Papers by Revista de Psicología Educativa

Psicología Educativa, 2023
Objective: To investigate the differences between boys and girls in the present variables, and as... more Objective: To investigate the differences between boys and girls in the present variables, and assess the possible associations
between self-esteem and teasing in school physical education classes, self-efficacy, and physical activity among adolescents.
Method: The sample included 944 adolescents aged 14 to 19 years (mean =16.52, SD = 1.12, 53.6% male), enrolled in public
high schools in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Information was collected on age, body mass index, physical activity
level, self-efficacy, teasing experiences in physical education classes, and self-esteem (dependent variable). Self-esteem was
assessed using the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. Results: Adolescents had a mean self-esteem score of 28.71 (out of 40), with
boys having higher scores than girls (29.66 vs. 27.61, p < .001). In both sexes, adolescents who reported lower levels of teasing
in physical education classes had higher self-esteem. Boys with high self-efficacy and higher levels of physical activity had
higher self-esteem scores. Conclusion: Experiencing teasing in school physical education classes was a predictor of selfesteem in adolescents of both sexes, and self-efficacy and physical activity were predictors of self-esteem in boys

Psicología Educativa, 2023
Drug use and gambling are major problems in today’s society. Many studies have found that school ... more Drug use and gambling are major problems in today’s society. Many studies have found that school variables are related
to drug use and gambling, but the persistence of such relationships in adulthood is still little-known. Therefore, the aim
of this study was to discover if these school variables are related to substance use and gambling in both adolescence
and adulthood through a retrospective study. A sample of 416 people resident in Spain between 18 and 50 years old was
used. Results showed that having a good academic performance and a positive school environment act as protective
factors for substance use. A high rate of truancy and disruptive classroom behaviors are risk factors for drug use and
gambling. This relationship not only appears in adolescence, it also continues into adulthood. Results can be used for
better prevention and intervention against drug use and gambling.

Psicología Educativa, 2023
Since the COVID-19 outbreak in Chile teachers have been struggling with increased levels of stres... more Since the COVID-19 outbreak in Chile teachers have been struggling with increased levels of stress, aggravating burnout
symptoms. The present study aims to explore burnout syndrome in Chilean teachers during confinement and how
worries about COVID-19, emotional balance, life satisfaction, and resilience may mediate the emotional impact. A total
of 614 teachers from different education levels participated in this study (94.60% female) using a cross-sectional design
and incidental sampling method. Self-report data were analysed conducting descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlations,
hierarchical regressions, and mediation models. The results indicated that burnout was associated with pre-pandemic
mental health problems, more worries about COVID-19, lower levels of emotional balance and resilience. The relationships
between worries about COVID-19 and burnout was mediated by resilience and emotional balance. Our findings stress the
need to address potential risk and protective factors for teachers’ mental health and subjective well-being during the current

Psicología Educativa, 2023
Executive functions are established as vital in learning, as well as in the development of psycho... more Executive functions are established as vital in learning, as well as in the development of psycholinguistic skills crucial to
learning a second language. The present study analyzes relationships between variables linked to executive functioning
and to academic achievement in English as a foreign language (EFL). The participants were 519 primary school students
between the ages of 10 and 12. The results show a tendency to greater sustained and selective attention and consequently
better attention control and concentration on task when academic achievement in English was higher. Our discriminant
analysis verifies that sustained and selective attention, attention deficit, and concentration on task explain and predict
group membership in EFL achievement groups (low, medium, and high achievement). It is important to plan activities to
develop executive functioning, alongside the regular curriculum content, in order to improve learning and acquisition of
psycholinguistic skills, the foundation for bilingualism or second-language learning

Psicología Educativa, 2023
Combining formative and summative evaluations could improve assessment. Cognitive diagnosis model... more Combining formative and summative evaluations could improve assessment. Cognitive diagnosis modeling (CDM) has been
proposed as a tool for diagnosing students’ strengths and weaknesses in formative assessment. However, there is no userfriendly software to implement it. For this reason, a Shiny app, FoCo, has been developed (,
to conduct CDM and classical test theory analyses. The responses from 86 undergraduate students to a research methods
course examination were analyzed. Students’ strengths and needs were diagnosed concerning their dominance of the
syllabus contents and the first three competencies in Bloom’s taxonomy. The validity of the results was analyzed. The exam
showed acceptable about evaluating students’ knowledge, as students with similar scores showed different strengths and
weaknesses. Additionally, these attributes were found to predict different relevant criteria. It is expected that FoCo’s easiness
to use promotes the employment of CDM in real educational settings.

Psicología Educativa, 2023
One-minute oral reading fluency (ORF) tests are widely used, but concerns have been raised regard... more One-minute oral reading fluency (ORF) tests are widely used, but concerns have been raised regarding whether readers
are able to maintain their performance if asked to read for a larger period. The main goals of this study were to investigate
whether students are able to maintain their ORF performance in a three-minute task and whether scores measured at one
and at three minutes are equally good predictors of the performance in a standardized reading comprehension measure.
The sample was composed of 159 Portuguese primary school students (grades 2-4). The results suggested that the number
of words read correctly (WRC) declined across reading time and that three-minute mean score underestimated fluency
in all grade levels compared to a one-minute reading score. The WRC measured either at one minute or using a threeminute average score was an equal predictor of reading comprehension in all grades. Implications for theory and practice
are discussed.

