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Questions tagged [hadr]

HA/DR refers to High Availability / Disaster Recovery, which is typically a suite of technologies provided by a database engine vendor with the aim of increasing availability of data stored in the database, and providing a fast method of return-to-service after a disaster.

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Release Database Transaction Log File Freespace In SQL Server 2016 [duplicate]

Good afternoon, We have 4 node SQL Server configure in HA/DR. Periodically, we purge the old data to free up the space. Recently, after the SQL Job to purge the data was executed, we notice an ...
rushabh138's user avatar
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How to check hadr state (suspend or resume) for a database?

I can use below statements to suspend or resume HADR for a database. ALTER DATABASE test SET HADR SUSPEND; ALTER DATABASE test SET HADR RESUME; How can I check a database is in HADR suspend or resume ...
Fajela Tajkiya's user avatar
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Latency with hadr_capture_log_block in SQL Server AlwaysOn AG

There is 2 node AlwaysON AG in synchronous mode. In the morning (09:00 am) we noticed that queue from application side started to grow, in SQL Server there were high HADR_SYNC_COMMIT wait type. Using ...
Ramil R's user avatar
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Split brain scenario

We have a 4 node availability group with 3 nodes at primary site and 1 node at the DR. Suppose the Primary site entirely goes down and we have to do a forced failover at the DR. Now if there is no ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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How to make AG a proper DR solution (single IP and sync logins/jobs)?

I am analysing a HA DR solution. There are 2 sql servers (A and B) on-site and one sql server (C) in the remote location. Synchronous AG is configured between A and B. Asyncronous AG is configured ...
variable's user avatar
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File Share Witness location

We have a 4 node availability group with 3 node on the primary data center and one node on the secondary data center. We want to add a file share witness and since we dont have a third data center and ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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Steps to relocate the primary hadr database to a new server?

Currently we have several databases with a HADR configuration where the primary databases are on a Linux Server "A", with the standby all on Linux Server "B". DB2 version is 9.7. ...
Ste Scott's user avatar
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Automatic Failover for Basic Availability Group

This will be my first project with Basic availability group so I thought would check before implementing . As per Microsoft documentation below it says we will need to have Software assurance for ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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Meaning of LFL and XHDR in Db2

I have seen the following messages in Db2diag.log but I do not know what they are. I cannot find any documentation about LFL or XHDR. I know it is related to HADR and log archiving, but what exactly? ...
AngocA's user avatar
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Sync logins and Agent jobs across all replicas in Distributed Availability Group

I am using dba_CopyLogins stored proc to sync logins on replicas in Distributed Availability groups, but the database level permissions are not transferred due to database sync operation is going on.. ...
kpx's user avatar
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How do you configure a 4-node AlwaysOn cluster to have two listeners?

Looking to build a 4-node (servers A, B, C & D) AlwaysOn Windows 2016 failover cluster with 2 nodes in the primary datacenter for HA, and 2 other replica nodes in the DR datacenter for disaster/...
Chinesinho's user avatar
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Query on SQL HA/DR

DC1: we have two DB servers (DB1 and DB2) on top of WSFC DC2: 1 DB server (standalone DB machine). I have configured SQL Always-On on DC1 from DB1 to DB2. Now I have to sync/replicate data from DC1-...
Sridhar G's user avatar
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Always On Primary Replica On Prem, Secondary Replica On Azure

We want to create an Always On Availability group where the primary replica will be On-premises and the secondary replica will be on an Azure VM. I have researched and I know it's possible to do this, ...
Victor Barajas's user avatar
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What is the difference between sys.dm_hadr_ tables and sys.availability_groups / sys.availability_replicas?

Browsing around some sys tables, I see: sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_cluster_nodes.group_name = and sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_cluster_nodes....
youcantryreachingme's user avatar
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How To Prevent Live Servers From Detecting a Forced Failover?

We are using an AlwaysOn Availability Group in SQL 2017 on Windows Server 2016 which consists of two servers on our primary site and one DR server on a remote site. We recently did an internal IT DR ...
Michael F's user avatar
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MultiSubnet Failover with RegisterAllProvidersIP 1

I am using a 2 node SQL AG (2014 EE) (each on a different subnet) and the Listener is configured with 2 Static IPs. The client application uses SQL Native Client 11.4. My understanding is that this ...
Shubha Lakshmi's user avatar
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Stored Procedure on a read-only AlwaysOn Availability Group replica

We have a read-only reporting server that is part of the AlwaysOn availability group. Our developer wants to create some stored procedures. My question is where should the stored procedure be ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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DBCC check on Always On Secondary Replica

What is the best way to schedule DBCC check on all the nodes in Always On availability group. Can we just schedule the same job on all the nodes at the same time including all the secondaries. In my ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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Listener IP not changing after failover

We have a multi-subnet AlwaysOn availability group. There are 2 subnets and those are listed on the cluster and also the listener. Whenever I fail over and ping by the listener name it still shows ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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File Share Witness with 4 Node Cluster

I am building a cluster of 4 nodes along with a file share witness. Every month due to server updates the server that holds the file share will need to be rebooted. My question is while the file ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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Domain Controller on Multi Subnet Always on Availability Group

This is will be my first big project. We have 4 Replica Always on availability group with 3 Replica on site and another replica offsite (different subnet) the File share witness will be placed on ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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What happens when the same application from different server tries to connect to the always on primary server

