize
de-oxygenated blood appears dark, ranging from blue to the probe’s position over longer periods, but also restrict
black. This phenomenon is caused by the fact that oxy- entrance of ambient light into the measurement photon
genated hemoglobin differs in parts of it’s absorption pat- pathway (Fig. 2). Transcutaneous NIRS is noninvasive and
tern from de-oxygenated hemoglobin, and thus in their the applied light intensities are not harmful to the tissue, not
apparent optical spectrum. These optical differences have causing skin burns even if applied for a longer period.
been exploited and are now clinical standard application in On its way through the tissue, the applied beam interacts
pulse oxymetry, where usually two or three distinct wave- with multiple tissue components. Light is partly reflected at
lengths are used in combination with pulse plethysmogra- optical surfaces, partly redirected and scattered at certain
phy to measure the arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation. tissue components, such as mitochondria, with much signal
Visible light penetrates tissue only short distances, since it
is markedly attenuated by several tissue components, which
absorb or scatter visible light. However, in the NIR spectrum
(ranging from 700 to 1100 nm) photons are capable of dee-
per penetration of several centimeters or more. Contra-
intuitively, NIR beams may also penetrate bones, which is
prerequisite for trans-cranial cerebral oxymetry. Aside from
the advantage of relatively deep penetration of several cen-
timeters, the NIR spectral region is also characterized by
typical differences in the spectrum of oxygenated and
deoxygenated hemoglobin (Fig. 1). Exploiting these natural
characteristics for regional oxymetry, a prototypical NIRS
monitor functions as follows: A light source (e.g., a LED)
generates NIR light, concerning the spectrum centered
around characteristic wavelengths (examples are given in
Fig. 1). The emitted beam is directed into the tissue of
interest via a (usually cutaneously attached) probe. Whereas Fig. 2 Probe positioning. Example of forearm probe positioning.
in some devices the NIR light is generated within the actual Here additionally fixated with a transparent adhesive
J Clin Monit Comput (2012) 26:279–287 281
loss during tissue transition. More importantly for NIRS, assumption that the underlying muscle body serves as
the light will partly be absorbed when contacting optical relatively homogenous tissue compartment. Traditionally,
pigments, like melanin, myoglobin or hemoglobin. In the the thenar eminence has been promoted as measurement
latter two cases, the resultant spectrum will change, site for peripheral oxygenation measurement. The thenar
depending on the oxygenation status of the pigments. One eminence is reported to have a relatively thin fat layer,
or more detectors are integrated into the NIRS probe to compared to other skin regions, with in addition only minor
collect a fraction of light eventually returning to the tissue inter-individual variation. In addition, the thenar eminence
surface. In systems designed to measure at different tissue is reported to participate in systemic edema formation to a
depth, a composite sticker probe may comprise two or lesser extent than other skin regions. Both factors should
more single detectors. In this case, the measurement depth result in a more homogenous (muscle-) measurement
in tissue depends on the light source-to-detector distance, compartment for NIRS. Another reason is that even in
usually in the range of 1 to several centimeters, under the negroids the thenar is almost non-pigmented and thus
assumption of a banana- or boomerang shaped pathway of methodological problems with pigment interference can be
the light from the superficial emitter through the tissue of circumvented. Modern NIRS technologies appear to elim-
interest and back to a superficial detector. inate the pigmentation related misreading, making this
In recent years, NIRS has developed from a merely argument probably less important.
experimental tool to a monitoring tool with broad potential Major clinical disadvantages of the thenar eminence as
clinical use. NIRS monitors have become smaller, cheaper, measurement site are related to problems to fixate the probe
rugged, and in addition, the ease of use has greatly on the somewhat conical thenar eminence. Although this
improved, e.g., by improved user interfaces and minimiz- problem has been addressed by the medical industry by
ing calibration procedures. NIRS monitors are now avail- developing probes that are relatively stable when attached
able from a number of various companies, including Nonin to the thenar (e.g., the Hutchinson InSpectra probe), this
Medical Inc. (Plymouth, MN, USA), Hutchinson Tech- issue remains nonetheless relevant when using flat sticker
nology Inc. (BioMeasurement Division, Hutchinson, MN, probes that tend to return from a U-shape when moulded to
USA), Covidien (Dublin, Ireland) and others. Whereas the rounded thenar eminence to the original flat shape
some medical companies focus on cerebral oxygenation (Covidien, Nonin). Eventually this leads to entrance of
(e.g., for cardiac surgery or carotid surgery), other com- ambient light into the emitter-tissue-detector pathway, with
panies provide monitors and probes specially designed for possibility of artefact reading or total loss of signal.
