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Questions tagged [mutual-exclusion]

Questions about the concurrency-control requirement of ensuring that no two processes are simultaneously in a critical section (a period when the process is accessing a shared resource). Failing to achieve mutual exclusion leads to the problem of data races.

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Order of releasing the semaphores

I was studying the dining philosopher problem (See problem description) and its solution using semaphores, and I came across this : ...
Girik Garg's user avatar
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How are waits in semaphores made atomic in nature?

I was going through the book Operating Systems by Galvin. First they explain Semaphores acting like a mutex. While talking about semaphores as mutex, they mention that the wait operation of semaphores ...
Himanshuman's user avatar
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What's the standard technique to test if the algorithm satisfies mutual exclusion, progress and bounded waiting or not?

Sorry if this is a stupid question. But it really intrigued me. Same resources at different algorithms are telling different ways to test these stuffs. Here's an algorithm and how I'd test for its 3 ...
zeeshanseikh's user avatar
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For what example would Maekawa's algorithm allow out of timestamp order access to the critical section

For what example would Maekawa's algorithm allow out of timestamp order access to the critical section. It is mentioned that ordering is not satisfied in Maekawa's algorithm. But in what scenario ...
sd22gg44's user avatar
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Why is this code for dining philosophers deadlock free?

user308485's user avatar
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Minimum number of registers for mutual exclusion

I was reading distributed algorithms (by Nancy lynch) and there is a part that I would kindly like to get a simpler explanation for. I know the book mentioned no algorithm can solve mutual exclusion ...
user206904's user avatar
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PetersonNP, mechanical mutual exclusion proof

Good day everyone, I'm currently trying to carry out the PetersonNP (a.k.a. FilterLock) correctness proof (mutual exclusion). I've found several proof sketches on concurrency books but I'm interested ...
Chaos's user avatar
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How are semaphores and test-and-set instructions connected?

Cheers, so my textbook explains these parts very poorly, so I would gladly take any advice! I am confused between the test-and-set instructions, which per my book is a very common CPU instruction set, ...
average_discrete_math_enjoyer's user avatar
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Dekker's Algorithm spin on intent instead of turn

For Dekker's algorithm given below (from Wikipedia), why is it that we wait for the turn to change, instead of waiting for p1 to set it's flag to false? It seems to me that it would be safer (or more ...
Chien's user avatar
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Unconditionally fair, weakly fair, and strongly fair scheduling

I am trying to understand the difference between weakly fair and strongly fair scheduling. For example, what scheduling policy would ensure that a process delayed at its first await statement will ...
HotWheels's user avatar
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When does a semaphore issue a wait and when does it issue a signal?

In my textbook, Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles (9th Edition) by William Stallings in chapter 5, it explains how semaphores work: The fundamental principle is this: Two or more ...
Darien Springer's user avatar
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Comparing wait-signal alternatives for synchronizing two piece of programs

I came across following problem: A certain computation generates two arrays a and b such that ...
RajS's user avatar
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What is a counterexample for Lamport's distributed mutual exclusion algorithm with non-FIFO message queues?

Lamport's distributed mutual exclusion algorithm (also described here) solves mutual exclusion problem for $N$ processes with $3(N-1)$ messages per request ("take and release lock" cycle). It ...
yeputons's user avatar
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What should be the minimum value when the two threads are executed concurrently

int count=0; void *thfunc() { int ctr=0; for(ctr=0;ctr<100;ctr++) count++; } If *thfunc() is executed by two threads concurrently in a uniprocessor ...
Abhilash Mishra's user avatar
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Do we really need a mutex in this case?

Wikipedia's solution for multi Producer-Consumer problem uses both mutexes and semaphores. ...
abjoshi - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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What are the purposes of Reply messages in Lamport Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion?

