Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Only Thing

A  L  O  H   A !
"The worst bullies 
you will ever 
encounter in your life
are your own thoughts."
          Bryant H. McGill

“If you look the right way, 
you can see that the 
whole world is a garden.” 
        Frances Hodgson Burnett


Dissolves fear.

A smile
Thins the veil
Between Heaven & Earth,
Between souls.

Be good to others.
especially those who
are the most challenging
to you personally.
You may have to
absent yourself,
but while present
act only in love
as we all deserve.
Love, not correction
is the only thing that 
heals and corrects.
Thank YOU
             Warmly, cloudia

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Memories of Flight

A  L  O  H  A !

" Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

It's not warm when she's away

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

And she's always gone too long

Anytime she goes away -

- Wonder this time where she's gone
Wonder if she's gone to stay
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away -

- I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know. . . . . 
                            Bill Withers
                                   'Ain't No Sunshine'

Linking to
Saturday's Critters
Camera Critters

Thank YOU
for perching here!
                    Fondly, cloudia  

Friday, December 19, 2014

Island of Misfit Relationships

A  L  O  H  A !

It takes two.
Even a saint cannot
repair a damaged relationship.

All you can do
is behave as your best self,
and limit contact.
[even when you are together]

Your courtesy,
non-violent manner,
- even friendly overture -
cannot effect repair
unless the other party
wants it,
is capable,
can even SEE
the overture!

Linking to Weekend Reflections

Some can only
run the scripts
that they have always run,
forcing you into
the role assigned to you.

That's all that
they can see.

They're not even present
to themselves.
It's not your failure
but the nature of
free will.

Don't slam doors,
or say in anger
the thing they will

Just continue
on your happy way. . .

Damaged relationships
do not heal
if neglected.

The forgetting scab forms,
covering unresolved tissues.
You can go on with
your life.

Only when
the possibility of healing
with one side,
does survivor find
the grace to finally
heal it alone.

It is over.
You may forgive.

Then the scab
 falls away
revealing freshness,
that portends only

Until then
slam no doors
when you get out
to salvage

Thank You
for Musing Here
with Us!

             Warmly, cloudia

Monday, July 21, 2014

Emotionally True Pancake

A   L   O   H   A !
"Sit down before fact
 as a little child, 
be prepared to 
give up every 
preconceived notion... 
or you shall learn
                       Thomas H. Huxley

"I have never 
been hurt 
by anything 
I didn't say."
                 Calvin Coolidge

 "There ain't no pancake 
so thin 
it ain't got two sides. ..."

"The first pancake 
is always lumpy." 
 Russian Proverb


When I worked with teens
I was very invested in 
giving them my attention
and believing in them.

Sometimes they complained
about some person or situation:

The principal said-
Mom said-

Yes, Mom, 
or the Principal
can be rude,
or even wrong.


By going off half-cocked,
based on 1 person's version
I have learned to my
that there are 
at LEAST two sides
to everything,
two versions of every story.

I have learned
to withhold judgement
instead of reacting

(What was that Grandma
said about counting 
to ten?)

My version of events
is Emotionally True
to me.

Yours to You.

Yet, those truths
are but parts
of a bigger
T r  u  t  h.

I have learned
not to argue with 
Emotional Truths.
They are facts.

It is a rare person
who can see beyond
their own
Emotional Truths
to walk a mile
in the Other's shoes.

I work towards being that person.
Join us.

Together we can
change the
Way the World 

Who's with me?

                      Fondly, cloudia

Bonus Info:

No matter how flat you make a pancake, 
it still has two sides. 
Step into the other person's shoes 
and try to see their side of the story. 
Try to understand the other person 
and why they acted in a hurtful way. 
Try not to judge them. 
Conversely, examine your role in the feud. 
Did you do or saying something hurtful? 
Did you promise something 
and then back out of your agreement? 
Keep in mind 
the other person 
probably has some valid points that you need 
to weigh and consider. 
"Dr. Phil" McGraw.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Recharge Saturday

A   L   O   H   A  !

  " Humility, acceptance... 
with these coins
 we are to pay 
our fares to paradise."

 Robert  Lindner

Having a sense of 


is not the same thing

to treating life

as a joke

 “ I find that in your 60s 

everything begins to look 

sort of slightly 

magical again. . . "

Roger Cohen

Rest, Relax,


May your visit 
here today
lift your spirits,

                       Warmly, cloudia

Monday, December 16, 2013

Friends and Martyrs

A  L  O  H  A !
" You yourself, 
as much as anybody 
in the entire universe, 
deserve your love 
and affection. "

 Siddhartha Gautama

" Self-preservation 
is the first 
law of nature. "

Samuel Butler 

" When we quit
 thinking primarily
 about ourselves 
and our own 
we undergo a 
truly heroic 
of consciousness. "

Joseph Campbell 

" One, with God, 
is always a majority, 
but many a martyr 
has been burned . . .
while the votes 
were being counted. "

Thomas Reed 

 > <  }  }  ( ° >

The average person says:
"What is mine is mine;
 what is yours is yours."

The sociopath says:
"What is mine is mine, 
what is yours is also mine."

The exceptional person says:
"What is yours is yours, 
and what is mine 
is also yours."

The exceptional person
 in the presence 
of a sociopath says:

Don't let others
take advantage
of your kindness,
or timidity.

Let your "No"
be "No."

Then stop talking.

If need be,
walk away
after you have said it.

No one can steal
your kindness,
your Aloha.

So give it away.

Feelings of obligation
are danger signs
of a damaged relationship.

Care for the soul
that is in your keeping:
Your Own.

            Fondly, cloudia

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