Category:1896 books PDF files
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Media in category "1896 books PDF files"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 217 total.
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17th annual regatta, Larchmont yacht club, July 4, 1896 (IA 17thannualregatt00larc).pdf 1,447 × 1,112, 72 pages; 3.76 MB
1900; or, The last President (IA 1900orlastpresid00lock).pdf 1,389 × 2,287, 68 pages; 25.87 MB
4990010197538 - Sadhak Bandhu Ed.1st, Deb,AdityaChandra, 106p, THE ARTS, bengali (1896).pdf 2,481 × 3,508, 103 pages; 3.46 MB
4990010202677 - Ami Anathini Ed. 2, Chattopadhyay, Jogindranath, 126p, LANGUAGE. LINGUISTICS. LITERATURE, bengali (1896).pdf 2,481 × 3,508, 123 pages; 4.47 MB
Aboriginal remains in Verde Valley, Arizona (IA aboriginalremain00mindrich).pdf 1,041 × 1,610, 666 pages; 36.22 MB
Adel-band-1.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 1,019 pages; 27.86 MB
Alexander Hamilton (IA alexanderhamilto01hami).pdf 722 × 1,083, 240 pages; 9.17 MB
Alexandru Zamfir Sihleanu - Armonii intime.pdf 581 × 854, 97 pages; 1.45 MB
Alice and her two friends (IA alicehertwofrien00wood).pdf 1,204 × 1,860, 306 pages; 102.99 MB
Allgemeine botanische Zeitschrift für Systematik, Floristik, Pflanzengeographie etc (IA allgemeinebotani02kneu).pdf 868 × 1,345, 222 pages; 18.95 MB
Analytic questions on the art of Shakespeare - Hamlet (IA analyticquestion00sher).pdf 733 × 1,139, 104 pages; 2.39 MB
Anchieta, o carrasco de Bolés à luz da historia patria- compilação histórica.pdf 960 × 1,418, 34 pages; 1,019 KB
Ancient India- its language and religions (IA ancientindiaitsl01olde).pdf 706 × 1,118, 130 pages; 7.07 MB
Anton Aškerc - Lirske in epske poezije.pdf 606 × 922, 208 pages; 12.02 MB
Anton Kosi - Zabavna knjižnica za slovensko mladino (5. zvezek).pdf 570 × 933, 49 pages; 13.67 MB
Aplech de rondayes mallorquines d'en Jordi des Recó- Tom I (1896).pdf 766 × 1,239, 310 pages; 9.68 MB
Archivo general de la República Argentina (Tomo V - Tomo VI).pdf 1,002 × 1,472, 609 pages; 22.85 MB
Archivo general de la República Argentina (Tomo VII - Tomo VIII).pdf 1,000 × 1,468, 583 pages; 23.8 MB
Armenia and her people; (IA armeniaherpeople00fili).pdf 870 × 1,368, 428 pages; 23.76 MB
Armenia immolata (IA armeniaimmolata00stee).pdf 745 × 1,179, 30 pages; 552 KB
Armenia and its people (IA armeniaitspeople00ando).pdf 816 × 1,187, 44 pages; 1.5 MB
Armenia- its present crisis and past history (IA armeniaitspresen00tupp).pdf 883 × 1,375, 196 pages; 10.47 MB
The artificial propagation of salmon on the Pacific Coast of the United States (IA artificialpropag00ston).pdf 1,108 × 1,620, 70 pages; 3.99 MB
Artur Oppman-O Jasiu dręczycielu.pdf 1,381 × 1,839, 12 pages; 4.63 MB
"As thy days" and other verses (IA asthydaysotherve00ston).pdf 702 × 1,056, 40 pages; 1.58 MB
Atlas international des nuages 1896.pdf 1,516 × 1,864, 51 pages; 6.39 MB
What one can do with a chafing dish - a guide for amateur cooks (IA b21539704).pdf 1,254 × 850, 160 pages; 3.37 MB
