Experimental LaTeX3
This topic contains packages which uses experimental LaTeX3.
LaTeX class file for the Marathi journal ‘Aalok’.
Absolute placement with coffins.
Typeset acronyms.
Tag author and affiliation information in a key-value style.
Support for syllables in the Devanagari script.
Support multiple lines of pseudocode.
Automatically typeset the academic year (French way).
Open Type font by Andrij Shevchenko.
A template for ASME journal papers.
LaTeX support for creating association matrices.
A LaTeX package for symmetric group combinatorics.
A LuaLaTeX package for automatic language-specific typography.
Multilingual support for LaTeX, LuaLaTeX, XeLaTeX, and Plain TeX.
A comprehensive Bangla LaTeX package.
A versatile and extendable beamer theme based on Metropolis.
Write your books in a colorful way.
A beautiful book template for maths and science.
A package designed to meet the publication of books and the production of LaTeX templates, with elegant chapter.
Corporate Design for Bern University of Applied Sciences.
Templates for the Beijing Institute of Technology.
Draw braid diagrams with PGF/TikZ.
Support for Japanese holidays.
Constructions with braces to present mathematical demonstrations.
A key-value document command parser.
Expandable conditional commands for LaTeX.
Accept CSS-like selectors in tabular, array, ….
Enhanced support for the Latin Modern fonts.
Typesetting keepachangelog.com style changelogs.
Command for typesetting chemical formulas and reactions.
A collection of macros to support typesetting chemistry documents.
A method for numbering chemical compounds.
Typeset Chinese chess with l3draw.
TikZ-based package for drawing customisable timelines
with support for colour schemes, styles and memoization.
Create circled text.
Bibliography formatting with Citation Style Language.
Cite classic works.
Forward-referencing functionality for cleveref.
Map and iterate over LaTeX3 clists.
LaTeX tools and documenting facilities.
Typeset code with annotations.
Highlighted source code in a fancy box.
LaTeX code description and documentation.
Highlight code and demos with l3regex and lpeg.
Write your articles or books in a colorful way.
Manipulate numeral comma separated lists.
Typeset and convert units for cookery books and recipes.
Use cprotect arbitrarily nested.
Initializing and configuring theorem-like environments, with multilingual support.
Cross referencing with proper definite articles and declensions.
Simple CSV file processing.
Compute and display CVSS base scores.
General Dark Mode Support for LaTeX-Documents.
Draw dashed rules.
A package to store and display data with custom filters, orders, and styles.
An easy way to create Decision Model and Notation decision tables.
Nice and easy derivatives.
Fixed-point arithmetic with two decimal places.
Write differential coefficients easily and consistently.
Draw Dynkin, Coxeter, and Satake diagrams using TikZ.
Easily typesetting Chinese theses or books.
Formal proofs in the style of sequent calculus.
Write your articles in a simple and clear way.
Upright brackets in emphasised text.
Emoji support in (Lua)LaTeX.
Add emojis to citations.
Make emojis more easy to use in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX.
Easy creation of potential energy curve diagrams.
Support for end-notes.
Enumerate exercise sheets.
Read an environment verbatim.
Utilities based on LaTeX3.
Expandable token list operations.
LaTeX template for Chinese exams.
Typeset exercise sheets for university courses and school classes.
Using expl3 to implement some numerical algorithms.
Create exercise sheets and exams.
Create interactive figures in LaTeX.
Fill vertical space with solid rules or dotted lines.
Access to 150 paragraphs of Lorem Fistrum very dummy text.
Symbol manipulation for breqn.
Manage footnote marks’ interaction with punctuation.
A flexible interface for setting font sizes.
An intuitive functional programming interface for LaTeX2.
A crossover of align* and enumerate.
Genealogical profiles for LaTeX.
Globally harmonised system of chemical (etc) naming.
Get the current git hash of a project and typeset it in the document.
Decorate text with linear gradient colors.
Typeset grading schemes in tabular format.
Typeset EAN barcodes using TeX rules, only.
Create Handouts with notes from your LaTeX beamer presentation.
Boxed Chinese characters with Pinyin above and translation below.
