Mariana Sacchi
Supervisors: Dra. Cecilia Perez de Micou and Lic. Carlos A. Aschero
Address: 3 de Febrero 1378 C.A.B.A (1426) Argentina
Address: 3 de Febrero 1378 C.A.B.A (1426) Argentina
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Papers by Mariana Sacchi
The distribution of raw materials -both in space and time- allows us to assert that potential regional circulation routes would have been affected differentially by the paleolakes present from the Pleistocene up until the mid-Holocene.
The basis of the discussion is made taking into account sites from the Northeast coast of the Pueyrredón Lake, Cerro de los Indios 1 (central portion of the PPS basin) and Cerro Casa de Piedra 7 (near to the Burmeister lake). This investigation considers five moments that are contained at the sites studied: ca. 10000-8000years BP, 8000-6000 years BP, 6000-4000 years BP; ca. 4000-2000 years BP; ca. 2000 years BP and later.
- Shipwrecks on the coast
- Trade with merchants
- Contact with cities (Pacific and Atlantic Coasts)
The establishment of cities (Punta Arenas -1848-, Piedrabuena -1859- ) and “estancias” (1880) increased glass availability but only in the proximity of these places. Thus, while lithic scrapers have a uniform distribution and a lower frequencies (15 sites, N=113, max=36); glass scrapers are grouped near cities or “estancias” (13 sites, N=688, min=198). It´s concluded that, when available, glass was more frequently selected than lithic raw material. This frequency might be related to the Aonikenk “quillanguería” (hide working) from late XIX century, as it is postulated by other authors.
empleados simultáneamente —en ambientes diferentes— entre los grupos cazadores-recolectores aonikenk post
1520 AD, contrariamente a lo planteado por el registro histórico-etnográfico. A fin de contrastar la hipótesis, y
ante la escasez de bolas en estratigrafía para dicho momento, se propuso un análisis de frecuencias de puntas de
proyectil, raspadores y raederas, provenientes de 38 sitios postcontacto. Estos tres tipos de artefactos presentaban
diferentes frecuencias que podían ser asociadas a las distintas funcionalidades de los sitios (actividades limitadas
vs. actividades múltiples). Este análisis, junto con la ubicación topográfica de los sitios, permitió contrastar
positivamente la hipótesis inicial, mostrando la utilidad del análisis regional en momentos postcontacto.