Friday, September 28, 2007

In The Frame

Good Morning Darers, Lynne here - are you ready for a new dare? Thanks for all the amazing work for Gill’s Op shop dare last Friday, and Tuesday’s Cars, Boats, Trains & Planes Little Extra - we love seeing all the different takes on the dares that are set. Of course we still have our fab Guest Designer Rachel with us this week.
So, on with the dare.
This week I’d like you to use a FRAME or FRAMES on your card. You can use any type of frame you so wish. How about a die cut frame or a hand cut frame. You can frame your card with brackets or flowers or how about some doodling - the choice is yours.

Remember to leave a comment on the Daring Card Makers Blog so we can hot-tail it over to see your creations. We do visit every Blog and try to leave as many comments as possible. There are so many amazing creations that we can't all leave a comment - we hope you understand.
You can still join in the fun if you don't have a Blog, just send a Photo/scan to the team at; [email protected] and your creation will be added to our Gallery for all to see.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Cars, Boats, Trains & Planes
is the theme for our Little Extra challenge this week.
A good chance to stock up on kids cards and make a few of those poor, unloved "cards for men", maybe? How about "congratulations on Passing your Driving test" or "Got your Wings" for newly qualified pilots? - ok so we may be reaching a bit far with that one, but you never know!
Basically, what we'd like you to do is put some transport on your cards this week, how you do it is up to you!

Now, don't forget - Gill's Op-Shop challenge is still open - so if you've not had a look to see what's on offer in your local Charity/Goodwill Shop, or even at a jumble sale there's still time to have a go at this one - we know that this Dare takes a bit more effort as you can't just raid your craft boxes, but look on it as a real opportunity to explore new sources of stash
- go on, have a bash, we dare you!

We have fab news to share with all our DCM friends - our lovely Kel gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on Friday 21st - huge congratulations Kel and family - and welcome to the world baby Harrison.
Everyone say aaaaahhhhhhhh!

Here are some transport cards from DT members to help you get thinking:

Friday, September 21, 2007

Charity Begins at Home

Hi all, Gillian here this week it's my turn to dare you all, but first I'd like to welcome our latest Guest Designer - we're so pleased to have another of our regular Darers join us for the next couple of weeks as GD - this time it's the fabby and very talented
Rachel Booth
who's coming to play with us!

OK, here's this weeks dare:
Let's go Charity shopping
or Op shopping (as we call it in Australia)

I DARE you to visit your local Charity Shop & make someone else's


.........and make a GORGEOUS card from what you find.
You'll be amazed at the special little treasures you'll find if you only take the time to look with CREATIVE EYES

As usual the DT have an amazing array of designs to get your creative juices flowing
and we are all looking forward to seeing what special treasures you not only find but how you use them on your Card

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Golden Moment

Please keep those One Word cards coming - they are fantastic and so inspiring for us all - remember this dare stays open till Friday so loads of time left yet.
However, just in case you're ready for another little nudge in the crafting direction we have our usual midweek Little Extra.

This time we are giving you just One Word as the inspiration for your card making and that word is
You can use the word in any way you like - the word itself doesn't even have to be on the card, for instance you could make a card in golden shades, or maybe inspired by the seasons of Spring or Autumn which both feature lots of golden colours. Or maybe you could make a card to celebrate a Golden Anniversary, and of course Gold is a great colour for Christmas cards.....

It's up to you - just go for Gold
We'd love to see your Golden Creations, so please come back when you've made your card and tell us where we can see it.

A couple from the DT to get you thinking:

Friday, September 14, 2007

In A Word

Hi Darers. It's Rhi here, happily married and ready to get on with some crafting! We've loved seeing your Big and Little cards, and doesn't it feel good to have started those Christmas Cards!

This week I dare you to use a Word as the main focal point to your card. It can be a name, a greeting or just a word that inspires you. You can use other text but only one word as a main embellishment. So dig out your dictionaries, die cutters, alphabet stamps, rubons or download a funky font and show us what you can do! The design team have come up with some fabulous creations to inpsire you.

Load your card onto your blog, then leave us a comment and we'd love to come and look at your cards. If you dont have a blog you can still join in too, just email a pic to [email protected]






Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Big and Little

The way everyone is rising to the very tricky Christmas card dare is nothing short of magnificent - we thought we'd really catch you out with this one, but no, all your cards are fab and we are having a great time seeing them all. It's only Tuesday so there's still plenty of time to join in.....
Straight on to our Little Extra challenge for this week then:
Big & Little We'd like you to use items in pairs of Big and Little - so you need to have both sizes on your card ie big & little buttons, big & little die cuts, big & little hearts, big & little circles etc The theme of your card can be whatever you like this time, so that's nice of us, isn't it?