LaTeX class for bachelor and MPhil theses in Hangzhou Dianzi University.
An implementation of Hobby’s algorithm for PGF/TikZ.
A LaTeX class for writing your homework.
Unofficial thesis template for Huazhong University.
Write and execute external code, and insert the output.
Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document.
Inconsolata Nerd Font with support for XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX.
Enhanced index typesetting.
Draw Game Trees with TikZ.
LaTeX support for scaled Iwona math fonts.
Japanese document class based on requirements for Japanese text layout.
Multi-weight Japanese font support for the jlreq class.
Join boxes vertically or horizontally.
Parse, store and access JSON data in LaTeX documents.
A personal class for writing journals.
Typeset kanbun-kundoku with support for kanbun annotation.
Generate sentences in Kant's style.
Key based parser.
An l3keys interface to amsthm.
Displaying, hyperlinking, and indexing notions in a document.
LaTeX3 backend drivers.
LaTeX3 backend drivers (dev).
Collect and order authors and affiliations.
Feature structures and attribute-value matrices (AVM).
Write your articles in a colorful way.
Left indices with better spacing.
Express lengths in arbitrary units.
Draw arrows over math letters.
A LaTeX package for storing songs or other content, and repeated reuse in documents.
Geometric constructions with liftarms using TikZ and LaTeX3.
Calculate and display linear regressions.
Prevent overflow boxes with LuaLaTeX.
Easy access to the Lorem Ipsum and other dummy texts.
Class schedules with colorful course blocks.
Typesets long division.
Provide a graph datastructure for experimental LaTeX3.
Execute Lua code in any TeX engine that exposes the shell.
Objects and proxies in LaTeX3.
Fixes for mathematics-related LuaLaTeX issues.
Automatically generate MathML from LuaLaTeX math mode material.
Typeset Japanese with Lua(La)TeX.
Underlining for LuaLaTeX.
Automatically remove widows and orphans from any document.
Lua library for reading and serialising XML files.
An easy and flexible way to set watermarks.
Typeset Mahjong Tiles using MPSZ Notation.
Macros for introductory physics and astronomy.
Non-floating marginal content with automatic placement for LuaLaTeX.
Class for the french journal “MATAPLI”.
\newcommand-like commands for defining math macros.
Generate random mazes.
Multimedia inclusion for the dvisvgm backend.
Multimedia inclusion package with Adobe Reader-9/X compatibility.
Spherical Mercator coordinate systems and Web Mercator tile integration.
Typeset metric marks for Latin text.
Write your articles or books in a simple and clear way.
A LaTeX template for an MIT thesis.
Drawing molecular orbital diagrams.
Additional commands for typesetting maths.
Always room for a new write stream.
Decorative rules between columns.
TeX definitions with named parameters.
Experimental package to extract and reinsert PDF annotations.
Improve the typesetting of mathematical matrices with PGF.
Select colors with proper WCAG color contrast.
LaTeX thesis template for Nanjing University.
Display logos related to Nanjing University.
Display and manipulate historical non-decimal units.
A template for printing presentations on notepaper.
Integrating notes into the bibliography.
Counters spelled out in Portuguese.
Display number sets with customizable typefaces.
Numerically evaluate mathematical expressions in LaTeX form.
Iteration and recurrence relations: finding fixed points, zeros and extrema of functions.
Create multi-column tables of mathematical functions.
A thesis template package for Northwest A&F University, China.
Drop-in replacement for ‘ocgx’ and ‘ocg-p’.
A LaTeX package for testing fonts.
Define simple macros for greek letters.
Draw beautiful Pascal (Yanghui) triangles.
Passing options to packages or classes.
A LaTeX style for overlaying text on a PDF.
Parsing Expression Grammars for TeX.
A TikZ library for producing Penrose tilings.
Define pgfmath functions using xfp.
Typesetting telephone numbers with LaTeX.
Typeset informatic listings with LPEG of LuaLaTeX.
Manage the options and loading order of other packages.
Poor man’s Hangul Jamo input method.
Polyominoes using TikZ and LaTeX3.
Endnotes for LaTeX.
Prepare special catcodes from token list.
Pretty-print token lists.
A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in high school.
A collection of facilitative tools.
