Category:BHL Field Notes Project
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Media in category "BHL Field Notes Project"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 2,963 total.
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127A, 130A, 132A, 135A, 140A, 143A, 147A, 149A, 152A, 157A,-158A (IA 127a130a132a13500nati).pdf 3,254 × 2,670, 22 pages; 1.76 MB
162-163A, 169A, 172A-174A, 178A-180A, 183A (IA 162163a169a172a00nati).pdf 3,254 × 2,670, 20 pages; 1.9 MB
1895-1899, 1896 diaries (IA 189518991896dia00preb).pdf 1,687 × 3,629, 41 pages; 5.91 MB
1938 N. G. Exp. (IA 1938newguineaexp0000rich).pdf 1,108 × 1,506, 244 pages; 23.58 MB
1948 Archbold Cape York Expedition - Analysis of Plant collections by Habitat. (1948-1949) (IA 1948archboldcap00bras).pdf 1,439 × 1,710, 312 pages; 102.78 MB
1948 Archbold Cape York Expedition Journal of G. H. H. Tate. December1, 1947-October27, 1948 (IA 1948archboldcap00tate).pdf 1,387 × 1,712, 360 pages; 114.74 MB
BHL Field Notes Project (IA 1948archboldcap00tatea).pdf 1,277 × 1,652, 31 pages; 7.18 MB
1948 Archbold Cape York Expedition - Daily Journal G. M. Tate (IA 1948archboldcap00tateb).pdf 1,270 × 1,652, 310 pages; 158.67 MB
1964 diary (IA 1964diary00vand).pdf 450 × 650, 188 pages; 13.77 MB
201A-205A, 207A, 211A, 214A-215A, 218A, 223A, 227A (IA 201a205a207a21100nati).pdf 3,254 × 2,670, 24 pages; 2.02 MB
230A, 232A, 236A, 255-256A, 269A-282A, 286A, 293A, 298A, 300A (IA 230a232a236a25500nati).pdf 3,254 × 2,670, 46 pages; 4.48 MB
289-299 (IA 28929900nati).pdf 3,239 × 2,647, 22 pages; 1.89 MB
28B-30B, 34B, 38B, 43B-44B, 46B-65B (IA 28b30b34b38b43b00nati).pdf 3,239 × 2,647, 58 pages; 4.64 MB
301A, 315A, 328A (IA 301a315a328a00nati).pdf 3,254 × 2,670, 6 pages; 429 KB
36, 40-41, 44, 47, 49-50, 53, 58, 62-63, 67-68, 71, 74, 83, 87-88, 90-91, 93-96, 99-100 (IA 36404144474950500nati).pdf 3,239 × 2,647, 52 pages; 3.63 MB
388, 396 (IA 38839600nati).pdf 3,239 × 2,647, 4 pages; 315 KB
538-540, 542, 550, 554-555, 558-566, 568-573, 575-576 (IA 53854054255055400nati).pdf 3,239 × 2,647, 48 pages; 4.01 MB
5th Archbold expedition to New Guinea. March 4, 1956 to February 1, 1957 (IA 5tharchboldexpe00bras).pdf 1,287 × 1,654, 182 pages; 90.93 MB
5th Archbold Expedition to New Guinea - Field Catalog April 11 to December 17, 1956 (IA 5tharchboldexpe00pete).pdf 1,233 × 1,652, 84 pages; 44.87 MB
636-655, 657, 694-695 (IA 63665565769469500nati).pdf 3,239 × 2,647, 46 pages; 3.05 MB
734, 787 (IA 73478700nati).pdf 3,239 × 2,647, 4 pages; 418 KB
(7th Archbold expedition summary) 1964 (IA 7tharchboldexpe00vand).pdf 1,277 × 1,654, 48 pages; 8.97 MB
822, 834, 849-860 (IA 82283484986000nati).pdf 3,258 × 2,660, 28 pages; 1.89 MB
861-870 (IA 86187000nati).pdf 3,258 × 2,660, 20 pages; 1.2 MB
871-880 (IA 87188000nati).pdf 3,258 × 2,660, 20 pages; 1.17 MB
881-890 (IA 88189000nati).pdf 3,258 × 2,660, 20 pages; 1.44 MB
