I have an Android quiz app that I am building to learn kotlin / android app development. Here is an object I have which acts as one of many question builders.
Is there a better way of writing this?
package com.maxcell.sumitup
import java.security.SecureRandom
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
object MultiplicationFactory {
//What this code does by step
// step1 - I set 4 variables using a random number generator to different values. Sometimes the first variable is bigger, sometimes the second variable etc
// step 2 - based on the first constructor value (ML) the main level is passed to variable templevel
// This step provides sets a variable called vInc and with the constructor value (SL) is passed to function SLM()
// The function SLM takes three variables (SL, Num, vInc) and then adds vInc as a flat increase, the new value is then further increased
// by the value of SL but this is expressed as a percentage, the value is then returned as an updated integer
// step 3, the Num variables are then passed to this step to create a sum as a string (the question) and as an expression (the answer)
// step 4 the object function returns a dataclass containing 5 values for use in the activity:
// SingleQuestion(ML,vType,vQuestion,vAnswer,vTime) - Currently the values used from the return is the question and the answer, i then create
// three other answers, shuffle all of them and pass them to buttons: See screenshot for example of a question being used within the activity
// this code is used in different places in the app where a question is required under the specific minigame
var Num1 = 0 //Number for use in sums
var Num2 = 0 //Number for use in sums
var Num3 = 0 //Number for use in sums
var Num4 = 0 //Number for use in sums
var GrabQuestion = 0 //base level numbers
var Operations = 0 // how many calculations someone has to do to reach the answer
var vType = "" //e.g. multiplication, this is redundant soon to be redundant once all question types migrated
var vQuestion = "" //The question as the user will see it
var vAnswer = 0 //answer to the sum
var vTime = 0 //Time to offer for the question
var vInc = 0 //sub level multiplier variable
var tempLevel = 0 //main level
var BSL = 0 // Bonus round selector
fun newQ(ML:Int, SL:Int,BR:Boolean,gameType:String):SingleQuestion {
vType = "Multiplication"
//map old game levels to new broader levelling logic - ignore this snippet in codereview
if (gameType=="FreeStyle"){
when (ML){
1->{tempLevel = rand(1,3)}
2->{tempLevel = rand(4,5)}
3->{tempLevel = rand(6,8)}
4->{tempLevel = rand(9,10)}
}} else {tempLevel = ML}
GrabQuestion = rand(1,23)
//Step 1
//to create a greater feel of randomness in the questions multiple possibilities created. These are base level figures
1->{Num1 = rand(1,5);Num2 = rand(1,5);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
2->{Num1 = rand(2,6);Num2 = rand(1,5);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
3->{Num1 = rand(3,7);Num2 = rand(1,5);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
4->{Num1 = rand(4,8);Num2 = rand(1,5);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
5->{Num1 = rand(5,9);Num2 = rand(1,5);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
6->{Num1 = rand(6,10);Num2 = rand(7,11);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
7->{Num1 = rand(1,5);Num2 = rand(6,10);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
8->{Num1 = rand(2,6);Num2 = rand(5,9);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
9->{Num1 = rand(3,7);Num2 = rand(4,8);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
10->{Num1 = rand(4,8);Num2 = rand(3,7);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
11->{Num1 = rand(5,9);Num2 = rand(2,6);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
12->{Num1 = rand(6,10);Num2 = rand(1,5);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
13->{Num1 = rand(1,5);Num2 = rand(1,5);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
14->{Num1 = rand(2,6);Num2 = rand(2,6);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
15->{Num1 = rand(3,7);Num2 = rand(3,7);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
16->{Num1 = rand(4,8);Num2 = rand(4,8);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