After reading Lamport Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion, I can not understand the purposes of reply messages. I think they are not necessary because the assumption of the algorithms is that all messages ...
toantruong's user avatar
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Starvation algorithm in operating system

Is there an algorithm for mutual exclusion with shared flag variables, as the Peterson's one, that doesn't prevent the starvation ?
Qwerto's user avatar
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Peterson algorithm for mutual exclusion

In the Peterson Algorithm for mutual exclusion an implicit assumption is that the operations with the shared global variables happen atomically. To me, this is not a superficial assumption , cause it'...
Qwerto's user avatar
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a problem with Suzuki-Kasami mutex algorithm

I have some sort of a misunderstanding regarding the Suzuki-Kasami distributed mutex algorithm. I am writing my question here because I failed on gaining access to the original paper. I will call ...
Don Fanucci's user avatar
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Lamport's distributed mutual exclusion: wait-chain order clock

Regarding Lamport's mutual exclusion... Where messages are exchanged in the following sequence between nodes S, G1, and G2. G1 and G2 are the members of the group. (for this, lets just assume that ...
aphexlog's user avatar
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Does the following piece of code lead to a deadlock?

Process X ...
Krish__'s user avatar
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Is Dekker's algorithm not k-bounded for any finite k?

Consider this version of the algorithm, for only 2 processes, 0 and 1: ...
user80614's user avatar
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How can a spinlock progress when it's busy-waiting?

I read that in spinlock, process keeps on waiting for the lock continuously in a loop until it receives signal(lock) or ...
Zephyr's user avatar
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What is the problem with this Busy Wait solution for two threads?

We have two processes. One process produces F and the other process consumes F Initialization: Consuming = false Produced = false F = EMPTY The first thread (...
jrook's user avatar
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What are the practical use of weak semaphores?

Weak semaphores are often defined as if a process (or thread), say p1, performs a V operation and some other process is waiting on that semaphore, then the first process (i.e. p1) is not ...
KGhatak's user avatar
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What is the abstract idea of a semaphore and how can we use it to implement mutual exclusion?

So I've got this so far to try and wrap my head around the abstract idea of a semaphore: A semaphore is a variable or abstract datatype (commonly an integer), used to control access to a common ...
rshah's user avatar
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Classic Problems on Process Synchronization

I have been studying Process Synchronization and inter-process communication in Operating Systems Engineering and have come across multiple problems like "Sleeping Barbers", "Producer Consumers", "...
theraven's user avatar
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Why $e(C_i) = D_i$ is correct assumption? (FLP Impossibility 1985 - Lemma 3)

Please bear with my unhelpful typesetting. My question is regarding well known FLP paper Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process by Fischer, Lynch and Patterson While ...
ultimate cause's user avatar
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Does mutual exclusion hold in this case?

I entered into a discussion with a friend on the following question, which asks if mutual exclusion holds: Consider two processes: $s_1$ and $s_2$ are two variables, set equal initially. P1: while $...
pratz's user avatar
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Does the process exiting from critical section will always call signal instruction?

I have seen many solutions to critical section problems in process synchronization chapter . Many of them first acquire resources , execute critical section and leave . My Question is a process ...
Akhil Nadh PC's user avatar
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Reader and Writer mutex

I am looking over the classic Reader and Writer Problem Just to give a quick overview: Many readers can be in CS (as long as no writers are) Only one writer can be in the CS (with no combination of ...
bkennedy's user avatar
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Software mutexes and consensus number 1

There are numerous possibilities to implement a software mutex using only shared memory (e.g. Dekker's algorithm). Recently I've read the following from a paper "Wait-free Synchronization" by M. ...
artemonster's user avatar
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Lamport’s fast mutual exclusion algorithm intuition

Here's Lamport’s fast mutual exclusion algorithm: ...
Alex Goft's user avatar
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Deadlock free process calculi

So when programming with locks as a synchronization primitives you can ensure no deadlock by ensuring that an ordering exists on the locks and that all acquires of the locks happen in that order (...
Jake's user avatar
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Lamport's Bakery algorithm

