My bees died. I blame the weather. One day it's 70 degrees, the next day, 30. They absconded. When I did my pre-winter inspection, they were all accounted for, including the queen, healthy and happy, with plenty of honey for their winter feed. The other day was springlike, so I thought I'd take a peek and see how they were. Dead. The handful I could see, that is. The rest were gone. My beekeeper's guide has assured me that this will happen to every beekeeper at least once. But still - I get attached - hence my post title. They were so gentle. They climbed all over me, a la Idgie Threadgood, and they never stung. Not even once.
The one consolation is the four jars of amber hued honey I was able to glean from the ghost town of a hive. I did order more bees which will be coming in May. But still...
So how do I cheer myself up when I'm down? I think about my friend Kathy eating her favorite candy:

"A merry heart is good medicine."