I'm looking for more examples of the following model of state machines:
in David Spivak's book on category theory, he gives in section and in application, a description of a finite state machine in terms of category theory. The basic definition is that you fix an alphabet $\Sigma$ and take the list monoid $\mathcal{M} := (list(\Sigma), ++, [])$, then describe the state machine as a functor $X : \mathcal{M} \to \mathsf{Set}$. Given two state machines $X$ and $Y$ (described as functors), you can talk about "refinement" via natural transformations $\alpha : X \Rightarrow Y$. The story seems to end here.
This is an interesting model of state machines. I've never seen it before, and I am having trouble finding similar descriptions of state machines. I would like to see how far it has been (can be?) extended. E.g., talk about things like bisimulations, language acceptance, turing machines, computability, etc. Does anyone have more sources?