Grand-Carteret - Les almanachs français, 1896.pdf 1,031 × 1,495, 986 pages; 59.64 MB
Electrozone and meditrina - a record of facts and information (IA b28094487).pdf 979 × 1,597, 112 pages; 3.93 MB
Report 1896 (IA b28845043).pdf 775 × 950, 112 pages; 5.55 MB
BaANH50370 Boletin del Instituto Geográfico Argentino (Tomo XVII 1896).pdf 587 × 845, 739 pages; 31.81 MB
BaANH50733 Memoria del Ministerio de Guerra y Marina (1896).pdf 560 × 864, 106 pages; 2.98 MB
The bachelor and the chafing dish, with a dissertation on chums (IA bachelorthechafi00welcrich).pdf 689 × 1,081, 168 pages; 6.57 MB
Barnabodha (1896).pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 33 pages; 19.81 MB
Beyond the pale. A novel (IA beyondpalenovel00crok).pdf 1,372 × 2,100, 368 pages; 192.54 MB
BLV 208 Die Reise der Soehne Giaffers.pdf 764 × 1,281, 236 pages; 7.34 MB
BLV 209 Jakob Freys Gartengesellschaft 1556.pdf 758 × 1,283, 346 pages; 9.75 MB
BLV 210 Leben und Wunderthaten des Heiligen Martin.pdf 758 × 1,283, 342 pages; 5.36 MB
BLV 211 Griechische Dramen in deutschen Bearbeitungen Band 1.pdf 758 × 1,283, 317 pages; 8.92 MB
BLV 212 Griechische Dramen in deutschen Bearbeitungen Band 2.pdf 775 × 1,250, 354 pages; 6.6 MB
Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu - Românii bănățeni din punctul de vedere al conservatorismului dialectal și teritorial.pdf 1,050 × 1,441, 71 pages; 1.52 MB
Bohemian legends and other poems.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 208 pages; 70.55 MB
Bohemian legends and other poems (IA bohemianlegendso00kopt).pdf 570 × 889, 210 pages; 6.87 MB
Bret Harte--Barker's luck.pdf 700 × 1,125, 312 pages; 20.24 MB
The broken ring; a romance (IA brokenringromanc00tomp).pdf 1,041 × 1,635, 298 pages; 74.33 MB
Cambridge sketches by Cambridge authors (IA cambridgesketche00merri).pdf 608 × 945, 298 pages; 10.87 MB
Canti (Sole).pdf 670 × 1,045, 435 pages; 5.94 MB
Cartas de Inglaterra (Rui Barbosa, 1896).pdf 675 × 1,081, 434 pages; 52.35 MB
The American elevator and grain trade (IA CAT31053470066).pdf 1,654 × 2,393, 44 pages; 8.95 MB
Chafing-dish dainties (IA chafingdishdaint00hows).pdf 887 × 1,087, 130 pages; 5.45 MB
The Chicago Record cook book (IA chicagorecordcoo00ches).pdf 929 × 1,387, 618 pages; 36.75 MB
ConstantinopleCarolineTiltonEngtrans.pdf 1,091 × 1,504, 398 pages; 11.62 MB
A country girl (IA countrygirl00corn).pdf 1,052 × 1,762, 154 pages; 59.94 MB
The cook book (IA cu31924001803877).pdf 1,058 × 1,514, 944 pages; 24.71 MB
Alaric at Rome, and other poems (IA cu31924013206622).pdf 591 × 1,006, 378 pages; 4.68 MB
Cyklista na wycieczkach. Lwów-Gdańsk.pdf 1,850 × 3,304, 33 pages; 29.07 MB
Daireen, a novel (IA daireennovel00moor).pdf 1,314 × 1,962, 402 pages; 214.02 MB
Das Thier in der decorativen Kunst.pdf 1,237 × 1,566, 66 pages; 44.48 MB
De Levende Natuur - vol. 001 (1896).pdf 1,725 × 2,279, 254 pages; 38.49 MB
Declaration between Great Britain and France with regard to the Kingdom of Siam and other matters.pdf 962 × 1,556, 6 pages; 383 KB
