Category:Books about painting
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Media in category "Books about painting"
The following 78 files are in this category, out of 78 total.
1889, Diálogo sobre la historia de la pintura en México, Bernardo Couto.jpg 1,844 × 3,000; 113 KB
A arte da pintura.pdf 1,004 × 1,477, 69 pages; 1.62 MB
The art of painting in oyl (IA artofpaintingino00smit).pdf 541 × 893, 118 pages; 8.21 MB
The art of painting in oyl (IA artofpaintingino00smit 0).pdf 485 × 797, 132 pages; 8.16 MB
The masters of genre painting, being an introductory handbook to the study of genre painting (IA cu31924008631115).pdf 708 × 1,033, 330 pages; 6.16 MB
Portrait and figure painting (IA cu31924008632493).pdf 977 × 1,370, 94 pages; 1.96 MB
On the antique painting in encaustic of Cleopatra, discovered in 1818 (IA cu31924008637112).pdf 941 × 1,420, 84 pages; 3.75 MB
Venetian painting in America; the fifteenth century (IA cu31924008640496).pdf 833 × 1,156, 536 pages; 12.28 MB
A course of sepia painting (IA cu31924008658571).pdf 1,360 × 970, 94 pages; 2.04 MB
Concerning painting; considerations theoretical and historical (IA cu31924008661187).pdf 595 × 995, 356 pages; 5.41 MB
The principles of colouring in painting (IA cu31924008664066).pdf 664 × 1,031, 116 pages; 2.11 MB
A record of Spanish painting (IA cu31924008667051).pdf 754 × 1,179, 514 pages; 12.35 MB
The early Flemish painters; notices of their lives and works (IA cu31924008696902).pdf 610 × 993, 443 pages; 10.57 MB
Dutch painters of the nineteenth century. With biographical notices (IA cu31924008697413).pdf 1,229 × 1,708, 342 pages; 24.66 MB
The Greek painters' art (IA cu31924008721445).pdf 739 × 1,143, 390 pages; 8.92 MB
The Scottish school of painting (IA cu31924008724688).pdf 712 × 1,070, 486 pages; 10.55 MB
Painting and the personal equation (IA cu31924008725354).pdf 779 × 1,079, 216 pages; 3.01 MB
A painter's camp (IA cu31924008726824).pdf 581 × 939, 372 pages; 6.75 MB
The study of modern painting (IA cu31924008742698).pdf 808 × 1,229, 390 pages; 7.17 MB
Pictures and their painters; the history of painting (IA cu31924008743043).pdf 770 × 1,143, 476 pages; 18.5 MB
A concise history of painting (IA cu31924008743365).pdf 629 × 981, 572 pages; 13.6 MB
Schools of painting (IA cu31924008743423).pdf 737 × 1,154, 580 pages; 13.08 MB
Classic and Italian painting (IA cu31924008746020).pdf 727 × 1,072, 256 pages; 9.64 MB
Modern painting (IA cu31924008746087).pdf 610 × 925, 326 pages; 5.15 MB
The Flemish school of painting (IA cu31924008751194).pdf 581 × 979, 450 pages; 14.15 MB
Painting in France, after the decline of classicism (IA cu31924008752556).pdf 1,087 × 1,508, 148 pages; 3.83 MB
Painting in France, after the decline of classicism. An essay (IA cu31924008752622).pdf 639 × 960, 186 pages; 2.68 MB
Water colour painting (IA cu31924014501955).pdf 816 × 1,231, 364 pages; 7.76 MB
Landscape painting and modern Dutch artists (IA cu31924014502060).pdf 856 × 1,297, 350 pages; 6.52 MB
Painting and the personal equation (IA cu31924014502581).pdf 850 × 1,175, 216 pages; 3.02 MB
Art for art's sake; seven university lectures on the technical beauties of painting (IA cu31924014502656).pdf 610 × 950, 328 pages; 5.34 MB
The world's painters and their pictures (IA cu31924014503365).pdf 670 × 1,025, 298 pages; 6.72 MB
De arte graphica. The art of painting (IA deartegraphicaar00dufr).pdf 895 × 1,189, 434 pages; 24.89 MB
El Tratado de la Pintura (page 22 crop).jpg 1,817 × 2,717; 1.79 MB
El Tratado de la Pintura.djvu 2,513 × 3,571, 386 pages; 13.93 MB
The Elements of Picturesque Scenery- Or Studies of Nature Made in Travel ... (IA elementspicture00twingoog).pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 339 pages; 12.88 MB
The perfect painter, or, a compleat history of the original, progress and improvement of painting .. (IA gri 33125011166077).pdf 1,362 × 2,241, 154 pages; 17.78 MB
De arte graphica - the art of painting (IA gri deartegraphi00dufr).pdf 700 × 889, 437 pages; 27.78 MB
Het Hollandsche landschap in ontstaan en wording (IA hethollandschela00jong).pdf 966 × 1,331, 212 pages; 9.39 MB
An historical essay on the original of painting - wherein is exhibited ... (IA historicalessayo00bell).pdf 629 × 1,035, 158 pages; 13.08 MB
Regional digitization in Massachusetts (IA inleydingtotdeho00hoog 0).pdf 908 × 1,208, 422 pages; 50.41 MB
The Italian schools of painting ; based on the Handbook of Kugler (IA italianschoolsof01kugl).pdf 745 × 1,212, 620 pages; 29.53 MB
Modern painter's cyclopedia .. (IA modernpainterscy00mair).pdf 708 × 1,072, 488 pages; 18.75 MB
Modern painter's cyclopedia (IA modernpainterscy01mair).pdf 766 × 1,083, 488 pages; 23.03 MB
Modern painting, hardwood finishing and sign writing .. (IA modernpaintingha00arms).pdf 683 × 1,068, 824 pages; 33.3 MB
Modern painting, hardwood finishing and sign writing (IA modernpaintingha01arms).pdf 685 × 1,095, 808 pages; 40.86 MB
Painters' mixing manual & sample book .. (IA paintersmixingma00darl).pdf 554 × 1,029, 40 pages; 1.41 MB
Painting, instruction paper (IA paintinginstruct00amer).pdf 918 × 1,406, 40 pages; 1.97 MB
Paint and stain formulas (IA paintstainformul00good).pdf 679 × 995, 94 pages; 2.88 MB
Palette painting book (IA palettepaintingb00floh).pdf 1,306 × 1,875, 30 pages; 3.26 MB
Peter Schmid Plan.jpg 519 × 878; 280 KB
Practical painting - and how to use the Heath & Milligan paints (IA practicalpaintin00heat).pdf 777 × 1,145, 220 pages; 13.3 MB
The teacher of flowers and fruit painting (IA teacherofflowers00camp).pdf 1,245 × 1,912, 114 pages; 5.48 MB
The teacher of landscape painting (IA teacheroflandsca00camp).pdf 1,177 × 1,862, 112 pages; 4.03 MB
The teacher of oil painting and tapestry. (IA teacherofoilpain00camp).pdf 1,170 × 1,800, 110 pages; 4.92 MB
The chemistry of paints and painting.djvu 2,335 × 3,687, 434 pages; 7.68 MB
Water Color Painting- Some Facts 1868 (IA WaterColorPaintingSomeFacts1868).pdf 841 × 1,285, 17 pages; 1.67 MB
Water colors in the schoolroom (IA watercolorsinsch00brad).pdf 1,095 × 1,762, 76 pages; 2.99 MB
От Сезанна до cупрематизма. Критический очерк (Казимир Малевич, 1920).pdf 589 × 975, 18 pages; 1.62 MB