I'd probably start with something like this:
create table Matrix (
id integer primary key auto_increment,
Name varchar(30) not null,
Description varchar(30) not null
create table Updates ( -- Note, singular not possible, conflicts with keyword 'update'.
id integer primary key auto_increment,
Name varchar(20) not null
create table UpdateStatus (
id integer primary key auto_increment,
Name varchar(20)
create table Matrix_Update (
id_Matrix integer not null,
id_Updates integer not null,
id_UPdateStatus integer not null,
foreign key (id_Matrix ) references Matrix (id),
foreign key (id_Updates ) references Updates (id),
foreign key (id_UpdateStatus) references UpdateStatus(id)
You then fill your Matrix entries with
insert into Matrix (id, Name, Description) values ( 1, 'Server01', 'First Server');
insert into Matrix (id, Name, Description) values ( 2, 'Server02', 'Second Server');
Similarly, the Updates are filled like so
insert into Updates (id, Name) values ( 1, 'Q1 Update');
insert into Updates (id, Name) values ( 2, 'Q2 Update');
insert into Updates (id, Name) values ( 3, 'Q3 Update');
Finally, insert the possible Update Stati
insert into UpdateStatus (id, Name) values (1, 'Done');
insert into UpdateStatus (id, Name) values (2, 'Incomplete');
Now, you have the framework to assemble your "configuration":
insert into Matrix_Update (id_Matrix, id_Updates, id_UpdateStatus) values ( 1, 1, 1);
insert into Matrix_Update (id_Matrix, id_Updates, id_UpdateStatus) values ( 1, 2, 2);
insert into Matrix_Update (id_Matrix, id_Updates, id_UpdateStatus) values ( 1, 3, 2);
This "configuration" can then be queried with a pivot query:
-- Pivot Query
Matrix.Name MatrixName,
Matrix.Description MatrixDescription,
group_concat(if(Updates.id = 1, UpdateStatus.Name, null )) Status1,
group_concat(if(Updates.id = 2, UpdateStatus.Name, null )) Status2,
group_concat(if(Updates.id = 3, UpdateStatus.Name, null )) Status3
Matrix_Update join
Matrix on Matrix_Update.id_Matrix= Matrix.id join
UpdateStatus on Matrix_Update.id_UpdateStatus = UpdateStatus.id join
Updates Updates on Matrix_Update.id_Updates = Updates.id
group by
I want the Name field from Updates to always be an exact replica of what is in Matrix.
With this design, this is no problem, since the Name is not stored redundantly.