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Questions tagged [tags]

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Should the book "Types and Programming Languages" have a tag?

Should the book "Types and Programming Languages" have a tag? If so, what should that tag be named?
Guy Coder's user avatar
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Tags about CSPs

Should constraint-satisfaction and constraint-programming be merged? What about constraint-handling-rules?
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
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Why is there no markov-decision-processes tag?

Markov decision processes are a fundamental model for sequential decision making frequently studied by computer scientists. To my surprise, there is no related tag in either the CS or CS Theory sites. ...
Erik M's user avatar
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Two tags for matrices

At the moment, Computer Science SE has tags matrices and matrix. Shouldn't one be a synonym of the other? Since, on Stack Exchange, matrices seems to be more popular$\star$ than matrix, I propose ...
Rodrigo de Azevedo's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the difference between [asymptotics], [big-o-notation], and [landau-notation]?

The asymptotics tag currently has two tags remapped to it: big-o and asymptotic-complexity. I can imagine the reason landau-notation is not amongst those is to distinguish between questions about ...
dkaeae's user avatar
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Should [numeral-representations] and [number-formats] be merged?

Both tags numeral-representations and number-formats are missing a usage guidance, and I cannot see a difference between the questions tagged either way. Both seem to encompass not only binary, octet, ...
dkaeae's user avatar
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7 votes
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Should we merge "graphs" with "graph-theory"?

The tags graphs and graph-theory seem to cover much of the same ground. Should we merge them?
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Renaming `graphical-models` tag to `graphical-model`

I found three sites with the same tag graphical-model(s). They are Data Science, Cross Validated and this site. The other two sites contain ...
hanugm's user avatar
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1 answer

Burninate/synonymize tag: definition

There were six questions tagged "definition". In most cases, it was either being used as a synonym of "terminology" or its only semantic content was "I'm asking about the definition of something or ...
David Richerby's user avatar
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rethinking programming language tags

This question asks whether programming language tags such as [java], [c++], or [python] are on topic at CS stack exchange. The answer says that questions about the programming languages themselves may ...
Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Can program-verification be made a synonym of software-verification?

This was already suggested in this 2012 question, with the top answer being to make software-verification the main tag. Maybe someone with 2500 rep can propose the synonym/merge? Or, answers arguing ...
Caleb Stanford's user avatar
1 vote
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When should the "lists" tag be used?

So far there is no usage guidance for the tag lists. According Wikipedia, list may refer to an abstract data type, or a concrete data structure linked-list. So when should we use the tag lists? I ...
xskxzr's user avatar
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Burninate tag: pseudocode

We have four questions tagged "pseudocode". This question seems to have no value: any question that requests an algorithm would be off-topic if it required a specific language, so tagging a "Please ...
David Richerby's user avatar
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When is it appropriate to re-tag old questions?

I am aware of the costs of editing old questions/answers as described in the question Trivial edits to old answers. However, I'm not sure in what cases the specific edit of re-tagging an old question ...
Discrete lizard's user avatar
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Tag mapreduce is ambiguous

The tag [mapreduce] doesn't have a user guidance. Currently it has questions that cover both the technique of "Map-Reduce" from concurrent algorithms and "map reduction" from theory of computability. ...
giusti's user avatar
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5 answers

How do we want to tag questions about parameterized algorithms?

@user777 suggested the introduction of a tag for parameterized algorithms in a question: We should have tag about "Parameterized Algorithm" that covers the technique of this subject like: bounded ...
Discrete lizard's user avatar
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When is the proof-techniques tag appropriate?

I'm not sure which questions fall under the tag proof-techniques. In particular, are questions which essentially ask for a specific proof of a statement appropriate? The current tag description: ...
Discrete lizard's user avatar
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Should we merge the tags "hash" and "hashing"?

There are two tags which seem very similar: hash hashing Another similar tag is hash-tables, though it is more specific. Should we merge hash and hashing?
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Warn when some tags are used

Some tags seem to attract a significant amount of off-topic questions. Specifically, we have tags for specific programming languages like c, c++, java, python, prolog which seem to be used frequently ...
chi's user avatar
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Tags can now be longer -- do we want to change any?

As of today, tags can be 35 characters long; the limit used to be 25. Are there any tags that were stunted to fit into the length limit and could profit from the new limit? Keep in mind that longer ...
Raphael's user avatar
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Are questions on blockchains on topic?

Just wondering if questions regarding blockchain technology are on topic? From the help link: This site covers theoretical and applied computer science at any level.. I'd categorise blockchains ...
Lee's user avatar
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About [recursion-theory]

From here: what about recursion-theory? Do we need it?
Raphael's user avatar
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Wrapping up some tag discussions

There are a couple of old tag discussions that need resolving. About the tag graph-algorithms Burninate tags: search-algorithms and search-problem Tags efficiency and performance What about tags ...
Raphael's user avatar
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Tags around partitions

Currently, we have tags partition, partitions and partition-problem. The tags seem to be used a little arbitrarily, and the former two should probably be synonyms. There are no descriptions helping ...
Raphael's user avatar
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Do we need both cluster and clustering tags?

