Videos by Yuri A . Vershinin
An automotive telemetry system has been designed to monitor parameters of a car and driver perfor... more An automotive telemetry system has been designed to monitor parameters of a car and driver performance.
The telemetry allows one to monitor car position on a road using GPS via satellites.
An Inertial Navigation System (INS) based on an accelerometer and solid-state gyroscope is used to improve the performance of car navigation.
The telemetry allows monitoring medical conditions of a driver (heart-bit rate, body temperature and blood pressure) in the real-time via the mobilephone network.
All information is transmitted in two ways:
- using a 2.4 GHz transmitter; the principle of the operation is the Spread-Spectrum modulation, Frequency-Hopping method. This method allows one to achieve higher security of data transmission and to avoid data collision if several transmitters are used simultaneously;
- using GPRS to monitor the data via the Internet anywhere in the world.
The information is stored on a web-server and monitored on a web-page. 20 views
Papers by Yuri A . Vershinin

following on from his industrial career. His industrial work experience included digital and anal... more following on from his industrial career. His industrial work experience included digital and analog systems design, design and implementation of electronic systems for automation and control, and microprocessor control systems. His recent research has been carried out in the area of adaptive control systems, identification, decentralized control, Kalman filtering and optimal control. He has worked in machine vision, image processing and computer graphics. Yuri Vershinin has developed new teaching modules which were unique in the time of their creation, i.e. Intelligent Transport Systems (2006), and Telematics (2009). He was the module leader and developed and taught the following modules for undergraduate and postgraduate courses from 2001: Fight Dynamics and Control, Avionics, Instrumentation, Signals and Systems (Telecommunications), Advanced Vehicle Systems, Measurement and Analysis for Development, Electronics and Electro-Mechanical Technology, Powertrain Electronics, and Control Engineering. Following to the teaching curricular, he taught microprocessors (M68HC11 and PIC18 series), C/C++ programming language, Matlab/Simulink, and Labview software. During his work in Aerospace and Electronics Department he has developed practical laboratory-based courseworks based on the GPS, INS-Inertial Navigation System (which includes a solidstate gyroscope and 3-axis accelerometer), and the MIL-STD-1553 avionics data-bus for Avionics and Aerospace Engineering courses. Later, working in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Department, he has designed practical courseworks for the relevant courses, i.e. Microprocessors for Automotive Applications, Controller Area Network (CAN-bus), Design of Automotive Telemetry System, and Design of Autonomous Vehicle. Students tested the designed telemetry system in the real conditions on a car Peogeout-206 on the Bruntingthorpe Proving Ground (UK).

following on from his industrial career. His industrial work experience included digital and anal... more following on from his industrial career. His industrial work experience included digital and analog systems design, design and implementation of electronic systems for automation and control, and microprocessor control systems. His recent research has been carried out in the area of adaptive control systems, identification, decentralized control, Kalman filtering and optimal control. He has worked in machine vision, image processing and computer graphics. Yuri Vershinin has developed new teaching modules which were unique in the time of their creation, i.e. Intelligent Transport Systems (2006), and Telematics (2009). He was the module leader and developed and taught the following modules for undergraduate and postgraduate courses from 2001: Fight Dynamics and Control, Avionics, Instrumentation, Signals and Systems (Telecommunications), Advanced Vehicle Systems, Measurement and Analysis for Development, Electronics and Electro-Mechanical Technology, Powertrain Electronics, and Control Engineering. Following to the teaching curricular, he taught microprocessors (M68HC11 and PIC18 series), C/C++ programming language, Matlab/Simulink, and Labview software. During his work in Aerospace and Electronics Department he has developed practical laboratory-based courseworks based on the GPS, INS-Inertial Navigation System (which includes a solidstate gyroscope and 3-axis accelerometer), and the MIL-STD-1553 avionics data-bus for Avionics and Aerospace Engineering courses. Later, working in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Department, he has designed practical courseworks for the relevant courses, i.e. Microprocessors for Automotive Applications, Controller Area Network (CAN-bus), Design of Automotive Telemetry System, and Design of Autonomous Vehicle. Students tested the designed telemetry system in the real conditions on a car Peogeout-206 on the Bruntingthorpe Proving Ground (UK).
