Showing posts with label wandering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wandering. Show all posts

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Leave The Balcony

 A L O H A From Honolulu!

It's a funny thing about life, 

once you begin to take note

of the things 

you are grateful for, 

you begin to lose sight of the 

things that you lack.

Germany Kent

If you are in a bad mood 

go for a walk. If 

you are still 

in a bad mood go 

for another walk.


" S i r e n "

Objects above car are boxes
with keys for vacationers.

 I felt once again the unease

of arriving at night

in an unknown city
that faint sour panic

which seems to cling

to a place until one has

found oneself a bed.

Laurie Lee *

I've never run with the bulls.

 I prefer to watch 

from the safety 

of a balcony. 

    Cesar Azpilicueta

Love You - Good Luck,
                Cloudia & Pixie

*At 16, under the influence of Kerouac,
I assembled my kit, and walked to US Route 1,
where I put out my thumb 
on the north bound shoulder. 

My father had been the  only
one awake. I can still see him standing.
Mug of coffee in his hand as I left the house.

I remember a kindly truck driver stopping.
"Does your mama know where you are?"
We talked of the Road. 

I made it to the home of a friend 
hundreds of miles from home that day. 
And slept in a bed. 

The next day, 
we went into New York City. 
And parted. 

That's the first time 
I felt the quote above. 

But it was the times of 
"Hippies" Vagabonds, and Crash - Pads. 
One could panhandle all day (I did) 
then find some place to crash 
among other young adventurers. 

Through my eyes of experience today, 
I realize how lucky I was! 
My street sense and Hyper-vigilance 
surely helped me avoid some trouble. 

A rucksack, and sleeping bag with 
chopsticks jammed down the middle. 
"Why are you eating scrambled eggs 
with chopsticks?" Grandma asked, 
the morning I returned home. "
They don't know that they're 
not Chinese," I laughed.

We knew everything back then. 
Much like lots of folks today. 
Now I appreciate the wisdom 
of Grandma in so many ways! 

And so, I set out to live, 
to know, to be. 

To break the frame around me. 

I wouldn't be me without memories 
of that sour feeling of coming into 
a strange town with no bed waiting. 

What a long strange trip it's been!

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Back Streets of Honolulu

A  L  O  H  A !
Many of our Hawaii schools 
were named for US Presidents
during the Territorial period. Hawaii was an independent nation until 1898. 
King William Charles Lunalilo was the sixth monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii 
from January 8, 1873 until February 3, 1874 
Link, School Link

When you do a thing with your 
whole soul and everything that is 
noble within you, 
you always find your counterpart. 
      Camille Pissarro

Hatred is the coward's revenge 
for being intimidated.
         G.B. Shaw

Our visitors from all over the world
are themselves a vital part of
the local scene!

Linking To:


Love You,

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Wanderer's Home

A  L  O  H  A !
 Sitting in Waikiki
Looking out to sea
I wonder if you 
ever think of me

Linking to
Shadow Shot Sunday

 Sea Birds know:
best to forage
as you go.
When the sky
is your home
You're never alone.

Linking to

Only Marin
of the Golden Dawn.

In the chorus of
The Golden State
Mesmerizing with
Her song.

 한국 전통
So many have come
from immemorial times -

- With their songs
foods, values, cultures
over centuries
these very hills ring!
[First Nations, Miwok, Pomo,
Spanish, Mexico, Americans,
Swiss, Italian, British,
Chinese, Danes, Jews,
Dentists. . .]

California -
"The area became a part of Mexico in 1821 following its [Mex.] successful war for independence, but was ceded to the United States in 1848 after the Mexican–American War. The western portion of Alta California then was organized as the State of California, and admitted as the 31st state on September 9, 1850."
 Wikipedia  Link

May this be said of me
and of you too:

"She is free in her wildness, 
she is a wanderess, a 
drop of free water. She 
knows nothing of borders 
and cares nothing for 
rules or customs. 
'Time' for her 
isn’t something to 
fight against. Her 
life flows clean, 
with passion, like 
fresh water.” 
              Roman Payne

Thank YOU

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Naked Without

A l o h a!
Take off your shoes
and come in-

"Two or three things I know for sure,
 and one is that I'd rather go naked
 than wear the coat the world has made for me." 

Dorothy Allison 

"If you wouldn't write it and sign it,
 don't say it."
Earl Wilson 

"The sparrow that is twittering on the edge of my balcony
 is calling up to me this moment
 a world of memories that reach over half my lifetime,
 and a world of hope
 that stretches farther than any flight of sparrows."

Donald G. Mitchell 


I feel naked without my camera,
without lipstick,
bracelets & rings,
sun hat or umbrella,
cards, cash
and cell (mobile) phone.

What do YOU need
in order to leave
your home?
             Tell us in comments :-) cloudia

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Daily Dose

of Sunlight

Aloha, Friend

Come share these skies-

"Just to be is a blessing. 
Just to live is holy."

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

"Lethargics are to be laid in the light,
 and exposed to the rays of the sun
 for the disease is gloom."


A Smile

"What’s in a smile? 
A smile is a silent hello. 
It reassures for a short while, 
and in an instant the world’s set aglow." 

Norma Martiri 


Diamond Head is emerald green.
Raveled clouds,
exultant putti,
sing in serried ranks of color

over the faces of water

too much treasure ever to

So delight's enough
(it's got to be)
walking 'neith those magic skies. . .

. . . with these eyes. . . 

          What's giving you magic-pause today? cloudia

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Makana Means 'Gift'

Come on in. . .

Nice day for a drive. . .

"The car has become a secular sanctuary for the individual,

his shrine to the self, his mobile Walden Pond. "

Edward McDonagh

Look! In the next car. It's Makana!

His friend asks if I always have a camera ready.

Silly boy. Of course I do;


Here's the young genius to play for YOU:

(beep beep!)

Thank YOU for your visit today!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tread Lightly

Aloha Weary Web Traveler!

Rest here in legendary Waikiki for a spell. . .

People simply love this giant banyan right on Kuhio Beach

"Basic research is what I'm doing

when I don't know what I'm doing."

Wernher von Braun

Spires used to be high places in the old days.
Now the residential & commercial towers are higher.
But all remains grounded in flowers... Aloha.

“An instinctive taste teaches men to build

their churches with spire steeples

which point as with a silent finger to the sky and stars.”

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Light's the WHOLE thing,
in nature,
and in US.


"Our job

is to tend to our own growth as people,

our grace and integrity and humility.

We need no other goal.

The core of our being

then grows into a substantial


externally as well as internally.

Our ministry becomes

a direct line of creation,

from God

through us

to all mankind."

Marianne Williamson

Well, we are influencing others all the time...

what "mood" what "attitude"

are YOU contributing?

I'm a recovering nervous wreck,

so really living these truths

is what makes my life


It feels a lot better,
and people respond better.

And the last US combat brigade has left Iraqi soil.

Good luck to the Iraqi people.

Little by little. . .

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cloud Wandering

Aloha, Dear Friend!

Click on the canine and his friends
"I am always doing that which I can not do,
in order that I may learn how to do it."


"True wisdom
is knowing what to

William James

"How could I forget that day?
There was a light-blue morning wind blowing
and thistledown flying loose
along the tops of clouds
and larks going up and down,
up and down,
in the shining lift of the sky."

Janet Frame


That last quote excited me.
Spring is a revelation
every time!

Even here in Waikiki
there is a sweet gentleness
in the breezes that blow.

It's easy for minds to wander
like the cloud galleons
sailing across
the mind's eye.

And somehow, the mind's wanderings
will take us where we need to be. . .

Thanks for YOUR visit,