Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Nasi Daging

Bila berpuasa, nafsu makan menjadi. Eh! bukan nafsu makan, but nafsu memasak.. hehe. Mula-mula nak makan pasta and popiah je waktu berbuka. Tiba2 teringat nasi daging dalam Jeni's fb, dah teringin pulak nak makan nasi daging. Oleh kerana aku nak menghabiskan basmathi extra panjang yang aku beli tu, maka aku pun keluarkan daging dan start masak.

Aku google recipe nasi daging, and I came up with this version of nasi daging. It's a combination of few recipes, aku olahkan mengikut citarasa aku.

Nasi Daging

Acar Masak Timun

Nasi Daging

Bahan A
1 bungkus sup bunjut adabi (or any brand)
2 tbs rempah kurma
1/2 kg daging - tak perlu potong sebelum rebus.

1. rebus daging bersama rempah kurma dan sup bunjut sampai daging empuk, masukkan garam.
2. simpan air rebusan daging. Daging dipotong nipis, 1/2 cm thick.

bahan B
3 pot Basmathi - basuh, toskan
2-3 helai daun pandan
15 biji bwg merah - mayang
5 ulas bwg putih - mayang
1 inci halia - ketuk
4 tbs ghee
2 tbs margerine
2 bunga lawang
4 bunga cengkih
4 buah pelaga
1 inch kayu manis
4 tbs tomato sauce 
1/2 tin susu cair

1. Panaskan ghee dan marjerin. Masukkan rempah kasar, goreng kejap for 1-2 minit, kemudian masukkan bwg putih, bwg merah dan halia.
2. bila bwg dah garing dan naik bau, masukkan air rebusan daging dan air biasa dalam anggaran 4 pot. bila air dah mendidih, masukkan tomato sauce dan susu cair. 
3. akhir sekali, masukkan daun pandan dan garam.
4. beras dimasukkan dalam rice cooker bersama bahan B dan daging yang telah dipotong nipis. Biarkan sehingga nasi masak.

From the recipes yang aku baca, nasi daging ni dihidangkan bersama daging yg direbus dan air asam. In my case, aku masukkan daging dan masak bersama nasi. Then aku bakar daging yang lain, yang dah dimarinate dengan black pepper sauce dan rempah. I bought the black pepper meat from Jusco. The nasi daging turned out to be delicious. Aku kurang suka makan daging rebus with air asam. Sebab tu jugak aku masak Acar Timun tu.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Carrot & Walnut Cake

Adik aku, Ayu, sibuk la ajak buat cake. Since dah lama tak makan carrot cake, aku pun decided to buat carrot cake. The walnuts aku guna walnuts yang diimport dari Pakistan. Walnuts tu nothing like the one selling kat Bagus. Kalau yang kat Bagus, boleh rasa mcm masuk angin sikit, aku tak suka. I love yg crunchy, bila munch, bunyi macam makan peanuts.

 Carrot & Walnut Cake (source :

I love this recipe sebab carrot cake tu moist sangat. The recipe can be found here. I've made some changes to the original recipe. 

• 4 eggs
• 1 1/4 cup vegetable oil
• 1 cup brown sugar
• 1/2 cup white sugar
• 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
• 2 cups all-purpose flour
• 2 teaspoons baking soda
• 2 teaspoons baking powder
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
• 2 cups grated carrots
• 1 cup chopped walnuts

• 1/2 cup butter, softened
• 8 ounces cream cheese, softened
• 1 3/4 cups confectioners' sugar (reduced to 1 cup)
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 cup chopped walnuts

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan.
2. In a large bowl, beat together eggs, oil, white sugar and 2 teaspoons vanilla. Mix in flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Stir in carrots. Fold in walnuts. Pour into prepared pan.
3. Bake in the preheated oven for 40 to 50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Let cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and cool completely.
4. To Make Frosting: In a medium bowl, combine butter, cream cheese, confectioners' sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Stir in chopped walnuts. Frost the cooled cake.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Iffah is 9 today.

Bila belek2 balik my entry, baru perasan tak I didnt write much about Iffah masa dia lahir dulu, unlike iman. Aunty Mas was kind enough to write a bit about Iffah in her blog, which you can read it here & here. When I was pregnant with Iffah, I wasnt a happy soul. Maybe because the gap between Iffah and Iman tu dekat sangat. I was moody too, selalu nangis, depressed. Kesian jugak kat Iffah sebab Mama dia wasnt herself masa pregnantkan dia.

Aku still ingat the morning that aku gave birth to Iffah. I woke up at 7.30am because the bed was wet, my waterbag broke. Immediately aku kejut hubby, and terus dia hantar aku ke hospital. I forced him to stay, tak bagi balik rumah sebab masa gave birth to Iman, he came late sebab tertido kat rumah. Dr Arsyar came in and cakap I'll deliver maybe in the afternoon. I told him, from my previous experience (dengan Iman), I will definitely deliver in the morning. Dr Arsyar senyum je, tak percaya agaknya dgn apa yg aku cakap tu.

