Papers by Gideon Olukunle

Steel is at the hea1-t of economic and sustainable development of any nation. It is one of the ma... more Steel is at the hea1-t of economic and sustainable development of any nation. It is one of the matedals most widely used by all secton of the economy, fmm 1·esom-ceefficient building stmctm·es to ene1·gy-saving tmnspm·t and infmstmctuml systems to envh-onmentally-fdendly industdal development anchm·ed on clean 1·enewable ene1·gy and 1·ecyclable pmducts. Considedng that the most advanced economies of the wodd pmduce and consume la1·ge quantities of steel and ti·ying to assess the challenges confmnting Nigedan industdal development, the state of Nigedan steel development is evaluated in this 1·esea1-ch. This pape1· 1·esea1-ches into the state of steel pmduction and consumption in Nigeda. Data collected on Nigedan steel industdes and the best pmctices in the inte1·national scenes a1·e statistically analyzed. The 1·esults obtained cleady shows that the mot of poo1· pel"fo1·mance of Nigerian economy is due to the poo1· perfo1·mance of Nigedan steel industi·y. The pape1· pmposes way ...

For a country like Nigeria and indeed the third world countries at large, to be able to achieve a... more For a country like Nigeria and indeed the third world countries at large, to be able to achieve a sustainable infrastructural development particularly in the area of housing in the nearest future, low cost building materials especially those readily available within each geo political areas must be exploited and used to make housing affordable for all and sundry. The inflationary trend in the Nigeria economy escalated the cost of building materials to the extent that many of the conventional building materials are no longer affordable for the construction of low cost housing. This research presents the study of the suitability of periwinkle shells as fine and coarse aggregate in construction works. Experimental and statistical approach was adopted in this project. Physical and mechanical properties of periwinkle shells and crushed granite were determined and compared. A total of sixty (60) concrete cubes of size 150 x 150 x 150 mm with different percentages by weight of crushed gran...

Concrete is basically a mixture of two components: aggregates and paste. The paste, comprised of ... more Concrete is basically a mixture of two components: aggregates and paste. The paste, comprised of Portland cement and water, binds the aggregates (usually sand and gravel or crushed stone) into a rocklike mass as the paste hardens because of the chemical reaction of the cement and water. In our society today some of the cement brands that are being sold are not up to standard and this may be traced to negligence on the part of the manufacturers by paying very little attention to the quality and also the regulatory body does not put strict measures to enforce the required standard. This problem has led to the production of poor quality concrete that increases the risk of collapse of building structures. This research determined the cement brands that have the highest compressive strength to enhance the quality and durability of the structures being built in the country. Different brands of Portland cement were used to produce concrete varying with1:2:4 and 1:3:6 mix ratio respectively...

The bearing of lasting built structures in driving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) canno... more The bearing of lasting built structures in driving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) cannot be overemphasized. The SDGs agenda is a plan of action for eradicating poverty among the people of the world, strengthening universal peace and laying the foundation for sustainable development and prosperity for all. The quality of built structures in an environment defines the level of advancement attained by the society, for which the quality of structures that will lay the base for sustainable development must be reliable. No meaningful development can be achieved without reliable built structures. In fact, all the 17 SDGs need consistent built structures to be achieved. This paper researches on the reliability of built structures as a base for sustainable development with particular emphasis on Nigerian building structures. Statistical method is used to analyze data on failed building structures. Results obtained point to the fact that the failure rate and the casualty rate of Nig...

Today, the corporate growth and development requires planning and taking the right decisions at t... more Today, the corporate growth and development requires planning and taking the right decisions at the right time.In order to be excellent and be above in service delivery and gaining of competitive advantage over other competitors, available information has to be well analysed. Engaging the cutting edge and the driving force of Information Technology to overcome barriers around business growth and development through adequate data collection, storage and analysis is therefore vital for business success. In addition, the need to engage in sustainable businesses cannot be overemphasized because of their intimate connection to healthy economic, social and environmental systems. These businesses create economic value and contribute to healthy and vibrant ecosystems in addition to building stronger communities. GIS: (Geographic Information System)is an “organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data and personnel designed toefficiently capture, store, update, manipula...

Effect of spent calcium carbide (SCC) on index and strength properties of lateritic soil at diffe... more Effect of spent calcium carbide (SCC) on index and strength properties of lateritic soil at differ- ent compactive efforts was assessed in this study as potential means of improving the geotechnical properties of the subsoil as well as disposing of SCC as waste. SCC was admixed with the soil using 0 to 10 % by dry weight of soil at an incremental rate of 2%. The following tests were carried out on the samples: specific gravity, Atterberg limit, particle size distribution, compaction, and California bearing ratio (CBR). Compaction and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests were carried out using British Standard light (BSL), West African Standard (WAS), and British Standard heavy (BSH) on both the natural and stabilized soil samples. From the investigation, atterberg limits show a reduction in the plasticity index with increasing content of SCC. The maximum dry density of the soil decreased with increasing SCC content and increased with an increase in compactive energies (BSL<WAS<...
Data in Brief, Dec 1, 2018

Quick identification of damages in structures is of great importance to engineers. Among the vari... more Quick identification of damages in structures is of great importance to engineers. Among the various techniques available for the evaluation of reinforced concrete structural integrity, non-destructive tests method remain a viable one as its use can lead to speedy decisions that bring savings on repairs or replacement of damaged reinforced concrete structures. This research uses modal parameter-based non-destructive tests to assess damages in reinforced concrete beams under static load. Four-point static loadings were applied to the 3 RC beams to induce three damage scenarios. After each static loading, a dynamic test was performed to access the degree of stiffness degradation. Modal frequencies and mode shapes obtained depicts clearly the stiffness degradations of the beams as the severity of damages on the beams became more pronounced. Results obtained showed that the research procedure adopted is a smart approach for damage assessment in reinforced concrete elements.