Psicología Educativa, 2023
Textual devices such as headings convey both content information and functional information. One ... more Textual devices such as headings convey both content information and functional information. One type of headings is
referred to as functional headings, since they provide functional information but not content information. Headings such as
“Introduction” denote the function of a text section but not the content information of that section. The current study included
three experiments that investigated the processing of functional information during reading. Experiment 1 investigated
the effects of functional information in a timed reading situation. Experiments 2 and 3 looked at the effects of functional
information when there was a contradiction in the text. Our results indicated that functional information promoted selective
attention during timed reading (Experiment 1). Findings from our contradiction manipulation (Experiments 2 and 3)
revealed that readers used functional headings to guide their structural reading process. Implications for cognitive processes
during reading and pedagogical practices are described in the general discussion section.

Psicología Educativa, 2023
This research aims to fill the need to provide writing education to preservice teachers by using ... more This research aims to fill the need to provide writing education to preservice teachers by using web-based instruction.
The novel contribution of this work lies in the consideration of beliefs as a methodological prerequisite when measuring
the effects of a web-based program. For this purpose, latent profile analysis was conducted to explore unique profiles of
preservice teachers’ beliefs about writing before the web-based instruction. Participants were classified into three profiles:
eclectic profile (n = 129), socio-cultural profile (n = 85), and person-environment profile (n = 105). Linear mixed-effects
models were employed to assess if belief profiles experienced changes in beliefs and knowledge after the training. Results
showed that belief profiles differed from each other in the degree of attribution of the different beliefs but remarkably all of
them experienced significant differences in content knowledge acquisition. Finally, educational implications for preservice
teachers’ education are highlighted

Psicología Educativa, 2023
The Studyholism Inventory (SI-10) allows evaluating two types of Heavy Study Investment (Studyhol... more The Studyholism Inventory (SI-10) allows evaluating two types of Heavy Study Investment (Studyholism – or obsession
toward study – and Study Engagement), and four kinds of student (engaged studyholics, disengaged studyholics, engaged
students, detached students). We analyzed its psychometric properties in Italian pre-adolescents (n = 451) and adolescents
(n = 446) and proposed its cut-off scores. Moreover, we investigated some demographic and study-related differences in
studyholism and study engagement. The results supported the use of the SI-10 in pre-adolescents and adolescents. The
fit indices are similar in the two samples (for adolescents, GFI = .98, RMSEA = .059). Moreover, we found a high prevalence
of studyholism, especially in pre-adolescence (18.6%), and a decrease in study engagement in both genders from preadolescence to adolescence. In conclusion, the SI-10 might be used from pre-adolescence for research, preventive, and
clinical purposes. Also, demographic-related results supported the definition of studyholism as an obsessive-compulsive
related disorder.

Psicología Educativa, 2023
This study examined the effect of three socio-educational interventions in teacher training stude... more This study examined the effect of three socio-educational interventions in teacher training students on the reduction
of stigma: a serious game called Stigma-Stop, a program based on direct contact between students and people with
mental health problems, and the broadcast of a documentary with a talk from a professional. The sample consisted
of 120 undergraduates of the Degree in Teaching in Early Childhood Education and the Degree in Teaching in Primary
Education of a Spanish university, with a pretest-posttest experimental design, the participants were randomly divided
into three experimental groups and a control group. The results show a statistically significant reduction in stigma
levels between the pretest and posttest in the three interventions, but not in the control group, which remained stable
in both measurements. This showed that the three interventions were effective in reducing stigma, predominantly in
the danger dimension and the total score.

Psicología Educativa, 2023
Writing and defending a thesis is a requirement to earn a university degree. Previous findings in... more Writing and defending a thesis is a requirement to earn a university degree. Previous findings indicate that self-efficacy is
related to academic performance. However, no existing tools register students’ perception of efficacy towards writing and
defining academic texts. Our purpose was to develop and validate such a scale. Scale scores content, structural, convergent,
and criterion-related validity as well as the measurement invariance across sex was evaluated using data from 418 students
from 23 Spanish universities. Our findings showed that the scale holds a unidimensional structure that is invariant across
sex. Data also supported the convergent validity, with correlations with self-efficacy and anxiety measures. The scale could
track the effect of an educational intervention designed to improve students’ writing and defending academic texts skills,
and the scores were related to performance on a writing task. Norms are provided to facilitate the interpretation of the scale

Psicología Educativa, 2023
Phonological awareness problems have been identified as predictors of learning difficulties with ... more Phonological awareness problems have been identified as predictors of learning difficulties with reading and writing in
alphabetic languages. The objective of this study is to present an analysis of the psychometric properties of the Phonological
Awareness Assessment Test (PACOF), a computer-based test for assessing syllable, phoneme, and intra-syllable awareness
in pre-schoolers. Two studies were conducted to collect: (1) evidence of concurrent validity and reliability (N = 30) and
(2) evidence of predictive validity (N = 52). Significant correlations between the scores in PACOF and a different test of
phonological awareness were found. Regarding reliability, test-retest results indicated a high stability in the scores over time.
Concerning predictive validity, the results revealed that scores on the PACOF and on each of its three sub-scales obtained at
the end of preschool predict future reading and writing performance. These findings suggest that the test is a reliable and
valid measure to assess phonological awareness in pre-schoolers

Psicología Educativa, 2023
Based on the control-value theory, this study examined connections between the perceived in-class... more Based on the control-value theory, this study examined connections between the perceived in-class degree of cooperation
and academic performance mediated through the students’ negative and positive emotions in physical education. Students
(N = 620, 55.5% girls; Mage = 13.01, SD = 2.10) reported on their perceptions of the degree of cooperation and the negative
(shame, hopelessness, anxiety, boredom) and positive (confidence, pride, enjoyment, calmness) emotions in physical
education classes. Academic performance was obtained from their school’s administrators. Results from the multiple lineal
regression analyses, considering the in-class degree of cooperation and the negative and positive emotions as predictor
variables, showed a significantly positive link between the in-class degree of cooperation and the dependent variable
academic performance, and between positive emotions and academic performance. These findings elucidate the impact
of cooperative learning contexts and emotions on academic performance. Educational implications and future research are