891-900 (IA 89190000nati).pdf 3,258 × 2,660, 20 pages; 1.13 MB
901-910 (IA 90191000nati).pdf 3,258 × 2,660, 20 pages; 1.3 MB
911-920 (IA 91192000nati).pdf 3,258 × 2,660, 20 pages; 1.05 MB
921-930 (IA 92193000nati).pdf 3,258 × 2,660, 20 pages; 1.43 MB
938, 941, 946, 978, 992 (IA 93894194697899200nati).pdf 3,258 × 2,660, 10 pages; 766 KB
Account book (IA Accountbook00Erdm).pdf 1,341 × 2,041, 65 pages; 18.2 MB
Acrocephalis familiaris (Miller bird), 1964 (IA acrocephalisfam00nati).pdf 3,114 × 2,566, 2 pages; 208 KB
Alaska, 1965 (IA alaska196500thom).pdf 2,656 × 3,443, 25 pages; 7.11 MB
Alaska (blood), 1965 (IA alaskablood196500nati).pdf 1,781 × 2,568, 16 pages; 4.46 MB
Alaska, Kelez, September-October 1965 (IA alaskakelezsept00nati).pdf 2,443 × 3,133, 93 pages; 12.6 MB
Alcidai (Murres), 1964 (IA alcidaimurres1900nati).pdf 2,387 × 3,218, 2 pages; 164 KB
Alfred H. Ames, 1853 and undated (IA alfredhames185300ames).pdf 2,575 × 4,039, 9 pages; 1.38 MB
Amerman, Kenneth E., 1964, 1966 (IA amermankennethe00amer).pdf 2,662 × 3,389, 226 pages; 35.19 MB
Amerson, A. Binion, Jr., 1963 (IA amersonbinionjr00amer).pdf 2,495 × 3,254, 85 pages; 17.06 MB
Amerson, Wislocki, Leewards, March 1964 (IA amersonwislocki00amer).pdf 2,462 × 4,014, 53 pages; 7.38 MB
Amphibian and reptile photographs, 1965-1966 and undated (IA amphibianreptil00amer).pdf 2,893 × 2,081, 12 pages; 1.2 MB
Anas laysanensis (Laysan duck), 1962, 1965-1966 (IA anaslaysanensis00clap).pdf 3,189 × 2,239, 18 pages; 1.6 MB
Anderson, Alan H., 1964 (IA andersonalanh1900ande).pdf 2,481 × 3,239, 26 pages; 4.01 MB
Aneroid readings (IA aneroidreadings00wats).pdf 727 × 1,158, 18 pages; 421 KB
An annotated index to the fungus taxa described by N. Patouillard (IA annotatedindexf00pfis).pdf 2,550 × 3,302, 197 pages; 17.65 MB
Annotated lists of specimens received from the US Exploring Expedition, 1838 - 1842 (IA annotatedlistss00unit).pdf 2,789 × 3,404, 73 pages; 13.44 MB
Anous minutus (Hawaiian noddy tern) (IA anousminutushaw00hack).pdf 3,231 × 2,631, 54 pages; 5.06 MB
Anous stolidus (Noddy tern), 1962-1967 (IA anousstolidusno00amer).pdf 3,231 × 2,631, 52 pages; 5.01 MB
Arctic Alaska, 1963, (numbers 63-1-63-430) (IA arcticalaska1963356stee).pdf 1,245 × 1,733, 139 pages; 4.03 MB
Arctic Alaska, Canada, 1963, (diaries) (IA arcticalaskacana355stee).pdf 633 × 1,008, 106 pages; 2.8 MB
Arctic Alaska, Canada, 1963, (numbers 63-431-63-925) (IA arcticalaskacana356stee).pdf 1,312 × 1,741, 146 pages; 4.65 MB
Arenaria interpres (ruddy turnstone) and Pluvialis dominica (golden plover) (IA arenariainterpr00nati).pdf 2,281 × 2,956, 37 pages; 6.55 MB
Arenavia interpres (Ruddy turnstone) (IA arenaviainterpr00clap).pdf 3,160 × 2,606, 6 pages; 691 KB
Arizona field notes - 1881 (IA arizonafieldnot00step).pdf 618 × 962, 194 pages; 6.45 MB