I reached Ampang Puteri at about 8am, Iffah greeted the world at 10.50am. Hah! tu la.. padan muka Dr Arsyar, orang cakap taknak percaya. Aku was kindda bengkak jugak sebab he was so busy at his clinic, bila Iffah lahir, yang sambut dia was one of the nurses on duty. Berabis duit aku je bayar mahal2. Dah la tu, kena tunggu pulak Dr Arsyar datang untuk cut her umbilical cord. Memang tobat la taknak beranak kat Ampang Puteri lagi, if aku pregnant the 3rd one.. Ermm.. bila agaknya tu :)

After 3 days balik rumah, I was admitted to Ampang Puteri again sebab I had eclampsia. My blood pressure was so high at 170/110 that aku tak dibenarkan langsung to have visitors. Masa tu yang boleh visit aku was only hubby. Iffah was in the nursery sebab senang nak susukan dia. But unfortunately, sebab duduk nursery jugak la, Iffah kena pneumonia. Mama duduk hospital seminggu, Iffah pun duduk hospital seminggu.. *sigh*..

Alhamdulillah lepas keluar hospital, Iffah sihat. She was a good baby masa pantang. But after pantang, she started to cry macam Iman. Malam je, dia akan nangis non stop. I was so tired. Iman had a bad colic until 6 mths old, and now Iffah pulak. Rasa nak menangis pun ada jugak. Ingatkan when she reached 6 month, she will stop crying. Unfortunately tak. Bila jumpa her paed (arwah Dr. Haliza), aku voiced out my concern. She did few test on Iffah and found out that Iffah was suffering from laryngomalacia, a condition which makes feeding difficult sebab the larynx is immature. I never heard about that before, tak tau pun mcm mana nak handle it. So I had to read up on it on the internet. Iffah was not a chubby baby because of that condition.

 Iffah when she was about 1 year old. Girls lain sibuk dengan dolls and teddys, dia sibuk baiki basikal and building blocks.

Kalau tengok gambar Iffah masa baby, nampak mata dia yang besar je. And yes, her eyes are so big, sampai almost tak nampak ada mata putih. Masa kecik2 dulu, people will make comment on how pretty her eyes were. Masa Iffah kecik, kalau kita orang keluar, we will always leave Iffah with Makcik Ton. Maybe sebab it was difficult to handle her. She was a grumpy baby, selalu nangis, moody. Then, K.Mei (my SIL), pointed out to us how we neglected Iffah, masa tu she was about 1 year old. I felt bad about it. Then we started to bawak dia keluar with us and she improved, from a grumpy baby, she became the sunshine of the family. Whenever she's around, you can hear laughter. I guess that's the reason why Shariff loves Iffah so much.

Takde rambut... masa ni she was 2 years old

When she was 3 years old. Masa ni Mama slim lagi. Nasib baik jugak, kalau tak, sure elephant tu sakit pinggang.. hahaha

When she was 3 years old

Comel tak rambut Iffah (at 4 years old)? Suka sangat merajuk, so yang tukang pujuknnya, kakak la.

When she was 7 years old

Raya last year, 8 years old

This picture depicts her true self as a jovial, humorous, adventurous, intelligent and selfless individual. I love you sayang..

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Airis Aisha Collection

This entry is dedicated to Watie, the owner of Airis Aisha Collection. Since raya dah nak dekat, maka mari la beramai2 membeli kain cotton yg lawa2 kat Airis Aisha. Kalau malas nak keluar pegi to Jalan TAR, just browse her blog, choose the design that you want, then bank-in the payment. Voila! your kain will be delivered to you.

Why am I promoting Airis Aisha? It's because, she's a dear friend of mine. Her hubby, Kevin and my hubby have known each other from college. Kalau tengok muka dia orang dua orang pun, seiras, almost like twins except that hubby's tummy is bigger than Kevin. Rite Watie? hehe.. Shhh!! Dont tell Sham that I said that in my blog ye. I love Watie's cotton collections which she handpicked each of the pieces. Tak rugi kalau beli. Her collections were featured in WHI. So, apa lagi! Cepat la shopping :D

Some of the available designs

RM140 (4 mtr) code : FB304
RM140 (4 mtr) code : LN163
If you guys are interested, please contact : 
Zalina 0166347522, Razilawati 0192880571 (BB Pin: 21F827E0)
Airis Aisha Collection @38b (2nd floor) Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 1, TTDI, Kuala Lumpur.  email: [email protected]

Friday, June 25, 2010

Nasi Tomato

Ni menu bukak posa kelmarin. Sejak dua menjak berpuasa ni, rajin pulak aku memasak. Aku rarely masak nasi tomato sebab hubby and the girls kurang suka makan nasi tomato. Dia orang lagi prefer makan nasi minyak, biar la makan nasi minyak tu hari2 pun, still tak jemu.

