Here is the wip that is now a finish that I was trying to show on my last post.It is called I used a sparkly linen instead of the cream that was called for. I also changed the color of the words at the top instead from wood smoke GAST to burnt orange,because the wood smoke didn't look good on the white. My last change involved the flip flop buttons- I used a Hawaiian print pair, the pattern called for a pink and purple striped pair. This was a quick stitch and very enjoyable. Sorry that the picture is a tad crooked.
The computer woes have continued, but today I got my laptop and am slowly learning how to use the various features. In fact, this is my first post from it(yay!). We have all been in serious computer withdrawal here and hopefully I will hear something about my desktop tomorrow. I had a major falling out with the last computer repair people who were jerking me around. Anyway, I am off to catch up on some blog reading. Happy stitching.

is flip flops. Can't live without them. My all time favorite flip flops are by Teva. This little pattern by Simple Stitches says so many flip flops, so little summer. I hope to finish it this week. As, you can see my computer is straightened out again. Thanks to that new teenager in my home downloading music and downloading me a nasty little virus. So, he is currently banned from downloading and I am contemplating purchasing me a laptop for my exclusive use! Of, course that will have to wait a little bit-probably when I get my taxes back.
I am already for the Christmas SAL this week-got my pattern picked out with the fabric ready to go. So, I am looking forward to that. I am waiting on some threads from Vikki C. to complete an exchange. Other than that-many more stitching thoughts flying through my head. Hope you all are having a good week.
Edited to add: I don't know what has happened to my picture. Will try to get it back up asap and Dude! I am getting a DELL! (big happy dance here!)
I seem to be having a problem with blogger and my home computer. I can't access the dashboard to post and I can't leave any comments on blogger blogs. I also can't access google reader. It keeps saying the page is unavailable. Hopefully this will resolve itself. So, if you don't see me posting or leaving comments it's not because I don't want too. I was able to log onto blogger with my Mom's computer hence this message and this makes me think that it is my home computer. On a lighter note, I was wowed by all the comments I received on my last post and Brandon loved all birthday wishes. We truly appreciated each and everyone of those comments-thanks.Must run. Happy stitching.
Here is a progress picture on a new beginning. I really wish I could stitch faster as I really like this piece. Those motifs however are a little more intensive than I thought. When I last posted a picture I had completed the middle motif and was working on the letter B. I have bumped SS mermaid and I have decided to stitch on this one on Tuesday's as I find this more relaxing. Forgive the wrinkles please.
Thanks for the comments on my Lizzie Kate finish. I am going to frame those and put into my kitchen-they will go perfectly.
Now, this next picture is of my oldest child Brandon. He turned thirteen yesterday and as you can see I have been torturing the children with taking picture of them and their cakes. It's hard to believe he is now a teen. Yes, he has noticed girls can I say?(Oh my God!), he is taller than me and of course thinks he knows everything. I have no MasterCard commercial for him-there is not enough credit on MasterCard to get him what he wants-which is everything-LOL
Here is one of Lizzie Kate's three patterns from coffee crazy called love my coffee. These are small and very quick to stitch. I hope to complete all three at some point this year. I tell you this instant gratification from doing these smaller stitching pieces can be quite addictive. In other stitching news, I am working on my biscornu exchange and I hope to get back to a new beginning. I am still thinking about a rotation.(I know what you are thinking-is she still going on about that?-LOL) I hope to post a progress picture on a new beginning towards the end of the week. Thanks for all the comments-as always they are so very much appreciated. Happy stitching.