Category:Unidentified Cyanobacteriota
This category has only the following subcategory.
Media in category "Unidentified Cyanobacteriota"
The following 103 files are in this category, out of 103 total.
AfterFireworksPlanktonicCyanobacteriaInflorescenceLille2012 01.JPG 4,928 × 3,264; 2.79 MB
AfterFireworksPlanktonicCyanobacteriaInflorescenceLille2012 02.JPG 3,909 × 2,244; 1.19 MB
AfterFireworksPlanktonicCyanobacteriaInflorescenceLille2012 03.JPG 4,324 × 2,508; 2.04 MB
AfterFireworksPlanktonicCyanobacteriaInflorescenceLille2012 04.JPG 4,839 × 2,778; 2.59 MB
AfterFireworksPlanktonicCyanobacteriaInflorescenceLille2012 05.JPG 4,875 × 2,694; 2.36 MB
AfterFireworksPlanktonicCyanobacteriaInflorescenceLille2012 06.JPG 4,928 × 3,264; 2.72 MB
Algae growing around small hot waterfall.jpg 2,304 × 3,072; 2.55 MB
Algae in stream from hot pool.jpg 2,254 × 3,065; 1.93 MB
Algae on silica slope.jpg 2,176 × 2,808; 1.98 MB
Algal bloom at Anderson Lake State Park.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 6.74 MB
Algal mats on hot pool, Orakei Korako 1.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 1.71 MB
Algal mats on hot pool, Orakei Korako 2.jpg 3,072 × 2,000; 1.8 MB
AurayBiofilmBulles.jpg 1,716 × 1,080; 396 KB
Banter See 1348.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.87 MB
Biofilm sur vasePortAuray.jpg 1,932 × 1,605; 571 KB
CSIRO ScienceImage 4628 Bluegreen algae in irrigation drain.jpg 1,850 × 1,200; 3.53 MB
CSIRO ScienceImage 4655 Bluegreen algae in creek.jpg 1,850 × 1,200; 2.96 MB
Cyanobacteria 014.jpg 2,181 × 1,347; 770 KB
Cyanobacteria 016.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.48 MB
Cyanobacteria 018.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.28 MB
Cyanobacteria 023.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.93 MB
Cyanobacteria 027.jpg 2,560 × 1,563; 878 KB
Cyanobacteria 028.jpg 1,974 × 1,878; 877 KB
Cyanobacteria 029.jpg 2,477 × 1,740; 1,015 KB
Cyanobacteria 032.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.52 MB
Cyanobacteria 033.jpg 1,180 × 1,407; 635 KB
Cyanobacteria 036.jpg 2,499 × 1,671; 796 KB
Cyanobacteria Aggregation1.jpg 2,000 × 1,333; 1.57 MB
Cyanobacteria Aggregation2.jpg 2,000 × 1,333; 1.15 MB
Cyanobacteria deposits, St Margaret's Loch, Holyrood Park, Edinburgh.jpg 1,667 × 1,080; 870 KB
Cyanobacteria Fishpond2.jpg 1,500 × 2,000; 2.02 MB
Cyanobacteria in Vanoise National Park, 2429 m.jpg 4,896 × 2,752; 3.25 MB
Cyanobacteria in water and on shoreline, St Margaret's Loch, Holyrood Park, Edinburgh.jpg 1,428 × 1,080; 1.09 MB
Cyanobacteria WashMargin.jpg 2,000 × 1,333; 2.04 MB
CyanobacteriaFishpond.jpg 6,048 × 4,032; 3.17 MB
CyanobacteriaInPool.jpg 2,213 × 1,600; 544 KB
Cyanobacterial mat.jpg 1,002 × 900; 338 KB
Cyanobacterial Scum.JPG 2,816 × 2,112; 1.1 MB
CyanobacteriaLamiot163.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.06 MB
CyanobacteriaLamiot2009 07 26 184.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 799 KB
CyanobacteriaLamiot2009 07 26 234.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.15 MB
CyanobacteriaLamiot2009 07 26 237.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 590 KB
CyanobacteriaLamiot2009 07 26 243.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.51 MB
CyanobacteriaLamiot2009 07 26 290.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 786 KB
CyanobacteriaLamiot2009 07 26 294.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 701 KB