I dont have a specific recipe for nasi tomato, ni kira main campak2 je. hehe.. aku sebenarnya gemar betul kalau masak guna recipe campak2 ni. Senang, takyah nak menyemakkan kepala aku nak tengok recipe satu2 before masak.

Nasi Tomato (tak nampak merah sebab aku letak tomato sauce instead of tomato puree)

Kari Daging Ros Bertomato. (recipe nanti akan aku update sebab tak ingat.. kena refer pada buku.. hehe)

Nasi Tomato
3 pot basmathi extra panjang (basuh dan tos)
2 bunga lawang
5 cengkih
4 buah pelaga
2 inci kayu manis
beberapa helai daun pandan

10 ulas bawang merah - mayang
5 ulas bawang putih - mayang
1 inci halis - julienne
4 tbs ghee
2 tbs minyak jagung
4 pot air
1/2 pot susu cair
5 tbs tomato puree
2 tbs tomato sauce
2 1/2 tsp garam

1. panaskan ghee dan minyak masak, masukkan rempah kasar (bunga lawang, bunga cengkih, pelaga and kayu manis)
2. bila dah naik bau, tumis bawang merah, bwg putih dan halia sampai kekuningan.
3. masukkan air, tomato puree, tomato sauce, daun pandan dan garam.
4. bila air dah mendidih, masukkan susu cair. tuang ke dalam beras dan masuk dalam rice cooker. bila nasi dah masak, boleh garnish dengan bwg goreng. 

Aku buat nasik minyak, makan with daging ros and acar kobis. Rumah aku dah kehabisan ayam, maka aku terpaksa ganti ayam ros dengan daging ros. Mula2 risau jugak, takut tak sedap. But, alhamdulillah, it turned out great! Hubby and the kids suka sangat. Recipe daging ros tu aku ambik from buku recipe mok yang dah berpuluh tahun. Rasanya dah almost 20 years. Mok dulu belajar masak dengan few tukang masak yang famous masa zaman tu, termasuk la Auntie Asiah Shamsudin & Makcik Rahmah. 

Before aku lupa, below are the stickers yang Mel bagi as gifts to Iman and Iffah. They were so happy bila dapat stickers tu. Thank you Mel for the lovely stickers.

Gambar diambik menggunakan hp, so memang buruk giler la :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mihas 2010 & Member's Sale @ Robinson

Today, pagi2 lagi aku dah bangun, rasanya before Subuh prayer sebab hubby was having a very bad stomach cramp. Rasanya sebab dia makan kat kedai mamak kot semlm. Ye la, pukul 10pm, ajak aku pegi kedai mamak. Dah la tu, bukannya reti nak makan light, dia makan nasik, with ayam madu, udang goreng, and loads of gravy. Eww... aku tengok pun tak lalu.

Since dah bangun awal, aku pun terus la siap2kan Iman and Iffah to school. Lepas hantar dia orang pegi sekolah, I went for breakfast dengan Wan (my cousin). Masa tengah berborak dengan Wan, jumpa Uncle Ibrahim (my x-bf's father). Dia bercerita pasal his trip to Syria recently. Anak dia duduk Syria coz his SIL is working at the embassy there. Seronok dengar cerita uncle, rasa mcm nak je ambik flight pegi Syria sekarang jugak. Especially bila dia bercerita pasal Damsyik. If only aku ada duit berpuluh juta dalam bank... hehe.. berangan lagi..

Anyway, lepas breakfast, aku pegi Robinson. Today and tomorrow Robinson ada member's day sale. Hubby wanted to find a dress shoes like the one he's wearing now. Dia suka betul his shoes tu, sturdy and beautiful, unlike Hush Puppies or Clarks. Last year when he bought his shoes, it was selling at RM299 from RM1200. This year, since dia orang nak habiskan stock, it's selling at RM240. Hubby was very happy with his purchase. Suprisingly, I didnt buy anything for myself. Wah! aku bangga betul dengan diri aku sendiri.. hahahha.. Aku rasa maybe sebab aku pose for the past few days, so nafsu aku still dalam pose mode, sebab tu la takde keinginan nak beli apa2 (ni perasan tahap gaban la ni.. hahahha).