peripheral measurement of tissue oxygenation. For neo- Physiologically the forearm (not only the thenar) is a
nates, specialized mini-probes are also available. Another predominant site of (reflex-) vasoconstriction in case of
interesting development is the further minituriarisation of circulatory distress. Here, vascular response may occur
the devices, now reaching almost pocket size format with earlier and more intense than in other regions of the body,
the introduction of the SpotCheck monitor (Hutchinson). making the forearm a suitable site for peripheral NIRS
measurement. [5, 6] Furthermore, placement of NIRS
sensors on the forearm enables to measure the oxygenation
3 NIRS measurement sites in isolated upper extremity muscle compartments [7]. In
our own clinical and prehospital experience, attaching a
The most common application of NIRS is the assessment NIRS probe parallel to the proximal forearm, above the
of cerebral oxygenation, e.g. during cardiac surgery (see antebrachial muscle, results in a stable probe position also
below). Since near infrared light easily penetrates the skull, with standard ‘flat’ sticker probes and under ‘real-life’
it is possible to perform real-time assessment of regional conditions. Herein, the probe does not require bending and
(frontal) cortical oxygenation (rSO2) using stickers placed the probe is positioned stable so that passive and active
on the patient’s forehead. This region contains blood in a patient movements do not disturb the measurement
so-called watershed area, i.e. the area that lies between (Fig. 2). Moreover, supporting our selection of the forearm
those receiving blood from the anterior and medial cerebral as measurement site, others have also demonstrated that
artery. Brain tissue oxygen haemoglobin saturation thus forearm NIRS is more sensitive than thenar NIRS, inde-
obtained derives mostly from the grey matter in the cere- pendent of measurement depth, to detect circulatory dis-
bral cortex and reflects the balance between oxygen tress, e.g., in experimental hypovolemia [8]. A potential
delivery and utilisation of that region. physiological explanation for this difference between the-
For the measurement of peripheral tissue oxygenation nar and forearm in sensitivity to hypovolemia is that per-
multiple potential measurement sites are available, how- fusion of the hand is relatively well-preserved during
ever only few are established. The measurement sites are certain cardiovascular challenges. One example is the cold-
usually defined by the underlying musculature under the induced vasodilation during severe hypothermia, which
282 J Clin Monit Comput (2012) 26:279–287
opens the (micro)circulation to the hands in order to pre- possible clinical applications, further studies are also
vent cold-induced tissue damage. required in that respect.
An example from our group is presented in Fig. 2.
Alternative measurement sites beside thenar and forearm 3.2 Current developments
for peripheral oxygenation NIRS have been suggested by
some, but are not established as of yet. They include pectoral Traditional NIRS technology was restricted to track chan-
and deltoid muscle [9, 10], as well as paravertebral region ges over time, which might be sufficient if a ‘normal’
and vastus lateralis muscle [10]. Physiological disadvantage baseline is assumed and the development of the patient
of these more central measurement sites may be that they are status is monitored from that point on. However, in settings
not participating as much in the centralization process and where the state of tissue oxygenation may be compromised
thus may be less sensitive as NIRS sentinel sites for the at first measurement, e.g., in the shock room or in the bat-
detection of hypovolemia. However, given the superficial tlefield, the collection of absolute readings is highly desired.
location of organs like the kidney or the intestines in neonates To end this, current technical developments are aiming to
and infants (i.e., by the thin skin and thin fat layer), the provide absolute measurements both by improved hardware
transcutaneous NIRS measurement of kidney or gut oxy- and software, although this remains hampered with princi-
genation is principally feasible in this group of patients pal problems of NIRS measurements in the relatively poorly
[10–14]. These tempting indications are no standard appli- defined anatomical catchment volume.
