This is my take for constexpr big / little endian conversions.
The code supports only little and big endian; mixed endian such PDP is not supported.
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>
namespace myendian_impl_{
template<typename UINT>
UINT byteswap(UINT const a);
constexpr uint16_t byteswap(uint16_t const a){
constexpr uint8_t b[] = {
8 * (2 - 1)
auto const x =
(0x00ffULL & a) << b[0] |
(0xff00ULL & a) >> b[0]
return static_cast<uint16_t>(x);
constexpr uint32_t byteswap(uint32_t const a){
constexpr uint8_t b[] = {
8 * (2 - 1),
8 * (4 - 1)
auto const x =
(0x000000ffULL & a) << b[1] |
(0x0000ff00ULL & a) << b[0] |
(0x00ff0000ULL & a) >> b[0] |
(0xff000000ULL & a) >> b[1]
return static_cast<uint32_t>(x);
constexpr uint64_t byteswap(uint64_t const a){
constexpr uint8_t b[] = {
8 * (2 - 1),
8 * (4 - 1),
8 * (6 - 1),
8 * (8 - 1)
auto const x =
(0x00000000000000ffULL & a) << b[3] |
(0x000000000000ff00ULL & a) << b[2] |
(0x0000000000ff0000ULL & a) << b[1] |
(0x00000000ff000000ULL & a) << b[0] |
(0x000000ff00000000ULL & a) >> b[0] |
(0x0000ff0000000000ULL & a) >> b[1] |
(0x00ff000000000000ULL & a) >> b[2] |
(0xff00000000000000ULL & a) >> b[3]
return static_cast<uint64_t>(x);
// ==============================
class isBE{
constexpr static uint32_t u4 = 1;
constexpr static uint8_t u1 = (const uint8_t &) u4;
constexpr static bool value = u1 == 0;
// ==============================
template<bool b>
struct be_tag{};
// ==============================
template<typename UINT>
constexpr UINT htobe(UINT const a, be_tag<true>){
return a;
template<typename UINT>
constexpr UINT htobe(UINT const a, be_tag<false>){
return byteswap(a);
} // namespace myendian_impl_
constexpr inline uint16_t htobe16(uint16_t const a){
using namespace myendian_impl_;
return htobe(a, be_tag<isBE::value>{});
constexpr inline uint32_t htobe32(uint32_t const a){
using namespace myendian_impl_;
return htobe(a, be_tag<isBE::value>{});
constexpr inline uint64_t htobe64(uint64_t const a){
using namespace myendian_impl_;
return htobe(a, be_tag<isBE::value>{});
int main(){
printf("%16x %16x\n", 0x1122, htobe16(0x1122) );
printf("%16x %16x\n", 0x11223344, htobe32(0x11223344) );
printf("%16lx %16lx\n", 0x1122334455667788, htobe64(0x1122334455667788) );
) hardware? \$\endgroup\$b[0]
, i'm using0x08
, which have the same values and preserve the byte offset numbers, but are much more concise \$\endgroup\$