As usual, here are a few cards to get you thinking, don't forget to come back and leave us a message and we'll pop over to your blog to see your creations.
Have fun!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Tearing Purple Holes for Christmas

Thank you to everyone who joined in with this weeks dares, we hope you enjoyed making the cards as much as we enjoyed seeing them all.
It's been a busy and exciting few weeks for certain Design Team members and here we are, just a couple of weeks after Rhi's wedding and it's now Tracie's (Bondgirl) turn; on Saturday she will be walking down the aisle to marry her prince...
We're sure you'll want to join with us as we wish Tracie and Wayne a wonderful day and every joy and happiness for their lives together.
Well, the time has come for our first Christmas card dare of 2007.
But as loads of you have already shown some fab Christmas cards on your blogs, we thought we'd make things a little more Daring, interesting, tricky or downright mean - depending on your point of view!
So, we'd like you to make and show a Christmas card which incorporates the following:
Some Paper Tearing
The colour Purple
It has to have at least one hole somewhere in the design!

......BUT by "hole" we don't just mean the sort of hole you poke a brad through, or the holes you make for/with stitching - or even the hole you make to put an eyelet in - although you can use all those techniques too if you want.
We want you to be a bit/lot more inventive and creative than that, and we think you'll be able to come up with some wonderful ideas for making cards to fit this recipe.
We'll leave it to you to guess which team member said "if I put Baby Jesus on my card, will that be "Holey" enough?"
We're very happy to welcome Paula aka Mini-book Pixie as our Guest Designer for the next couple of weeks. Paula has joined in pretty much every dare since the DCM started, and it's especially fab that she's agreed to come and be our GD as we're now in the run up to our first anniversary. We're looking forward to seeing your Torn, Holey, Purple Christmas creations so please come back and let us know when you've made your card and where we can see it.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

You Big Softie

The cards shown so far for Lythan's fab Welsh Barbers/Dai Cuts/Die-Cuts (we'll leave it to you to choose which title you prefer....) have all been wonderful. The "Naughty Corner" - where we send all those who push the boundaries of our dares is the busiest it's ever been, mind you! Not sure which one of you is the ring-leader but we have our suspicions. hmmmm - answers on a postcard please....Really though, it's great to see you having fun with the challenges and dares and we love to see the results on your blogs and your links on our list, so keep them coming. We're being really gentle on you for the Little Extra this week (which might indicate that there's a "stinker" in the pipeline for Friday, of course.....), in fact we're feeling so soft and fluffy that that's going to be our theme for this one:
"You Big Softie"
We want you to use something
soft on your card feathers, velvet paper, fluffy fibres
all that soft, strokable stuff counts for this one
and that's it, easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy!

As usual, post a message here with your link and we'll come and see what you've come up with - remember, even if you don't have a blog you can still join in and send a photo of your card to our Gallery by emailing it to [email protected]
Here are a few cards from the team to get you t

A Trio of Welsh Barbers

This is our 101st post!
Da, da, da, Daaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
Most people would have made a big thing of the 100th but we like to think that we are a little bit different. (It is not that we failed to notice it, oh dear me no!) So this is a great opportunity to once more thank you for making this such fun! You are all so talented and stretch our dare challenges in all sorts of inspirational ways.

As a reward for all the brain power that went into the Little Extra this week, this is a simple one. From simple Lythan
With a cryptic clue.
Which, as I discovered to my embarrassment, when I laid it on the team, is only really possible to understand if you live in the UK. And even better, are Welsh.
So... a trio of Welsh Barbers means that on your card you need to have 3 die cuts!
( Dai is a common Welsh nickname for David and as there are a lot of Dai's around they are known by their jobs so a Welsh barber would be known as Dai Cuts. I'll get my coat.)

The team roused themselves from their bafflement and came up with these brilliant cards - can't wait to see yours!
Here are Lythan's "simple" rules:
If you don't have access to die cuts in any shape or from, you can still play along. You can then use punches. And if you don't have punches then you can do hand cutting. See how nice I am?
BUT no cheating now! No reaching for the scissors if you have a machine to hand - or even some old die cuts you bought ages ago (that would be me then!) You CAN use punches and scissors etc as well as die cuts though. See, very nice!!

Leave us a comment and your Blog link and we’ll come over to check out your creations. You can still join in the fun if you don’t have a Blog. Just send a pic/scan of your creation to the team at [email protected] and we’ll add it to our gallery for all to see.


