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Finding shortest calculation of the sum of a subset of a group, given sums for other previously summed subsets

Say $S=\{g\in G\}$ is a set of elements in an abelian group $G$ whose group operation $(+)$ is expensive to compute. Given a subset $T\subset S$, we want to compute the sum of $T$'s elements, $\...
Alex Coventry's user avatar
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Has Khachiyan/Porkolob's convex integer optimization been implemented?

Khachiyan and Porkolab in 'Integer optimization on convex semialgebraic sets' gave an $O(ld^{ O(k^4)})$ algorithm to minimize a degree $d$ form with integer coefficients of binary length at most $l$ ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Runtime of Gomory's Cutting Plane Algorithm

I read in several sources that the use of Gomory's cuts exclusively in Integer Programming was shown to be inefficient in practice when Gomory had created them. But later down the line they were shown ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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On facets of 01-polytope

$0,1$-polytopse are fundamental objects in combinatorial geometry and comvex optimization. I am interested in the size of binary representation of hyperplanes to use in the framework of computational ...
echuly's user avatar
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