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Questions tagged [page-life-expectancy]

Page Life Expectancy is a Microsoft SQL Server-specific term relating to the average amount of time buffer pages can be expected to remain in memory before being replaced.

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-2 votes
1 answer

Is there a deterministic relation between the page life expectancy and disk IO throughput?

Start with Page Life Expectancy, which should be well above the 300. This tells you how long pages are staying in the buffer pool, and a value of 300 equates to 5 minutes. If you have 120GB of buffer ...
variable's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

DateTime2 and Page Life Expectancy (PLE)

As I understand it, when you define a column on a table you define its precision. This precision takes 1 byte and is stored at the column level. If you use a precision of 5 or more, then a DateTime2 ...
Vaccano's user avatar
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1 answer

Free node memory and low PLE

We run a SQL Server 2014 standard edition on a 94 GB RAM server with 82 GB RAM dedicated to SQL. I know PLE is not the answer to all and we should not focus on it too much. But if you look at the ...
KHP's user avatar
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2 answers

PAGEIOLATCH wait and Page Life Expectancy very low

Training for SQL Server, has following scenario: SQL Server on Azure VM, DS-series machine, it has 32 GB of RAM Server has below performance conditions: - very high PAGELATCH_IO waits - average Page ...
Aleksey Vitsko's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Page Life Expectancy sudden drop

Looking at performance data I realized sudden drops of Page Life Expectancy on a Sql Server 2016 SP1 running on VMWare consuming 58982 MB of 64 GB RAM. The previous value of PLE was around 133,000 and ...
Magier's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Unexplained PLE drop

Our SQL server has 512 GB ram with 448 GB available to SQL 2012 (sp2, cu7) serving a typical OLTP workload. The server is only for SQL other than SIOS for geo clustering. There is not a big swing in ...
Doley's user avatar
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3 answers

Identify cached data for a specific query in data cache

I'm trying to identify, if possible, how long it takes for data being cached by a stored procedure to be taken out of the cache. I know there is the PLE counter in sys.dm_os_performance_counters, but ...
Radu Gheorghiu's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Interpreting Page Life Expectancy metric

I need advise on interpreting PLE metric of my server which: is SQL Server 2008 R2 with 4 NUMA nodes with 128 GB RAM Daily full backups start at 02:00 AM and takes around 1 hour to complete. ...
Stackoverflowuser's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

SQL Server Memory allocation and max server memory setting

For one of our SQL Server, we recently add more memory. The initial value was 12GB. The server experienced a lack of physical memory so we added another 12GB, for a total of 24GB. Then I have set the ...
Mickael's user avatar
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3 answers

Page life expectancy very low on certain time?

Everyday we receive an alert on a specific period (03:00 AM - 04:00 AM) indicating that Page life expectancy is too low : SCOM :Alert: SQL DB 2008 Engine Page Life Expectancy is too low We have ...
Osama Waly's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How much RAM should SQL Server have [duplicate]

I have a database which takes up 500gb, I have noticed that my ple is low even though I have 100gb of RAM. I have searched in google to find reasons of that and I found some interesting queries. I ...
whd's user avatar
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2 answers

Dropping PLE on query

In company we are working in project on very big database. It uses 100GB RAM. What's weird before first running a query PLE is 11k~, after running it drops to about 70, anyway when after 15 mins I ...
whd's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Can I tell SQL Server not to place data in the buffer cache?

One of the servers I support has an ETL job that runs every morning. This isn't an SSIS package, just a series of stored procedures executed via SQL Server Agent. The job takes several hours to run, ...
Jeff Rosenberg's user avatar
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SQL Server 2012; Incorrect PLE buffer manager value for NUMA server

We are receiving PLE alerts from SCOM for several instances. These instances are on hardware servers, and use NUMA nodes. SQL Server 2012 SP1 CU7 Enterprise Edition is installed. Memory is fixed and ...
pdb's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Why is Page Life Expectancy value sometimes exceptionally high (4,3 M)?

My value of PAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY usually is in a range of 3000 - 10000. But as you can see in the little data sample below, there are regular values of about 4,3 Milion. I get those values using ...
Magier's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How can I Debug a Buffer Issue?

I have a production "Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3128.0 (X64)" that is showing weird buffer and page life expectancy (PLE) symptoms. I am running this every minute on my server (to track ...
Vaccano's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Buffer Size Changing?

I have a production database that is experiencing wildly fluctuating Page Life Expectancy (PLE) issues. (It crashes to zero at random times.) I have been researching the PLE issue and have found ...
Vaccano's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Page Life Expectancy Wildly Fluctuating

For months now, the PLE on one of our servers has hovered around the 2 million seconds. If varied slightly from day to day but was pretty stable there. This last weekend, we added 12 GB of virtual RAM ...
PseudoToad's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Does Resource Governor help protect page life expectancy?

I have several large tables that I need to copy into partitioned copies on a transactional database. I am worried about the hit that this will cause to performance of my production applications. In ...
Vaccano's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Can SQL Server's Page Life Expectancy be too high?

I've read several articles about SQL Server's Page Life Expectancy and what it means and what kind of information you can glean from it. In most of these articles that I've read, a common, healthy PLE ...
Ryan's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

What does Page Life Expectancy say about the instance?

I have installed monitoring software on a few SQL Server instances in the environment. I am trying to find bottlenecks and fix some performance issues. I want to find out if some servers need more ...
Łukasz Kastelik's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Is it normal that occasionally Page Life Expectancy drops to 0 and queries start giving timeouts in SQL Server? [duplicate]

Can somebody shed some light on if it's normal that Page Life Expectancy drops occasionally to 0 in SQL Server (2014) resulting in slow queries and timeouts? I'm facing this on my developer machine ...
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12 votes
1 answer

SQL Server 2012 Page Life Expectancy resets to 0 after about 50 days

I've noticed an odd behavior on a 2-server HA cluster and I was hoping someone could confirm my suspicion, or maybe offer some other explanation... Here is my setup: A 2-server SQL 2012 SP1 ...
CRCerr0r's user avatar
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0 answers

Significant PLE Drop [duplicate]

This morning at 4am we experienced a huge drop in Page Life Expectancy on a new sql server 2012 box. No jobs (backup etc) ran at this time and traffic was very light compared to say 20:00. Current ...
redsquare's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

SQL Server Page Life Expectancy sharp drop

I'm trying to put my hands on the reason this SQL Server slows down sporadically. There are no patterns detected so far. It's a SQL Server 2008 R2 running on a Windows Server 2008R2 VM on top of ...
Zero Subnet's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Why is the page life expectancy 0 (zero) on SQL Server 2005

We have been wanting to know the page life expectancy for our SQL Server. So we look at the counter using Perform. The value is ZERO and never changes. I thought there must be some bug, so I checked ...
ttomsen's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

What units is Page Life Expectancy in?

I'm currently using the following query to get the Page Life Expectancy from SQL Server: declare @PLE int select @PLE=cntr_value from psql1.master.sys.dm_os_performance_counters where counter_name=...
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