Psicología Educativa, 2023
Previous research has evidenced which skills are required for reading acquisition and which metho... more Previous research has evidenced which skills are required for reading acquisition and which methods are effective for
teaching reading. However, recent research indicated that teachers lack sufficient knowledge about the constructs involved
in reading instruction. The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine Spanish teachers’ practice and opinions on
reading instruction. Two samples of Spanish teachers, 840 Preschool teachers and 876 Primary teachers, were surveyed
about their opinion on reading skills, their reading instruction practices, and methods of detecting and assessing reading
difficulties. The questionnaire for primary teachers also included questions on preparedness and knowledge. Most teachers
favored whole-word methods, included maturity and motivation, as relevant aids for phonological awareness and showed
poor grasp of factors underpinning reading acquisition. Teachers showed inconsistent and limited knowledge of the
evidence-based approach for effective reading instruction. Specific programs are needed to provide preservice teachers with
evidence-based instruction and continuous training for in service teachers.

Psicología Educativa, 2023
The claim that people with dyslexia are more creative than people without this learning disorder ... more The claim that people with dyslexia are more creative than people without this learning disorder is widespread. But the
complexity of creativity and the way it is measured means that this statement is sometimes inconsistent. The aim of this
review is, on the one hand, to explore the relationship between dyslexia and creativity, as well as to analyze the categories
of divergent thinking: fluency, originality, abstractness, elaboration, and flexibility. On the other hand, it also aims to identify
moderators that may be influencing this relationship, such as age, country, or the test used. We retrieved 13 empirical studies
that provided 39 effect sizes. The results show that there are no significant differences between people with and without
dyslexia in terms of creativity when considering the construct as a whole. However, a significant relationship between the
two constructs is observed when analyzing the categories of divergent thinking isolated.

Psicología Educativa, 2023
A description is made of the quality of Spanish family support programmes, based on their impact,... more A description is made of the quality of Spanish family support programmes, based on their impact, dissemination, scaling
up in communities, and sustainability; 57 implemented programmes with informed evidence were selected by EurofamNet.
Most of the programmes were shown to make a positive impact, using quantitative methodologies, and they were
manualized, while about half of them defined the core contents and included professional training. From a cluster analysis
of programmes with scaling up, those with a high and moderate level of systematization were identified, based on the
existence of defined core contents, implementation conditions, institutional support, professional training, and reports of
findings. The highly systematized programmes were characterized by a greater use of mixed methodologies, their scientific
dissemination through different means, and their inclusion in services. A programme quality analysis is proposed, taking an
integrated approach that relates the programme’s impact with its design, implementation, and evaluation of sustainability.

Psicología Educativa, 2023
Since the well-known publication of the Society for Prevention Research about standards for evide... more Since the well-known publication of the Society for Prevention Research about standards for evidence related to research on
prevention interventions, a rigorous evaluation is considered one of the main requirements for evidence-based programmes.
Despite their importance, many programmes do not include evaluation designs that meet the most widely agreed quality
standards. The aim of this study was to examine the evaluation processes of fifty-seven Spanish programmes identified
in the context of the COST European Family Support Network. The obtained results provide a fairly positive picture of the
quality of programme evaluation standards, although more designs that include a control group, follow-up evaluations
assessing long-term effects, and the evaluation of child and indirect outcomes are needed. The results are discussed from
a comprehensive and plural perspective of evaluation which, in addition to methodological rigor, considers the usefulness,
feasibility, and ethical rigor of evaluation research.

Psicología Educativa, 2023
Implementation research addresses how well a programme is conducted when applied in real-world co... more Implementation research addresses how well a programme is conducted when applied in real-world conditions. However,
research based on quality standards is still scarce as it requires monitoring context, process, and participant response. This
study applies implementation quality standards to 57 Spanish parenting and family support programmes identified in the
COST European Family Support Network project, using an ten-component evaluation sheet sheet. Descriptive analyses
showed a good implementation level. The latent profile analysis identified four patterns defined by programme setting:
profile 1, Social Services/NGO setting (21.1%), profile 2, Health setting (31.6%), profile 3, Multi-setting (14%), and profile 4,
Educational setting (33.3%), differing in professional discipline, training, participant response, and professional perception
of implementation. Profile memberships were related to programme outcomes, scaling up, and sustainability. Findings
illustrate conceptual and practical challenges that researchers and professionals usually encounter during implementation,
and the efforts required to deliver programmes effectively in real-world settings in Spain.

Psicología Educativa, 2023
The positive parenting approach has highlighted the importance of supporting families to perform ... more The positive parenting approach has highlighted the importance of supporting families to perform the functions associated
with their parental role and to improve children’s well-being. The aims of this study were to identify and describe the
characteristics of family support programmes in Spain, and to examine the extent to which they meet evidence-based
standards for programme formulation. The sample includes 57 programmes identified by the Spanish Family Support
Network, which belongs to the pan-European Family Support Network(EurofamNet) . Frequency analyses and contingency
tables were carried out. The results show that the Spanish programmes meet several evidence-based standards for
programme formulation (i.e., manualization). However, further efforts are required in some areas, such as universality and
interdisciplinarity of family support programmes. The findings provide a platform from which to design new initiatives in
accordance with standards for prevention programmes, and inform stakeholders and politicians in drawing up evidencebased public policies

