
Bracket numbers provide a simple way to express large integers using only left bracket, space, and right bracket ([ ]).

A bracket number is defined as a string of one or more pairs of matching brackets [...] called chunks, each separated from its neighbors by zero or more spaces.

The number of spaces between each chunk defines the hyperoperation between them. No spaces means addition, 1 space means multiplication, 2 spaces means exponentiation, 3 spaces means tetration, and so on. Higher order hyperoperations take precedence, so tetration occurs before exponentiation, exponentiation occurs before multiplication, etc. They are also right-associative, so a^b^c is computed as a^(b^c). (But a^b*c is still (a^b)*c.)

Each chunk may either be empty ([]) or contain another bracket number. Empty chunks have the value 0. Non-empty chunks have the value of their contained bracket number plus 1.

Examples: (^^ is tetration, ^^^ is pentation)

  • [[]] has value 1 because it is 0 ([]) incremented by 1
  • [[[]]] has value 2 but so does [[]][[]] since the two ones ([[]]) are added
  • [[[]]] [[[[]]] [[[[]]]]][[[]]] has value 20 = (2*((2^3)+1))+2
  • [[[]]] [[[[]]]] has value 65536 = 2^^^3 = 2^^(2^^2) = 2^^4 == 2^(2^(2^2))
  • [[[[]]]] [[[]]] [[]] has value 7625597484987 = 3^^^(2^^^1) = 3^^^2 = 3^^3 = 3^(3^3)

In valid bracket numbers:

  • There will never be leading or trailing spaces.
  • There will always be at least one pair of matching brackets.
  • All left brackets will have a matching right bracket.
  • A space will never appear directly to the right of [ nor to the left of ].
  • The value is always a non-negative integer.


Notice that there may be many forms for a bracket number that give the same value. [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] and [[[]]] [[[[]]]] both represent 16, but the latter is much shorter.

Your challenge is to write an algorithm that attempts to find the shortest bracket number representation of a given value. For example, I believe the shortest way to represent 16 is with 17 characters as [[[]]] [[[[]]]].

Scoring (Updated)

Let S be the set of integers from 1 to 256 (inclusive) as well as the following ten values:

8191 13071 524287 2147483647 1449565302 1746268229 126528612 778085967 1553783038 997599288

(The first 4 are Mersenne primes, the rest are random.)

The submission that generates the shortest set of bracket numbers for everything in S will win. Your score is the sum of the lengths of your bracket numbers for all values in S (smaller is better).

With your code please submit a list of your bracket numbers for all of S, the exact order is not terribly important. e.g.:


(I know this is not the optimal scoring method but I am not set up to run a bunch of random heuristic tests on each submission. Sorry :( )


  • You may not hardcode any bracket numbers besides the trivial incremental solutions ([], [[]], [[[]]], ...). Your program must actually be looking for optimally short representations. (Though the results may be suboptimal.)
  • Your algorithm should work for all non-negative integers below 2,147,483,648 (2^31). You may not specifically focus on the values in S.
  • For any particular input, your algorithm should run in at most 10 minutes on a decent modern computer (~2.5Ghz processor, ~6GB RAM).
  • In the (seemingly) rare chance of a tie the highest voted submission wins.
  • If you copy another solution or revise it without attribution you will be disqualified.
  • \$\begingroup\$ I think 256 might be a bit too low. You don't even get very far with the hyperoperations in these numbers. But I might be wrong, I can't really figure out how many possibilities there are to represent 256 that can't be easily ruled out. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 31, 2014 at 20:43
  • \$\begingroup\$ @MartinBüttner I know. I had considered 512 or 1024 but I was worried that would force people to submit huge blocks of text for their bracket number lists. What does anyone else think? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 31, 2014 at 20:48
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Calvin'sHobbies: What about asking for a select large number in addition to the 1..256? Say, the Mersenne prime 2^31 - 1. \$\endgroup\$
    – Charles
    Commented Jul 31, 2014 at 20:59
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Calvin'sHobbies Pick 10-20 specific larger numbers in addition to your range? \$\endgroup\$
    – hmatt1
    Commented Jul 31, 2014 at 21:03
  • 10
    \$\begingroup\$ Ok, updated username.... I don't want my bad behavior to be misattributed \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 31, 2014 at 21:35

3 Answers 3



Note: This algorithm is never going to be able to get anywhere near the larger test numbers. I'd need a substantially different approach, so I'll just leave it as is for others to check their lower numbers against. You may consider this submission invalid.