After Robinson, aku mintak hubby drop me kat Mihas. Aku janji dengan Ella nak temankan dia jalan2 kat Mihas tu. This year is the 7th year, Mihas diadakan. So far, aku tak pernah miss lagi.. hehe.. Dunno why, aku memang suka betul pegi Mihas. This year rasanya yang paling organised sekali compared with previous years. Aku hope by weekend, dia orang boleh control the traffic mcm today. Selalunya, time weekend la yang haru coz masa tu the exhibition will be opened to public. Fuh! tempat tu mcm kena serang garuda. Aku paling tak tahan, tengok orang bawak baby pram masuk the exhibition. Kenapa la kena bawak baby pegi exhibition yang ramai manusia mcm tu. Bukannya baby tu paham apa2 pun. Geram je rasa..

a very pregnant Ella, depan booth HDC (sorry ye Ella, engkau jadi glamour kejap.. hehehe)

Tangan Ella enter frame la pulak. Nampak tak tangan tu dah montel? hahaha.. ni kat booth Sabah Koko

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Broccoli with Oyster Sauce

I wanted to upload few more photos from our trip to Terengganu recently. But unfortunately, hubby bawak his laptop to the office. So kita tengok apa yang aku masak kelmarin. Aku started pose since monday, hopefully boleh pose terus sampai ramadhan. Tapi esok dah plan awal2 takmau pose sebab nak pegi Mihas dengan Ella. Aisey! macam mana ni?? Awal2 lagi dah ponteng pose. Risau jugak kalau aku tak sempat nak ganti habis nanti. Rasanya ada lagi 2 hari nak kena ganti.

Broccoli with Oyster Sauce, garnished with fried onion.

Recipe ni simple sangat, tapi sedap!! 

1/2 kg of broccoli - rebus with garam sampai 3/4 cooked, set aside
bawang goreng - utk garnish

5 ulas bawang putih - crushed
6 tbs oyster sauce
1 tsp chicken stock granules
1 tsp salt
2 tbs sugar
1 tbs cornflour - bancuh dengan air
1 tbs dark soy sauce

1. tumis bawang putih sampai garing, masukkan 1 1/2 cup of water.
2. masukkan bahan2 lain, biarkan mendidih seketika.
3. tuangkan  sauce atas broccoli bila hendak dihidangkan, garnish dengan bawang goreng.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mid Term Hols in Terengganu - part 2 (Satar)

Dulu masa mula2 mok and abah pindah to Terengganu (which was after aku kawin), aku selalu pegi Tok Bali to buy satar. Time tu, satar memang murah betul. Satu lidi panjang, ada 4 biji satar, was selling at RM0.50, now dah jadi RM1.00. Everytime ke Tok Bali, banyak la satar yang aku borong.

Nowadays, susah nak cari satar yang sedap. Kalau sedap pun, kecik je portion satar tu. Sakit hati je bila makan. Sometimes, satar yang dibeli, tak fresh, yang maybe dah few hours dibakar and reheat. So bila makan, rasa kering, tak juicy macam satar baru. Aku paling suka kalau makan satar yang rasa a bit pedas. Of course sangat2 tak sesuai untuk anak2 aku sebab dia orang tak suka sangat makan pedas, especially Iffah.

On the way back from Pachakan, aku singgah beli satar before jambatan Kuala Besut. Aku takde specific kedai yang aku beli satar. Selalunya, aku singgah je mana2 kedai yang jual satar. Ada 2 kedai jual satar before jambatan tu. Aku singgah kat kedai yang dekat dengan junction simpang tiga menghala ke Tok Bali.

Mok wanted to taste the satar first before beli sebab takut tak sedap. Masa kita orang sampai, makcik tu tengah bakar sata and otak2/paeh (betul ke ejaan aku ni?). Satar makan panas2, memang heaven!

Sedap sangat2, wa cakap lu..

Makcik, tolong bungkus semua ye.. hehehe.. saya seorang yang tamak haloba, nak makan semua sorang2 :D

Otak-otak/paeh.. I'm not that crazy about it.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Mid Term Hols in Terengganu - part 1

 Balik kampung was part of the plan during the 1st week of cuti sekolah. Then bila dah nak habis first week tu, balik kampung was no longer in the plan. By friday, abah and mok dah balik to Terengganu. Maka tinggal la kita orang kat KL, doing practically nothing during the first week of cuti sekolah. I was dead bored. I've come to a decision, not to balik kampung at all sebab malas nak menyusahkan diri, bersesak2 dengan orang ramai on the Lebuhraya Pantai Timur, plus I dread to think about the hassle that I have to go through kalau stuck dalam jam on the way balik nanti towards the end of cuti sekolah.

Then tiba-tiba on Sunday, takde angin, takde ribut, hubby ajak balik kampung. Dia ada meetings kat Terengganu. Aku malas nak ikut sebab Mas insisted that aku bawak Shariff balik sekali. Aku risau kalau Shariff nangis malam2 rindu kat mak dia. Tapi biasa la, hubby takmau terima alasan aku. Maka dengan berat hati, aku kemas barang within sejam, then sumbat barang dalam kete, terus balik kampung.