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control ISIC-03, 2003
The paper deals with the synthesis of a multivariable control system with both coupled and decoup... more The paper deals with the synthesis of a multivariable control system with both coupled and decoupled output variables. The method proposed in this paper is based on the combination of state feedback and transfer matrices approaches. The method guarantees asymptotic stability of the system and desired performances for independent and interconnected channels.

Data fusion techniques are used in many tracking and surveillance systems as well as in applicati... more Data fusion techniques are used in many tracking and surveillance systems as well as in applications where reliability is of a main concern. One solution for design of such systems is to employ a number of sensors (maybe of different types) and to fuse the information obtained from all these sensors on a central processor. Past attempts to solve this problem required an organization of a feedback from the central processor to local processor units (each of which includes a sensor and a local processor). Local estimations are then generated from the global estimation obtained from the previous step [1]. However, this causes computational bottleneck problems when data is transmitted. This problem was solved later in [2] for both cases: decentralised estimation and decentralized LQG control. The algorithms based on parallelization of the Kalman filter equations, as proposed in [3], extend the previous results allowing one to obtain the global estimation using only local estimates witho...

2015 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Automation and Control Systems (MEACS), 2015
The article deals with the problem of traffic control at a large railroad station. We offer the a... more The article deals with the problem of traffic control at a large railroad station. We offer the approach and solutions to automate several tasks of operational control at the station. Methods: We studied the problem of planning the shunting work, the design of daily process schedule of station, selection and assembling the routes. Results: The algorithmic solution for design of daily process schedule of the station was developed. Through this, the design process is user friendly and easy, as well as a decision on the handling of trains in complex situations and exceptions is flexible and efficient. Practical implications: Algorithmic solution and results of research were implemented in software for train dispatcher's workstation. This software makes the control work simple, reduces the human errors and improves the safety of control.
2015 Fifth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, 2015
Due to increasing popularity of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), research in this area has consta... more Due to increasing popularity of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), research in this area has constantly strived to improve performance of these networks. In this paper Dual Polarized Directional Antenna based Medium Access Control (DPDA-MAC) protocol is presented to enhance the throughput of MANETs. Nodes operating in accordance with DPDA-MAC are capable of simultaneously using orthogonal (vertical and horizontal) polarisations of directional antenna for communication. DPDA-MAC is designed to support directional medium access over orthogonal polarisations (vertical and horizontal). Through extensive simulations it is proved that DPDA-MAC mitigates interference, exposed node problem and deafness, thus enhancing throughput of MANETs.

2015 Fifth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, 2015
Routing is an essential part of data exchange in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). A protocol that... more Routing is an essential part of data exchange in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). A protocol that can discover multiple routes from source to destination can support reliable routing of information in MANETs. However, a reliable routing protocol alone cannot enhance performance of MANETs. Nodes in MANETs also experience the problems of interference, exposed nodes and deafness. Hence a solution that can overcome these problems while offering reliable routing of information is essential. In this paper, Dual Polarized Directional Antenna based Multipath Routing Protocol (DPDA-MRP) is presented. With DPDA-MRP, the nodes participating in multihop communication are capable of carrying out dual polarised directional communication, which helps in mitigation of interference, exposed nodes, directional exposed nodes and deafness. The performance of the proposed DPDA-MRP protocol is compared with that of Single Polarised Directional Antenna based Multipath Routing Protocol(SPDA-MRP) and omnidirectional communication based Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol. Simulation results show that DPDA-MRP achieves highest throughput among the three multipath routing protocols.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control ISIC-03, 2003
Synthesis of linear distributed systems with centralized and decentralized control is considered ... more Synthesis of linear distributed systems with centralized and decentralized control is considered in this paper. The conditions of asymptotic stability of open-loop and closed-loop control systems are obtained. It is shown in this paper that decentralized control provides asymptotic stability of a closed-loop distributed system if the strength of interactions between local subsystems is constrained. Numerical examples of decentralized control systems synthesis according to the admissible strength of interactions between channels are provided.
