Tibetan people

East Asian ethnic group native to Tibet
English: The Tibetan people are a people living in Tibet Autonomous Region and some surrounding areas. They are one of the largest among the fifty-six nationalities officially recognized by the People's Republic of China (PRC) to constitute the Zhonghua Minzu (Chinese nation), although in anthropological terms they could be regarded as comprising more than one ethnic group. According to an official census of 1959, the number of Tibetans in the PRC was 6,330,567 [1]. The SIL Ethnologue documents an additional 125,000 speakers of Tibetan living in India, 60,000 in Nepal, and 4,000 in Bhutan.
Español: Los tibetanos son un pueblo que habita en el Tíbet y en las zonas circundantes. Son una de las 56 nacionalidades reconocidas oficialmente en la República Popular China, aunque en términos antropológicos significan más que un grupo étnico.
Українська: Тибетці є сіно-тибетським народом у Центральній Азії, корінним і основним населенням Тибету.
 See also categories: People of Tibet and People of Kham.