Here is a start for the first 256 numbers (the others were added after I started, and I probably need to find a separate solution for those)

8=[[[]]]  [[[[]]]]
9=[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
10=[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]
11=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]
12=[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]
13=[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
14=[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]
15=[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
16=[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]
17=[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]]
18=[[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]]]
19=[[[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]]]]
20=[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
21=[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
22=[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]
23=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]]
24=[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
25=[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]
26=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]]
27=[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]
28=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]
29=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]
30=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]]
31=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]]]
32=[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]
33=[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]
34=[[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]]
35=[[[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
36=[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]
37=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]
38=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]]
39=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]]]
40=[[[]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
41=[[[[]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
42=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
43=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
44=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
45=[[[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
46=[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
47=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]
48=[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
49=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]]
50=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]
51=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]]
52=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]
53=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]]
54=[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[]]]
55=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[]]]]
56=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[]]]
57=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[]]]]
58=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]
59=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]]
60=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
61=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
62=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
63=[[[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
64=[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]
65=[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]
66=[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]
67=[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]
68=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]
69=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]
70=[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]]
71=[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]]]
72=[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[]]]
73=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[]]]]
74=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]
75=[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]
76=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]]
77=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]]]
78=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
79=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]]
80=[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
81=[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]
82=[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]
83=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]]
84=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]]]
85=[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]]]]
86=[[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
87=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]
88=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
89=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]
90=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
91=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
92=[[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]
93=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
94=[[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
95=[[[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
96=[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
97=[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
98=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[]]]
99=[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
100=[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]
101=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]]
102=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]
103=[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]]
104=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
105=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
106=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]
107=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]]
108=[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]
109=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
110=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]
111=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
112=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
113=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
114=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]
115=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]]
116=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
117=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
118=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]
119=[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
120=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
121=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]  [[[]]]
122=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]  [[[]]]]
123=[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]  [[[]]]]]
124=[[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]  [[[]]]]]]
125=[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]
126=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]
127=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]
128=[[[]]]  [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
129=[[[[]]]  [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
130=[[[[[]]]  [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
131=[[[[[[]]]  [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]
132=[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
133=[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
134=[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
135=[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
136=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
137=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]
138=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
139=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
140=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
141=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
142=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]
143=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
144=[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]
145=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
146=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
147=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]
148=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]]
149=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]]]
150=[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
151=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
152=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
153=[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
154=[[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]
155=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
156=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
157=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
158=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[]]]
159=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
160=[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
161=[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
162=[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]] [[[]]]
163=[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]] [[[]]]]
164=[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
165=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
166=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
167=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
168=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
169=[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]  [[[]]]
170=[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]  [[[]]]]
171=[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]  [[[]]]]]
172=[[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]  [[[]]]]]]
173=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]  [[[]]]]]]]
174=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
175=[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
176=[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]
177=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
178=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]]
179=[[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]]]
180=[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
181=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
182=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]
183=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
184=[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
185=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
186=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
187=[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]
188=[[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]]
189=[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
190=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
191=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
192=[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
193=[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]]
194=[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]]]
195=[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]
196=[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]
197=[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]]
198=[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
199=[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
200=[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[]]]
201=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[]]]]
202=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]
203=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]]
204=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
205=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
206=[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
207=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
208=[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
209=[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]
210=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
211=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
212=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
213=[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
214=[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
215=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
216=[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]
217=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]
218=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]
219=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]
220=[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]
221=[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]
222=[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]]
223=[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]]]
224=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[]]]  [[[[]]]]
225=[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
226=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]
227=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]
228=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
229=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
230=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]
231=[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
232=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]  [[[[]]]]
233=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]  [[[[]]]]]
234=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
235=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]
236=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
237=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]
238=[[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
239=[[[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
240=[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
241=[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
242=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[]]]
243=[[[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]
244=[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]
245=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]]
246=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
247=[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
248=[[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]
249=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
250=[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[]]]
251=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[]]]]
252=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]] [[[]]]
253=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]] [[[]]]]
254=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
255=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
256=[[[[[]]]]]   [[[]]]