17->{Num1 = rand(5,9);Num2 = rand(5,9);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
18->{Num1 = rand(6,10);Num2 = rand(6,10);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
19->{Num1 = rand(1,5);Num2 = rand(1,5);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
20->{Num1 = rand(1,5);Num2 = rand(2,6);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
21->{Num1 = rand(1,5);Num2 = rand(3,7);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
22->{Num1 = rand(1,5);Num2 = rand(4,8);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
23->{Num1 = rand(1,5);Num2 = rand(5,9);Num3 = rand(2,6);Num4 = rand(4,8)}
//when not a bonus round
if (BR==false){
//based on level increase base numbers (flat increase), based on sublevel increase numbers (%)
when (tempLevel){
1->{vInc = 0;Operations = 1;vTime = 10;Num1 = SLM(SL,Num1,vInc);Num2 = SLM(SL,Num2,vInc)}
2->{vInc = 1;Operations = 1;vTime = 10;Num1 = SLM(SL,Num1,vInc);Num2 = SLM(SL,Num2,vInc)}
3->{vInc = 2;Operations = 1;vTime = 10;Num1 = SLM(SL,Num1,vInc);Num2 = SLM(SL,Num2,vInc)}
4->{vInc = 3;Operations = 1;vTime = 10;Num1 = SLM(SL,Num1,vInc);Num2 = SLM(SL,Num2,vInc)}
5->{vInc = 4;Operations = 1;vTime = 10;Num1 = SLM(SL,Num1,vInc);Num2 = SLM(SL,Num2,vInc)}
6->{vInc = 0;Operations = 2;vTime = 15;Num1 = SLM(SL,Num1,vInc);Num2 = SLM(SL,Num2,vInc);Num3 = SLM(SL,Num3,vInc)}
7->{vInc = 1;Operations = 2;vTime = 15;Num1 = SLM(SL,Num1,vInc);Num2 = SLM(SL,Num2,vInc);Num3 = SLM(SL,Num3,vInc)}
8->{vInc = 2;Operations = 2;vTime = 15;Num1 = SLM(SL,Num1,vInc);Num2 = SLM(SL,Num2,vInc);Num3 = SLM(SL,Num3,vInc)}
9->{vInc = 3;Operations = 2;vTime = 15;Num1 = SLM(SL,Num1,vInc);Num2 = SLM(SL,Num2,vInc);Num3 = SLM(SL,Num3,vInc)}
10->{vInc = 4;Operations = 2;vTime = 15;Num1 = SLM(SL,Num1,vInc);Num2 = SLM(SL,Num2,vInc);Num3 = SLM(SL,Num3,vInc)}
//grab appropriate question format for number of calculations required
// step 3
when (Operations){
1->{vQuestion ="$Num1 \u00D7 $Num2";vAnswer = Num1 * Num2}
2->{vQuestion ="($Num1 \u00D7 $Num2) \u00D7 $Num3";vAnswer = (Num1 * Num2) *Num3}
else->{vQuestion ="$Num1 \u00D7 $Num2";vAnswer = Num1 * Num2}
} else {
//bonus games include different operators
//step 2
when (tempLevel){
in 1..3->{vInc = 0;BSL = rand(1,4);vTime = 20;Num1 = SLM(SL,Num1,vInc);Num2 = SLM(SL,Num2,vInc);Num3 = SLM(SL,Num3,vInc);Num4 = SLM(SL,Num4,vInc)}
in 4..5->{vInc = 2;BSL = rand(1,4);vTime = 20;Num1 = SLM(SL,Num1,vInc);Num2 = SLM(SL,Num2,vInc);Num3 = SLM(SL,Num3,vInc);Num4 = SLM(SL,Num4,vInc)}
in 6..8->{vInc = 4;BSL = rand(1,4);vTime = 20;Num1 = SLM(SL,Num1,vInc);Num2 = SLM(SL,Num2,vInc);Num3 = SLM(SL,Num3,vInc);Num4 = SLM(SL,Num4,vInc)}
in 9..10->{vInc = 6;BSL = rand(1,4);vTime = 20;Num1 = SLM(SL,Num1,vInc);Num2 = SLM(SL,Num2,vInc);Num3 = SLM(SL,Num3,vInc);Num4 = SLM(SL,Num4,vInc)}
//grab appropriate question format for number of calculations required
//step 3
when (BSL){
1->{vQuestion ="($Num1 × $Num2) + ($Num3 x $Num4)";vAnswer = (Num1 * Num2) + (Num3 * Num4)}
2->{vQuestion ="$Num1 + ($Num2 × $Num3) + $Num4";vAnswer = Num1 + (Num2 * Num3) + Num4}
3->{vQuestion ="(($Num1 × $Num2) + $Num3) - $Num4";vAnswer = ((Num1 * Num2) + Num3) - Num4}
4->{vQuestion ="$Num1 + ($Num2 × $Num3) - $Num4";vAnswer = Num1 + (Num2 * Num3) -Num4}
//return question to the minigame
// step 4
return SingleQuestion(ML,vType,vQuestion,vAnswer,vTime)
// Function to provide a random number. Set the lowest number and highest number.
private fun rand(start: Int, end: Int): Int {
require(start <= end) { "Illegal Argument" }
val random = SecureRandom()
return random.nextInt(end - start + 1) + start
//This function is aimed at providing an optimisation capability.
// sb levels are 1-25 e.g sub level 1 increases each number by 1.01% up to 1.25% (1% increase to 25% increase)
// you can lower the division factor (e.g. /100 to /50) to create bigger gaps between sub levels
private fun SLM(subLevel:Int, num:Int, increment:Int):Int{
var multiplier = ((subLevel / 100)+1).toDouble()
var newNum = ((num + increment) * multiplier).roundToInt()
return newNum
The screenshot shows a division question and my code is from a multiplication question builder but it's just to show how the data is used once returned
See Generating multiplication questions and answers for a quiz style app for follow up