I need to iterate over a result set and update records from the data. I am using an anonymous block but the information does not persist.

Like this...

do $$ 
declare dados Record; 
   for dados in 
        from "Vendas" vd 
           inner join "ItensVendas" iv on iv."VendaId" = vd."Id" 
        where vd."Especie" = 'NFE' and coalesce(vd."ClienteId", 0) = 0 and iv."CodCFOP" in (5949, 5927) 
        group by vd."ChaveNFE", vd."Id", vd."DataCadastro" 
        execute format('update "Vendas" set "EhConsumoProprio" = true where "Id" = %L', dados."Id"); 
   end loop; 
end $$; 

And again...

do $$
declare dados Record;
declare cmd varchar(300);
    for dados in 
            "Vendas" vd
        inner join "ItensVendas" iv on
            iv."VendaId" = vd."Id"
            vd."Especie" = 'NFE'
            and coalesce(vd."ClienteId",0)= 0
            and iv."CodCFOP" in (5949, 5927)
        group by vd."ChaveNFE",
        raise notice '%',dados."Id";
        update "Vendas" set "EhConsumoProprio"=true where "Id"=dados."Id"; -- It don't persists
        cmd := format('update "Vendas" set "EhConsumoProprio"=true where "Id"=%L', dados."Id");
        raise notice '%', cmd;
            execute cmd; -- It don't persists
    end loop;
end $$;
  • Why PL/pgSQL and a loop? That can be done much more efficiently using a single UPDATE statement? But if the update doesn't "persist", maybe you turned off autocommit and simply forgot to commit the changes?
    – user1822
    Commented Mar 15, 2019 at 14:00
  • why do I need to put this in a migration of the entity framework to run across multiple databases. When I use commit manually I have... ERROR: cannot begin/end transactions in PL/pgSQL Commented Mar 15, 2019 at 14:12
  • You need a commit after the do block - but again: you don't need PL/pgSQL for this at all. A simple UPDATE will work just fine.
    – user1822
    Commented Mar 15, 2019 at 14:14
  • It is true. It would be best to just use a simple update. Commented Mar 15, 2019 at 17:10

1 Answer 1


IMHO just a single UPDATE can solve your issue. Something like this:

UPDATE "Vendas"
   SET "EhConsumoProprio" = TRUE
  FROM "ItensVendas"
 WHERE "ItensVendas"."VendaId" = "Vendas"."Id"
   AND "Vendas"."Especie" = 'NFE'
   AND "Vendas"."ClienteId" IS NOT DISTINCT FROM 0
   AND "ItensVendas"."CodCFOP" IN (5949, 5927);
  • "Vendas"."ClienteId" IS NOT DISTINCT FROM 0 in a WHERE clause (where only true matters) is an expensive way of saying "Vendas"."ClienteId" = 0 Commented Mar 15, 2019 at 15:16
  • @ErwinBrandstetter why is more expensive? The idea is deal with NULLs correctly. The original SQL did it using COALESCE function: coalesce(vd."ClienteId",0)= 0 Commented Mar 20, 2019 at 21:12
  • ... which is not the same. The original translates to (vd."ClienteId" = 0 OR vd."ClienteId" IS NULL) or (vd."ClienteId" <> 0) IS NOT TRUE. Your translation is incorrect and inefficient, no offence. Commented Mar 20, 2019 at 21:21
  • oops... you're correct... I'm completely mislead... the Op want to return all records where vd."ClienteId" = 0 OR vd."ClienteId" IS NULL using the COALESCE. Sorry about the noise. Commented Mar 22, 2019 at 0:40

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