Dieser Artikel (Pull quote) ist im Entstehen begriffen und noch nicht Bestandteil der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia.
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  • Der Text kann teilweise in einer Fremdsprache verfasst, unvollständig sein oder noch ungeprüfte Aussagen enthalten.
  • Wenn du Fragen zum Thema hast, nimm am besten Kontakt mit dem Autor Parzi auf.
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  • Bitte denke daran, die Angaben im Artikel durch geeignete Quellen zu belegen und zu prüfen, ob er auch anderweitig den Richtlinien der Wikipedia entspricht (siehe Wikipedia:Artikel).
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In this example, a pull quote is centered between two columns. The text has been "pulled" from the bottom of the first column

A pull quote (also known as a lift-out pull quote) is a key phrase, quotation, or excerpt that has been pulled from an article and used as a graphic element, serving to entice readers into the article or to highlight a key topic. It is typically placed in a larger or distinctive typeface and on the same page. Pull quotes are often used in magazine and newspaper articles, annual reports, and brochures, as well as on the web. They can add visual interest to text-heavy pages with with few images or illustrations.[1]Vorlage:Fv

Placement of a pull quote on a page may be defined in a publication's or website's style guide. Such a typographic device may or may not be aligned with a column on the page. Some designers, for example, choose not to align the quote. In that case, the quotation cuts into two or more columns, as in the example shown. Because the pull quote invites the reader to read about the highlighted material, the pull quote should appear before the text it cites and, generally, fairly close to it.[2]Vorlage:Page needed

Pull quotes need not be a verbatim copy of the text being quoted; depending on a publication's house style, pull quotes may be abbreviated for space or paraphrased for clarity, with or without indication.[2]Vorlage:Page needed

See also






Vorlage:Typography terms

Category:Page layout

  1. Ilene Strizver: Pull-quotes. In: www.fonts.com. Archiviert vom Original am 17. Juli 2010; abgerufen am 9. Juli 2012.
  2. a b Nigel French: InDesign Type: Professional Typography with Adobe InDesign. Pearson Education, 2010, ISBN 978-0-321-62467-3, 12 Global Formatting with Styles (google.com).