In our environment we have an always on availability group and the reporting server is acting as a secondary replica with Synchronous Mode, manual failover. XSLT report editor that is a vendor ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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Listener Port 1433 for Always on Availability Group

In our Availability group I have a reporting server where report writers will connect directly and also crystal reports will be used, If the listener port is 1433 and the clients also gets connected ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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Read only replica part of always on availability group for Reporting

As a DBA I would like to include a read only replica into the always on availability group. XSLT / Crystal Reports will only be used. Please see below 1) Primary Replica (Same Data center) ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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Cluster IP's under Access Point for Administering the Cluster

When adding the cluster IPs under Access Point for Administering the Cluster, do we only include IPs for the public subnets, or do we also need to include an IP for the private subnet(s)? This ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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Automatic fail over in Always on availability group with 3 Node in synchronous mode and 1 Node in Asynchronous Mode

I am laying out a plan where there will be 3 Node on site with automatic fail over with synchronous mode and 1 remote replica with asynchronous mode. My question is if the primary goes down which node ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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When does Log shipping restore job mark itself to completion in standby mode

I am editing my previous question to be more precise as i am still unable to get the logic behind the log shipping restore job. May be there is something i am missing to explain but will try my best. ...
BeginnerDBA's user avatar
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Making Production database as Publisher and Distributor for Snasphot Replication

In our environment we are using Log Shipping as DR. Our primary database is a clustered instance. My requirement is to set up a snapshot replication for reporting purposes. My plan is as follows: ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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Cluster Validation on Remote Node

I have a 3 Node always availability group: 2 Nodes are In house – Synchronous Mode. 1 Node is remote - Asynchronous Mode. Every now and then the Remote Node loses connectivity and goes offline ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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Log Shipping or Always on as DR for SQL Failover CLuster

Which is easier to maintain as Disaster Recovery on a remote site for a 2-node SQL Server Cluster Log Shipping Single Instance of Always on Availability Group Instance. Any suggestion will be ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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Does SQL Server route connections to a secondary replica which has commit mode as synchronous in case of an AG with multiple secondary nodes?

If I have an AG with 4 different nodes as below: Primary Node Secondary Node 1 - Asynchronous Commit - Read Only Yes Secondary Node 2 - Synchronous Commit - Read Only No Secondary Node 3 - ...
karun_r's user avatar
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A question about multisite Always On design

Your advice on Always On design please... Imagine a scenario where you have 2 datacentres in different countries. You want to be able to run at full capacity in either datacentre. in each datacentre ...
Dave Allonby's user avatar
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Are "Always On Failover Cluster Instances" and "SQL Server Failover Clustering" the same thing?

I'm reading documentations of SQL Server. On this page at, it says: ...
Just a learner's user avatar
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Shared logarch across multipe db2 HADR instances

Background We are looking into building a multiple standby hadr cluster. The Auxiliary standby is in a geographically separate location. from Developer works In a multiple standby system, the ...
DB2_Philip's user avatar
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AlwaysOn - Problem with adding secondary replicas

I installed AlwaysOn on my laptop (testlab) with three VMs, of which one is a domain controller and two are hosting SQL Server instances (planned to be one primary and one secondary replica). ...
buddinggeek's user avatar
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Problem Configuring Log Shipping for DR Server

Problem Statement - I want to configure DR site in SQL Server 2012 with the existing backups. The backup scenario is as below. FULL – on every Sunday, DIFF – daily except Sunday, LOG – every 15 ...
palmon's user avatar
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Change column from NOT LOGGED to LOGGED

I have a database DAT1 running on DB2 version 10.5. I want to enable logging for all CLOB and BLOB columns of my table TAB1. The table was initially created with those columns as NOT LOGGED but now I ...
Bemipefe's user avatar
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HADR procedures

We are thinking of a SQL Server 2014 + Windows Server 2012 configuration for a HADR scenario. My questions are: on a HA scenario, how does the primary server get updated once it is again available ? ...
Marco R Casalino's user avatar
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SQL Availability Group restore database to standalone server

Running: SQL Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2 I want to test a backup by restoring onto an isolated server. The backup was taken from an Availability Group (HADR) configuration, but the target ...
Josh's user avatar
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SQL Server Management Studio with Multi subnet HADR cluster

We are starting to deploy Multi-Subnet HADR AlwaysOn clusters for our environment. Using MultiSubnetFailover=True in application connection strings works. However, SSMS connections require manual ...
Jeremy Dearduff's user avatar
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How to Start DB2 10.5 HADR on the Standby Database

I am trying to set up HADR to run on my DB2 10.5 DB2 servers. I believe I have followed the steps correctly, but I'm getting the following error: [db2insh1@rslvm20 OneView]$ db2 restore database ...
Westy's user avatar
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Removing Databases in Recovery Pending Status after AG group was removed

I have removed a High Availability Group, disabled the option in sql configuration manager and restarted and I have also removed the Failover cluster components from windows and restarted. ...
DamagedGoods's user avatar
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IBM DB2 v9.7 HADR TSA failure on the standby server

I have an environment here where I have 2 servers running DB2. One is the primary and the other one is standby. They replicate with HADR and failover is made automatically by TSA. What's the default ...
Pierre-Alain TORET's user avatar