cations yet and important question of application (sensor
geometry, catchment volume) still need to be evaluated. 3.3 NIRS in aero-medical services
Primarily, the current NIRS monitors are used to mea-
sure tissue oxygenation. In addition some have the option NIRS may be a valuable addition in prehospital care,
to also estimate the hemoglobin (and myoglobin) concen- including the transport of critically ill patients. Special
tration in the sample volume (e.g., Nonin). If this will allow challenges during patient transport occur in aero-medical
to target transfusion therapy remains to be shown. services by helicopter or airplane. However, surprisingly
little information is available on the use of NIRS in aero-
3.1 Limitations of NIRS medical environments, particularly on the use of peripheral
NIRS measurements [16]. Thus, we studied the imple-
Although NIRS monitoring to assess tissue oxygenation mentation of NIRS monitoring in a helicopter-based
has been greatly improved in recent years, the technique is emergency medical system [17]. Summarizing our data,
still hampered with a number of limitations. Obviously, NIRS in this setting appeared feasible, safe (no effect on
when dealing with chromatic biomolecules, the question avionics), and we did not observe a systematic effect of the
raises, to what extent other than the molecules of interest helicopter environment on the measurement, e.g., by
(e.g., hemoglobin) contribute to the NIRS readings. Herein, engine start-up or shutdown or cabin vibrations [18]. Fur-
for example, skin pigmentation may play a role. Another ther studies will have to demonstrate, how NIRS moni-
point of debate is the contribution of myoglobin in the toring can improve patient safety, therapy and ultimately
NIRS measurement. Hemoglobin and myoglobin share key outcome in these demanding transport settings.
properties, including similar optical properties. This is less
an issue when measuring trans-cranial cerebral oxygena-
tion, since in case of frontal readings only minimal muscle 4 NIRS in Shock room and Trauma
and thus myoglobin is within the photon pathway. How-
ever, when addressing peripheral oxygenation, e.g., at the NIRS monitors may be beneficial in monitoring trauma
thenar or forearm, then myoglobin may become a major patients in the field [19, 20] and numerous studies have
contributor to the overall reading. Since oxygen affinity of been performed to study the role of NIRS monitoring in the
myoglobin is markedly stronger compared to hemoglobin prehospital civil setting and in the prehospital military area
(markedly leftshifted P50), myoglobin will have a relatively [21, 22]. NIRS may be used to detect and guide therapy in
high oxygen saturation even in case of tissue hypoperfusion states of regional tissue hypoperfusion, even when sys-
and hypoxygenation [15]. Thus, if a clear separation of the temic markers (e.g., blood pressure) are still within the
myo- versus hemo-globin signal is not defined, i.e., myo- normal range. The (patho-)physiological base of this dis-
globin is mistaken for hemoglobin, then hemoglobin sat- crepancy is that peripheral perfusion may be early com-
uration will be overestimated. promised in states of hypovolemia and other forms of
Finally, when applying single-use patient sensors, NIRS systemic distress, when blood volume and perfusion are
monitoring is relatively expensive. Since a thorough cost/ redistributed towards the central compartment to protect
benefit analysis has not been done for the majority of the so-called vital organs, e.g., the heart and the brain. In
J Clin Monit Comput (2012) 26:279–287 283
this cascade of circulatory centralization, the peripheral cardiac surgery [28]. Moreover, a rSO2 \45 % or a 25 %
musculature is a site early compromised in perfusion and drop from individual baseline values are considered a
thus oxygenation. Thus, onset of NIRS-detected tissue critical threshold for unfavourable neurological outcome.
hypoxygenation partly reflects the vasoconstrictive ability For instance, a study involving 100 cardiac surgical
of the body, aiming at maintenance of central, vital organ patients showed that significantly more impairments in
directed perfusion and blood pressure. In this context it postoperative cognitive function occurred in those patients
should be stressed that induction of anaesthesia, as a fre- with either a nadir rSO2 below 35 % or with rSO2-values
quent step in the treatment cascade of emergency (trauma) below 40 % for more than 10 min [29]. Similarly, patients
patients per se may affect tissue oxygenation. Changes in undergoing aortic arch surgery who spent more than
NIRS reading could thus result either from changes in the 30 min under the absolute rSO2 threshold of 60 % had an
underlying pathology (e.g., ongoing blood loss) or from the extended hospital stay of 4 days leading to substantial
induction of anesthesia (e.g., peripheral anesthesia-induced additional costs [30].