I have problems understanding Lamport's bakery algorithm. The thing I do understand is that each thread ask all other threads what number they have.Then the thread takes the maximum number and add 1 ...
Jason's user avatar
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Lamport's Bakery algorithm with other > relation

i'm reading an old exam and one question was: Which property of the Bakery algorithm is violated with the following change? ...
Asker's user avatar
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Confusion in the solution to first readers-writers synchronization

I am studying the solution to “First Readers-Writers Problem” from the book Operating System Concepts (9th edition) and it describes: First readers–writers problem, requires that no reader be kept ...
swdeveloper's user avatar
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Proof of Manna-Pnueli algorithm for mutual exclusion being incorrect

Suppose we have the Manna-Pnueli algorithm for mutual exclusion: I was trying to find a sequence that violates mutual exclusion and I came up with this: ...
mewa's user avatar
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Help understanding this algorithm that's supposed to solve the critical section problem through mutual exclusion

Our professor gave us the following algorithm that's supposed to solve the critical section problem. I'm guessing the code is just pseudocode so I'm not trying to focus on the strange syntax and just ...
FrostyStraw's user avatar
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Why do we need $k \geq n$ in Dijkstra's token ring self-stabilizing system?

Let's say I have a ring with four nodes $n=\{0;1;2;3\}$ and three possible states $k=\{0;1;2\}$. A transient failure happens and the system ends up in an illegal state. I know from the restriction ($...
Marcel's user avatar
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Mutex-/semaphore-/locking-algorithm using atomic reads/writes with data-propagation delays

Is there a mutual exclusion or semaphore or locking algorithm that only relies on atomic reads and atomic writes of shared memory and can tolerate a delay in propagation of the written data between ...
Markus A.'s user avatar
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Mutual exclusion algorithm using only atomic reads and writes for unknown number of processes and robust to process abortion

I am trying to come up with a mutual exclusion algorithm that is based only on atomic reads and atomic writes of shared memory (i.e. no compare-and-swap or similar). Apart from mutual exclusion and ...
Markus A.'s user avatar
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Why would you use a monitor instead of a semaphore?

I am currently attending the concurrent programming course in my university and we recently started talking about the concept of a monitor. While I understand the necessity of mutual exclusion, I do ...
Dennis Hein's user avatar
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Deadlock Solutions: Lock Ordering

This is from a textbook on operating systems. This is not homework, just part of the chapter on deadlocks. ...
Victor Brunell's user avatar
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Disabeling interrupts to solve critical section issue on multiprocessor system

Assume I have a multicore system and a critical section. I understand how disableling interrupts on a single core systems solves the critical section problem. So assume I could disable interrupts on ...
RunOrVeith's user avatar
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Mutex implementation on top of a preemptive scheduler that does not guarantee liveness

I'm implementing some synchronization primitives in the standard library of an operating system. Specifically, I want to implement mutexes and condition variables. This is on top of a microkernel with ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
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Mutex implementation on top of a minimalistic preemptive scheduler

In this question, I'm implementing some synchronization primitives in the standard library of an operating system. Specifically, I want to implement mutexes and condition variables. This is on top of ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
8 votes
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What is the practical relevance of textbook mutual exclusion algorithms?

There's been a fair amount of research on mutual exclusion algorithms - e.g. a lot of it is presented in classic textbooks such as The Art of Multiprocessor Programming, where an entire chapter is ...
jkff's user avatar
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What happens if the holder of a lock tries to acquire a lock? [closed]

In a system, suppose there is a process and a resource with only one instance. Let us assume that the process holds the instance and requests the same instance of that resource. Will there be a ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Concurrent Programming Bar Problem

I have been posed a question by my lecturer and I'm trying to figure the right way to go about it. They want me to ensure mutual exclusion for n processes. The code provided is as follows: ...
Nanor's user avatar
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