It's that time of year again...Persimmon Time! I'm very lucky and have access to the two types of persimmons I know of: Fuyu...sweet and crunchy and Hachiya...sweet and soft (but really astringent if they are not ripe). We fill the salad bar at school with the Fuyu and the kids just love them. The Hachiya are grown almost wild here and I gather them for the pulp and make cookies, breads and my favorite:
Persimmon Pudding with Hard Sauce. This pudding was also a favorite of my former mother-in-law a sweet Southern lady from Alabama and such an awesome cook (this is not her exact recipe...since her oldest daughter's father... swore me to secrecy...but it is very close).
For years I have made my pudding in a makeshift bowl/steamer setup, because I'm too cheap to buy the steamer...such a fool...but this year I found a steamer on Amazon at a great price and went ahead and ordered it. I'm glad I did...even though it's a bit rinkey-dinkey I like the darn thing and will be trying a few more English puddings during these cold winter months.
My Favorite Hachiya Tree (I call these American Persimmons) |
I sorta' steal a lot of my persimmons! My favorite tree sits off the side of a major road in our county in a field equipment area...nothing barns...lots of beehives. Since I'm not afraid of bees I watch that huge tree faithfully every Autumn...and wait for those delicious babies to fall...usually I gather 10-20 at a time several times a season...on my way up to or back from the cabin.
Just of Few Baskets a Year
My friend Paula has a couple wonderful persimmon trees, too...both the Fuyu and the Hachiya. I'm lucky enough to get several dozen of both varieties from her...I trade her for lots of butternut squash.
My Trade Goods
I puree all those luscious Hachiya and freeze them in one cup Ziploc bags. Lots and lots of puree for cookies, breads and puddings. The Fuyu I dry in my Excalibur...yummy!
Puree |
My $14.00 Steamer