Der Medizinmann.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 32 pages; 16.46 MB
Der Verkehr in der Guten Gesellschaft.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 237 pages; 46.82 MB
Desbordes-Valmore - Poésies en patois, 1896.pdf 2,133 × 3,710, 33 pages; 9.35 MB
Deutsch-amerikanisches koch-büchlein (IA deutschamerikani00schr).pdf 920 × 1,410, 52 pages; 2.62 MB
Dimitrie Cantemir - Din chronicul romano-moldo-vlachilor.pdf 589 × 906, 111 pages; 2.02 MB
Dudka biełaruskaja (1896).pdf 818 × 1,218, 82 pages; 24.34 MB
Écarté; a treatise on the game with some historical notes on its origin (IA ecartetreatiseon00cady).pdf 754 × 1,075, 52 pages; 4.63 MB
Écarté; a treatise on the game with some historical notes on its origin (IA ecartetreatiseon00cady 0).pdf 785 × 1,066, 52 pages; 5 MB
Emil Pop - Ueber Pustula maligna mit secundärer hämorrhagischer Infection verursacht durch einen specifischen Bacillus.pdf 733 × 1,168, 12 pages; 2.91 MB
The enemies of books (IA enemiesofbooks00blad 0).pdf 902 × 1,352, 196 pages; 8.99 MB
Estudios sobre la Constitucion nacional argentina (IA estudiossobrelac01vare).pdf 841 × 1,310, 124 pages; 5.92 MB
Fran Zbašnik - Vas Kôt.pdf 647 × 1,062, 145 pages; 14.19 MB
Gabino Ezeiza - Cantares criollos (1896).pdf 720 × 1,068, 36 pages; 8 MB
Glosario de la lengua atacameña (1896).pdf 750 × 1,293, 35 pages; 5.6 MB
Gretter der Starke.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 296 pages; 5.97 MB
Mittelalterliche wandgemälde und tafelbilder der burg Karlstein in Böhmen (IA gri 33125001053996).pdf 2,997 × 3,770, 218 pages; 40.75 MB
Getty Research Institute (IA gri 33125009507829).pdf 1,500 × 1,275, 220 pages; 48.73 MB
Hamlet Nadakam 1896.pdf 856 × 1,239, 189 pages; 142.53 MB
Haspadary (1896).pdf 2,310 × 3,233, 8 pages; 2.05 MB
Horacianas - Segunda parte Un arcade de Roma - Bartolomé Mitre.pdf 600 × 972, 369 pages; 8.8 MB
Horrors of Armenia - the story of an eye-witness (IA horrorsofarmenia00howa).pdf 881 × 1,300, 82 pages; 3.61 MB
Iacob C. Negruzzi - Scrieri complecte. Volumul 5 - Teatru.pdf 618 × 1,037, 532 pages; 5.86 MB
Ioan Bogdan - Vlad Țepeș și Narațiunile Germane și Rusești asupra lui - Studiu critic.pdf 841 × 1,277, 192 pages; 4.38 MB
Ioan Cantacuzino - Appareils et fonction Phagocytaires dans le règne animal.pdf 966 × 1,397, 50 pages; 13.49 MB
Ioan Costin - Spre primă-vară - versurĭ.pdf 504 × 793, 92 pages; 772 KB
Ivan Tavčar - Povesti 1.pdf 695 × 1,008, 370 pages; 37.23 MB
Ivan Tavčar - Povesti 2.pdf 710 × 995, 324 pages; 32.12 MB
Ivan Tavčar - Povesti 3.pdf 718 × 1,010, 324 pages; 35.42 MB
Ivan Tavčar - Povesti 4.pdf 725 × 1,008, 267 pages; 29.26 MB
Ivan Tavčar - Povesti 5.pdf 672 × 1,002, 412 pages; 43.33 MB
The jewess, Leonora; a novel (IA jewessleonoranov00busc).pdf 956 × 1,543, 230 pages; 57.05 MB
The Jewett chafing dish with a collection of recipes for chafing-dish cookery (IA jewettchafingdis00jewe).pdf 950 × 756, 76 pages; 3.14 MB
José de Anchieta à luz da Historia Patria - compilação historica.pdf 831 × 1,268, 29 pages; 722 KB
