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Questions tagged [a-star]

A* is a graph shortest-path algorithm that uses a heuristic function to speed up the search

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10 votes
2 answers

A* algorithm implementation in modern C++

I've written the A* search algorithm in C++. My goal is primarily writing concise and understandable code, while making use of some new features of modern C++ (where appropriate) and having generally ...
Green grün 绿色 vert зеленый's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

A* algorithm on a 2D vector of enum

here is the A* implementation: ...
Aspect11's user avatar
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0 votes
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A-star pathfinding algorithm to route through a raster maze

I have a problem that needs path finding to solve. It is a vector of ints; 1 for passable terrain and 0 for non-passable. My implementation is not fast enough for the test. How could I make it faster? ...
Isak True's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Searching for a performance bug in a C++20 pathfinding algorithm (NBA*) - follow up

I have followed some advice in the previous iteration, yet even the current version is too slow compared to the Java implementation of the same algorithm. (C++ version with ...
coderodde's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Improving generic A* algorithm performance

Here is my A* algorithm. I tried hard to implement it generically, but come up only with one idea to use lambdas for heuristic and next nodes (neighbours / successors) functions. I know that using ...
David's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I speed up my IDA* algorithm for N-puzzle?

I'm trying to solve the N-Puzzle problem using IDA* algorithm with a Manhattan heuristic. I already implemented the algorithm from the pseudocode in this Wikipedia page (link). Here's my code so far : ...
cuzureau's user avatar
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1 answer

A-star pathfinding algorithm

I'm working on a school project where I need to implement the pathfinding algorithm. The requirements are that it needs to find the path in at most a few seconds and ideally in less than 1 second. I'...
Zyo2606's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

A* (shortest path) with the ability to remove up to one wall

Problem You are given an HxW matrix. Each element is either 0 (passable space) or 1 (wall). Given that you can remove one wall, find the shortest path from [0,0] (start) to [width-1, height-1] (end). ...
Martin's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Solving 15Puzzle with Julia

Asking here instead of SO as suggested. I'm trying to use Julia to solve the common tile game 15 Puzzle using Julia using A* algorithm. I am quite new to the language and my style may seem very C like....
Gr3g-prog's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Python: Astar algorithm implementation

I have implemented Astar algorithm for a problem on an online judge relating to maze given start and end positions along with a grid representing the maze. I output the length of the path along with ...
V_head's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

A* and ALT pathfinding in C tips

I adding some pathfinding to a game I'm working on. It primarily used A* with as suggested in the pathfinding articles at reb blob games. It works, but isn't very fast. It is a square grid map that (...
cajomar's user avatar
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2 answers

I wrote my first pathfinding algorithm

I'm currently writing a small game in Lua, using the Love2d framework. I guess I'm doing it as a practice of sorts, but it did give me the opportunity to write my first pathfinding algorithm. I wrote ...
Rebecca's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Performance Enhancement of A Star Path Finder algorithm with 1024 multidimentional array

I have the below code for a A* pathfinder, however it is taking upwards of 10 minutes to find a solution using a simple 1024 x 1024 array. I had to comment out ...
Ian Taylor's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

A* pathfinding for integer Vectors

This class is for calculating the shortest path in a 2D World (without minding obstacles). I'm using the A* algorithm and 2D Vectors (from the SFML Framework). It is working but takes (a lot of) time ...
Urbs's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

A-Star for 2D Graph (not grid)

This is my A-Star implementation for a 2D space of nodes but allowing to specifically set connections between nodes because my usecase does not have points tied to a grid (however for clarification ...
DragonGamer's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Implementation of A* algorithm in C++

I have implemented the A-Star path finding algorithm for a 2D grid. The function returns a list of positions of an acceptable path. main.cpp : ...
Nothing_8484's user avatar
33 votes
3 answers

A* pathfinding algorithm too slow

I'm trying to make a pathfinding algorithm for my project. I need it for a simulation and I need it to be fast!!! I watched a few videos explaining the algorithm online and came up with the code ...
André Rocha's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

N-puzzle solver using A* search

I have written a Java program to solve a N-puzzle with A* search and manhattan distance. My program can solve every 8-puzzle I have tested under 1 second, but it can't solve a 15-puzzle after 30 ...
Marten's user avatar
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A* algorithm as simple as possible

I'm a beginner when it comes to path finding, so I decided to write an as simple as possible (to me) A* algorithm to learn. I looked up on internet the general idea and found some pseudo-code that I ...
ChatterOne's user avatar
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A* Pathfinding for a Game

I'm working on a game and I have developed A* path finding for certain enemies. But I think I have some optimization issues. If I put the player in an area that cannot be reached and put 3 or 4 ...
Sark's user avatar
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Python A Star with fewest turns and shortest path variations

I had a lot of fun writing these. I haven't seen a version minimizing turns, so that was a neat challenge. Any suggestions are very welcome. Is there anything to gain by making more method variables ...
Paul K's user avatar
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A* search on 4x4 sliding tile puzzle scales poorly

I am trying to improve the time complexity of my A* search algorithm and I have tried approaching this from every which way I believe is possible. I believe I may be doing something fundamentally ...
Kubie's user avatar
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2 answers

Npuzzle solver using A* with Manhattan + Linear Conflict (Updated Code)

Here is the old thread that I started out with. The code I've got now is vastly different thanks to those two. What I have now functions fairly well and looks pretty good. I've managed to work it back ...
abyssmu's user avatar
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3 answers

N-puzzle solver using A* with Manhattan + Linear Conflict

I've been working on this solution for a couple days now. Finally managed to get it to work and I got it to where it solves about half of the time. The other half goes for so long that it eventually ...
abyssmu's user avatar
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1 answer

