Category: Winter Fund Drive

Support CN’s Middle East Coverage

Seven-year old Consortium News in 2002 was one of the first outlets to reject the politicized intelligence for the disastrous Iraq invasion and has run circles around corporate media on Syria, from 2011 until today. But only with your help.

CN Launches Drive in Time of Crisis

With several Mideast wars threatening to ignite the whole region; Ukraine in its most dangerous phase yet, and Consortium News fighting its own battles to continue, CN  urges your support at this turbulent time.

Thank You Readers and Viewers

Because of your generosity during our Winter Fund Drive, which ends at noon on Monday, we will be assured of coverage of Gaza, Ukraine, Assange and more throughout 2024. 

Empiricism vs. Ideology

If you examine evidence without pre-conceived notions your conclusions won’t fall neatly into camps but will be all over the political map.

Keeping Consortium News Free

The extraordinary generosity of some of our readers has allowed Consortium News to remain free for all to read, the same policy our founder Bob Parry adopted in 1995.