2011 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2011
This paper presents an energy storage and powertrain systems for a proposed electric vehicle. The... more This paper presents an energy storage and powertrain systems for a proposed electric vehicle. The present study covers a review of different technologies which can be employed for the energy storage and traction systems, based on weighting criteria, which allow one to select the required configurations of these systems. The energy and power requirements to drive the vehicle through a range of 120km were estimated at the theoretical level. Also, this paper presents the control architecture and battery management for the proposed Electric Vehicle EcoRider.
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Technology, 2018
This paper covers analytical relationships between phase noise, lock time and jitter variance. An... more This paper covers analytical relationships between phase noise, lock time and jitter variance. An expression is derived for Lock time in terms phase margin. Analytical expressions have been derived in this paper for the variation of Lock time with respect to Phase Margin and lock time with respect to its damping coefficient. Analytical expressions are derived for the jitter variance with respect to the phase margin of a second-order PLL. .....

With the s tatics of a we alth of mode l s ys te ms in s tatis tical and conde ns e d-matte r s y... more With the s tatics of a we alth of mode l s ys te ms in s tatis tical and conde ns e d-matte r s ys te ms be ing re lative ly we ll unde rs tood, an incre as e d e ffort in re s e arch in the s e fie lds is channe lle d towards the unde rs tanding of dynamical phe nome na. This age nda is e ve n more pre s s ing as dynamic e ffe cts are of crucial importance for many e xpe rime ntally obs e rve d and te chnologically important phe nome na. Funding scheme: MC-IRSES -Inte rnational re s e arch s taff e xchange s che me (IRSES) Pe riodic Re port Summary 1 -DIONICOS (Dynamics of and in Comple x Sys te ms ) P a ge 1 o f 4 Research and Innovation EU co nt ribut io n: EUR 235 800 EU co nt ribut io n: EUR 45 600 EU co nt ribut io n: EUR 72 700 EU co nt ribut io n: EUR 33 600 Co o rdinato r PRIORY STREET CV1 5FB COVENTRY Unite d Kingdom Act ivit y t ype: Highe r or Se condary Education Es tablis hme nts Administ rat ive co nt act : Martin We ige l Te l.: +44 2477658862 E-mail Participants RUE MICHEL ANGE 3 75794 PARIS France Act ivit y t ype: Re s e arch Organis ations Administ rat ive co nt act : Vé ronique De bis s chop Te Ritte rs tras s e 04109 Le ipz ig Ge rmany Act ivit y t ype: Highe r or Se condary Education Es tablis hme nts Administ rat ive co nt act : Ge rhard Fuchs Te l.: +49 341 97 35 012 Fax: +49 341 97 35 009 E-mail UNIVERSITATSSTRASSE 31 93053 REGENSBURG Ge rmany Act ivit y t ype: Highe r or Se condary Education Es tablis hme nts Administ rat ive co nt act : Johanna Kronbe rge r Te
The tracking problem for induction motor drives is considered in the paper. The main attention is... more The tracking problem for induction motor drives is considered in the paper. The main attention is devoted to the problem of unknown load torque compensation not belonging to the control space. The model of induction motor is considered in the fixed reference frame concerned with the stator. A modification of vector control principle is designed on the base of new relay control law, which is used for generation of damping oscillating modes with unlimited growth in oscillation frequency. The theoretically infinite coefficient of relay linearization enabling asymptotic invariance of the output to a wide class of external perturbations. The simulation results show the efficiency of proposed approach.