C++ - Astar search algorithm using user defined class

The objective of the post is to improve design and improve command on C++. Given a map, start point and end point, the shortest path to end point from the start point has to be found out using Astar (...
skr's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Latitude/Longitude graph optimised A* Algorithm

Can anyone point me in the direction of a C# or pseudocode implementation of A* optimised for relatively sparsely connected graphs (average < 3 edges per node)? ...
Jack's user avatar
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4 votes
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A-Star Search with 3D Universe

I am attempting to write up a program in Python that will find the shortest path between two nodes in 3D space. The actual domain is the EVE-Online Universe, which is composed of systems connected by ...
wKavey's user avatar
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2 answers

C++ implementation of the A* pathfinding algorithm

A lot of the code I show here is simply setting the environment and doesn't really affect the algorithm itself, so please don't get scared away by the amount of code. The algorithm itself is showed at ...
Peacetoletov's user avatar
5 votes
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A* in Clojure - trickier than I expected

While working through some coding puzzles to brush up on Clojure, I encountered the need to use A* on some search problems. I tried to implement it from first principles/memory and that didn't go ...
Solaxun's user avatar
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java - A* search algorithm

I'm having trouble with my homework implementing A* search algorithm in java, I'm given the graph, origin and destination, I had to follow some specific tasks in the homework so the code might be a ...
John Doe's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

C# A* Pathfinding implementation, focusing on reusability and efficiency

I wrote a C# A* pathfinding (Though, it's generic enough that it could be used for other search purposes) implementation. I started this when I found that existing implementations often didn't support ...
Jansky's user avatar
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0 answers

A* algorithm optimization and implementation

I am implementing the A* algorithm in Python and have successfully completed the task. It works and even spits out the coordinates from the start to the end. However, I am programming a bot for a ...
Epic Boss's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

New way of doing the A* Algorithm

I wrote a Python script for implementing an A* algorithm. Map, Start and Goal are given. The code works well as far as I tested it but I want to get feedback from the best out there too. So I am ...
Mohamed's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

A* implementation of 8 puzzle

I'm trying to implement 8 puzzle problem using A Star algorithm. The goal state is: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and the heuristic used is Manhattan distance. Here's the code: ...
Kartikey singh's user avatar
8 votes
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Shortest path to transform one word into another

I submitted the following code for a job application, and was rejected. They gave no feedback. Would appreciate any comments on the approach I took, and coding style. This is the question: Given ...
sbgdev's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

A* (A-Star) pathfinding algorithm with dynamic node generation in Python

I wrote code which implements the A* algorithm in Python. A* is a shortest path algorithm which resembles Dijkstra's Algorithm, but includes an estimator to guide the search. The pseudocode of both ...
user3053216's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Moving game objects along an A* Path

I am having a game with a lot of GameBodyObjects and some of them are moving, some of them are not. When I calculate A* for the moving objects it gets really slow ...
durisvk10's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Find shortest path using A*

I have this c++ program. It is about A* algorithm, but the way it is written, its very hard to be understood and very hard to read. How would you edit the code so it is more correct grammatically and ...
Krasimir Yordanov's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

A* Algorithm implementation

This is an implementation of A* algorithm, that I will use in my game. Navigation.hpp ...
Michael's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Generic A*-Algorithm without clone

I wrote a generic implementation of A* with the focus of not having to clone nodes or actions. Thanks to some very good advice I received on Stack Overflow, I have arrived at the following final ...
Max Benson's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Algorithm to find a path

I have implemented A* in C, and was wondering about what I could do to improve it. My main concerns are readability, usability and last but not least performance. My NodeList is an attempt at making a ...
Wade Tyler's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Python: AStar Pathfinder algorithm

Traverse through any binary array using the Manhattan distance by giving a start node location and an end node location. The neighbor() method gives the neighbors next to the x,y coordinates that are =...
bnicholl's user avatar
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1 answer

Slow 8/15-puzzle IDA*

I am trying to find the optimal solution for a given 15-puzzle. So far as I can tell, the algorithm works (on simple instances of 8-puzzle), but is extremely slow for complex starting states (order of ...
superphunthyme's user avatar
3 votes
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C++ 8-Sliding Puzzle Solver is very slow

I have made a sliding puzzle solver which is currently for 8-puzzles only. It works too slowly even though it is based on an A* algorithm whose f-score is calculated on the basis of Manhattan Distance ...
TheRandomGuy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

A* path finding getting the node neighbors

Is there any way I can minimise this code.The code will get the neighbours of the current node and point the arrow to the current node ...
Sparcsky's user avatar
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A* Algorithm in F#

Inspired by this post I looked up A* on wikipedia and went on with my own implementation as seen below where I try to mimic the pseudocode on Wikipedia but in a recursive manner. I would like any ...
user avatar
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F# implementation of the A* algorithm round 2

This is my second attempt at implementing the A* algorithm using F#, the first one is here. What I changed: I removed the Node class and added two records named ...
Stud's user avatar
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1 answer

F# implementation of the A* algorithm

This is my first attempt at writing something useful in F# and in a functional way in general. I would appreciate if you could point out any issue, even details, as I'd like to put all the bad habits ...
Stud's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Game of 15 - A* search

I would be really thankful for review of this homework. I'm trying to write better code in terms of readability and design patterns. This program solves the classic 15 slider puzzle with A* search. ...
Akim Akimov's user avatar
-4 votes
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Implemetation of Astar

Can someone please go through this? ...
Anirudha Bhaskar's user avatar