Cyanobactéries dans le Creux Noir, près du lac blanc 2429 m (2).jpg 4,896 × 2,752; 4.18 MB
Cyanobactéries dans le Creux Noir, près du lac blanc 2429 m (3).jpg 4,896 × 2,752; 4.17 MB
Cyanobactéries dans le Creux Noir, près du lac blanc 2429 m (4).jpg 4,896 × 2,752; 4.7 MB
D nerestce.jpg 766 × 1,024; 781 KB
Efflorescence verte 0CyanobacteriaDucks.JPG 2,312 × 1,396; 889 KB
Efflorescence verte 1 CyanobacteriaDeadFish.JPG 2,040 × 1,124; 805 KB
Efflorescence verte 1.JPG 2,028 × 1,272; 718 KB
Efflorescence verte 2.JPG 1,792 × 1,220; 913 KB
Efflorescence verte 3 Cyanobacteria.JPG 2,180 × 1,396; 1.02 MB
Efflorescence verte 4 Cyanobacteria.JPG 2,560 × 1,920; 1.14 MB
Efflorescence verte 5 Cyanobacteria.JPG 2,560 × 1,920; 1.33 MB
Efflorescence verte 6 Cyanobacteria.JPG 1,840 × 1,848; 780 KB
Efflorescence verte 7 Cyanobacteria.JPG 1,760 × 1,608; 817 KB
Harmful Bloom in Lake Atitlán, Guatemala.jpg 1,800 × 1,200; 2.28 MB
Indet. Cyanobacteria (AM AK340379).jpg 4,632 × 7,328; 1.77 MB
Kerinin - 23249321540.jpg 1,776 × 1,184; 502 KB
Kerinin - 23268911523.jpg 1,776 × 1,184; 679 KB
Kerinin - 23268912613.jpg 1,776 × 1,184; 744 KB
Kerinin - 23599991830.jpg 1,776 × 1,184; 606 KB
Kerinin - 23599991890.jpg 1,776 × 1,184; 705 KB
Kerinin - 23787374612.jpg 1,776 × 1,184; 640 KB
Kerinin - 23813216981.jpg 1,776 × 1,184; 653 KB
Lagoa Salina Pantanal da Nhecolândia Foto Kleber R.S. Santos.tif 2,122 × 1,593; 13.44 MB
Lakeburrinjuck oli 202141 lrg.jpg 3,428 × 2,749; 4.52 MB
Lakeburrinjuck oli 202141.jpg 720 × 480; 457 KB
Lakeburrinjuckzm oli 202141.jpg 720 × 600; 426 KB
Lots of blue-green algae at Baltic this year (14754619875).jpg 5,190 × 3,460; 5.18 MB
Lots of blue-green algae this year (14754302942).jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 6.34 MB
Luftaufnahme Osterseen.jpg 2,711 × 1,817; 794 KB
Map of Africa hot pool, Orakei Korako.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 1.96 MB
Mykothallus und Blaualgen.tif 1,891 × 1,418; 7.23 MB
P1150962.JPG 2,228 × 1,512; 647 KB
Pearling.jpg 1,776 × 1,184; 601 KB
PioneerAlgae colonneHelfaut.jpg 650 × 472; 142 KB
Potomac river eutro.jpg 240 × 157; 18 KB
Rain water gone manky August 2021.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 1.92 MB
Red cyanobacteria on dead gorgonian (6165864891).jpg 988 × 768; 250 KB
Red-cyanobacteria (36237767550).jpg 2,332 × 2,332; 1.1 MB
Red-cyanobacteria-2 (36237767320).jpg 2,506 × 2,506; 1.21 MB
Roding Reservoir - - 515528.jpg 640 × 426; 135 KB
Rybník Koda, s pramenem.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.1 MB
Rybník Koda, sinice.jpg 1,944 × 2,592; 916 KB
Sinilevää Köyliönjärvessä 1.jpg 3,900 × 2,600; 3.49 MB
Sinilevää Köyliönjärvessä 2.jpg 4,200 × 2,800; 3.57 MB
Sinilevää Köyliönjärvessä 3.jpg 3,600 × 2,320; 3.27 MB
Starr-040410-0257-Cyperus laevigatus-view cyanobacteria-LaPerouse-Maui (24074485663).jpg 1,224 × 1,632; 771 KB
Starr-040410-0258-Scaevola taccada-view cyanobacteria-LaPerouse-Maui (24405792890).jpg 1,224 × 1,632; 749 KB
Tintenstriche.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 4.67 MB
Urobatis halleri Gdynia (trygon kolisty).jpg 3,409 × 2,402; 1.65 MB
Vroege blauwalg in Nijmeegse vijvers.webm 34 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 18.02 MB
ZebRivStromatolites 2010.1.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 3.38 MB
ZebRivStromatolites 2010.4.jpg 1,944 × 2,592; 1.2 MB
Синезелёные водоросли (made by Paliienko Konstantin).jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.22 MB