Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Thursday, 9 December 2010
White Glitter and Christmas Markets

I met my friend Karen today (Missy K) and we went for lunch in Wincester and had a good old natter and put the world to rights. Its also the time of year when the Christmas Market is held at Winchester Cathedral and they also have an ice rink. We will be enjoying the delights of the Ice Rink on Monday evening - gulp!
Check out Erika's fab blog candy she's offering - you'll find it here
Monday, 6 December 2010

Saturday, 4 December 2010
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
...and another
Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year but this year it is more poignant as its my first year without my mum who died in May. Its also the first year my daughter Emma has been away from home as she is at Uni - so only one chocolate for me to put in the Advent Calender this year - and I've had my orders that I can't put the Christmas tree up until she comes home to help. A year of changes in our household.
I've been inspired by Kristina Werner to make some Christmas cards - you'll find her here I've not been crafting and have got rid of a lot of my craft stuff but I just couldn't bear to part with the Christmas stamps and papers and Kristina helped me find my mojo - I love having her on in the background - it makes crafting less lonely. She does a countdown of cards for Christmas and I've followed her 2009 and 2010 one this year and made similar cards - I'll try and show a few per day. I've also used my own handwriting on the blue card - inspired by Kristina - I don't think it turned out too bad.

The Robin card can be entered into the Saturday Surprise challenge - their theme is home for the holidays and the Take a Word challenge - their word is Home.
Saturday, 9 October 2010

And these are some pictures of our new cat Oscar settling in very well - Tegan is definitely devoted to him.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Monday, 20 September 2010

Its a busy week ahead in our household as my daughter goes off to Uni next Saturday - all the way up to Aberystwyth which is a 5 hour drive from us here in Hampshire. She's going up to study Equine Studies and this weekend we drove her horse Figaro up as he's going to be studying with her! At least if she gets homesick she can go and give him a big hug. I must admit I'm not looking forward to the goodbyes - I cry at the slightest thing and I know I'll be wreck.
I have a new cat coming to live with us tomorrow - his name is Oscar and he's a three year old black and white - I've missed my old Felix who died in May and although I have two other cats they are very aloof so I'm hoping Oscar will be more of a people cat - he's come from Cat Protection and I hope he settles in ok with all my brood. He will give me something to focus on with Emma going!
Its my Silver Wedding Anniversary tomorrow - we've been celebrating since August with one thing another but tomorrow is the actual date. Don't 25 years go so quick!
Monday, 13 September 2010

Wednesday, 8 September 2010
I've also started up inchy challenge blog again with a brand new set of challenges each week which is going to be WORDS. This week's word is Touch - here's my inchy - the image was part of a Moo I was sent by Pauline and I loved the way she'd presented it so I adapted it somewhat to become an inchy and added a few more bits and pieces. If you'd like to join in with our challenges you'll find us here
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Apple picking time
As well as loads of information about apples it also gives recipes and this is their Dorset Apple Cake - scrummy! As requested - here's the recipe - and it is yummy - even hubby says so and he doesn't like cake!
Friday, 20 August 2010
Greece and other things....
I managed to get a bit of time to do some crafting and was inspired by a piece Francesca sent me when she joined in with my inchy challenge blog swap. I had a look at some challenge sites and noticed that Wednesday Stamper are asking for a stitched piece and this one fits the bill. I've used various stamps, Cherry Pie - Tim Holtz - can't remember where I got the flourish one from.

TMTA are also asking us to use script this week - my background script is a Tim Holtz stamp.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010

I will be starting a new challenge in September - something a little bit different.
I've also got something else in the pipeline which is in its early stages at the moment -

What do you think of my posie or tussie-mussie?