Psicología Educativa, 2023
The prevention science has endorsed standards for evidence related to research on programme evalu... more The prevention science has endorsed standards for evidence related to research on programme evaluation. However, some
controversies persist regarding its application in the provision of family support under the European Positive Parenting
initiative. This Special Issue aims to map the expansion of preventive family support programmes in Spain and to contrast the
quality of the evidence against the prevention standards according with the European Family Support Network. Members of
the Spanish Family Support Network made up of entities in several sectors identified 57 programmes implemented in Spain
and filled in a formative evaluation sheet for each programme. The articles in this issue analysed the results of four main
aspects in all programmes: description, implementation, evaluation, and impact/sustainability. The findings will inform the
scope and variety of support provided and the quality of programmes in Spain, providing guidelines for improvement and
addressing challenges to reinforce quality assurance in child and family services.
Papers by Revista de Psicología Educativa
between self-esteem and teasing in school physical education classes, self-efficacy, and physical activity among adolescents.
Method: The sample included 944 adolescents aged 14 to 19 years (mean =16.52, SD = 1.12, 53.6% male), enrolled in public
high schools in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Information was collected on age, body mass index, physical activity
level, self-efficacy, teasing experiences in physical education classes, and self-esteem (dependent variable). Self-esteem was
assessed using the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. Results: Adolescents had a mean self-esteem score of 28.71 (out of 40), with
boys having higher scores than girls (29.66 vs. 27.61, p < .001). In both sexes, adolescents who reported lower levels of teasing
in physical education classes had higher self-esteem. Boys with high self-efficacy and higher levels of physical activity had
higher self-esteem scores. Conclusion: Experiencing teasing in school physical education classes was a predictor of selfesteem in adolescents of both sexes, and self-efficacy and physical activity were predictors of self-esteem in boys
to drug use and gambling, but the persistence of such relationships in adulthood is still little-known. Therefore, the aim
of this study was to discover if these school variables are related to substance use and gambling in both adolescence
and adulthood through a retrospective study. A sample of 416 people resident in Spain between 18 and 50 years old was
used. Results showed that having a good academic performance and a positive school environment act as protective
factors for substance use. A high rate of truancy and disruptive classroom behaviors are risk factors for drug use and
gambling. This relationship not only appears in adolescence, it also continues into adulthood. Results can be used for
better prevention and intervention against drug use and gambling.
symptoms. The present study aims to explore burnout syndrome in Chilean teachers during confinement and how
worries about COVID-19, emotional balance, life satisfaction, and resilience may mediate the emotional impact. A total
of 614 teachers from different education levels participated in this study (94.60% female) using a cross-sectional design
and incidental sampling method. Self-report data were analysed conducting descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlations,
hierarchical regressions, and mediation models. The results indicated that burnout was associated with pre-pandemic
mental health problems, more worries about COVID-19, lower levels of emotional balance and resilience. The relationships
between worries about COVID-19 and burnout was mediated by resilience and emotional balance. Our findings stress the
need to address potential risk and protective factors for teachers’ mental health and subjective well-being during the current
learning a second language. The present study analyzes relationships between variables linked to executive functioning
and to academic achievement in English as a foreign language (EFL). The participants were 519 primary school students
between the ages of 10 and 12. The results show a tendency to greater sustained and selective attention and consequently
better attention control and concentration on task when academic achievement in English was higher. Our discriminant
analysis verifies that sustained and selective attention, attention deficit, and concentration on task explain and predict
group membership in EFL achievement groups (low, medium, and high achievement). It is important to plan activities to
develop executive functioning, alongside the regular curriculum content, in order to improve learning and acquisition of
psycholinguistic skills, the foundation for bilingualism or second-language learning
proposed as a tool for diagnosing students’ strengths and weaknesses in formative assessment. However, there is no userfriendly software to implement it. For this reason, a Shiny app, FoCo, has been developed (,
to conduct CDM and classical test theory analyses. The responses from 86 undergraduate students to a research methods
course examination were analyzed. Students’ strengths and needs were diagnosed concerning their dominance of the
syllabus contents and the first three competencies in Bloom’s taxonomy. The validity of the results was analyzed. The exam
showed acceptable about evaluating students’ knowledge, as students with similar scores showed different strengths and
weaknesses. Additionally, these attributes were found to predict different relevant criteria. It is expected that FoCo’s easiness
to use promotes the employment of CDM in real educational settings.
are able to maintain their performance if asked to read for a larger period. The main goals of this study were to investigate
whether students are able to maintain their ORF performance in a three-minute task and whether scores measured at one
and at three minutes are equally good predictors of the performance in a standardized reading comprehension measure.
The sample was composed of 159 Portuguese primary school students (grades 2-4). The results suggested that the number
of words read correctly (WRC) declined across reading time and that three-minute mean score underestimated fluency
in all grade levels compared to a one-minute reading score. The WRC measured either at one minute or using a threeminute average score was an equal predictor of reading comprehension in all grades. Implications for theory and practice
are discussed.
referred to as functional headings, since they provide functional information but not content information. Headings such as
“Introduction” denote the function of a text section but not the content information of that section. The current study included
three experiments that investigated the processing of functional information during reading. Experiment 1 investigated
the effects of functional information in a timed reading situation. Experiments 2 and 3 looked at the effects of functional
information when there was a contradiction in the text. Our results indicated that functional information promoted selective
attention during timed reading (Experiment 1). Findings from our contradiction manipulation (Experiments 2 and 3)
revealed that readers used functional headings to guide their structural reading process. Implications for cognitive processes
during reading and pedagogical practices are described in the general discussion section.
