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2 answers

Ordering by IN clause order

Suppose I want the order of output records match the order in the IN clause SELECT * FROM ( SELECT 1 AS id, 'one' AS text FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS id, 'two' AS text FROM DUAL ) t WHERE IN (...
Sergey Zolotarev's user avatar
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1 answer

Oracle MAX gives different result than ORDER BY desc

When trying to sort some hexadecimal values I've got a different results for MAX() aggregation and ORDER BY desc sorting: with some_data as ( select '123A55' as hex from dual union all ...
Andy DB Analyst's user avatar
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1 answer

How to query in the given order

select * from table where options=(10,223,43,1,23,54,323,32) But the result is not coming in the given order of options. Options need to be changed frequently.
sh3hz's user avatar
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3 answers

Does Oracle guarantee final output row order when it is set in the inline view

This query is based on 2 tables where some rows in PerfData1 have multiple child records. Rows are not duplicate but some ids are. I need to take only 1 of such rows and this is also a paging query, ...
T.S.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Ordering streets by their names and polysyllabic numbers in SQL query

In Oracle DB there is a table with some data: LAG HNR STREET 00020 44 Aachener Straße 00020 44/2 Aachener Straße 00020 44/1 Aachener Straße 00020 46 Aachener Straße 00020 46/6 Aachener Straße ...
Taras's user avatar
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1 answer

Creating a table with Rank ordering in Oracle [closed]

I am trying to create a table in Oracle as follow: create table hops.t_distribution AS (select UID, CONTACT_EMAIL, PRODUCT_ID, rank() over(Partition by UID order by to_number(PRODUCT_ID)) as ...
JoD's user avatar
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3 answers

What order does Oracle's EXIST condition compare the sub-query results?

I know EXIST works better than IN for larger sub-queries because it checks each sub-query record individually and stops once a comparison is found. Let's say I can order the sub-query in a way to ...
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1 answer

Oracle hierarchical query: aggregate over each node's descendants, give results in tree pre-order

Given hierarchical data, for each item I need to get the sum of a column over the sub-tree rooted at the item, and I need the results in pre-order. Example: for the data employee_id | manager_id | ...
laurt's user avatar
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1 answer

oracle sql: How to not select select duplicate records from table

Can any help me to fix the below sql query SELECT DISTINCT ORDER_NUMBER, FLAG FROM TABLE Below was the result Order_number FLAG LP-13288 false LP-13288 true LP-13292 false LP-13290 ...
heye's user avatar
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Unable to apply order by clause on distinct select in Oracle

The query is: select distinct( Name ) from Students where marks>75 order by Substr(Name,-3,3),ID asc; This shows an error message: order by Substr(Name,-3,3),ID asc * ERROR at line 4: ORA-...
tanu's user avatar
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1 answer

Oracle pagination with order by field not unique performance

Usually, we will write pagination SQL like this if order by field is unique: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT XX.*, ROWNUM AS RN FROM ( SELECT * FROM T_LOG WHERE OP_TYPE = 'Q' ...
kswen's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Is it REALLY possible that the order will not be guaranteed for this particular redundant derived table?

I stumbled upon this question on a Twitter conversation with Lukas Eder. Although the correct behavior would be to apply the ORDER BY clause on the outermost query, because, here, we are not using ...
Vlad Mihalcea's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I improve performance of Order By clause in Oracle

I have a table called UAVT_BINA in oracle database and it have 28897352 rows. When I write: select * from UAVT_BINA the DB responds to me in 0.1 second. But when I write select * from UAVT_BINA ...
Mehmet Emin Yalçın's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does Merge take Order by into account when updating

I have to merge a subquery result into table A. Here's the basic merge statement: MERGE INTO A USING (SELECT CUSTOMER_ID,LAST_LOGIN_DATE) B ON A.CUSTOMER_ID=B.CUSTOMER_ID WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE ...
Mikayil Abdullayev's user avatar
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Moving `order by` Significantly Improves Execution Time

I provide a simply query that, I think, resembles my real query. I'm using Oracle. Given: create table main_table(a NUMBER, b VARCHAR2(10)) create table rates_table(a NUMBER, rate NUMBER) create ...
Kevin Meredith's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Random Order of Numbers in Select Statement [duplicate]

In the case where you've specified the following list of numbers, which are in random order, will the results be in the same order? where item in ( 371355, 371476, 371629, 370556, ...
rmgross1's user avatar
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3 answers

Oracle union default sort is weird [closed]

As you know union removes duplicated rows. I thought it removes from the latter ones, but it doesn't. I found out that if there's no order by clause, Oracle sorts the merged dataset by the first ...
Deckard's user avatar
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3 answers

Does an order by clause have a negative effect on performance?

I couldn't find the answer by googling. I only over heard a senior dev telling a junior dev that using an order by clause has a negative effect on performance and he shouldn't use it(Oracle). In ...
Ascendant's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Setting An Order For Specific Fields Using SELECT and ORDER BY

So I'm writing a query to show the hire_date, job_id and last name where the last name= 'Matos' and 'Taylor and the hire_date is in ascending order. When executing this code: SELECT last_name, ...
Tuonelan Joutsen's user avatar
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3 answers

I want a select to give me id's that are not in a consecutively order

I have an Oracle db with a table like this: +----+-------+ | ID | INDEX | +----+-------+ | 1 | 0 | | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 4 | | 2 | 5 | | 2 | 6 | | 3 | 0 | | 3 | 1 | | 3 |...
WDrgn's user avatar
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1 answer

How to sort query filename output like Windows explorer?

i would like to order my query output the way Windows Explorer does. First special characters like _, then the numbers, and the letters last. _ttt.bmp 0.gif bbb.png
Gunnar's user avatar
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Oracle - WHY do an ORDER BY for INSERTs AS SELECT?

I have an application that was migrated from MSSQL to Oracle 11G. It needs re-design but that's outside the scope of the project. In short, the application gets legacy data, builds a parent table ...
Marc's user avatar
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1 answer

Special ordering

I have a hierarchical query but I don't manage to order it as I want. I have a column named sequence that indicates how to order it but the data is kinda mixed up and I cant do it properly. This a ...
Erxgli's user avatar
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2 answers

Special Oracle Order

I have a table (emp) with two columns in ORACLE: COMPANY OFFICE EMP ------------------------ 9999 00001 emp1 9999 00001 emp2 9999 00002 emp3 9999 00002 emp4 ...
TOMMY's user avatar
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5 answers

Oracle sort varchar2 column with special characters last

How can I sort in Oracle a Varchar2 or NVarchar2 column to be in my own custom defined order. Or are any existing options available that will put letters first, then numbers, then all special ...
Andy's user avatar
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