The total length of the first 256 numbers is 7963 characters. I don't know if this is optimal.

Ignoring addition, the results for 8191 and 13071 were found in a few seconds and 524387 in a couple of minutes as

8191=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]
13071=[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
524387=[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]

at 164 characters together.

Here is the code:

ClearAll[repr, sl, i, j, op, re, frontop, rearop, lastop];
repr[n_] = "";
repr[0] = "[]";
(*Hard-code higher-order solutions*)
repr[65536] = "[[[]]]    [[[[]]]]";
repr[16] = "[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]";
repr[27] = "[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]";
repr[256] = "[[[[[]]]]]   [[[]]]";
repr[3125] = "[[[[[[]]]]]]   [[[]]]";
repr[46656] = "[[[[[[[]]]]]]]   [[[]]]";
repr[823543] = "[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]   [[[]]]";
repr[16777216] = "[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]   [[[]]]";
repr[387420489] = "[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]   [[[]]]";
frontop[n_] = 2;
rearop[n_] = 2;
sl[n_] := If[repr[n] == "", Infinity, StringLength@repr@n];
n = 256;
op[0] := (# + #2) &
op[1] := (#*#2) &
op[2] := (#^#2) &
re[0] := (repr@# <> repr@#2) &
re[1] := (repr@# <> " " <> repr@#2) &
re[2] := (repr@# <> "  " <> repr@#2) &
For[i = 0, i < n, ++i,
  If[sl[i + 1] >= sl[i] + 2,
   repr[i + 1] = "[" <> repr[i] <> "]";
   frontop[i + 1] = 2; rearop[i + 1] = 2
  For[m = 0, m < 3, ++m,
   If[rearop[i] >= m,
    For[j = 1, j <= i, ++j,
     If[frontop[j] < m || (res = op[m][i, j]) > n, Break[]];
     rep = re[m][i, j];
     If[sl[res] > StringLength@rep ||
       sl[res] == StringLength@rep && m > frontop[res],
      repr[res] = rep;
      If[m == 2,
       frontop[res] = 2; rearop[res] = 1,
       frontop[res] = m;
       rearop[res] = m
   If[frontop[i] >= m,
    For[j = 1, j <= i, ++j,
     If[rearop[j] < m || (res = op[m][j, i]) > n, Break[]];
     rep = re[m][j, i];
     If[sl[res] > StringLength@rep ||
       sl[res] == StringLength@rep && m > frontop[res],
      repr[res] = rep;
      If[m == 2,
       frontop[res] = 2; rearop[res] = 1,
       frontop[res] = m;
       rearop[res] = m

I used an exhaustive search up to exponentiation. There is no tetration or higher-order operations. I just tried the higher-order operations manually, and there's only a handful combinations which actually yield numbers below 231, so I just hardcoded those that work.

Edit: My previous solution didn't not bother about precedence, it just threw things together. Now I think my new code fixes that, but non of the first 256 numbers have changed, nor has 8191 (which was valid before, I checked)... and it's to late for me to tell right now if my code actually fixed it. I'll have another look tomorrow and also add an explanation, because now with the precedence checking it's a bit convoluted (hopefully it should reduce search time though).

Edit: Okay, there were some bugs as expected. I think I fixed it now, increasing the total length for 1 - 256 to 7963. I'm not sure this is optimal any longer, because it might be possible to find shorter solutions from suboptimal parts if they allow higher-order operations. An explanation will follow when I manage to clean up the code a bit.