On the way balik kampung, kita orang singgah kat R & R Temerloh. We had dinner with Abg Zainol and K.Mei. Kebetulan they left KL at about the same time dengan kita orang. So by the time sampai R&R Temerloh, elok2 je kita orang bertembung. On the way balik kampung, atas Karak highway, on the other side of the road, jam panjang giler. Aku rasa, orang2 yang sangkut dalam jam tu, sangkut more than 2 hours on Karak. Kesian tengok..

Anyway, kat R&R Temerloh, hubby berenti kat Shell station to refuel and solat. Masa hubby parked his car, aku nampak ada sorang pakcik ni, tengah tarik bumper depan kete dia, nampak macam accident. Bila aku turun from kete, pakcik tu tiba2 bercerita what happened to him. Dia kata, lepas exit Genting Sempah on Karak highway, hujan berenti. Tiba2 he lost control of his car. From Genting Sempah, jalan turun bukit, quite menjunam jugak. He thought he was the only one yang lost control of his car, rupanya, ada lagi 5 kereta lain yang terbabas. The accident was quite bad. Dia cakap, ada minyak atas jalan. Aku rasa towtruck dajjal yang buat hal. Biasa la, bila time cuti mcm ni la tow truck owners nak buat duit. Giler betul!!! Murahnya nyawa manusia. Alhamdulillah takde kemalangan jiwa. 

Hubby sent us back to rumah my mum kat Besut for the whole week last week sebab he was very busy in Kemaman. Duduk rumah mok, apa lagi.. makan tido la jawabnya.. I made  a trip to Kuala Besut, to get my supply of fresh fish. Kebetulan, sekarang musim udang and ketam. Geramnnya tengok udang2 yang besar and gebu tu. Kat Kuala Besut, ada few places untuk beli ikan. Tok Balik, Lampu and Pachakan tu among places yang femes. Pachakan tu tempat bot2 nelayan kecik naik. To those yang nak ikan fresh, yang baru dipancing, pegi la kat Pachakan. Ikan kering pun banyak dijual.

Ikan kering yang sedang dijemur. Sedap giler ni kalau goreng and makan dengan nasi panas!

Mok tengah pilih ikan kering dibawah sinaran matahari yang terik. Budak2 yang duduk bawah atap tu, tengah bersihkan ikan untuk dijadikan ikan kering.

Pekan Kuala Besut..

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Coach in the house

Rumah aku telah menjadi rumah tumpangan untuk bag-bag coach sementara menunggu bakal owners. Since our dinner is around the corner, maka makin bertambah byk la hadiah2 yang dilambakkan kat rumah aku. Tadi aku pegi Tesco lepas beronggeng dgn Ina, Nora, Zana and June kat rumah As. Ada appointment dengan Roger, nak ambik gifts for lucky draw yang dia beli masa dia pegi Atlanta baru ni. Rasa macam perompak handbags la pulak. Punya la banyak handbags yang aku kena bawak. Orang2 kat Tesco tu pandang aku semacam je. Ye la, sarat tangan aku bawak handbags, termasuk la few handbags Nine West. The items below are not for sale ye.. hanya untuk cuci mata je.. hehe

Handbag yang di sponsor oleh Roger. (Coach Bleecker Sig Leather Patchwork Tote Berry Multicolour)

Ina punya. (Coach Voyage Signature Unisex Messenger)

If ina decided that she wants the black one, then this will be the sponsored one.(Coach Signature Cricket Satchel)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sunrise @ Pantai Batu Buruk

I woke up at 6am today. Plannya nak tido balik after subuh but hubby ajak tengok sunrise kat Pantai Batu Buruk.

it was cloudy, tak nampak sunrise..

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Off to the beaches

Yay!! Finally balik kampung.. I'm looking forward to revisiting the beaches in Terengganu. I can't wait to tunggu pakcik2 nelayan balik from candat sotong kat Beting Lintang, Besut, nak beli their fresh catch! Sedapnya dapat makan ikan celup tepung. Tapi kan, hubby will be so busy, I dunno whether he'll have the time to bring us to makan ICT (ikan celup tepung). Mas suruh bawak shariff balik. This will be the 1st time aku bawak shariff balik kampung without his mum. Boleh ke aku layan kerenah shariff tu.. aduhai...