Arizona plants collected by J.W. Gillespie (IA arizonaplantsco00gill).pdf 1,333 × 1,704, 2 pages; 178 KB
ATF observation check-lists February - March 1963 (ATF 1) (IA atfobservationc00nati).pdf 2,927 × 4,075, 23 pages; 4.87 MB
ATF observation check-lists June - July 1963 (ATF 2) (IA atfobservationc00natia).pdf 2,904 × 4,075, 10 pages; 2.45 MB
ATF observation check-lists October - November 1963 (ATF 3) (IA atfobservationc00natib).pdf 2,889 × 4,089, 11 pages; 2.75 MB
ATF observation check-lists February - April 1964 (ATF 4) (IA atfobservationc00natic).pdf 2,947 × 4,068, 13 pages; 3.14 MB
ATF observation check-lists June - July 1964 (ATF 5) (IA atfobservationc00natid).pdf 2,927 × 4,066, 10 pages; 2.38 MB
ATF observation check-lists October - December 1964 (ATF 6) (IA atfobservationc00natie).pdf 2,881 × 4,037, 14 pages; 3.55 MB
ATF observation check-lists January - February 1965 (SIC 7) (IA atfobservationc00natif).pdf 2,912 × 4,052, 11 pages; 2.71 MB
ATF-SIC 1, Moctobi, February-March 1963 (IA atfsic1moctobif00nati).pdf 2,587 × 3,329, 103 pages; 11.16 MB
ATF-SIC 2, Tawakoni, June-July 1963 (IA atfsic2tawakoni00nati).pdf 2,414 × 3,156, 51 pages; 5.92 MB
ATF-SIC 3, Tawakoni, October-November 1963 (IA atfsic3tawakoni00nati).pdf 2,316 × 3,006, 98 pages; 11.87 MB
ATF-SIC 4, Lipan, February-April 1964 (IA atfsic4lipanfeb00nati).pdf 2,475 × 3,231, 171 pages; 42.73 MB
ATF-SIC 5, Takelma, June-July 1964 (IA atfsic5takelmaj00nati).pdf 2,475 × 3,179, 83 pages; 11.53 MB
ATF-SIC 6, Lipan, October-December 1964 (IA atfsic6lipanoct00nati).pdf 2,406 × 3,089, 169 pages; 31.67 MB
(Austin Rand's journal, 3rd Archbold Expedition to New Guinea) July 6, 1938 to May 5, 1939 (IA austinrandsjour00rand).pdf 1,281 × 1,650, 182 pages; 49.62 MB
Bailey-Wetmore Wood Collection slide ledger, 1935-1937 (IA baileywetmorewo00bail).pdf 1,325 × 1,681, 339 pages; 20.65 MB
Balcomb, Kenneth C., 1966 (IA balcombkennethc00balc).pdf 3,389 × 2,631, 3 pages; 516 KB
BCF, Cromwell, April-May 1964 (IA bcfcromwellapri00nati).pdf 2,341 × 3,035, 114 pages; 18.82 MB
BCF, Cromwell, April 1965 (IA bcfcromwellapri00natia).pdf 2,475 × 3,187, 135 pages; 19.35 MB
BCF, Cromwell, December 1964 (IA bcfcromwelldece00nati).pdf 2,420 × 3,095, 103 pages; 14.65 MB
BCF, Cromwell, February 1965 (IA bcfcromwellfebr00nati).pdf 2,458 × 3,170, 103 pages; 16.38 MB
BCF, Cromwell, January 1965 (IA bcfcromwelljanu00nati).pdf 2,481 × 3,156, 94 pages; 15.65 MB
BCF, Cromwell, July-August 1964 (IA bcfcromwelljuly00nati).pdf 2,264 × 2,931, 104 pages; 13.59 MB
BCF, Cromwell, June-July 1964 (IA bcfcromwelljune00nati).pdf 2,406 × 3,075, 172 pages; 19.7 MB
BCF Cromwell, June-July 1965 (IA bcfcromwelljune00natia).pdf 2,481 × 3,179, 100 pages; 14.65 MB
BCF, Cromwell, March-April 1964 (IA bcfcromwellmarc00nati).pdf 2,341 × 3,050, 97 pages; 15.94 MB
BCF, Cromwell, May 1965 (IA bcfcromwellmay100nati).pdf 2,475 × 3,179, 122 pages; 15.94 MB