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Sorry to keep changing things on you but I've updated the list format to something more readable. Last big change I swear! \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 31, 2014 at 22:02
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Also looks like you're missing 256. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 31, 2014 at 22:08
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Calvin'sHobbies Fixed and added tetration. I believe I've solved the 1 to 256 range optimally. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 31, 2014 at 22:20
  • \$\begingroup\$ your 1-256 seems to be 8181 characters with a newline or semicolon between each. nice work, overall! \$\endgroup\$
    – Sparr
    Commented Aug 1, 2014 at 2:36
  • \$\begingroup\$ Your 16 seems to be suboptimal. You're expressing 16 as 4^2, which is 18 characters, whereas with 2^^3, it would be 17 characters. \$\endgroup\$
    – isaacg
    Commented Aug 1, 2014 at 4:25

Python 11455b

This solution takes a greedy approach to finding ways to break down prime numbers, rather than an exhaustive approach. I need 9875b for 1-256 compared to 8181 for Martin's probably-optimal solution in that space.

A larger table of multiplication and exponentiation results yields slight improvements in the larger test cases. The solution below took about 7 minutes. Increasing runtime beyond 30 minutes has minimal impact on the output.

I, like Martin, had a problem with precedence. My solution in restricting operation selection may not be optimal.

#!/usr/bin/env python

# http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/35480/find-the-shortest-bracket-numbers

import sys, math

reps = {}
forwards = {}
backwards = {}

MAX = 2**31

TABLE_SIZE = 2**12

def op_dec(op):
    if op>1:
        return op-1
    return op

def rep_op(a,op,b):
    return rep_num(a) +  (" "*op) + rep_num(b)
def min_rep_op(a,op,b,op_max):
    return min_rep(a,op_max) +  (" "*op) + min_rep(b,op_dec(op_max))

def rep_num(a):
    return ("["*(a+1)) + ("]"*(a+1))

def min_rep(n,op_max):
    if n < 9:
        return ("["*(n+1))+("]"*(n+1))
    for op in range(op_max,-1,-1):
        if (n, op) in reps:
            return reps[(n, op)]
    for op in range(op_max,-1,-1):
        if (n, op) in backwards:
            a,op,b = backwards[(n, op)]
            return min_rep_op(a,op,b,op_max)
        for m in rep_list:
            c = m[0]
            if c < n:
                r = n - c
                for op in range(op_max,-1,-1):
                    if (c, op) in backwards:
                        a,op,b = backwards[(c, op)]
                        if r<10:
                            return ("["*r) + min_rep_op(a,op,b,op_max) + ("]"*r)
                            return "[" + min_rep(r-1,op_max) + min_rep_op(a,op,b,op_max) + "]"

def expand(a,op,b):
    if op == 0:
        n = a+b
    elif op == 1:
        n = a*b
    elif op == 2:
        if b*math.log10(a) > math.log10(MAX):
            n = MAX
            n = a**b
    elif (a,op,b) in forwards:
        n = forwards[(a,op,b)]
    else: # tetration and higher
        t = a
        for i in xrange(b-1):
            t = expand(a,op-1,t)
            if t>=MAX:
        n = t

    if n > MAX-1:
        n = MAX
    forwards[(a,op,b)] = n

    if (n, op) in backwards:
        c = len(rep_op(*backwards[(n, op)]))
        if c > (a*2+op+b*2):
            backwards[(n, op)] = (a,op,b)
        backwards[(n, op)] = (a,op,b)

    return n

t = 0

# populate the multiplication, exponentiation, and tetration tables
for op in range(1,4):
    for a in range((1,2,2,2)[op],TABLE_SIZE):
        for b in range((1,2,2,2)[op],TABLE_SIZE):
            t = expand(a,op,b)
            if t == MAX:
rep_list = sorted(backwards.keys(),key=lambda x: x[0]*4-x[1],reverse=True)

for i in list(range(1, 257))+[8191,13071,524287,2147483647,1449565302,1746268229,126528612,778085967,1553783038,997599288]:
    t = min_rep(i,3)
    reps[i] = t
    print i, t