Concrete is basically a mixture of two components: aggregates and paste. The paste, comprised of ... more Concrete is basically a mixture of two components: aggregates and paste. The paste, comprised of Portland cement and water, binds the aggregates (usually sand and gravel or crushed stone) into a rocklike mass as the paste hardens because of the chemical reaction of the cement and water. In our society today some of the cement brands that are being sold are not up to standard and this may be traced to negligence on the part of the manufacturers by paying very little attention to the quality and also the regulatory body does not put strict measures to enforce the required standard. This problem has led to the production of poor quality concrete that increases the risk of collapse of building structures. This research determined the cement brands that have the highest compressive strength to enhance the quality and durability of the structures being built in the country. Different brands of Portland cement were used to produce concrete varying with1:2:4 and 1:3:6 mix ratio respectively with a curing date of 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days respectively. No additive was used in any of the mix. The tests carried out include slump test at its fresh state while compressive strength was carried out for the hardened concrete, also the vicat test was carried out on the cement brands to determine the setting time. Compressive strength at 28 days showed that Dangote 3X cement produced 25.27N/mm 2 , Ibeto cement 38.89 N/mm 2 , Purechem cement 24.58 N/mm 2 , Unichem cement 21.16 N/mm 2 and Elephant cement 27.9 N/mm 2 for 1:2:4 mix ratio respectively. For 1:3:6 mix ratio at 28 days Dangote cement produced 18.89 N/mm 2 , Ibeto cement 22.07 N/mm 2 , Purechem cement 11.63 N/mm 2 ,Unichem cement 15.86 N/mm 2 and Elephant cement 16.71 N/mm 2 respectively. The study concluded that Ibeto cement has the highest strength at 28 days for 1:2:4 and 1:3:6 mix ratios respectively.

The process of designing a building structure starts with the selection of materials based on the... more The process of designing a building structure starts with the selection of materials based on their properties and the type of stresses to be supported. For the design of reinforced concrete structure, which is one of the most built structures around the world, the choice will fall on concrete and steel reinforcing bars. The quality of concrete and steel reinforcement bars chosen must have adequate strength to guarantee a ductile behavior expected of reinforced concrete structure, so that the structure will be safe and functional to fulfil the purpose for which it is built. But this is not often the case in Nigeria, where the collapse of reinforced concrete structures have been very frequent. Possible causes of the failures are many including the quality of steel and concrete adopted. This research studies the strength of steel reinforcing bars used in 10 Local Government Areas of Lagos State, Nigeria. Samples of 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm and 25mm diameter bars were collected from building sites and tested in the State Laboratory. Results obtained show that an average of 70% of the 1325 samples considered met the BS8110 code specifications.
Conference Presentations by Gideon Olukunle

— The bearing of lasting built structures in driving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can... more — The bearing of lasting built structures in driving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) cannot be overemphasized. The SDGs agenda is a plan of action for eradicating poverty among the people of the world, strengthening universal peace and laying the foundation for sustainable development and prosperity for all. The quality of built structures in an environment defines the level of advancement attained by the society, for which the quality of structures that will lay the base for sustainable development must be reliable. No meaningful development can be achieved without reliable built structures. In fact, all the 17 SDGs need consistent built structures to be achieved. This paper researches on the reliability of built structures as a base for sustainable development with particular emphasis on Nigerian building structures. Statistical method is used to analyze data on failed building structures. Results obtained point to the fact that the failure rate and the casualty rate of Nigerian building structures are very high. As safety of human lives is implicitly embedded in the SDGs, much have to be done to raise the standard of building that will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.

Steel is at the heart of economic and sustainable development of any nation. It is one of the mat... more Steel is at the heart of economic and sustainable development of any nation. It is one of the materials most widely used by all sectors of the economy, from resource-efficient building structures to energy-saving transport and infrastructural systems to environmentally-friendly industrial development anchored on clean renewable energy and recyclable products. Considering that the most advanced economies of the world produce and consume large quantities of steel and trying to assess the challenges confronting Nigerian industrial development, the state of Nigerian steel development is evaluated in this research. This paper researches into the state of steel production and consumption in Nigeria. Data collected on Nigerian steel industries and the best practices in the international scenes are statistically analyzed. The results obtained clearly shows that the root of poor performance of Nigerian economy is due to the poor performance of Nigerian steel industry. The paper proposes way out for the repositioning of Nigerian steel industry and then for the true Nigerian Sustainable Industrial Development.
Papers by Gideon Olukunle
Conference Presentations by Gideon Olukunle