We have both a cluster and clustering tag. There is no tag wiki with guidance for either of them. Do we need both tags? If we do, how should we choose which one to use on any particular question? ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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About the tag [computational-complexity]

Somebody created the tag computational-complexity. Do we need it?
Raphael's user avatar
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Do we need tags [dfa] and [nfa]?

Recently, people have started using dfa for tagging some finite-automata questions. Do we really need this tag, or should it be a synonym for finite-automata? The question can be asked in principle ...
Raphael's user avatar
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Should we tag with [karnaugh-map] instead of [k-map]?

We currently have k-map for questions about Karnaugh maps. Is this the best possible tag name? Would karnaugh-map be a better choice? For that matter, would a more general tag like logic-synthesis ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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Should we burninate C tag?

Should we delete the C tag? Coding questions are off-topic here, so the C tag is a "broken window" that might be misleading posters into thinking it's OK to post a coding question or post their C ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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Tags efficiency and performance

Is there a significant difference between the tags performance and efficiency (which we should document then), or are they synonyms?
Raphael's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What about tags random and randomness?

What are the respective roles of random and randomness? Do we need both, or any of them? Related tags: randomized-algorithms, sampling, random-number-generator, pseudo-random-generators, random-walks,...
Raphael's user avatar
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7 votes
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About the tag graph-algorithms

Apparently there's a tag graph-algorithms. My personal tagging choice has been algorithms + graphs. I think this covers graph algorithms pretty well. Do we need/want a dedicated tag graph-algorithms?...
Raphael's user avatar
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a tag for the "lower level" of computer

Regarding Storing information in certain data types I was trying to find a more appropriate tag for this question and couldn't. It is about implementation of variables, but not really about ...
Ran G.'s user avatar
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Reordering tags

[This might be the most arcane question I've ever asked.] I recently asked a question and, of course, provided a collection of tags. When the question was posted, the tags were not listed in the order ...
Rick Decker's user avatar
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Tags: network-flow, max-flow

I noticed we have tags for both network-flow and max-flow. Does that make sense? Is there any distinction? There seem to be only 2 questions tagged with max-flow. Should we make max-flow a synonym ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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Tag rename (rice)

We have a tag rice, which I think is badly named. It is applied to three questions, all of which are about Rice's theorem and not, for example, about Henry Rice himself. If you don't already know ...
David Richerby's user avatar
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Evolving the tags of a question

Is it appropriate to modify the tags of a question to better reflect the issues that appear important with respect to answers? If the answer is yes, how far can it go? For example, an answer might ...
babou's user avatar
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tags: variable-binding and scoping

While recently editing a question, Raphael introduced the tag scoping, using it to replace variable-binding that had been chosen by the OP. That is apparently the only use of scoping. I must say, I ...
babou's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the difference between the tags natural-lang-processing and computational-linguistics?

What is the difference between the tags natural-lang-processing and computational-linguistics? Both tags are used, but it seems to me they should be synonymous. The natural-lang-processing tag wiki ...
babou's user avatar
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What to do about [tag:kernel] with multiple meanings

In trying to do some tag cleanup for OS related tags I came upon the kernel tag. This tag has at least three different meanings in the context of The operating-systems sense, in which the ...
Wandering Logic's user avatar
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What is tag [tag:cpu-cache] for?

Caches appears at many different levels or places in computer system. You can have on-chip caches, sytem caches and network caches. But the only tag about caches is apparently the tag cpu-cache, which ...
babou's user avatar
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Are [parsing] and [parsers] synonyms?

The tags parsing and parsers are very close in meaning. Is there any difference, or should they be merged? I see maybe a very slight nuance — parsing is a bit broader in coverage of language syntax, ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
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Internal error when merging tags

I tried to merge the tag check-my-answer into check-my-proof, because insofar as these tags mean anything (which is not really the case), it's the same thing: “I've solved a problem, here's how, is ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
9 votes
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Let's eliminate [tag:check-my-proof]

The tag check-my-proof has the following description in its tag wiki: Questions which also contain a proof or a solution that needs to be checked for correctness and completeness. There are ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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Can we tag questions about λ-calculus better?

There are some groups of question on the site which are not tagged well, especially outside of "core" TCS (which we have covered pretty well, I think). One of these are questions about lambda-...
Raphael's user avatar
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What is a reference question?

What is a reference-question? These are my concerns to tag one question as a reference: Question is about fundamental problem, e.g How does computer program works? Question contains information that ...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why are there tags for programming languages?

One of the defining factors about this SE is that it's NOT about programming. I recently edited a question which, I was surprised to see, the user had tagged as "C++", and had asked for an ...
Joey Eremondi's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Should we merge check-my-proof and check-my-algorithm?

Should we merge check-my-proof and check-my-algorithm into a new tag check-my-answer?
Ran G.'s user avatar
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-3 votes
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Can/should we have a tag for questions where OP suspects fallacy in question?

One of the things I like about the Computer Science site over StackOverflow in general is that if you mention you are not sure of what you are asking people here people will tend to help you ...
Guy Coder's user avatar
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Merging the tags complexity and complexity-theory

There are lots of questions tagged complexity-theory and only two tagged complexity. Presumably we should merge the latter into the former.
Yuval Filmus's user avatar