BCF, Cromwell, May-June 1964 (IA bcfcromwellmayj00nati).pdf 2,331 × 3,037, 137 pages; 19.34 MB
BCF, Cromwell, October 1964 (IA bcfcromwellocto00nati).pdf 2,414 × 3,095, 118 pages; 16.9 MB
BCF, Cromwell, September 1964 (IA bcfcromwellsept00nati).pdf 2,406 × 3,089, 113 pages; 16.84 MB
BCF observation check-lists November 1964 (IA bcfobservationc00nati).pdf 2,702 × 3,827, 20 pages; 4.37 MB
BCF observation check-lists December 1964 (IA bcfobservationc00natia).pdf 2,725 × 3,827, 20 pages; 4.36 MB
BCF observation check-lists February 1965 (IA bcfobservationc00natib).pdf 2,650 × 3,827, 20 pages; 4.32 MB
BCF observation check-lists March 1965 (IA bcfobservationc00natic).pdf 2,668 × 3,822, 20 pages; 4.22 MB
BCF observation check-lists April 1965 (IA bcfobservationc00natid).pdf 2,716 × 3,822, 20 pages; 4.4 MB
BCF observation check-lists June - July 1965 (IA bcfobservationc00natie).pdf 2,716 × 3,812, 23 pages; 4.95 MB
BCF observation check-lists January 1965 (IA bcfobservationc00natif).pdf 2,670 × 3,827, 20 pages; 4.42 MB
BCF observation check-lists April 1965 (IA bcfobservationc00natig).pdf 2,693 × 3,827, 20 pages; 4.38 MB
Bee keeping activities and field catalog of birds collected in Hawaii, v4273 1900-1903 (IA beekeepingarchiv00ches).pdf 977 × 1,772, 126 pages; 5.7 MB
Bermuda plants, approximately 1881-1900 (IA bermudaplantsap00farl).pdf 1,056 × 1,275, 18 pages; 562 KB
Bermuda plants, approximately 1881-1900 (IA bermudaplantsap00farla).pdf 868 × 1,343, 14 pages; 479 KB
Bestimmungsliste Dr. Werdermann - Plantae Chilenses (IA bestimmungslist00werd).pdf 1,425 × 1,829, 4 pages; 488 KB
Bird specimens, collected at sea, November 1964 (IA birdspecimensco00amer).pdf 3,185 × 2,600, 18 pages; 1.37 MB
Black-winged petrel (IA blackwingedpetr00goul).pdf 3,187 × 2,622, 8 pages; 695 KB
Blood, Pearl and Hermes Reef, September 1966 (IA bloodpearlherme00nati).pdf 2,712 × 4,095, 18 pages; 2.71 MB
Blue-faced boobies, Kure, n.d (IA bluefacedboobie00nati).pdf 3,337 × 2,143, 278 pages; 25.29 MB
Boraginaceae (excl. of Cordia) from Dr. J.F. Molfino (IA boraginaceaeexc00molf).pdf 1,312 × 1,687; 57 KB
Botanical collection of 1869 - Utah Territory (IA botanicalcollec00wats).pdf 1,102 × 1,295, 148 pages; 6 MB
Botanical collections, 1880 (IA botanicalcollec00watsa).pdf 733 × 1,164, 62 pages; 1.69 MB
Botanical notebook, 1904-1906 (IA botanicalnotebo00fern).pdf 864 × 1,270, 42 pages; 2.24 MB
Botanical notebook, 1906 (IA botanicalnotebo00ferna).pdf 860 × 1,262, 102 pages; 3.8 MB
Botanical notebook, 1906 (IA botanicalnotebo00fernb).pdf 933 × 1,462, 33 pages; 1.41 MB
Botanical notebook (IA botanicalnotebo00schu).pdf 916 × 1,375, 66 pages; 2.46 MB
Botanical report of Mexican Biological Expedition, 1938 - Cerro Potosi, Nuevo Leon, Mexico (IA botanicalreport00schn).pdf 1,316 × 1,687, 4 pages; 333 KB
Botany, Baker (IA botanybaker00long).pdf 2,627 × 3,362, 24 pages; 3.48 MB