Straightforward pseudocode.
Draw flags of countries using PSTricks.
Execute Python code on the fly in your LaTeX documents.
Library to run Python code.
Typesetting Q&A-style conversation made easier.
Create QR bills using LaTeX.
Random walks using TikZ.
Rebecca Turner’s personal macros and styles for typesetting mathematics notes.
Package to display recorder fingering diagrams.
Commands to typeset recursion theory papers.
Re-scan tokens with synctex information.
Responsive design methods for LaTeX.
Cache anything (TikZ, python, ...) in a robust, efficient and pure way.
Icons for tabletop role-playing games.
Provide LaTeX3 commands for typesetting rules.
Save environment content verbatim.
Resize the \textbullet without changing its vertical center.
Commands and document classes for German-speaking teachers of mathematics and physics.
Stores LaTeX contents in memory or files.
Compatibility package to emulate the former KOMA-Script package scrhack.
A LaTeX style for typesetting Bible quotations.
A Thesis Class for the Chair of Software Engineering II at the University of Passau, Germany.
A macro to format section numbering intuitively.
Semantic, keyval-based mathematics.
Deals with stripped SemanTeX documents.
An enhancement of the setspace package.
A simple package to format Backus-Naur form (BNF).
Define matrices by given list of values.
Write your books in a simple and clear way.
A comprehensive (SI) units package.
LaTeX classes for Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Documentation and extraction for packages and document classes.
Placeholders for unfinished documents.
Automatic math symbol styling for LaTeX documents.
Generate Beamer slideshows with song lyrics.
Manipulate “soft paths” in PGF.
Customize superscripts and subscripts.
Create PDF documents with hyperlinks to audiofragments.
A structured array (of properties) based on expl3.
An infrastructure for semantic preloading of LaTeX documents.
Report files opened and closed in the log, including nesting level.
Handling multiple versions of user-defined macros.
Traditional Chinese 7-bids suanpan (abacus) package based on l3draw.
A database of chemicals.
Typeset tabulars and arrays with LaTeX3.
An ABNT (Brazilian standard) theme for tabularray.
Code for PDF tagging using pdfLaTeX and LuaLaTeX.
Horizontally columned lists.
Extra libraries for tabularray for caption and babel compatibility.
Symbols for Temporal Logics.
The package provides support for terminal-based menus using expl3.
Simulate Win10, Ubuntu, and Mac terminals.
Kashida justification in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX.
Marking coordinates and crossing paths.
A little fun package for using rubber ducks in TikZ.
TikZ libraries for filling with images and patterns.
A collection of cute little animals and similar creatures.
Drawing little marmots in TikZ.
A parametric questions’ repositories framework.
A TikZ library for drawing tiles and tilings.
A package for drawing chronological charts.
Extend longtable with cells that merge hierarchically.
Typeset tutorial-like documentations.
Plot graphs with TikZ abbreviations.
A bundle for undergraduate students final work/report (tcc) at UFRGS/EE.
A Unicode font table generator.
Allow entering Unicode symbols in math formulas.
LaTeX templates for University of Graz Library Publishing Services.
Watching TeX digest tokens.
Extract and update marks from boxes.
Load classes as packages.
Use LaTeX3 to typeset Weiqi (Go).
A LaTeX class designed for taking notes or writing books.
Diagrams with circular or other shapes using TikZ and LaTeX3.
Identify (typographic) widows and orphans.
In-place argument substitution.
“Aligned” math environments with arrows for comments.
Wrap text around figures.
Wrapping text around stuff.
Xidian University TeX Suite.
Support for CJK documents in XeLaTeX.
Fixes kashida feature in xepersian package.
Cistercian numerals in LaTeX.
Automatically add pinyin to Chinese characters.
Saveboxes for repeating content without code replication, based on PDF Form XObjects.
eXercise Sheets IMproved.
Streamline your note-taking process!.
Create CJK character calligraphy practicing sheets.
Flexible cross-references with contextual checks based on zref.
Clever LaTeX cross-references based on zref.
Extended LaTeX page cross-references with varioref and zref-clever.
ZUGFeRD and Faktur-X invoicing using LaTeX.