A multicriteria approach for distributed planning and conflict resolution for multiagent systems is presented in the paper. A graph representation is used to model the plans of each agent and a multicriteria "best" path procedure can be... more
The paper makes a survey of the principal difficulties the multiple criteria decision making introduces with a particular emphasis on scheduling problems. Two types of difficulties are considered. The first is of conceptual nature and has... more
The paper presents a valued extension of the recently introduced concept of P QI interval order. The main idea is that, while comparing objects represented by interval of values there is a zone of hesitation between strict difference and... more
Evaluating software is a complex decision aiding activity which requires the recognition of the problem situation in which the evaluation is requested, the establishment of a set of problem formulations which represent the client's... more
In this paper we present a general framework for the comparison of intervals when preference relations have to established. The use of intervals in order to take into account imprecision and/or uncertainty in handling preferences is well... more
We provide an answer to an open problem concerning the representation of preferences by intervals. Given a finite set of elements and three relations on this set (indifference, weak preference and strict preference), necessary and... more
The paper addresses the problem of finding an appropriate formalism for the representation of preferences expressed on an ndimensional space of attributes and on different layers: generic, contextual and structural preferences. The paper... more
Software entities (software products or processes) are characterized by many attributes, each one in its turn can be measured by one or more measures. In several cases the software entities have to be evaluated as a whole, thus raising... more
A first order four-valued logic, called DDT, is presented in the paper as an extension of Belnap's logic using a weak negation and establishing an appropriate semantic for the predicate calculus. The logic uses a simple algebraic... more
The paper presents a general framework for interval comparison for preference modelling purposes. Two dimensions are considered in order to establish such a framework: the type of preference structure to be considered and the number of... more
In this article we are interested in the representation of qualitative preferences with the help of 3-points intervals (a vector of three increasingly ordered points). Preferences are crucial when an agent has to autonomously make a... more
The paper presents some preliminary results concerning the comparison of intervals using a continuous evaluation of positive and negative reasons. More precisely we present a valued extension of the recently introduced concept of P QI... more
Software artifacts are characterised by many attributes, each one in its turn can be measured by one or more measures. In several cases the software artifact has to be evaluated as a whole, thus raising the problem of aggregating measures... more
This paper was motivated by the discussion held at the 2nd YMCDA meeting on the theme "What is a constructive approach in MCDA?". On the one hand, it intends to organise some thoughts on the differences between normative, descriptive,... more
The paper presents the concept of decision aiding process as an extension of the decision process one. The aim of the paper is to analyse the type of activities occurring between a "client" and an "analyst" both engaged in a decision... more
We consider the problem of numerical representations of P QI interval orders. A preference structure on a finite set A with three relations P, Q, I standing for "strict preference", "weak preference" and "indifference" respectively, is... more
Recommender systems are software applications that attempt to reduce information overload. Their goal is to recommend items of interest to the end users based on their preferences. To achieve that, most Recommender Systems exploit the... more
Let S be a P QI preference structure on a finite set A, where the relations P , Q, I stand for "strict preference", "weak preference" and "indifference" respectively. Two specific preference structures: P QI semi orders and P QI interval... more