Echinoderms, drawings by Joseph Drayton (IA botanyechinoder00dray).pdf 2,195 × 3,427, 24 pages; 2.72 MB
Botany General (IA botanygeneral00nati).pdf 2,627 × 3,354, 70 pages; 9.33 MB
Botany of United States Geological Exploration, 40th Parallel (IA botanyunitedsta00bail).pdf 1,112 × 1,297, 168 pages; 7.24 MB
Bratley, David A., 1964-1965 (IA bratleydavid19600brat).pdf 2,639 × 3,389, 49 pages; 6.36 MB
Brown boobies, Kure, n.d (IA brownboobieskur00nati).pdf 3,366 × 2,100, 308 pages; 28.76 MB
Bulmer, Walter, Jr., 1966-1967 (IA bulmerwalterjr100bulm).pdf 1,772 × 2,660, 146 pages; 15.82 MB
Bulweria bulwerii (Bulwer's petrel) (IA bulweriabulweri00nati).pdf 2,281 × 2,956, 39 pages; 8.7 MB
Burckhalter, David L., 1967 (IA burckhalterdavi00burc).pdf 2,229 × 2,679, 21 pages; 3.38 MB
Calvin Ross Sperling field notebooks, 1980-1984 (IA calvinrosssperl00sper).pdf 839 × 1,227, 64 pages; 1.75 MB
Calvin Ross Sperling field notebooks, 1980-1984 (IA calvinrosssperl00spera).pdf 843 × 1,225, 101 pages; 3.16 MB
Calvin Ross Sperling field notebooks, 1980-1984 (IA calvinrosssperl00sperb).pdf 835 × 1,216, 43 pages; 1.07 MB
(Cape York Expedition journal) January 30 to December 3, 1948 (IA capeyorkexpedit00vand).pdf 1,270 × 1,654, 176 pages; 53.31 MB
Carices of the Northern United States contributed to Gray's Manual (IA caricesnorthern00care).pdf 1,183 × 1,510, 3 pages; 328 KB
Caroline Islands (IA carolineislands00long).pdf 2,641 × 3,377, 22 pages; 3.34 MB
Caroli Wright lichenes insula Cuba (IA caroliwrightlic00tuck).pdf 658 × 520, 9 pages; 304 KB
Catalogue of the "Bailey" collection in the Boston Society of Natural History (IA cataloguebailey00bail).pdf 1,400 × 1,731, 91 pages; 5.84 MB
Catalogue of botanical collection made in Nevada and Utah, in 1867-9 (IA cataloguebotani00wats).pdf 1,252 × 1,587, 244 pages; 14.24 MB
Catalogue of botanical specimens gathered in Nevada, season of 1867 (IA cataloguebotani00watsa).pdf 1,064 × 1,289, 98 pages; 4.43 MB
Catalogue of microscopical slides of the Bailey collection (IA cataloguemicros00bail).pdf 1,368 × 2,012, 708 pages; 46.78 MB
Catalogue of Zoological Specimens, v4280 (IA catalogueofzoolo00nedk).pdf 1,472 × 2,450, 68 pages; 8.51 MB
Catalogue of Sprague collection of lichens presented to the Boston Society of Natural History (IA cataloguespragu00spra).pdf 1,250 × 1,929, 17 pages; 1.61 MB
Chandler, Laysan Island, June 1966 (IA chandlerlaysani00chan).pdf 2,504 × 3,927, 53 pages; 7.88 MB
Chandler, Richard D., 1966 (IA chandlerrichard00chan).pdf 2,477 × 3,766, 8 pages; 1.43 MB
Charles H. Gilbert cruises, 1963-1966 (IA charleshgilbert00nati).pdf 2,604 × 3,354, 23 pages; 12.69 MB
Checklist of New England mosses (IA checklistneweng00merr).pdf 885 × 1,333, 56 pages; 1.9 MB
Cheever diatom slide index (IA cheeverdiatomsl00chee).pdf 1,362 × 1,720, 118 pages; 4.38 MB
