Parent categories were assigned using the {{Category Russia}} template. In general, new categories should not be added by hand. The tree of categories is maintained automatically, any human edits may be overridden by bot.
This is the category of the protected area of Russia number 8900014
This template and pages using it are maintained by the Russian WLE team. Please read the guidelines before making any changes that can affect the database!
<nowiki>Гыданский заповедник; Гыдан милли паркы; Parc national de Gydan; Reserva Natural de Guida; Zapovednik Gydansky; Park Narodowy „Gydanskij”; Гиданський національний парк; Zapovednik Gydanski; national park in Western Siberia; park narodowy w Rosji; aire protégée de Russie</nowiki>