
m | timeout.

Hi I decided to take a break since I've been so busy with yoga training and working at the same time this week. Don't worry I'll be back soon!


f | fashion: yoga training.

This weekend I'll be doing yoga training which I'm really excited!

via image from {luluemon}, {iron yoga} and {weight lifts}.


th | design: utterly engaged

I love seeing all the beautiful design ideas in this {#14 issue}.


w | flowers: in the garden.

via images from www.sarahklassen.com


t | journal: Lena Horne

The other night I watched Oscar Night and I loved the quote they shared by Lena Horne.

"It's not the load that breaks you down,
It's the way you carry it"

via image from {here} & {here}

m | home: zigzag rug

I kinda want to get a {zigzag rug} . . .

Ps. Check out {this beautiful tour of the house}! Gorgeous!

via image from westelm.com
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