vasodilation). Therefore, one should know the impact of This technique has been extensively used in patients
general anesthesia per se on NIRS measurements. How- undergoing cardiac surgery in order to find an association
ever, the impact of (an induction of) anesthesia itself on between measurements of cerebral oxygenation and post-
NIRS derived measurements remained controversial [23]. operative outcome. Several studies have found an associ-
In a prospective, nonrandomized, observational, ation between intraoperative cerebral oxygen desaturation
descriptive study, normal human volunteers (n = 707) and and postoperative cognitive dysfunction, stroke, and pro-
patients admitted to the resuscitation area of a Level I longed hospital stay. In a landmark study, 200 CABG
trauma center (n = 150) were included to establish the patients were randomized to receive either blinded rSO2-
normal ranges of thenar saturation (StO2) using the In- monitoring or an intervention algorithm based on rSO2
Spectra tissue spectrometer. The thenar StO2 values clearly readings. In the intervention group there were significantly
discriminated the normals or no shock patients and the less major complications (death, stroke, renal and respira-
patients with severe shock [1]. In this study, thenar StO2 tory failure) and a shorter length of stay (LOS) in the
values were 87 ± 6 % for healthy volunteers, 83 ± 10 % intensive care unit [31]. Similar reductions in major com-
for non-shock patients; 83 ± 10 % for mild shock patients, plications have been found in a before/after treatment
80 ± 12 % for moderate shock patients; and 45 ± 26 % protocol implementation based on rSO2 in more than 2000
for severe shock patients [1]. If these StO2-values resem- cardiac surgical patients [32]. Furthermore, there was an
bling this categorization also hold true for other NIRS inverse relationship between mean intraoperative rSO2 and
devices, requires further research. a hospital stay[10 days, and low rSO2 was associated with
NIRS monitoring may also help to differentiate at an ‘‘outlier’’ patients, i.e. those having the longest recovery
early stage between survivors and nonsurvivors with every times [31]. Similarly, the occurrence of rSO2 values below
10 % decrease in thenar saturation (StO2) increasing 50 % increased the risk of cognitive dysfunction and pro-
mortality threefold [20]. Finally, it has been shown that if a longed hospital stay threefold [33], particularly in elderly
patient is able to maintain StO2 above 75 %, there is a high patients [33, 34]. A cost-effective analysis based on these
probability of not developing organ dysfunction and death data revealed that savings due to avoidance of cerebro-
after severe trauma [24, 25]. vascular accidents and reduction in LOS by far (factor 5)
exceeded the additional costs of rSO2 monitoring [35].
However, some limitations should be kept in mind that
5 NIRS in cardiac surgery might interfere with these findings. The first relate to
patient related factors such as advanced age and comor-
As with peripheral tissues, low regional (frontal) cortical bidities, which are common in this patient population. As a
oxygenation (rSO2) levels provide an indication of a mis- consequence, baseline rSO2-values of cardiac surgery
match between cerebral perfusion or oxygen delivery, and patients were lower compared to healthy volunteers. Sec-
regional oxygen requirements. rSO2 has been shown to ond, the procedural complexity of cardiovascular surgery
correlate well with jugular venous bulb saturation, which is and the equipment frequently involved (e.g. cardiopulmo-
the standard for assessing global cerebral saturation [26]. nary bypass) can affect neurological outcome by itself. The
The typical range of rSO2 is 55–80 % and absolute rSO2- incidence of stroke, for instance, ranges from 1 to 3 % in
values \50 % or a 20 % drop from individual rSO2 base- coronary artery bypass grafting [36, 37] and may be sub-
line are commonly considered as intervention trigger. The stantially higher in aortic surgery. Of note, nearly 75 % of
incidence of these findings in patients undergoing coronary all strokes occurred among the 90 % of patients at low or
artery bypass grafting (CABG) is as high as 42 % [27]. An medium preoperative risk, suggesting that many of these
even higher incidence has been reported for pediatric strokes may be preventable by adequate monitoring [36]. In
284 J Clin Monit Comput (2012) 26:279–287
addition, patients who had perioperative stroke were at a randomized 122 elderly patients undergoing major
significantly increased risk for death. A study on 35,733 abdominal surgery to a control group or an intervention
consecutive patients undergoing isolated CABG surgery group in which rSO2 was kept C75 % of individual base-
from 1992 to 2001 showed that survival at each time point line values. As a result, less cognitive decline and shorter
was lowest among patients who had hypoperfusion strokes hospital stay was observed in the group where cerebral
compared to those with embolic of no strokes [37]. A study hypoxia was prevented [44].
based on 503,478 records from the Society for Thoracic Several studies looked at the role of cerebral NIRS
Surgeons (STS) database calculated a cumulative ‘‘Major monitoring in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy.