Chilean plants received from Mr. Gunkel in May & June 1930 (IA chileanplantsre00gunc).pdf 1,318 × 1,695, 2 pages; 207 KB
Chinese ferns (IA chineseferns00schn).pdf 735 × 1,237; 35 KB
Christmas Island (IA christmasisland00long).pdf 2,468 × 3,218, 29 pages; 5.25 MB
Chronological summary and guide to Whitney Expedition journals (IA chronologicalsu00brya).pdf 1,335 × 1,593, 202 pages; 55.22 MB
Clapp, Roger B., 1963-1964, 1968 (IA clapprogerb196300clap).pdf 2,668 × 3,410, 137 pages; 25.85 MB
Collection of H.T. Shacklette (IA collectionhtsha00shac).pdf 1,316 × 1,691, 10 pages; 439 KB
Collection list of herpetological specimens (IA collectionlisth00vand).pdf 1,287 × 1,650, 114 pages; 44.68 MB
Colombian Piperaceae (IA colombianpipera00schu).pdf 1,308 × 1,689; 97 KB
A complete set of labels for Ezra Brainerd's distribution of violets in 1910 (IA completesetlabe00brai).pdf 1,325 × 1,606, 148 pages; 5.4 MB
Conopoderus aequinoctial (Christmas Island warbler), 1964, 1967 (IA conopoderusaequ00chan).pdf 3,197 × 2,629, 8 pages; 1,024 KB
Contents and alphabetical packing list - main party only (1948) (IA contentsalphabe00cape).pdf 1,308 × 1,710, 60 pages; 23 MB
Costa Rican Agaricaceae (IA costaricanagari00dodg).pdf 1,368 × 1,725, 702 pages; 22.78 MB
Costa Rican Agaricaceae (IA costaricanagari00dodga).pdf 1,381 × 1,714, 772 pages; 23.64 MB
Costa Rican lichens collected by Paul C. Standley (IA costaricanliche00dodg).pdf 1,250 × 1,633, 4 pages; 253 KB
Crocker Land Relief (IA crockerlandreli00hove).pdf 1,075 × 1,300, 46 pages; 6.45 MB
Crossin, Richard S., 1965-1966, 1968 (IA crossinrichards00cros).pdf 2,664 × 3,406, 74 pages; 15.61 MB
Crossin, Richard S., 1965-1966, 1968 (IA crossinrichards00crosa).pdf 2,612 × 3,362, 170 pages; 24.16 MB
Crossin, Richard S., 1965-1966, 1968 (IA crossinrichards00crosb).pdf 3,377 × 2,633, 131 pages; 23.11 MB
Cruises 85, 87-91, 94-95, 97, 1964, part 1 - cruise 85 (IA cruises8587919400nati).pdf 3,345 × 2,618, 3 pages; 341 KB
Cruises 85, 87-91, 94-95, 97, 1964, part 2 - cruise 87 (IA cruises8587919400natia).pdf 2,618 × 3,345, 17 pages; 3.52 MB
Cruises 85, 87-91, 94-95, 97, 1964, part 3 - cruise 88 (IA cruises8587919400natib).pdf 2,650 × 3,362, 8 pages; 950 KB
Cruises 85, 87-91, 94-95, 97, 1964, part 4 - cruise 89 (IA cruises8587919400natic).pdf 2,633 × 3,377, 15 pages; 3.01 MB
Cruises 85, 87-91, 94-95, 97, 1964, part 5 - cruise 90 (IA cruises8587919400natid).pdf 2,633 × 3,368, 11 pages; 2.24 MB
Cruises 85, 87-91, 94-95, 97, 1964, part 6 - cruise 91 (IA cruises8587919400natie).pdf 2,633 × 3,368, 6 pages; 802 KB
Cruises 85, 87-91, 94-95, 97, 1964, part 7 - cruise 94 (IA cruises8587919400natif).pdf 2,627 × 3,383, 13 pages; 1.53 MB
Cruises 85, 87-91, 94-95, 97, 1964, part 8 - cruise 95 (IA cruises8587919400natig).pdf 2,641 × 3,391, 10 pages; 1.85 MB