The novel contribution of this work lies in the consideration of beliefs as a methodological prerequisite when measuring
the effects of a web-based program. For this purpose, latent profile analysis was conducted to explore unique profiles of
preservice teachers’ beliefs about writing before the web-based instruction. Participants were classified into three profiles:
eclectic profile (n = 129), socio-cultural profile (n = 85), and person-environment profile (n = 105). Linear mixed-effects
models were employed to assess if belief profiles experienced changes in beliefs and knowledge after the training. Results
showed that belief profiles differed from each other in the degree of attribution of the different beliefs but remarkably all of
them experienced significant differences in content knowledge acquisition. Finally, educational implications for preservice
teachers’ education are highlighted
toward study – and Study Engagement), and four kinds of student (engaged studyholics, disengaged studyholics, engaged
students, detached students). We analyzed its psychometric properties in Italian pre-adolescents (n = 451) and adolescents
(n = 446) and proposed its cut-off scores. Moreover, we investigated some demographic and study-related differences in
studyholism and study engagement. The results supported the use of the SI-10 in pre-adolescents and adolescents. The
fit indices are similar in the two samples (for adolescents, GFI = .98, RMSEA = .059). Moreover, we found a high prevalence
of studyholism, especially in pre-adolescence (18.6%), and a decrease in study engagement in both genders from preadolescence to adolescence. In conclusion, the SI-10 might be used from pre-adolescence for research, preventive, and
clinical purposes. Also, demographic-related results supported the definition of studyholism as an obsessive-compulsive
related disorder.
of stigma: a serious game called Stigma-Stop, a program based on direct contact between students and people with
mental health problems, and the broadcast of a documentary with a talk from a professional. The sample consisted
of 120 undergraduates of the Degree in Teaching in Early Childhood Education and the Degree in Teaching in Primary
Education of a Spanish university, with a pretest-posttest experimental design, the participants were randomly divided
into three experimental groups and a control group. The results show a statistically significant reduction in stigma
levels between the pretest and posttest in the three interventions, but not in the control group, which remained stable
in both measurements. This showed that the three interventions were effective in reducing stigma, predominantly in
the danger dimension and the total score.
related to academic performance. However, no existing tools register students’ perception of efficacy towards writing and
defining academic texts. Our purpose was to develop and validate such a scale. Scale scores content, structural, convergent,
and criterion-related validity as well as the measurement invariance across sex was evaluated using data from 418 students
from 23 Spanish universities. Our findings showed that the scale holds a unidimensional structure that is invariant across
sex. Data also supported the convergent validity, with correlations with self-efficacy and anxiety measures. The scale could
track the effect of an educational intervention designed to improve students’ writing and defending academic texts skills,
and the scores were related to performance on a writing task. Norms are provided to facilitate the interpretation of the scale
alphabetic languages. The objective of this study is to present an analysis of the psychometric properties of the Phonological
Awareness Assessment Test (PACOF), a computer-based test for assessing syllable, phoneme, and intra-syllable awareness
in pre-schoolers. Two studies were conducted to collect: (1) evidence of concurrent validity and reliability (N = 30) and
(2) evidence of predictive validity (N = 52). Significant correlations between the scores in PACOF and a different test of
phonological awareness were found. Regarding reliability, test-retest results indicated a high stability in the scores over time.
Concerning predictive validity, the results revealed that scores on the PACOF and on each of its three sub-scales obtained at
the end of preschool predict future reading and writing performance. These findings suggest that the test is a reliable and
valid measure to assess phonological awareness in pre-schoolers
and academic performance mediated through the students’ negative and positive emotions in physical education. Students
(N = 620, 55.5% girls; Mage = 13.01, SD = 2.10) reported on their perceptions of the degree of cooperation and the negative
(shame, hopelessness, anxiety, boredom) and positive (confidence, pride, enjoyment, calmness) emotions in physical
education classes. Academic performance was obtained from their school’s administrators. Results from the multiple lineal
regression analyses, considering the in-class degree of cooperation and the negative and positive emotions as predictor
variables, showed a significantly positive link between the in-class degree of cooperation and the dependent variable
academic performance, and between positive emotions and academic performance. These findings elucidate the impact
of cooperative learning contexts and emotions on academic performance. Educational implications and future research are
teaching reading. However, recent research indicated that teachers lack sufficient knowledge about the constructs involved
in reading instruction. The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine Spanish teachers’ practice and opinions on
reading instruction. Two samples of Spanish teachers, 840 Preschool teachers and 876 Primary teachers, were surveyed
about their opinion on reading skills, their reading instruction practices, and methods of detecting and assessing reading
difficulties. The questionnaire for primary teachers also included questions on preparedness and knowledge. Most teachers
favored whole-word methods, included maturity and motivation, as relevant aids for phonological awareness and showed
poor grasp of factors underpinning reading acquisition. Teachers showed inconsistent and limited knowledge of the
evidence-based approach for effective reading instruction. Specific programs are needed to provide preservice teachers with
evidence-based instruction and continuous training for in service teachers.
complexity of creativity and the way it is measured means that this statement is sometimes inconsistent. The aim of this
review is, on the one hand, to explore the relationship between dyslexia and creativity, as well as to analyze the categories
of divergent thinking: fluency, originality, abstractness, elaboration, and flexibility. On the other hand, it also aims to identify
moderators that may be influencing this relationship, such as age, country, or the test used. We retrieved 13 empirical studies
that provided 39 effect sizes. The results show that there are no significant differences between people with and without
dyslexia in terms of creativity when considering the construct as a whole. However, a significant relationship between the
two constructs is observed when analyzing the categories of divergent thinking isolated.
up in communities, and sustainability; 57 implemented programmes with informed evidence were selected by EurofamNet.
Most of the programmes were shown to make a positive impact, using quantitative methodologies, and they were
manualized, while about half of them defined the core contents and included professional training. From a cluster analysis