Anyway, aku akan keudara tomorrow, live from Terengganu :D

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sambal Goreng Tempoyak

Tiba2 teringin sangat nak makan sambal goreng tempoyak. Abang Nasir (my cousin yang sama umur dgn my mum), selalu masak sambal goreng ni. Selalunya kita boleh makan sambal goreng tempoyak ni kat Sarawak je. His x-wife orang Sarawak. Lepas dia habis dengan army, dia balik semenanjung with his sarawakian wife tu, and stayed kat rumah mok for few years before dia orang divorce. That's why aku boleh berkenalan dengan sambal goreng tempoyak. I love his sambal goreng tempoyak. Rasa masam, masin, manis, dan the crunchiness of ikan bilis tu, buatkan aku tak boleh resist.

Entah apa mimpi aku tadi, sambal goreng tempoyak jadi idaman pulak hari ni. Nasib baik dalam peti sejuk ada tempoyak. Kat rumah ni, tempoyak sentiasa ada stock. Though kita orang ni bukan peminat tegar tempoyak, tapi still nak jugak simpan stock. Aku kena panaskan tempoyak tu dalam microwave.. hehe. Dah tu beku macam ice cream  :D

Sambal Goreng Tempoyak

I dont have specific recipe for this. Ni cuma main campak2 je.

untuk blend
1 bijik bawang besar
5 ulas bawang putih
10-15 biji cili padi

5 tbs tempoyak
1 cup ikan bilis yang dah digoreng garing
garam, gula

1. panaskan minyak, goreng bahan yang diblend sampai garing
2. kemudian, masukkan tempoyak, gorengkan lagi sampai betul2 garing.
3. then baru masukkan ikan bilis, garam dan gula.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Trip to Kluang

We went to Kluang on Monday and balik semalam. It was all girl trip. Hubby didnt follow coz he was too busy with meetings. I wanted to drive my car, but since Faisal pinjam kete aku, terpaksa ler aku drove hubby's triton. Ishk! seram gak bawak pickup sebab aku ni tak cukup inci. Paling tak suka, time kena reverse, takut terlanggar orang sebab bontot pick up tu panjang sangat.

The nite before our trip to Kluang, aku buat chocolate cake 10 bekas, 2 for Anne, 2 for kakak aku, 2 for mok, 1 for Zana, 1 for hubby's staffs, 1 for rumah, and 1 more untuk makan on the way to Kluang. Letih wor aku masak kek tu. Aku start menyetim (sounds very erm.. dirty? hahaha) dari pukul 9.30pm sampai la 2.30am. Mata memang dah takleh nak bukak by the time aku siap masak kek tu.

Aku risau jugak takut mengantuk masa driving tu, but, Alhamdulillah, everything went well. Masa kita orang sampai, Joe (abang ipar aku) dah bertolak ke Jeddah dengan Yunus (nephew sulung aku). Dia pegi for umrah untuk 2 minggu. Tinggalla kakak aku dengan anak2 dia, Muaz & Mulkan ditemani oleh Yayah (niece Joe). Memang best dapat jumpa kakak aku. Setelah few years of almost non existing kemesraan, alhamdulillah, things now are back to before kita orang kawin.

Malam tu kita orang dinner somewhere kat bandar Kluang. We waited for almost an hour for our food. Memang menaikkan darah aku betul. Initially we wanted to go to Kluang Station, but tempat tu tutup pukul 6pm. We reached home at almost 9pm. Anne came untuk ambik her chocolate cake. Kita orang borak sampai pukul 11 lebih. Fuh! rumah kakak aku penuh dgn budak2. Anak kakak aku, 2 orang, anak aku 2 orang, anak anne 4 orang. 8 orang budak2 can drive you nuts! But I had a good time bergossip dengan Anne. Thank you Anne for the tissues yg engkau bagi tu :)

The next morning, mok masak pulut. I woke up late sebab aku takleh tido. Punya la panas Kluang, rasa menyesal overnight. Aku siap bangun mandi pukul 2am!! Dah lama aku tak mandi malam macam tu. Dulu before kawin, aku selalu mandi pukul 3-4am. Lepas breakfast, kita orang packed barang, then keluar rumah. First destination was kedai Nasi Briyani Desa. Lepas tu kita orang pegi Kluang Rail Coffee kat Stesen Ketapi Kluang.

Bergambar beramai2 depan Kluang Railcoffee

Murah nya banding dgn kopitiam lain

The kids enjoying their roti bakar

Khas untuk CS tersayang :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Kole Kacang

Rasanya dah more than 1 month aku buat kole kacang ni, but terlupa nak upload gambar dalam blog. I made this kole kacang sebab abah mengidam nak makan kuih ni. Bila Mas pegi kedai nak beli, dah habis. Since kole kacang ni senang nak buat (aku ambik recipe from myresipi), maka aku pun volunteer nak buat this kole kacang. I made some adjustment to the original recipe.