1 [[]]
2 [[[]]]
3 [[[[]]]]
4 [[[[[]]]]]
5 [[[[[[]]]]]]
6 [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
7 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
8 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
9 [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
10 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
11 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
12 [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
13 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
14 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
15 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
16 [[[]]]   [[[[]]]]
17 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]]
18 [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
19 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
20 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
21 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
22 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]
23 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]]
24 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
25 [[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]
26 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]
27 [[[[]]]]   [[[]]]
28 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
29 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
30 [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
31 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
32 [[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]
33 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
34 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[]]]
35 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
36 [[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]
37 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]
38 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[]]]
39 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
40 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]
41 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
42 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
43 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
44 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
45 [[[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
46 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]
47 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]]
48 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
49 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]]
50 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
51 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]
52 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
53 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
54 [[[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
55 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
56 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
57 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]
58 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
59 [[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
60 [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
61 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
62 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
63 [[[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
64 [[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]
65 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
66 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
67 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
68 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
69 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
70 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
71 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
72 [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
73 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
74 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]
75 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
76 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
77 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
78 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
79 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
80 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
81 [[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]
82 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
83 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
84 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
85 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
86 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
87 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
88 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
89 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
90 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
91 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
92 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
93 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
94 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]
95 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
96 [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
97 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
98 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
99 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
100 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]  [[[]]]
101 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]  [[[]]]]
102 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
103 [[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
104 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
105 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
106 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
107 [[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
108 [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
109 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]
110 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
111 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
112 [[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
113 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
114 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
115 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
116 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
117 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
118 [[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]
119 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
120 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
121 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]  [[[]]]
122 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
123 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
124 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
125 [[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]
126 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
127 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]
128 [[[]]]  [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
129 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
130 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
131 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
132 [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
133 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
134 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
135 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
136 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
137 [[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
138 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
139 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
140 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
141 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
142 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
143 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
144 [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]  [[[]]]
145 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
146 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
147 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
148 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
149 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
150 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
151 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
152 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
153 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
154 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
155 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
156 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
157 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
158 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
159 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
160 [[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
161 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
162 [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
163 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]
164 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
165 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
166 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]
167 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]]
168 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
169 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]  [[[]]]
170 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
171 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
172 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
173 [[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
174 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
175 [[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
176 [[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
177 [[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
178 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
179 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
180 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
181 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]
182 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
183 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
184 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
185 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
186 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
187 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
188 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
189 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
190 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
191 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
192 [[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
193 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
194 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
195 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
196 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]  [[[]]]
197 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]  [[[]]]]
198 [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
199 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]]
200 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
201 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
202 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]
203 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
204 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
205 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
206 [[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
207 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
208 [[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
209 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
210 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
211 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
212 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
213 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
214 [[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]
215 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
216 [[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]
217 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
218 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]
219 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
220 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
221 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
222 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
223 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
224 [[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
225 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
226 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
227 [[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
228 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
229 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
230 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
231 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
232 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
233 [[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
234 [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
235 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
236 [[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
237 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
238 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
239 [[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
240 [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
241 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
242 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
243 [[[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]
244 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
245 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
246 [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
247 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
248 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
249 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
250 [[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
251 [[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
252 [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
253 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
254 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]
255 [[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
256 [[[[[]]]]]   [[[]]]
8191 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]]
13071 [[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
524287 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]]
2147483647 [[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]
1449565302 [[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]][[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]
1746268229 [[[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]  [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]][[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]
126528612 [[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]][[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]  [[[[]]]]]
778085967 [[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]][[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]
1553783038 [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]] [[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]][[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]
997599288 [[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[]]][[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[[]]]]  [[[[]]]]]

Python 9219b

This is my second entry. I started from scratch and tried a new arrangement of the data, including using the blist package for sorted lists and dicts, and some new approaches for finding large solutions. I think I've got an optimal 1-256. Increasing runtime from 30s to 4m shortened the big test cases by about 30 bytes.

