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Questions tagged [srid]

A Spatial Reference System Identifier (SRID) is a unique value used to unambiguously identify projected, unprojected, and local spatial coordinate system definitions. These coordinate systems form the heart of all GIS applications.

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Data truncation on spatial query after updating from MySql 5.7 to 8.0

I have the following table: create table places ( id bigint auto_increment primary key, position point SRID 4326 not null ); create spatial index position on places (position); --...
theberzi's user avatar
  • 151
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GeoJSON MultiLineString import to MySQL with SRID/CRS 27700, 'out of range'

Version 8.0.20 I'm importing a single link of the OSM road network with the intention of creating a buffer in MySQL. This is it: select st_srid(st_geomfromgeojson('{ "type": "Feature&...
Andy H.'s user avatar
  • 13
3 votes
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How to add Spatial Reference ID 28992 to MSSQL server?

I want to use Spatial Reference ID 28992, as found on EPSG, in MS SQL Server. How can I add this to MS SQL Server? My end goal is to get this dataset into MS SQL Server, with the Geography Markup ...
Jens Wagemaker's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the point of a SRID in a geometry type?

From my understanding, SRID is a projection code; how the 2d coordinate system is fit over a spheroid. The difference between Geometry and Geography types, from my understanding, is that a geometry ...
Justin Dearing's user avatar