Mula2 tengok recipe kole kacang, aku blur juga sebab aku tak tau mcm mana rupa tepung kacang hijau. Ye la, aku tak pernah buat kole kacang seumur hidup aku, makan je pandai. Pastu aku pesan kat Mas beli kat Bagus. Bila dia balik, dia bawak tepung kacang peas. Adus! dah sah2 kalau aku guna tepung tu tak jadi. Last2 mok jumpa tepung kacang hijau kat kedai mamak, brand Alagapa's. Ni la hasilnya..

sumber recipe :

note : air kena tambah lagi 1/2 cawan,coz kuih ni tak lembut enuff.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sakit hati??

Yesterday was another hari malas sedunia. Aku didnt go anywhere, just stay at home, melayan cite Cinderella's Sister sambil lepak dgn hubby and iman. Iffah was at rumah mok the whole day yesterday sebab dia tido situ the night before. Mads slept at our house, so pagi semalam kita orang keluar breakfast dengan dia. We went to hubby's favourite stall near rumah mok.

Lepas breakfast, kita orang singgah rumah mok, ingat nak jenguk Iffah. Shariff nampak je aku, terus menangis. Well! bukan nangis betul pun, saje je buat2 manja. Padahal mak and ayah dia ada. Ishk! rasa macam nak je cubit2. The truth is, aku pun rindu kat dia sebab friday dia tak datang. Ayah dia ada, so dia pegi kajang. Shariff kalau takde, sunyi sangat rumah ni. Hubby pun suka sangat kalau dia ada kat rumah.

Petang semalam, a friend datang visit, for tea. She wanted to makan lompat tikam aku yg femes tu (hehehe.. perasan tahap gaban). I made a new batch of lompat tikam for mok semalam coz mok wanted to makan lompat tikam but malas nak buat. Bila kawan aku tu rasa my lompat tikam, she loves it. She asked for the recipe. Aku cakap kat dia, aku dah letak dalam my facebook cooking album.

Then dia tanya aku, betul ke recipe yang aku bagi tu sebab ramai yang taknak share recipe, so dia orang tulis recipe yang menjadi. Terdiam kejap aku. I was offended. If she's a true friend, she'll know that aku bukan jenis manusia yang macam tu. Before aku share new recipes dengan kawan2, aku akan cuba dulu. If tak jadi, I wouldnt bother to share it coz aku tau, kalau aku share the recipe, mesti tak jadi jugak. Nanti buang masa kawan2 yang mencuba. Bukan setakat buang masa je, buat tenaga and duit.

I think I need not waste my energy mulling over what she said yesterday. Kang banyak pulak negative energy yang aku attract. But kecik hati pada dia tu still ada lagi. Maybe sebab dia selalu datang for dinner or lunch kat rumah, self invitation pulak tu. So bila dia cakap macam tu, rasa geram sangat. I love cooking and I love sharing it with my friends. Some of the comments that I get from my friends bila aku update status sakit hati aku tu dalam fb last nite;

I quote what Nisa cakap :

Khairunnisa Abdul Rais Shidah: dont worry. i've tried a few of yr recipes b4 n they came out good. it's either this someone doesnt know how to cook or he/she doesnt even know what he/she put in the pan. entah2 dia tak kenal ingredients kot. suruh guna tepung gandum dia pakai tepung beras ke...asalkan jangan layan org camni. geram mmg la geram tp buat rugi masa ja pikirkan perangai org yg mcm ni...

Thank you Nisa. Terus terubat hati I yang sedih ni bila baca comment you. Thx to K.Min & Ain too :)

Lunch today..

Tumis Pedas Telur

Pajeri Nenas

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Guests for Dinner

Yesterday was Jusco AU2 Fiesta. As usual, I went to Jusco AU2 to do some shopping. Faisal, hubby's friend since kindy, is here in KL. He came from KK for some business engagement. Since Faisal dah berbaik hati to host us masa we all pegi KK, aku pun feel the need to reciprocate. But Faisal is not staying with us, instead he's staying with his cousin in Maluri.

Menu for dinner last nite was Nasi Kebuli. For dessert pulak, I made Lompat Tikam. I asked Faisal what he wants me to cook for dinner. He gave me quite a list. Antara menu yang dia mintak, termasuk la Nasi Minyak, Nasi Kerabu with Ayam Percik, Nasi Dagang, Nasi Kunyit, Pulut Kuning, Lompat Tikam, and panjang lagi sampai aku tak ingat dah. Nasib baik tak pengsan je baca his list tu.. hehe.

Oleh kerana dia tetamu kehormat, maka aku terpaksa la tunaikan jugak permintaan dia. But instead of Nasi Minyak, I cooked Nasi Kebuli, which dia suka sangat. Faisal said my lompat tikam was the best lompat tikam he has ever tasted. Wah! kembang giler aku, terus double size my monggeng.. hahahhaa.. But kan, come to think about it, maybe he felt that way coz dah lama sangat dia tak makan lompat tikam. ye la, kat kota kinabalu, mana nak dapat lompat tikam and not everybody knows how to cook lompat tikam.

