Commons:SVG Translation Campaign 2019 in India/Prizes

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SVG Translation Campaign 2019 in India
21 February (International Mother Language Day) – 31 March 2019

Home page
SVG Translation Campaign 2019 in India Home page
Lists of images
SVG Translation Campaign 2019 in India Image Lists
SVG Translation Campaign 2019 in India Resources
Help Desk
SVG Translation Campaign 2019 in India Help
SVG Translation Campaign 2019 in India Participants
SVG Translation Campaign 2019 in India Organisers
Onsite events
SVG Translation Campaign 2019 in India Events
SVG Translation Campaign 2019 in India Prizes
SVG Translation Campaign 2019 in India Report

Prizes and criteria

S.No Criteria Prize
1 Top five overall contributors
  • ₹600 worth Amazon gift voucher
  • Certificate
  • T-Shirt
2 Top contributor from a language
  • ₹500 worth Amazon gift voucher
  • Certificate
  • Diary
3 Atleast 10 images uploaded for the campaign


  • All participants must add their signature to the list of participants.
  • Coordinators are not eligible for any prize, but individual language organisers are eligible.
  • If participants is an overall top contributor, they'll not be eligible for the "Top language contributor" prize. A participant can only be recipient of one prize only.
  • If a recipient is from outside India, then equivalent gift vouchers will be considered after discussion with the respective participant.
  • Other goodies (Certificate + T-shirt/diary) will not be shipped to the participants from outside India.
  • If a participant doesn't respond to the results email within 15 days, the prize will be discarded. No request for claim will be considered thereafter.
  • After receiving the prize, the recipient must confirm by signing in the confirmation section below.



Prize winners

Criteria for prize winners
  • In some cases, the vector files have been corrected to fix root issues, alignment issues, translations etc.
    In such cases, the credit of an image is given to the original uploader, but not to the user who fixed the file at the latest.
  • Language-prize is only considered for those languages which have at least 25 files translated.
  • For language-prize winners, the user should have at least contributed 10 files.
  • If a user has won a prize for overall top contributions, then the user is not eligible for the language prize.
    In such cases, the language-prize will be awarded to the next highest top contributor from the respective language.
  • Please note that top contributors are different from prize winners.
    For top contributors (overall and language-wise) please see the results page.
    Prize winners are listed according to the above-mentioned criteria and the rules, they are not the same.
  • Once announced, if the winning user doesn't respond within fifteen details to furnish required details for prize distribution, the prize will be discarded.

Overall winners

  1. User:Mekala Harika: 269 files
  2. User:দিব্য দত্ত: 177 files
  3. User:Sushant savla: 170 files
  4. User:Sumita Roy Dutta: 154 files
  5. User:Abhijith Sheheer: 118 files

Language-wise winners



  1. a b c d e f No language prize, minimum criteria not met.
  2. Actual highest contributor User:Sumita Roy Dutta is an overall top contributor.
  3. a b Actual highest contributor User:Sushant savla is an overall top contributor.
  4. Actual highest contributor User:Abhijith Sheheer is an overall top contributor.
  5. a b Actual highest contributor User:Mekala Harika is an overall top contributor.