Birth doula business

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Many couples find listening to the Christian Hypnobirthing tracks together as they go to sleep really helpful, as it not only anchors in that deep relaxation, but can also help Dad to memorize some useful phrases to support and encourage Mom during labor. You may also want to try listening to the tracks while practicing these partner assisted labor positions, to help get that muscle memory, so you can do them easily during labor 🥰 📝 Note these down to try with your birth partner: - Slow da...
This may contain: a person is pointing to a sign that says cervical dillation on the bed
Cervical dilation by @thegansettgal
✨cervical dilation✨ • ⠀ • ✌🏼dilation refers to the opening of the cervix & is measured in centimeters (cms) • ⠀ • ✌🏽throughout late pregnancy & your labor process you will receive sterile vaginal exams by your provider and they will tell you how dilated you are! • ⠀ • ✌🏾your cervix opens from the back to the front like an eclipse, which is why moving throughout the labor process is so important! • ⠀ • ✌🏿as a first time mama your cervix will dilate at approximately 1/2 to 1 cm an hour! however, don’t get hung up on dilation! your cervix also has to thin out (efface) and baby has to engage into the pelvis (station) and each of these steps take time! • ⠀ • 💫 for more labor & delivery tips follow thegansettgal
Child Development unit 3 day 5 power point Labor and Delivery
I usually have a Labor and Delivery Nurse come and speak to my class about the material found within the Unit 3 workbook, but if this is not possible for you to do, here is a power point that supports the lesson plan to help with the workbook notes. It also includes a fun motivator to get them relating to what it takes to get through labor and delivery.-All of the power point slides follow and support the lesson plan's activities and lecture material.-Look for the unit 3 day 4 lesson plan with a
This may contain: two women sitting on the floor in front of a bed
What you can do if labor stalls
More on labor stalls 👇 ➡️Labor stalls occur when you are in active labor but then you experience either slowed contractions, contractions without dilation or lack of baby descent. ➡️ There are many reasons this can occur, but often it’s due to baby not being in an optimal position for birth! You can perform the Miles Circuit in labor as well as during the weeks leading up to labor! ***please note left side-lying is lying on your left side with your right leg supported by pillows, the camera view is flipped ***
Postpartum Bleeding Progression
Your postpartum bleeding experience goes through three changes. (And one surprise one) 🌟Save this! ✔️Share with a pregnant friend! The discharge we have during this period is called lochia. ⁠⁠ ⁠ ❤️Lochia Rubra: Lasts about 3-4 days and is dark to bright red. Having clots is expected but no larger than a plum. Blood may pool inside you after laying down and feel like you are bleeding too much, but this is normal. You will also see an increase while breastfeeding. ⁠ ⁠
The Best Online Jobs for Moms- How to start a Print on Demand and Etsy Business Without Experience!
Dive into the Print on Demand and Etsy selling world with this beginner friendly course taught by a six figure Etsy seller Mama! No business or Canva design experience required! From setting up shop, creating the best print on demand products, getting the best print on demand ideas, to Etsy SEO, this course has got you covered. Whether you're a creative enthusiast, a business novice, or a stay at home mom looking for extra income, this course will help you start a business and turn your dreams of having a work from home job into a reality. Start your journey of making money online and creating passive income today! #etsy #etsyseller #printondemand #printondemandideas #makemoneyonline #onlinebusinessideas #sidehustle #extraincome #onlinejobsformoms #passiveincome #startingabusiness
This may contain: a woman squats on the ground in front of a gym rack
Prep For Birth | 5 Movements To Lengthen Your Pelvic Floor
Did you know - your pelvic floor muscles have to stretch 2-3x their resting length during childbirth? Which is why your pelvic floor does not need to be strong to push a baby out. In fact, your pelvic floor’s job is to move out of the way to allow your baby to pass through the birth canal. Just like with any muscle, you want you pelvic floor muscles to move through its full range of motion which means you want it to contract (shorten) and relax (lengthen). Including these movements to help relax and lengthen your pelvic floor can help you better prepare for delivery, as well as postpartum. FULL BREAKDOWN OF EACH EXERCISE IN BLOG POST LINKED
The Herbal Doula: Plant Medicine for Fertility, Community Care, and Birthwork--An Inclusive Guide from Conception to Postpartum [Book]
A modern, inclusive guide to plant-based reproductive medicine: herbal remedies and collective care for conception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and beyond 30+ herbal protocols and preparations for morning sickness, fertility, and postpartum healing Herbal medicines are effective for a host of pregnancy and birth-related concerns. From nausea and mastitis to c-section wounds and fertility assistance, all-natural remedies can be used safely and effectively--and can even amplify the positive outc