# https://pypi.python.org/pypi/blist/
# provides sorteddict
from blist import *

import math, sys

MAX_INT = 2**31

repr = sorteddict()

for i in range(12):
    repr[i] = sorteddict({(i*2+2,-1,-1):("["*(i+1)+"]"*(i+1), str(i))});

repr    [65536] = sorteddict({(18, 4, 4):("[[[]]]    [[[[]]]]", "2^^^3")}); # 2^^^3 = 2^^(2^^2) = 2^(2^(2^2))
repr       [16] = sorteddict({(17, 3, 3):("[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]", "2^^3")}); # 2^^3 = 2^(2^2)
repr       [27] = sorteddict({(17, 3, 3):("[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]", "3^^2")}); # 3^^2 = 3^3
repr      [256] = sorteddict({(19, 3, 3):("[[[[[]]]]]   [[[]]]", "4^^2")}); # 4^^2 = 4^4
repr     [3125] = sorteddict({(21, 3, 3):("[[[[[[]]]]]]   [[[]]]", "5^^2")}); # 5^^2 = 5^5
repr    [46656] = sorteddict({(23, 3, 3):("[[[[[[[]]]]]]]   [[[]]]", "6^^2")}); # 6^^2 = 6^6
repr   [823543] = sorteddict({(25, 3, 3):("[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]   [[[]]]", "7^^2")}); # 7^^2 = 7^7
repr [16777216] = sorteddict({(27, 3, 3):("[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]   [[[]]]", "8^^2")}); # 8^^2 = 8^8
repr[387420489] = sorteddict({(29, 3, 3):("[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]   [[[]]]", "9^^2")}); # 9^^2 = 9^9

def expr_to_repr(a,op,b):
    rep_a = None
    for d,r in repr[a].iteritems():
        op_min, op_max = ((0,9),(1,9),(3,9))[op]
        if (d[1]==-1 or d[1]>=op_min) and d[2]<=op_max:
            rep_a = (d,r)
    if not rep_a:
        rep_a = ((a*2+2,-1,-1),("["*(a+1)+"]"*(a+1), str(a)));

    rep_b = None
    for d,r in repr[b].iteritems():
        op_min, op_max = ((0,9),(1,9),(3,9))[op]
        if (d[1]==-1 or d[1]>=op_min) and d[2]<=op_max:
            rep_b = (d,r)
    if not rep_b:
        rep_b = ((b*2+2,-1,-1),("["*(b+1)+"]"*(b+1), str(b)));

    r = rep_a[1][0] + " "*op + rep_b[1][0]

    return (
                min(op, rep_a[0][1] if rep_a[0][1]!=-1 else op, rep_b[0][1] if rep_b[0][1]!=-1 else op), 
                max(op, rep_a[0][2], rep_b[0][2])

def opsym(op):
    return ("+","*","^","^^")[op]

def expr_to_string(a,op,b):
    return str(a) + opsym(op) + str(b)

def calc(a,op,b):
    if op == 0:
        return min(a+b,MAX_INT)
    elif op == 1:
        return min(a*b,MAX_INT)
    elif op == 2:
        if (b*math.log10(a)>math.log10(MAX_INT)):
            return MAX_INT
        return min(a**b,MAX_INT)
        t = a
        for h in range(b):
            t = calc(a,op-1,t)
            if t>=MAX_INT:
                t = MAX_INT
        return t

def populate_repr(a,op,b):
    o = (a,op,b)
    n = calc(*o)
    if n == MAX_INT:
        return n
    if n not in repr:
        repr[n] = sorteddict()
    r = expr_to_repr(*o)
    if conditional_replace_repr(n,r):
        for i in range(1,11):
                        "["*i + r[1][0] + "]"*i,
                        "(" + r[1][1] + "+" + str(i) + ")"
    return n

