Books by Ellips Masehian
The book contains over 200 manufacturing processes and technologies, and with more than 400 illus... more The book contains over 200 manufacturing processes and technologies, and with more than 400 illustrations and tables covers a wide range of manufacturing methods, including:
- Introduction to Concurrent Engineering and Product Design
- Materials and their properties
- Heat Treatment
- Machining processes
- Casting
- Forging
- Rolling
- Sheet metal working
- Extrusion
- Drawing
- Joining
- Surface finishing
- Powder metallurgy
- Non-traditional machining
- Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
- Laser and applications
- Plasma and applications
- Rapid Prototyping
- Semiconductors and IC manufacturing
- Nanotechnology
Papers by Ellips Masehian
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016
2007 Ieee Rsj International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2007

نشریه بین المللی مهندسی صنایع و مدیریت تولید, Aug 1, 2011
Being one of the major research fields in the robotics discipline, the robot motion planning prob... more Being one of the major research fields in the robotics discipline, the robot motion planning problem deals with finding an obstacle-free start-to-goal path for a robot navigating among workspace obstacles. Such a problem is also encountered in path planning of intelligent vehicles and Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs). Traditional (exact) algorithms have failed to solve the problem effectively since it is proven that the complexity of the problem is NP-hard. Consequently, several heuristic algorithms have been developed for solving the problem, among which the Genetic Algorithms (GA) evolutionary approach has been increasingly utilized. In this paper, a new GAbased method has been developed to improve the drawbacks of current GA methods regarding fixed chromosome string size and limitations in the crossover and mutation operators. In this method, first the workspace is tessellated via the Delaunay triangulation, and a set of paths are created using the powerful Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT) and smoothed. As a result, a population of variable-length chromosomes is obtained, which is a novelty in the field. Next, these solutions are improved further by using new selection, crossover and mutation operators, in which the triangulation plays a pivotal role. Extensive Simulations of the algorithm showed that the obtained path lengths are averagely 25% shorter than those found by the pure RRT method.
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Production Management, Aug 1, 2011
šŚŝƹŹƾŝŚƿź|ƀƯ šŚŝƹŹƾŝŚƿź|ƀƯ ƥźŰŤƯ ƥźŰŤƯ ŻřƵŵŚƠŤſřŚŝ ŻřƵŵŚƠŤſřŚŝ źŝƾƴŤŞƯŶƿŶūƾƃƹŹ źŝƾƴŤŞƯŶƿŶūƾƃƹŹ Ʈ... more šŚŝƹŹƾŝŚƿź|ƀƯ šŚŝƹŹƾŝŚƿź|ƀƯ ƥźŰŤƯ ƥźŰŤƯ ŻřƵŵŚƠŤſřŚŝ ŻřƵŵŚƠŤſřŚŝ źŝƾƴŤŞƯŶƿŶūƾƃƹŹ źŝƾƴŤŞƯŶƿŶūƾƃƹŹ ƮŤƿŹƺĮƫř ƮŤƿŹƺĮƫř ƵŹŚººưƃ ƵŹŚººưƃ ç ç ŶººƬū ŶººƬū çç çç ƱŚººŤƀŝŚţ ƱŚººŤƀŝŚţ aeèîå aeèîå ƶºººŰƠƇ ƶºººŰƠƇ aeåå aeåå aeae aeaeae ae h ht tt tp p: :/ // /I IJ JI IE EP PM M. .i iu us st t. .a ac c. .i ir r/ /
Proceedings Ieee International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2003
This paper deals with the online path planning of mobile robots. We first suggest a systematic me... more This paper deals with the online path planning of mobile robots. We first suggest a systematic method to incrementally construct the Medial Axis of the workspace. This is done by using sensor information for land-marking the nodes of medial axis, which will guide the robot to explore the unknown environment thoroughly. Next, this approach is implemented in an online motion planning algorithm. This method can be generalized to higher spaces, and uses only the line of sight information of sonar sensors. It is much simpler than HGVG method, and is complete. The simulations showed good results for different environments.
