susanna bracci
Address: Florence, Toscana, Italy
Related Authors
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SUNY: University at Buffalo
Sinclair W Bell
Northern Illinois University
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Universiteit Leiden
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Field Museum
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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Seth Bernard
University of Toronto
Andrew Wilson
University of Oxford
Enrique Melchor Gil
Universidad de Córdoba
José d'Encarnação
Universidade de Coimbra
Piero Berni Millet
Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica
Papers by susanna bracci
Russian icons. The icons belong to a group of five from the same iconographic school, dating from
the 16th to 17th centuries. An integrated and complementary approach to varnish and overpaint
removal involved microscopic techniques (optical and scanning electron microscopy) and colorimetry
(CIE L*a*b* system). The materials and techniques used in these icons have been characterized
previously. Cleaning revealed extensive overpainting that had not only dramatically changed
the original appearance, but also the meaning and attribution of one of the two icons. The analyses
carried out were useful in determining the extent of the overpainting and led to a better assessment
of the results and effectiveness of the restoration.
Russian icons. The icons belong to a group of five from the same iconographic school, dating from
the 16th to 17th centuries. An integrated and complementary approach to varnish and overpaint
removal involved microscopic techniques (optical and scanning electron microscopy) and colorimetry
(CIE L*a*b* system). The materials and techniques used in these icons have been characterized
previously. Cleaning revealed extensive overpainting that had not only dramatically changed
the original appearance, but also the meaning and attribution of one of the two icons. The analyses
carried out were useful in determining the extent of the overpainting and led to a better assessment
of the results and effectiveness of the restoration.