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (IA journalofasiatic6418asia).pdf 1,506 × 2,152, 1,360 pages; 114.26 MB
The Juggernaut of the moderns; a novel (IA juggernautofmode00huds).pdf 1,045 × 1,460, 344 pages; 61.69 MB
Kallirrhoe; a dramatic poem (IA kallirrhoedramat00goet).pdf 722 × 1,012, 64 pages; 2.08 MB
Klemens Junosza-Z papierów po nieboszczyku czwartym.pdf 629 × 1,000, 176 pages; 3.55 MB
La Cristíada - bdh0000010226.pdf 3,802 × 2,516, 270 pages; 42.85 MB
La Société nouvelle, année 12, tome 1, 1896.pdf 904 × 1,387, 882 pages; 29.99 MB
La Société nouvelle, année 12, tome 2, 1896.pdf 897 × 1,395, 876 pages; 33.86 MB
Ladies' home cook book - a complete cook book and manual of household duties .. (IA ladieshomecookbo00wrig).pdf 1,345 × 1,850, 576 pages; 30 MB
Lambert - Jean et Pascal.pdf 722 × 1,043, 374 pages; 36.09 MB
Leithiger - Vogelsberger Rind.pdf 762 × 1,143, 52 pages; 6.65 MB
Le Village suisse à l'Exposition nationale suisse, Genève, 1896 (IA levillagesuissel00unse).pdf 1,295 × 1,839, 260 pages; 22.94 MB
Libro de estampas - El eslabón (1896).pdf 618 × 1,025, 88 pages; 13.19 MB
Lippincotts Monthly Magazine-37.pdf 885 × 1,339, 697 pages; 27.6 MB
Lippincotts Monthly Magazine-57.pdf 741 × 1,202, 919 pages; 36.03 MB
List of inscriptions on tombs or monuments in Bengal.pdf 1,229 × 1,939, 283 pages; 63.84 MB
Loom-fixing and weaving. A book for all who are interested in such matters (IA loomfixingweavin00ivey).pdf 820 × 1,379, 120 pages; 6.11 MB
Los espejos - Angel Estrada(h).pdf 625 × 943, 18 pages; 844 KB
Los que viven de lo ajeno.pdf 679 × 922, 162 pages; 8.33 MB
Los raros - Ruben Dario.pdf 616 × 1,229, 242 pages; 10.48 MB
Luiza Pesjak - Gorenjski slavček (opereta).pdf 1,231 × 933, 33 pages; 4.11 MB
Maaniniishatakam036526mbp.pdf 825 × 1,181, 25 pages; 848 KB
A master spirit, (IA masterspirit00spof).pdf 904 × 1,604, 152 pages; 4.72 MB
Mihail Demetrescu - Nuvele.pdf 497 × 827, 113 pages; 1.86 MB
Millo miúdo. Versos galegos, 1896, Pontevedra. Imp. de la Viuda e Hijos de Carragal.pdf 722 × 1,218, 156 pages; 19.35 MB
PL De Montepin - Róża i blanka.pdf 587 × 939, 532 pages; 28.77 MB
Muxenas 1896 Amador Montenegro Saavedra.pdf 1,787 × 2,691, 183 pages; 19.29 MB
Myths and Legends of Our Own Land (3 ed, 1896) - Skinner.pdf 658 × 1,062, 350 pages; 8.67 MB
Nicolae Filimon - Ciocoiĭ vechĭ și noĭ saǔ Ce naște din pisică șoarecĭ mănâncă. Volumul 1.pdf 595 × 854, 189 pages; 20.24 MB
Nicolae Filimon - Ciocoiĭ vechĭ și noĭ saǔ Ce naște din pisică șoarecĭ mănâncă. Volumul 2.pdf 595 × 854, 159 pages; 17.64 MB
Nicolae Filimon - Ciocoiĭ vechĭ și noĭ saǔ Ce naște din pisică șoarecĭ mănâncă. Volumul 3.pdf 595 × 854, 80 pages; 9.08 MB
Nicolae Iorga - Un viaggio da Venezia alla Tana.pdf 766 × 1,245, 12 pages; 2.26 MB
O dever com exemplos de coragem, paciencia e abnegação (1884).pdf 541 × 937, 424 pages; 48.05 MB
Obras de Domingo F. Sarmiento (Tomo 7).pdf 487 × 795, 398 pages; 19.28 MB
Obras dramáticas de Guillermo Shakespeare - Tomo VII (1896).pdf 710 × 1,075, 426 pages; 8.69 MB