def conditional_replace_repr(n,new_rep):
    if n not in repr:
        repr[n] = sorteddict()
        repr[n][new_rep[0]] = new_rep[1]
        return True
    found = None
    repl = False
    for d, r in repr[n].iteritems():
        if d[1] == new_rep[0][1] and d[2] == new_rep[0][2]:
            found = d
            if d[0] > new_rep[0][0]:
                repl = True
    if (not found) or (found and repl):
        repr[n][new_rep[0]] = new_rep[1]
        if found:
            del repr[n][found]
        return True
    return False

def vaguely_decent_repr(n):
    if n <= TABLE_SIZE:
        return repr[n].iteritems().next()[1][0]
    if n in repr:
        return repr[n].iteritems().next()[1][0]
        keys = sorted(repr.keys(),reverse=True)
        best_rep = None
        tested = 0
        for i in keys:
            if i>n:
            if tested > 10:
            tested += 1
            cand_rep = vaguely_decent_repr(n-i) + repr[i].iteritems().next()[1][0]
            if (not best_rep) or len(cand_rep) < len(best_rep):
                best_rep = cand_rep
        return best_rep

keys = repr.keys()
for k in keys:
    for d,r in repr[k].iteritems():
        for i in range(1,11):
                        "["*i + r[0] + "]"*i,
                        "(" + r[1] + "+" + str(i) + ")"

# initialize the repr array with results of 1..256, 2+2 up to TABLE_SIZE^TABLE_SIZE
for row in range(2,TABLE_SIZE+1):
    for col in range(2,row):
        for op in range(1,3):
            if op > 1:
    for op in range(1,3):
    if row > 10:
        for frac in range(1,10):
            rep_a = repr[row-frac].iteritems().next()
                        rep_a[0][0] + frac*2,
                        "["*frac + rep_a[1][0] + "]"*frac,
                        "(" + rep_a[1][1] + "+" + str(frac) + ")"
        for frac in range(10,row/2):
            rep_a = repr[frac].iteritems().next()
            rep_b = repr[row-frac].iteritems().next()
                        rep_a[1][0] + rep_b[1][0],
                        rep_a[1][1] + "+" + rep_b[1][1]

# for n,reps in repr.iteritems():
#   for d,r in reps.iteritems():

for n in range(1,257):
    print str(n)+"="+repr[n].iteritems().next()[1][0]

for n in (8191,13071,524287,2147483647,1449565302,1746268229,126528612,778085967,1553783038,997599288):
    print str(n)+"="+vaguely_decent_repr(n)