of programmes with scaling up, those with a high and moderate level of systematization were identified, based on the
existence of defined core contents, implementation conditions, institutional support, professional training, and reports of
findings. The highly systematized programmes were characterized by a greater use of mixed methodologies, their scientific
dissemination through different means, and their inclusion in services. A programme quality analysis is proposed, taking an
integrated approach that relates the programme’s impact with its design, implementation, and evaluation of sustainability.
prevention interventions, a rigorous evaluation is considered one of the main requirements for evidence-based programmes.
Despite their importance, many programmes do not include evaluation designs that meet the most widely agreed quality
standards. The aim of this study was to examine the evaluation processes of fifty-seven Spanish programmes identified
in the context of the COST European Family Support Network. The obtained results provide a fairly positive picture of the
quality of programme evaluation standards, although more designs that include a control group, follow-up evaluations
assessing long-term effects, and the evaluation of child and indirect outcomes are needed. The results are discussed from
a comprehensive and plural perspective of evaluation which, in addition to methodological rigor, considers the usefulness,
feasibility, and ethical rigor of evaluation research.
research based on quality standards is still scarce as it requires monitoring context, process, and participant response. This
study applies implementation quality standards to 57 Spanish parenting and family support programmes identified in the
COST European Family Support Network project, using an ten-component evaluation sheet sheet. Descriptive analyses
showed a good implementation level. The latent profile analysis identified four patterns defined by programme setting:
profile 1, Social Services/NGO setting (21.1%), profile 2, Health setting (31.6%), profile 3, Multi-setting (14%), and profile 4,
Educational setting (33.3%), differing in professional discipline, training, participant response, and professional perception
of implementation. Profile memberships were related to programme outcomes, scaling up, and sustainability. Findings
illustrate conceptual and practical challenges that researchers and professionals usually encounter during implementation,
and the efforts required to deliver programmes effectively in real-world settings in Spain.
with their parental role and to improve children’s well-being. The aims of this study were to identify and describe the
characteristics of family support programmes in Spain, and to examine the extent to which they meet evidence-based
standards for programme formulation. The sample includes 57 programmes identified by the Spanish Family Support
Network, which belongs to the pan-European Family Support Network(EurofamNet) . Frequency analyses and contingency
tables were carried out. The results show that the Spanish programmes meet several evidence-based standards for
programme formulation (i.e., manualization). However, further efforts are required in some areas, such as universality and
interdisciplinarity of family support programmes. The findings provide a platform from which to design new initiatives in
accordance with standards for prevention programmes, and inform stakeholders and politicians in drawing up evidencebased public policies
controversies persist regarding its application in the provision of family support under the European Positive Parenting
initiative. This Special Issue aims to map the expansion of preventive family support programmes in Spain and to contrast the
quality of the evidence against the prevention standards according with the European Family Support Network. Members of
the Spanish Family Support Network made up of entities in several sectors identified 57 programmes implemented in Spain
and filled in a formative evaluation sheet for each programme. The articles in this issue analysed the results of four main
aspects in all programmes: description, implementation, evaluation, and impact/sustainability. The findings will inform the
scope and variety of support provided and the quality of programmes in Spain, providing guidelines for improvement and
addressing challenges to reinforce quality assurance in child and family services.
between self-esteem and teasing in school physical education classes, self-efficacy, and physical activity among adolescents.
Method: The sample included 944 adolescents aged 14 to 19 years (mean =16.52, SD = 1.12, 53.6% male), enrolled in public
high schools in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Information was collected on age, body mass index, physical activity
level, self-efficacy, teasing experiences in physical education classes, and self-esteem (dependent variable). Self-esteem was
assessed using the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. Results: Adolescents had a mean self-esteem score of 28.71 (out of 40), with
boys having higher scores than girls (29.66 vs. 27.61, p < .001). In both sexes, adolescents who reported lower levels of teasing
in physical education classes had higher self-esteem. Boys with high self-efficacy and higher levels of physical activity had
higher self-esteem scores. Conclusion: Experiencing teasing in school physical education classes was a predictor of selfesteem in adolescents of both sexes, and self-efficacy and physical activity were predictors of self-esteem in boys
to drug use and gambling, but the persistence of such relationships in adulthood is still little-known. Therefore, the aim
of this study was to discover if these school variables are related to substance use and gambling in both adolescence
and adulthood through a retrospective study. A sample of 416 people resident in Spain between 18 and 50 years old was
used. Results showed that having a good academic performance and a positive school environment act as protective
factors for substance use. A high rate of truancy and disruptive classroom behaviors are risk factors for drug use and
gambling. This relationship not only appears in adolescence, it also continues into adulthood. Results can be used for
better prevention and intervention against drug use and gambling.
symptoms. The present study aims to explore burnout syndrome in Chilean teachers during confinement and how
worries about COVID-19, emotional balance, life satisfaction, and resilience may mediate the emotional impact. A total
of 614 teachers from different education levels participated in this study (94.60% female) using a cross-sectional design
and incidental sampling method. Self-report data were analysed conducting descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlations,
hierarchical regressions, and mediation models. The results indicated that burnout was associated with pre-pandemic
mental health problems, more worries about COVID-19, lower levels of emotional balance and resilience. The relationships
between worries about COVID-19 and burnout was mediated by resilience and emotional balance. Our findings stress the
need to address potential risk and protective factors for teachers’ mental health and subjective well-being during the current
learning a second language. The present study analyzes relationships between variables linked to executive functioning
and to academic achievement in English as a foreign language (EFL). The participants were 519 primary school students
between the ages of 10 and 12. The results show a tendency to greater sustained and selective attention and consequently