2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2010
In this paper, the multi robot motion planning problem is solved through a decoupled approach, wh... more In this paper, the multi robot motion planning problem is solved through a decoupled approach, where a new algorithm for prioritizing the robots moves is developed. Assuming that the workspace is mapped into a tree graph and the initial and final configurations of robots are known, the robots' shortest startto-goal paths on the tree are calculated independently. Then, a new rule-based prioritization scheme is applied in two phases: (a) Path Prioritization, which determines which robot can directly move along its shortest path and which robot should deviate from it, and (b) Motion Prioritization, which decides the order of robots' sequential moves. Furthermore, an algorithm is presented for minimizing the number of moves by adding extra vertices to the tree.

2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2009
Multi robot motion planning problems can be solved very efficiently when the Configuration Space ... more Multi robot motion planning problems can be solved very efficiently when the Configuration Space is mapped onto a Graph. Before planning, however, it must be assured that the constructed graph is reachable (solvable) for the given number and configuration of robots. Solvable Trees are types of trees that let any arrangement of a specified number of robots be reached from any initial arrangement through sequential moves of robots on vertices of the tree. In this paper the properties of Solvable Trees are investigated, and Minimal Solvable Trees, which are the smallest solvable trees in terms of the number of vertices, are introduced as a new concept. Also, a new algorithm with linear time complexity is proposed for deciding whether a multi robot motion planning problem has a solution on a tree, without explicitly solving it.
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Production Management, Dec 1, 2009
A r c h i v e o f S I D A An na al ly ys si is s o of f C Co on nc cu ur rr re en nt t P Pa at tt... more A r c h i v e o f S I D A An na al ly ys si is s o of f C Co on nc cu ur rr re en nt t P Pa at tt te er rn ns s i in n S St ta at ti is st ti ic ca al l P Pr ro oc ce es ss s C Co on nt tr ro ol l ((S SP PC C)) C Ch ha ar rt ts s u us si in ng g N Ne eu ur ra al l N Ne et tw wo or rk ks s
Among numerous NP-hard problems, the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) has been one of the most ex... more Among numerous NP-hard problems, the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) has been one of the most explored, yet unknown one. Even a minor modification changes the problem's status, calling for a different solution. The Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem (GTSP) expands the TSP to a much more complicated form, replacing single nodes with a group or cluster of nodes, where the objective is to find a minimum-length tour containing exactly one node from each cluster. In this paper, a new heuristic method is presented for solving singlevehicle single-depot GTSP with the ability of controlling the search strategy from conservative to greedy and vice versa. A variant algorithm is then developed to accommodate the multi-vehicle single-depot condition, which is modified afterwards to accommodate the multi-vehicle multi-depot GTSP.
In this paper, a new online robot motion planner is developed for systematically exploring unknow... more In this paper, a new online robot motion planner is developed for systematically exploring unknown environments by intelligent mobile robots in real-time applications. The algorithm takes advantage of sensory data to find an obstacle-free start-to-goal path. It does so by online calculation of the Generalized Voronoi Graph (GVG) of the free space, and utilizing a combination of depth-first and breadth-first searches on the GVG. The planner is equipped with components such as step generation and correction, backtracking, and loop handling. It is fast, simple, complete, and extendable to higher spaces.
Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2015
Books by Ellips Masehian
- Introduction to Concurrent Engineering and Product Design
- Materials and their properties
- Heat Treatment
- Machining processes
- Casting
- Forging
- Rolling
- Sheet metal working
- Extrusion
- Drawing
- Joining
- Surface finishing
- Powder metallurgy
- Non-traditional machining
- Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
- Laser and applications
- Plasma and applications
- Rapid Prototyping
- Semiconductors and IC manufacturing
- Nanotechnology
Papers by Ellips Masehian
- Introduction to Concurrent Engineering and Product Design
- Materials and their properties
- Heat Treatment
- Machining processes
- Casting
- Forging
- Rolling
- Sheet metal working
- Extrusion
- Drawing
- Joining
- Surface finishing
- Powder metallurgy
- Non-traditional machining
- Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
- Laser and applications
- Plasma and applications
- Rapid Prototyping
- Semiconductors and IC manufacturing
- Nanotechnology