Organ Morbidity or Mortality score’’ consisting of death For instance, cerebral rSO2 monitoring was compared to
within 30 days, renal failure requiring dialysis, permanent transcranial doppler and awake testing under local anes-
stroke, need for re-operation for any reason, [48 h venti- thesia; transcranial doppler was less accurate than NIRS in
lation, and mediastinitis/deep sternal infection. The inci- predicting the need for carotid shunting [45, 46]. In another
dence of this composite endpoint was 13.4 % [38]. Further study, transcranial doppler, NIRS, and stump pressure
postoperative problems include delirium (incidence measurement provided similar accuracy for the detection of
10-60 %) and postoperative cognitive dysfunction (inci- cerebral ischemia during carotid surgery, while lower
dence 24–53 %) that lead to a longer hospital length of accuracy was found for SEP monitoring. Because of the
stay. high rate of technical difficulties (21 %), transcranial
A recent study suggests that NIRS can also be used to doppler monitoring was the least practical of the investi-
assess cerebral autoregulation [39]. Another study suggests gated monitoring devices [47]. A much bigger study
that the choice of anaesthetic may also be important: a involving 954 patients with [70 % carotid stenosis incl.
sevoflurane-based anaesthesia was associated with better 39 % with contralateral occlusion as confirmed by doppler
short-term postoperative cognitive performance than pro- and angiography addressed the question which change in
pofol [40]. Even preoperative baseline cerebral oxygena- rSO2 needs shunting. The results suggested that a relative
tion appears to be predictive of short- and long-term decrease in rSO2 was a better indicator than an absolute
morbidity and mortality [41]. Of note, cerebral desaturation decrease, that a decrease B20 % was no indication for a
occurs not only in cardiac procedures performed using shunt, and that a decrease [20 % not always predicted
cardiopulmonary bypass (on-pump), but also during off- neurological complications [48]. The authors concluded
pump CABG, particularly when the heart is tilted for distal that a short decrease [20 % may be tolerated and 2 min
anastomoses at the lateral and posterior walls [42]. should be allowed for autoregulatory fluctuations. Fur-
Tissue oxygenation has also been measured at the thenar thermore, the study found no impact of any pharmaceutical
site in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardio- interventions on NIRS (unlike on SEPs and EEG) [48].
pulmonary bypass (CPB). With initiation of CPB, StO2 Finally, no correlation was found between rSO2 and blood
declined by 13 % with a delayed increase in lactate and pressure values during carotid cross-clamping suggesting
base deficit. Importantly, the minimum StO2 value pre- that an excessive rise of blood pressure is not necessary to
ceded the maximum lactate level by an average time of guarantee adequate cerebral blood perfusion [49].
94 min, suggesting that NIRS identifies perfusion deficits Another application of cerebral NIRS monitoring is
much earlier than conventional metabolic markers [43]. during shoulder surgery in the beach-chair position. In
In conclusion, peri-operative assessment of cerebral these operations, cerebral desaturation is provoked either
oxygenation using NIRS provides useful real-time infor- by postural hypotension, by head and neck manipulation
mation about the adequacy of cerebral perfusion/oxygen- leading to changes in cerebral blood flow, or by thrombo-
ation as well as the incidence and time course of cerebral embolic events. Compared to the lateral decubitus position,
hypoxia, and may help to identify the causes and to find patients undergoing shoulder arthroscopy in the beach
methods of preventing and managing cerebral hypoperfu- chair position suffered significantly more cerebral desatu-
sion and hypoxia during cardiac surgery. In addition, NIRS rations (80 vs. 0 %) despite similar baseline rSO2 values
monitoring of cerebral oxygenation is not temperature or [50]. Consequently, patients suffering from cerebral
pulse dependent and immediately reflects patient reactions desaturation had higher rates of postoperative nausea (50
or efficacy of therapeutic interventions. vs. 7 %) and vomiting (27 vs. 3 %), whereas no neurologic
deficits were observed, likely because of the limited
duration of the surgical procedure [50].
6 NIRS in non-cardiac surgery Thoracic surgery with one-lung ventilation seemed to be
associated with a significant decrease in rSO2 [51], and
Up to now little information exists on the value of cerebral minimal rSO2-values correlated positively with postoper-
NIRS monitoring during non-cardiac surgery. One study ative complications [52].
J Clin Monit Comput (2012) 26:279–287 285
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