better attention control and concentration on task when academic achievement in English was higher. Our discriminant
analysis verifies that sustained and selective attention, attention deficit, and concentration on task explain and predict
group membership in EFL achievement groups (low, medium, and high achievement). It is important to plan activities to
develop executive functioning, alongside the regular curriculum content, in order to improve learning and acquisition of
psycholinguistic skills, the foundation for bilingualism or second-language learning
proposed as a tool for diagnosing students’ strengths and weaknesses in formative assessment. However, there is no userfriendly software to implement it. For this reason, a Shiny app, FoCo, has been developed (,
to conduct CDM and classical test theory analyses. The responses from 86 undergraduate students to a research methods
course examination were analyzed. Students’ strengths and needs were diagnosed concerning their dominance of the
syllabus contents and the first three competencies in Bloom’s taxonomy. The validity of the results was analyzed. The exam
showed acceptable about evaluating students’ knowledge, as students with similar scores showed different strengths and
weaknesses. Additionally, these attributes were found to predict different relevant criteria. It is expected that FoCo’s easiness
to use promotes the employment of CDM in real educational settings.
are able to maintain their performance if asked to read for a larger period. The main goals of this study were to investigate
whether students are able to maintain their ORF performance in a three-minute task and whether scores measured at one
and at three minutes are equally good predictors of the performance in a standardized reading comprehension measure.
The sample was composed of 159 Portuguese primary school students (grades 2-4). The results suggested that the number
of words read correctly (WRC) declined across reading time and that three-minute mean score underestimated fluency
in all grade levels compared to a one-minute reading score. The WRC measured either at one minute or using a threeminute average score was an equal predictor of reading comprehension in all grades. Implications for theory and practice
are discussed.
referred to as functional headings, since they provide functional information but not content information. Headings such as
“Introduction” denote the function of a text section but not the content information of that section. The current study included
three experiments that investigated the processing of functional information during reading. Experiment 1 investigated
the effects of functional information in a timed reading situation. Experiments 2 and 3 looked at the effects of functional
information when there was a contradiction in the text. Our results indicated that functional information promoted selective
attention during timed reading (Experiment 1). Findings from our contradiction manipulation (Experiments 2 and 3)
revealed that readers used functional headings to guide their structural reading process. Implications for cognitive processes
during reading and pedagogical practices are described in the general discussion section.
The novel contribution of this work lies in the consideration of beliefs as a methodological prerequisite when measuring
the effects of a web-based program. For this purpose, latent profile analysis was conducted to explore unique profiles of
preservice teachers’ beliefs about writing before the web-based instruction. Participants were classified into three profiles:
eclectic profile (n = 129), socio-cultural profile (n = 85), and person-environment profile (n = 105). Linear mixed-effects
models were employed to assess if belief profiles experienced changes in beliefs and knowledge after the training. Results
showed that belief profiles differed from each other in the degree of attribution of the different beliefs but remarkably all of
them experienced significant differences in content knowledge acquisition. Finally, educational implications for preservice
teachers’ education are highlighted
toward study – and Study Engagement), and four kinds of student (engaged studyholics, disengaged studyholics, engaged
students, detached students). We analyzed its psychometric properties in Italian pre-adolescents (n = 451) and adolescents
(n = 446) and proposed its cut-off scores. Moreover, we investigated some demographic and study-related differences in
studyholism and study engagement. The results supported the use of the SI-10 in pre-adolescents and adolescents. The
fit indices are similar in the two samples (for adolescents, GFI = .98, RMSEA = .059). Moreover, we found a high prevalence
of studyholism, especially in pre-adolescence (18.6%), and a decrease in study engagement in both genders from preadolescence to adolescence. In conclusion, the SI-10 might be used from pre-adolescence for research, preventive, and
clinical purposes. Also, demographic-related results supported the definition of studyholism as an obsessive-compulsive
related disorder.
of stigma: a serious game called Stigma-Stop, a program based on direct contact between students and people with
mental health problems, and the broadcast of a documentary with a talk from a professional. The sample consisted
of 120 undergraduates of the Degree in Teaching in Early Childhood Education and the Degree in Teaching in Primary
Education of a Spanish university, with a pretest-posttest experimental design, the participants were randomly divided
into three experimental groups and a control group. The results show a statistically significant reduction in stigma
levels between the pretest and posttest in the three interventions, but not in the control group, which remained stable
in both measurements. This showed that the three interventions were effective in reducing stigma, predominantly in
the danger dimension and the total score.
related to academic performance. However, no existing tools register students’ perception of efficacy towards writing and
defining academic texts. Our purpose was to develop and validate such a scale. Scale scores content, structural, convergent,
and criterion-related validity as well as the measurement invariance across sex was evaluated using data from 418 students
from 23 Spanish universities. Our findings showed that the scale holds a unidimensional structure that is invariant across
sex. Data also supported the convergent validity, with correlations with self-efficacy and anxiety measures. The scale could
track the effect of an educational intervention designed to improve students’ writing and defending academic texts skills,
and the scores were related to performance on a writing task. Norms are provided to facilitate the interpretation of the scale
alphabetic languages. The objective of this study is to present an analysis of the psychometric properties of the Phonological
Awareness Assessment Test (PACOF), a computer-based test for assessing syllable, phoneme, and intra-syllable awareness
in pre-schoolers. Two studies were conducted to collect: (1) evidence of concurrent validity and reliability (N = 30) and
(2) evidence of predictive validity (N = 52). Significant correlations between the scores in PACOF and a different test of
phonological awareness were found. Regarding reliability, test-retest results indicated a high stability in the scores over time.
Concerning predictive validity, the results revealed that scores on the PACOF and on each of its three sub-scales obtained at
the end of preschool predict future reading and writing performance. These findings suggest that the test is a reliable and