Anyway, Bob and Mads joined us for dinner. Hubby's friends stayed until 4am. Aku dah tak larat nak melayan coz I was too tired. Nasib baik la masing2 pandai bawak diri, so aku takyah ler susah payah nak kena buat air byk kali. After dinner, they wanted the lompat tikam, then I made some coffee, pastu that was it! Yay!! aku boleh rehat.. hehe.. But around 1am, hubby mintak another serving of Lompat Tikam. Biar betul! Dessert at 1am ??

Photos will be uploaded shortly...

Nasi Kebuli ~ aku guna beras basmathi extra panjang which I bought from Jusco for RM26 for 2kg.

Nasi Kebuli with ayam goreng, salad and yoghurt.

Dipping sauce for the chicken made from tomatoes, fresh mint, lemon juice, cili padis, salt and sugar.

Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm Back!!

Setelah few days bertapa depan computer, akhirnya hari ni aku decided to keluar. hehe.. not that aku tak keluar langsung, but I was so engrossed with watching korean drama sampai rasa malas giler nak berlibur. Today Iffah came home crying sebab aku terlambat ambik dia. Dia keluar from KAFA pukul 10.45am, I woke up at 11.30am. Bila tersedar tu, terkejut giler! Kelam kabut aku ambik kunci kete, terus pegi KAFA. Sampai sana, Iffah dah takde. Ustaz dia cakap, guru besar antar Iffah balik. I went home, but she hasnt arrive yet. Risau dah masa tu, jantung aku rasa mcm nak terputus. Tak sampai 5 minute, dia pun sampai. Air mata berjurai2. I felt so bad... Alhamdulillah, nothing happened to her.

On Wednesday I went to have dinner with Roger kat Chilis KLCC (eh! Chili's lagi!). Wan pun ikut sama. Saje je ajak Wan ikut sebab malas nak balik sorang2 malam2 buta. Roger wanted to meet up after maghrib sebab she had a back to back meeting from petang. We had a good time. Iman and Iffah tagged along coz kesian nak tinggal dia orang kat rumah. Hubby went out to attend his friend's birthday party.

Balik from Chili's, dah pukul 11.30pm. Aku kena bayar parking RM8.00. Ingatkan dah mahal la parking yang aku bayar tu. Rupanya Roger kena bayar RM36!! I was like.. WTH! mahal giler!! Roger cakap usually dia parking kat tepi masjid KLCC, but just that day, dia malas nak parking situ. Susah jugak in her case, keje KLCC, tapi nak tunggu monthly pass tu, 5 tahun, so nak taknak, kena cari parking berbayar kat tempat lain.

Hubby told me that malam tu dia akan balik lambat becoz of the birthday celebration. But alih2 tengok pukul 12 mlm, dah balik. I was suprised! Kata nak balik 3-4am, tapi 12am dah terpacak depan rumah, ajak aku temankan dia pegi makan kat Deen. Rasa pelik je dia ajak makan kedai mamak malam2 buta. I asked him, what happened. Then dia bercerita about the birthday party. He thought the birthday party was just a harmless birthday party. Alih2 tengok, ada strippers, muslim strippers some more. Dah la the birthday party provided free flow of liquor.

If birthday boy is a non muslim, understandable la providing liquor to the guests. Tapi ni, birthday boy a muslim, guests yang datang pun melayu. It was an exclusive birthday party, venue kat VVIP karaoke place kat Bukit Bintang. Attendees mostly big guns kat one  O&G company here and few other directors of O&G companies, about 50 orang macam tu. According to hubby, dia rasa panas semcm duduk kat tempat tu. But he had no choice coz the birthday boy is his friend. Bila the strippers started pulling people to dance with them, dia terus cabut. I dunno what's happening to Malaysia now. I thought, as a muslim, birthday party is celebrated by memanjatkan kesyukuran pada Ilahi, that kita diberi peluang untuk still beribadat padaNya. *sigh*... hidup akhir zaman yang menyerupai zaman jahiliah.

Ya Allah! Peliharakanlah suami ku, anak2 ku, sedara mara ku, sahabat2 ku dan umat muslimin semua dari melakukan perkara2 yang Engkau laknat. Amin..

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dugong keletihan...

The truth is, for the past few days, I'm too tired to blog, to login facebook, to cook, or to do anything. I'm in movie marathon mode ie. lepak depan pc, connect the 500gb harddisk to the pc, and watch korean dramas. So far I've finished You're Beautiful, and I'm moving on to Cinderella Unni. Now tengah tunggu u-torrent to finish donwloading few more episodes.

Dugong ini akan kembali beraksi in the next few days...