Three-Dimension Digital Surface Reconstruction Scanner (Part-2: Appendix - software designed and ... more Three-Dimension Digital Surface Reconstruction Scanner (Part-2: Appendix - software designed and practical results).
(Part 2 of 2).
Three-Dimension Digital Surface Reconstruction Scanner (Part-1: Introduction, Theory and Equipmen... more Three-Dimension Digital Surface Reconstruction Scanner (Part-1: Introduction, Theory and Equipment used).
(Part 1 of 2).
2015 Fifth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, 2015
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2013
17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2014
Videos by Yuri A . Vershinin
The telemetry allows one to monitor car position on a road using GPS via satellites.
An Inertial Navigation System (INS) based on an accelerometer and solid-state gyroscope is used to improve the performance of car navigation.
The telemetry allows monitoring medical conditions of a driver (heart-bit rate, body temperature and blood pressure) in the real-time via the mobilephone network.
All information is transmitted in two ways:
- using a 2.4 GHz transmitter; the principle of the operation is the Spread-Spectrum modulation, Frequency-Hopping method. This method allows one to achieve higher security of data transmission and to avoid data collision if several transmitters are used simultaneously;
- using GPRS to monitor the data via the Internet anywhere in the world.
The information is stored on a web-server and monitored on a web-page.
Papers by Yuri A . Vershinin
(Part 2 of 2).
(Part 1 of 2).
The telemetry allows one to monitor car position on a road using GPS via satellites.
An Inertial Navigation System (INS) based on an accelerometer and solid-state gyroscope is used to improve the performance of car navigation.
The telemetry allows monitoring medical conditions of a driver (heart-bit rate, body temperature and blood pressure) in the real-time via the mobilephone network.
All information is transmitted in two ways:
- using a 2.4 GHz transmitter; the principle of the operation is the Spread-Spectrum modulation, Frequency-Hopping method. This method allows one to achieve higher security of data transmission and to avoid data collision if several transmitters are used simultaneously;
- using GPRS to monitor the data via the Internet anywhere in the world.
The information is stored on a web-server and monitored on a web-page.
(Part 2 of 2).
(Part 1 of 2).
IEEE Students: Show the world your computer coding skills in IEEEXtreme 16.0! The competition takes place on 22 October at 00:00 UTC. The deadline to register your team is 20 October at 23:59 UTC. Teams of up to 3 IEEE Students can compete for bragging rights, certificates, and prizes. #ieeextreme
Which papers are required for the book: practical papers which include technical results, software design, mathematical algorithms design, embedded electronic systems design, AI methods, telecommunication methods, signal and image processing, IoT, Cloud-and Edge-computing, Big-data analysis, GUI and database design. Other topics which are directly related to smart cities are: smart grid, smart meters, intelligent transport systems, autonomous vehicles, advanced control systems, smart transport, mobility planning, cybersecurity, blockchain, alternative energy, smart parking, electric and hybrid vehicles, multi-modal mobility, mobility as a service, green cities, and relevant areas.
Dr. Yuri A. Vershinin,
Assistant Professor,
Coventry University, UK
Email: [email protected]
Ph.D., M.Sc. (Distinction), CEng, PGCert HE, MSAE, SM IAENG, MIET, FBCS, MIMA, SFHEA, SM IEEE
Some technologies are already available, such for example, as smart meters for electricity and gas in buildings. But there are possibilities to incorporate existing devices into wider networks with other smart devices that currently operate independently. This in turn will considerably improve the reduction of the energy consumption in buildings, reduction of emission pollutions in cities and improvement of the well-being of people. The other objective of this book is to introduce readers to new technologies which are not yet implemented in areas related to the efficient functioning of cities. For example, areas related to Intelligent Transport Systems are mostly developed for the optimization of the traffic flow, reduction of accidents on roads, improvement of the safety of drivers and related to road transportation problems. The rapid advances in Blockchain technologies are also covered.