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Burma Road

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The Burma Road (滇缅公路)is a road linking Burma (also called Myanmar) with China. Its terminals are Kunming, Yunnan and Lashio, Burma. The road is 1,154 km long and runs through rough mountain terrian. The sections from Kunming to the Burmese border were built with no machine, only with hand tools by 200,000 Chinese laborers(women, children and old men, as young men all went to war) during the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937 and completed by 1938.

<nowiki>Carretera de Birmania; বার্মা রোড; route de Birmanie; Burmanska cesta; Бирманская дорога; strada di Birmania; Burmastraße; Estrada da Birmânia; Burmaveien; جاده برمه; 滇缅公路; Burmavejen; Burmanska cesta; ビルマ公路; Burmavägen; דרך בורמה; Barmská cesta; Droga Birmańska; Бірманська дорога; Birmaweg; ถนนพม่า; Đường Miến Điện; Jalan Raya Burma; 버마 로드; Burma Road; Birma Vojo; Barmská cesta; Бирмански път; jalan di Myanmar; כביש במיאנמר; weg in Myanmar; дорога, соединяющая Мьянму с Китаем; Straße in China; road in Myanmar; bóthar i Maenmar; 连接中国和缅甸的国际公路; silnice v Myanmaru</nowiki>
Burma Road 
road in Myanmar
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Wikidata Q478684
Library of Congress authority ID: sh2002012853
U.S. National Archives Identifier: 10044598
J9U ID: 987007532872705171
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