8=[[[]]]  [[[[]]]]
9=[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
10=[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]
11=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]
12=[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]
13=[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
14=[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]
15=[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
16=[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]
17=[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]]
18=[[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]]]
19=[[[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]]]]
20=[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
21=[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
22=[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]
23=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]]
24=[[[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
25=[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]
26=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]]
27=[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]
28=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]
29=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]
30=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]]
31=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]]]
32=[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]
33=[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]
34=[[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]]
35=[[[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
36=[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]
37=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]
38=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]]
39=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]]]
40=[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
41=[[[[]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
42=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
43=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
44=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
45=[[[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
46=[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
47=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]
48=[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
49=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]]
50=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]
51=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]]
52=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]
53=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]]
54=[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[]]]
55=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[]]]]
56=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[]]]
57=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[]]]]
58=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]
59=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]]
60=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
61=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
62=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
63=[[[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
64=[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]
65=[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]
66=[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]
67=[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]
68=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]
69=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]
70=[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]]
71=[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]]]
72=[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[]]]
73=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[]]]]
74=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]
75=[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]
76=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]]
77=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]]]
78=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
79=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]]
80=[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
81=[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]
82=[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]
83=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]]
84=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]]]
85=[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]]]]
86=[[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
87=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]
88=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
89=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]
90=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
91=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
92=[[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]
93=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
94=[[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
95=[[[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
96=[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
97=[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
98=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[]]]
99=[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
100=[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]
101=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]]
102=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]
103=[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]]
104=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
105=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
106=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]
107=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]]
108=[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]
109=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
110=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]
111=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
112=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
113=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
114=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]
115=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]]
116=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
117=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
118=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]
119=[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
120=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
121=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]  [[[]]]
122=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]  [[[]]]]
123=[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]  [[[]]]]]
124=[[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]  [[[]]]]]]
125=[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]
126=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]
127=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]
128=[[[]]]  [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
129=[[[[]]]  [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
130=[[[[[]]]  [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
131=[[[[[[]]]  [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]
132=[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
133=[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
134=[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
135=[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
136=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
137=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]
138=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
139=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
140=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
141=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
142=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]
143=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
144=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]
145=[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]]
146=[[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]]]
147=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]
148=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]]
149=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]
150=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
151=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
152=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
153=[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
154=[[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]
155=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
156=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
157=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
158=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[]]]
159=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
160=[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
161=[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
162=[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]] [[[]]]
163=[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]] [[[]]]]
164=[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
165=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
166=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]
167=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]
168=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[]]]
169=[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]  [[[]]]
170=[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]  [[[]]]]
171=[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]  [[[]]]]]
172=[[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]  [[[]]]]]]
173=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]  [[[]]]]]]]
174=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
175=[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
176=[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]
177=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
178=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]]
179=[[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]]]
180=[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
181=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
182=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]]
183=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
184=[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
185=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
186=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]]
187=[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]
188=[[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]]
189=[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
190=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
191=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
192=[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]
193=[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]]
194=[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]]]
195=[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]
196=[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]
197=[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]]
198=[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
199=[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
200=[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[]]]
201=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]] [[[]]]]
202=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]
203=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]]
204=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
205=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
206=[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
207=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
208=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]  [[[[]]]]
209=[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]
210=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
211=[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
212=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
213=[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
214=[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
215=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]
216=[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]
217=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]
218=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]
219=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]
220=[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]
221=[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]
222=[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]]
223=[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]]]
224=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]] [[[]]]  [[[[]]]]
225=[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]
226=[[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]
227=[[[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]]
228=[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]]]
229=[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]]]]
230=[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]]  [[[]]]]]]]]
231=[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
232=[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]  [[[[]]]]
233=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]  [[[[]]]]]
234=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]
235=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]
236=[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]] [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]
237=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]
238=[[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]
239=[[[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
240=[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
241=[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]
242=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[]]]
243=[[[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]
244=[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]
245=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]]
246=[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]
247=[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
248=[[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]
249=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]
250=[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[]]]
251=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[]]]]
252=[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]] [[[]]]
253=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]] [[[]]]]
254=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]
255=[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]
256=[[[[[]]]]]   [[[]]]
8191=[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]
13071=[[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]  [[[]]] [[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]]
524287=[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]][[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]
2147483647=[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]][[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]]  [[[[[]]]]][[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]][[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]]]]]] [[[[]]]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]
1449565302=[[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]]]][[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]] [[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[[]]]][[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]]]
1746268229=[[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[]]]] [[[[]]]  [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]][[[[]]]]   [[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]][[[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[]]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]]
126528612=[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]][[[[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]][[[[[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]
778085967=[[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]  [[[]]][[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]  [[[[]]]][[[[[[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]  [[[[[]]]]]
1553783038=[[[[[]]]  [[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]] [[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]][[[[[]]]   [[[[]]]]]]  [[[[[]]]]][[[[[[[[[]]]]  [[[]]]]  [[[]]]]]] [[[]]]]  [[[[]]]][[[[[[[[]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]]  [[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
997599288=[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]] [[[[[[]]]]]]] [[[[[[[[]]]]]  [[[[]]]]]]][[[[[[[[]]]]]] [[[[[]]]]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]][[[[[[[[[[]]]]   [[[]]]]]]] [[[]]]]  [[[[[[]]]]]]]

7944b for 1-256

1275b for the large cases


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