Cruises 85, 87-91, 94-95, 97, 1964, part 9 - cruise 97 (IA cruises8587919400natih).pdf 2,716 × 4,133, 13 pages; 1.51 MB
Cruises 85, 87-91, 94-95, 97, 1964, part 10 - cruise 98 (IA cruises8587919400natii).pdf 2,633 × 3,354, 10 pages; 1.47 MB
Crustacean photographs, 1964, 1967 and undated (IA crustaceanphoto00chan).pdf 3,239 × 2,652, 10 pages; 905 KB
Cryptogam list - China (IA cryptogamlist00chun).pdf 681 × 270, 32 pages; 1.01 MB
Cryptogam lists - China (IA cryptogamlists00cheo).pdf 1,333 × 1,697, 40 pages; 2.48 MB
Cryptogam notebooks - White Mountains, 1882-1890 (IA cryptogamnotebo00farl).pdf 1,081 × 1,254, 20 pages; 1.01 MB
Cryptogam notebooks - White Mountains, 1882-1890 (IA cryptogamnotebo00farla).pdf 1,064 × 1,214, 18 pages; 763 KB
Cryptogams of China, 1931-1933 (IA cryptogamschina00cheo).pdf 2,550 × 4,212, 371 pages; 40.78 MB
Cryptogams of Florida, 1898-1899 (IA cryptogamsflori00thax).pdf 610 × 958, 16 pages; 350 KB
Cuban plants (IA cubanplants00myer).pdf 1,241 × 1,606; 99 KB
Cuban plants (IA cubanplants00salt).pdf 1,245 × 1,606; 65 KB
Data for the Groth Texas Collection, June-Aug. 1903 (IA datagrothtexasc00grot).pdf 795 × 1,222, 242 pages; 7.37 MB
David LeRoy Topping notebook, 1904-1940 (IA davidleroytoppi00topp).pdf 1,233 × 1,518, 185 pages; 7.89 MB
Descriptions of larvae, 1883-1890 (IA descriptionslar00thax).pdf 1,077 × 1,237, 123 pages; 5.56 MB
Diaries of field trips, 1896, 1904, 1905, 1906 (IA diariesfieldtri00coll).pdf 1,350 × 1,764, 176 pages; 7.64 MB
Diario de Tamaulipas (IA diariodetamauli00berl).pdf 1,000 × 1,343, 28 pages; 2.39 MB
Diary, 1893, of trip to southwestern Pennsylvania (IA diary1893tripso00preb).pdf 2,100 × 3,958, 103 pages; 21.71 MB
Diary, 1900, of trip with his brother, Alfred Emerson Preble, to Hudson Bay region (IA diary1900tripwi00preb).pdf 2,818 × 4,220, 56 pages; 12.71 MB
Diary, 1901, of trip with Alfred Emerson Preble to the Athabaska-Mackenzie region (IA diary1901tripwi00preb).pdf 2,812 × 4,243, 63 pages; 14.92 MB
Diary, 1904, of trip to the Athabaska-Mackenzie region (IA diary1904tripat00preb).pdf 2,293 × 3,516, 56 pages; 9.23 MB
Diary, 1907, of trip to West Virginia (IA diary1907tripwe00preb).pdf 2,212 × 3,470, 12 pages; 1.46 MB
Diary, 1911, of trip to Idaho and Wyoming (IA diary1911tripid00preb).pdf 3,014 × 4,289, 94 pages; 13.19 MB
Diary, 1911, of trip to Wyoming (IA diary1911tripwy00preb).pdf 2,939 × 4,275, 25 pages; 3.48 MB
Diary, 1913, of trip with Charles Robert Cross to British Columbia (IA diary1913tripwi00preb).pdf 2,264 × 3,493, 63 pages; 8.52 MB
Diary, 1914, of trip with Wilfred Hudson Osgood and George Howard Parker to Pribilof Islands, Alaska (IA diary1914tripwi00preb).pdf 3,995 × 2,362, 90 pages; 7.12 MB
Diary, 1915, of trip to Nevada and Oregon (IA diary1915tripne00preb).pdf 2,789 × 4,162, 43 pages; 4.92 MB
Diary, 1918, of trip to Wyoming (IA diary1918tripwy00preb).pdf 2,204 × 3,539, 32 pages; 2.46 MB