Om Ligeløb og Kredsning i Sjælelivet.pdf 1,272 × 1,645, 110 pages; 48.7 MB
Papers presented to the Worlds Congress on Ornithology.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 220 pages; 30.9 MB
PL Edward Nowakowski-Podhorce.pdf 593 × 1,037, 12 pages; 313 KB
PL Edward Nowakowski-Uduszenie cara Pawła I.pdf 479 × 983, 30 pages; 10.35 MB
PL Edward Nowakowski-Wiadomość historyczna o cudownym obrazie Najśw. Panny Maryi Łaskawej w kościele katedralnym we Lwowie.pdf 902 × 1,329, 40 pages; 14.14 MB
PL Edward Nowakowski-Z przeszłości niemiecko-moskiewskiej.pdf 745 × 1,145, 12 pages; 2.92 MB
PL Stefan Surzyński - Nasze Hasło. Tomik II.pdf 525 × 816, 204 pages; 47.09 MB
Polonsky Polnoe Sobranie Stikhotvoreniy 1896 tom 1.pdf 733 × 1,045, 484 pages; 6.46 MB
Polonsky Polnoe Sobranie Stikhotvoreniy 1896 tom 2.pdf 733 × 1,045, 464 pages; 6.41 MB
Polonsky Polnoe Sobranie Stikhotvoreniy 1896 tom 3.pdf 743 × 1,047, 488 pages; 8.14 MB
Polonsky Polnoe Sobranie Stikhotvoreniy 1896 tom 4.pdf 743 × 1,047, 501 pages; 7.41 MB
Polonsky Polnoe Sobranie Stikhotvoreniy 1896 tom 5.pdf 725 × 1,058, 499 pages; 8.87 MB
Prosas profanas y otros poemas - Ruben Dario.pdf 631 × 652, 191 pages; 2.1 MB
Pé das Burgas por Francisco A. de Nóvoa. La Coruña. Andrés Martínez editor. 1896. Biblioteca Gallega.pdf 3,470 × 5,779, 204 pages; 6.56 MB
The queen cook book .. (IA queencookbook00boyd).pdf 693 × 1,083, 336 pages; 12.96 MB
Recuerdos de la tierra (IA recuerdosdelatie00legu).pdf 656 × 968, 356 pages; 17.78 MB
Recuerdos de la tierra - Martiniano Leguizamon.pdf 691 × 922, 313 pages; 6 MB
Redbook-1896 (26GA).pdf 818 × 1,068, 245 pages; 6.81 MB
Revue illustrée de l'exposition - Rouen 1896 - 315 illustrations (IA revueillustreede00unse).pdf 1,587 × 2,385, 638 pages; 71.69 MB
Rostomashvili. Georgian race. 1896.pdf 700 × 518, 60 pages; 9.39 MB
Schweizer Ortsnamen.pdf 629 × 1,025, 290 pages; 378.35 MB
Segnius Irritant or Eight Primitive Folk-lore Stories.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 133 pages; 89.84 MB
SiddurTorahOhr5656-Chelek1.pdf 895 × 1,404, 374 pages; 24.79 MB
SiddurTorahOhr5656-Chelek2.pdf 933 × 1,468, 350 pages; 31.43 MB
Sinceridad. Ensayo dramático en un acto y en verso (1896).pdf 668 × 1,143, 34 pages; 1.36 MB
Srimad-Gaurangalila-smaranamangal by Kedarnath Dutt (Bhaktivinoda Thakur) 1896.pdf 2,133 × 3,650, 166 pages; 37.36 MB
Story of Turkey and Armenia.pdf 779 × 1,179, 523 pages; 13.94 MB
Strangers- a little book of poems (IA strangerslittleb00camp).pdf 677 × 952, 34 pages; 1.28 MB
The strike, and other poems (IA strikeotherpoems00hewe).pdf 693 × 1,047, 148 pages; 3.71 MB
Syrokomla o sobie (1896).pdf 822 × 1,191, 112 pages; 37.85 MB
Sächsische Volkstrachten und Bauernhäuser (1896).pdf 2,083 × 3,127, 98 pages; 12.86 MB
The Great Didactic of John Amos Comenius (1896).pdf 900 × 1,310, 490 pages; 77.22 MB
The story of Bohemia from the earliest times to the fall of national independence in 1620.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 572 pages; 85.98 MB