valid measure to assess phonological awareness in pre-schoolers
and academic performance mediated through the students’ negative and positive emotions in physical education. Students
(N = 620, 55.5% girls; Mage = 13.01, SD = 2.10) reported on their perceptions of the degree of cooperation and the negative
(shame, hopelessness, anxiety, boredom) and positive (confidence, pride, enjoyment, calmness) emotions in physical
education classes. Academic performance was obtained from their school’s administrators. Results from the multiple lineal
regression analyses, considering the in-class degree of cooperation and the negative and positive emotions as predictor
variables, showed a significantly positive link between the in-class degree of cooperation and the dependent variable
academic performance, and between positive emotions and academic performance. These findings elucidate the impact
of cooperative learning contexts and emotions on academic performance. Educational implications and future research are
teaching reading. However, recent research indicated that teachers lack sufficient knowledge about the constructs involved
in reading instruction. The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine Spanish teachers’ practice and opinions on
reading instruction. Two samples of Spanish teachers, 840 Preschool teachers and 876 Primary teachers, were surveyed
about their opinion on reading skills, their reading instruction practices, and methods of detecting and assessing reading
difficulties. The questionnaire for primary teachers also included questions on preparedness and knowledge. Most teachers
favored whole-word methods, included maturity and motivation, as relevant aids for phonological awareness and showed
poor grasp of factors underpinning reading acquisition. Teachers showed inconsistent and limited knowledge of the
evidence-based approach for effective reading instruction. Specific programs are needed to provide preservice teachers with
evidence-based instruction and continuous training for in service teachers.
complexity of creativity and the way it is measured means that this statement is sometimes inconsistent. The aim of this
review is, on the one hand, to explore the relationship between dyslexia and creativity, as well as to analyze the categories
of divergent thinking: fluency, originality, abstractness, elaboration, and flexibility. On the other hand, it also aims to identify
moderators that may be influencing this relationship, such as age, country, or the test used. We retrieved 13 empirical studies
that provided 39 effect sizes. The results show that there are no significant differences between people with and without
dyslexia in terms of creativity when considering the construct as a whole. However, a significant relationship between the
two constructs is observed when analyzing the categories of divergent thinking isolated.
up in communities, and sustainability; 57 implemented programmes with informed evidence were selected by EurofamNet.
Most of the programmes were shown to make a positive impact, using quantitative methodologies, and they were
manualized, while about half of them defined the core contents and included professional training. From a cluster analysis
of programmes with scaling up, those with a high and moderate level of systematization were identified, based on the
existence of defined core contents, implementation conditions, institutional support, professional training, and reports of
findings. The highly systematized programmes were characterized by a greater use of mixed methodologies, their scientific
dissemination through different means, and their inclusion in services. A programme quality analysis is proposed, taking an
integrated approach that relates the programme’s impact with its design, implementation, and evaluation of sustainability.
prevention interventions, a rigorous evaluation is considered one of the main requirements for evidence-based programmes.
Despite their importance, many programmes do not include evaluation designs that meet the most widely agreed quality
standards. The aim of this study was to examine the evaluation processes of fifty-seven Spanish programmes identified
in the context of the COST European Family Support Network. The obtained results provide a fairly positive picture of the
quality of programme evaluation standards, although more designs that include a control group, follow-up evaluations
assessing long-term effects, and the evaluation of child and indirect outcomes are needed. The results are discussed from
a comprehensive and plural perspective of evaluation which, in addition to methodological rigor, considers the usefulness,
feasibility, and ethical rigor of evaluation research.
research based on quality standards is still scarce as it requires monitoring context, process, and participant response. This
study applies implementation quality standards to 57 Spanish parenting and family support programmes identified in the
COST European Family Support Network project, using an ten-component evaluation sheet sheet. Descriptive analyses
showed a good implementation level. The latent profile analysis identified four patterns defined by programme setting:
profile 1, Social Services/NGO setting (21.1%), profile 2, Health setting (31.6%), profile 3, Multi-setting (14%), and profile 4,
Educational setting (33.3%), differing in professional discipline, training, participant response, and professional perception
of implementation. Profile memberships were related to programme outcomes, scaling up, and sustainability. Findings
illustrate conceptual and practical challenges that researchers and professionals usually encounter during implementation,
and the efforts required to deliver programmes effectively in real-world settings in Spain.
with their parental role and to improve children’s well-being. The aims of this study were to identify and describe the
characteristics of family support programmes in Spain, and to examine the extent to which they meet evidence-based
standards for programme formulation. The sample includes 57 programmes identified by the Spanish Family Support
Network, which belongs to the pan-European Family Support Network(EurofamNet) . Frequency analyses and contingency
tables were carried out. The results show that the Spanish programmes meet several evidence-based standards for
programme formulation (i.e., manualization). However, further efforts are required in some areas, such as universality and
interdisciplinarity of family support programmes. The findings provide a platform from which to design new initiatives in
accordance with standards for prevention programmes, and inform stakeholders and politicians in drawing up evidencebased public policies
controversies persist regarding its application in the provision of family support under the European Positive Parenting
initiative. This Special Issue aims to map the expansion of preventive family support programmes in Spain and to contrast the
quality of the evidence against the prevention standards according with the European Family Support Network. Members of
the Spanish Family Support Network made up of entities in several sectors identified 57 programmes implemented in Spain
and filled in a formative evaluation sheet for each programme. The articles in this issue analysed the results of four main
aspects in all programmes: description, implementation, evaluation, and impact/sustainability. The findings will inform the
scope and variety of support provided and the quality of programmes in Spain, providing guidelines for improvement and
addressing challenges to reinforce quality assurance in child and family services.