Saskya Lopes
PhD student in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies from the University of Coimbra - Master in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA and Graduated in Law from the Santa Cruz Public University - UESC. Assistant Professor, Department of Legal Sciences, Public University of Santa Cruz - UESC; I am a researcher in group "Redireito: revisiting rights in gender, ethnic / racial, generational and sustainable"; I work in outreach activity such as: "SER-Mulher, reference service of women's rights"; I was coordinator of the project "Laikos: Facing Religious Intolerance and Promoting Racial Equality"; besides being an active collaborator of the Open University to the Third Age - UNATI / UESC.
Supervisors: Teresa Cunha
Supervisors: Teresa Cunha
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Papers by Saskya Lopes
através da análise e cruzamento de dados quantitativos, extraídos de pesquisas do IBGE e de estatísticas do TSE relativos às candidaturas de mulheres e vereadoras eleitas no ano de 2012.
Palavras chave: Gênero e poder; Lei de Cotas; Mulher na política.
ABSTRACT: This work aims to address the relationship of women to politics under the cut-out of the South Coast region of Bahia’s identity territories and the historic of the Quota Law by gender for candidates of entourages and coalitions. It’s a literature to elucidate issues concerning gender, patriarchy, sexism, politics, “coronelismo” and the achievement of women’ rights next to a desk and statistics research to reflect Bahia’s South Coast environment through analysis and cross quantitative data extracted from IBGE surveys and TSE statistics relating to female candidates and councillors elected in 2012.
Key words: Gender and power; Quota law; Woman in Politics.
Na última década o governo brasileiro impulsionou políticas públicas e a construção de um conjunto de leis quanto aos direitos humanos e a educação em direitos humanos. Partindo da importância destas iniciativas, diante do colonialismo, racismo e patriarcado, que marcam a história de formação da sociedade brasileira, o presente ensaio se ancora em um referencial feminista descolonial e interseccional de raça, gênero e classe para descrever os avanços quanto à educação em direitos humanos, particularmente quanto aos direitos das mulheres, negras e negros e LGBTQ, no país. Ao mesmo tempo, denuncia as propostas legislativas que se disseminam atualmente pelo país e representam um retrocesso para a conquista da educação em direitos humanos.
Palavras-chave: Educação. Direitos Humanos. Gênero. Feminismo. Interseccionalidade.
In the last decade, the Brazilian government has promoted public policies and the construction of a set of laws on human rights and human rights education. Based on the importance of these initiatives, in the face of colonialism, racism and patriarchy, which mark the history of the formation of Brazilian society, the present essay is anchored in a decolonial and intersectional feminist referential of race, gender and class to describe advances in human rights education, particularly regarding the rights of women, men and women black and LGBTQ, in the country. At the same time, denounce the legislative proposals that are currently disseminated throughout the country and they represent a setback for the achievement of human rights education.
Keywords: Education. Human Rights. Gender. Feminism. Intersectionality.
Palavras Chave: Gênero, Lei Maria da Penha, transexuais, transgêneros e violência.
ABSTRACT: This work is an updated and modified version of the article published in the Annals of the IV Enlaçando Sexualidades UNEB - Salvador Bahia, 2015 and reflects on the application of the Maria da Penha Law to transsexual women and how posible divergences present themselves. From the ignorance of the judges about the concepts of gender and sex, including judicial decisions and the importance of a teleological interpretation of the respective Law. It also highlights important sociological concepts for the fulfillment of the political and axiological objectives of this Law, until arriving at current legislative proposals, such as the one no. 8032/2014 proposed by the federal deputy Jandira Feghali, who still embarrass themselves in restrictive demands and propositions. guaranteeing rights for such persons.
Keywords: Gender, Maria da Penha Law, transsexuals, transgenders and violence.
através da análise e cruzamento de dados quantitativos, extraídos de pesquisas do IBGE e de estatísticas do TSE relativos às candidaturas de mulheres e vereadoras eleitas no ano de 2012.
Palavras chave: Gênero e poder; Lei de Cotas; Mulher na política.
ABSTRACT: This work aims to address the relationship of women to politics under the cut-out of the South Coast region of Bahia’s identity territories and the historic of the Quota Law by gender for candidates of entourages and coalitions. It’s a literature to elucidate issues concerning gender, patriarchy, sexism, politics, “coronelismo” and the achievement of women’ rights next to a desk and statistics research to reflect Bahia’s South Coast environment through analysis and cross quantitative data extracted from IBGE surveys and TSE statistics relating to female candidates and councillors elected in 2012.
Key words: Gender and power; Quota law; Woman in Politics.
Na última década o governo brasileiro impulsionou políticas públicas e a construção de um conjunto de leis quanto aos direitos humanos e a educação em direitos humanos. Partindo da importância destas iniciativas, diante do colonialismo, racismo e patriarcado, que marcam a história de formação da sociedade brasileira, o presente ensaio se ancora em um referencial feminista descolonial e interseccional de raça, gênero e classe para descrever os avanços quanto à educação em direitos humanos, particularmente quanto aos direitos das mulheres, negras e negros e LGBTQ, no país. Ao mesmo tempo, denuncia as propostas legislativas que se disseminam atualmente pelo país e representam um retrocesso para a conquista da educação em direitos humanos.
Palavras-chave: Educação. Direitos Humanos. Gênero. Feminismo. Interseccionalidade.
In the last decade, the Brazilian government has promoted public policies and the construction of a set of laws on human rights and human rights education. Based on the importance of these initiatives, in the face of colonialism, racism and patriarchy, which mark the history of the formation of Brazilian society, the present essay is anchored in a decolonial and intersectional feminist referential of race, gender and class to describe advances in human rights education, particularly regarding the rights of women, men and women black and LGBTQ, in the country. At the same time, denounce the legislative proposals that are currently disseminated throughout the country and they represent a setback for the achievement of human rights education.
Keywords: Education. Human Rights. Gender. Feminism. Intersectionality.
Palavras Chave: Gênero, Lei Maria da Penha, transexuais, transgêneros e violência.
ABSTRACT: This work is an updated and modified version of the article published in the Annals of the IV Enlaçando Sexualidades UNEB - Salvador Bahia, 2015 and reflects on the application of the Maria da Penha Law to transsexual women and how posible divergences present themselves. From the ignorance of the judges about the concepts of gender and sex, including judicial decisions and the importance of a teleological interpretation of the respective Law. It also highlights important sociological concepts for the fulfillment of the political and axiological objectives of this Law, until arriving at current legislative proposals, such as the one no. 8032/2014 proposed by the federal deputy Jandira Feghali, who still embarrass themselves in restrictive demands and propositions. guaranteeing rights for such persons.
Keywords: Gender, Maria da Penha Law, transsexuals, transgenders and violence.