Tradiciones de Buenos Aires 1711-1861 - Pastor S. Obligado (3ª serie 1896 ).pdf 689 × 950, 312 pages; 18.96 MB
Traian Demetrescu - Aquarele.pdf 700 × 1,091, 143 pages; 2.25 MB
Tried, tested, proved. The new home cook book (IA triedtestedprove00wagg).pdf 1,143 × 1,687, 418 pages; 16.99 MB
Turkey and the Armenian atrocities. A reign of terror (IA turkeyarmenianat00blis).pdf 831 × 1,200, 612 pages; 32.23 MB
Un sueño dantesco - Abdon Arosteguy.pdf 993 × 1,364, 400 pages; 50.04 MB
Valfart.pdf 781 × 1,300, 226 pages; 46.36 MB
The vanished emperor (IA vanishedemperor00andr).pdf 1,100 × 1,822, 388 pages; 120.43 MB
Vasile Alexandrescu Urechia - Istoria românilor - Curs făcut la Facultatea de Litere din București - Seria 1800-1830. Volumul 9.pdf 989 × 1,452, 719 pages; 13.84 MB
Vasile Alexandrescu Urechia - Legende române ; Viața in trecut ; Reminiscențe.pdf 704 × 1,075, 491 pages; 7.32 MB
Vasile Grigore Borgovan - Noul abecedar. Partea 1.pdf 650 × 1,154, 77 pages; 9.98 MB
Vasile Sion - Asupra endocarditei blenoragice.pdf 879 × 1,337, 12 pages; 3.43 MB
Vasile Sion - Un cas d’endocardite et de pyo-septicémie consécutives à une infection blennorrhagique.pdf 760 × 1,222, 10 pages; 2.55 MB
Verses (IA verses00buck).pdf 579 × 1,064, 46 pages; 1.08 MB
Viajes de Fray Francisco Menéndez a la cordillera.pdf 733 × 1,185, 134 pages; 40.69 MB
Vikramarkamaharaju Caritramu (IA vikramarkamahara00gurusher).pdf 1,697 × 1,195, 119 pages; 37.39 MB
Vérité - Un épisode peu connu de la vie de Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, 1896.pdf 1,237 × 1,752, 12 pages; 11.03 MB
War poets of the South and Confederate camp-fire songs (IA warpoetsofsouthc00hubn).pdf 779 × 1,154, 220 pages; 8.12 MB
The Werner grammar school geography (IA wernergrammarsch00tarb).pdf 918 × 1,510, 360 pages; 35.71 MB
What one can do with a chafing-dish, a guide for amateur cooks (IA whatonecandowith01sawt).pdf 960 × 625, 160 pages; 2.87 MB
Zamfir C. Arbure - In exil - din amintirile mele.pdf 612 × 1,016, 432 pages; 4.87 MB
Zapolska Wodzirej Vol 1.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 344 pages; 5.78 MB
Zapolska Wodzirej Vol 2.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 339 pages; 7.79 MB
Zeitschrift des Aachener Geschichtsvereins 18.pdf 837 × 1,322, 408 pages; 11.44 MB
«Выбираймася у прочки»! (1896).pdf 1,239 × 1,702, 36 pages; 45.83 MB
Бальмонт. В безбрежности. 1896.pdf 1,650 × 1,052, 91 pages; 29.17 MB
ЖМНП 1896 Часть 303.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 919 pages; 41.16 MB
ЖМНП 1896 Часть 304.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 868 pages; 35.87 MB
ЖМНП 1896 Часть 305.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 1,012 pages; 42.98 MB
ЖМНП 1896 Часть 307.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 1,031 pages; 38.68 MB
ЖМНП 1896 Часть 308.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 824 pages; 32.75 MB
Журнал Министерства народного просвещения 1896 Часть 303 Крестьянский двор в Литовско-русском гос.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 266 pages; 11.92 MB