The average price of electricity in France, in June of 2024, has been 0.2776€ per kilowatt hour. Electricity price has increased € 0.0185 kWh, 7.14% since the previous semester. Meanwhile, the average price of electricity without taxes in France in that period was € 0.2187 per kilowatt hour, compared to € 0.2161 kWh in the previous semester. The price of electricity excluding taxes increased by 1.2%.
In the last twelve months the price of electricity in France has increased by 15.53%.
In France, the price of electricity reached its maximum price, € 0.2776kWh, in June of 2024. Its minimum price was €0.1203 kWh, corresponding to December of 2008.
When looking at the difference between the price of electricity with and without taxes, we see that households in France paid € 0.0589 in taxes for each kilowatt hour, which means that 21.22% of what consumers pay for electricity is in concept taxes.
You can see the ranking of electricity price in Europe and see all the information about France in economy of France.