Papers by Giuseppina Capriotti Vittozzi
Elementi egizi nel codice Ottoboniano latino 3105, 2006
La thematique commune a ces trois “grotesques” est etudiee de maniere tres fine et documentee, av... more La thematique commune a ces trois “grotesques” est etudiee de maniere tres fine et documentee, avec une riche bibliographie (p. 152-154). G. C. V. s’interroge sur le bon emploi du terme “caricature” a partir de l’etude d’une terre cuite greco-egyptienne du musee du Caire, n° SR 32839 (fig. 1), etudiee par C. Boutantin en 1999 : une guenon habillee en servante porte une torche renversee a la main droite et soutient de la gauche une hydrie posee sur la tete qui pourrait etre une caricature de rites nocturnes, sans exclure une symbolique funeraire.

"Il sito di Palestrina presenta alcuni specifici legami con l’Egitto a partire dal famoso mo... more "Il sito di Palestrina presenta alcuni specifici legami con l’Egitto a partire dal famoso mosaico nilotico. Viene proposta una lettura dell’area della cosiddetta aula absidata in connessione al culto di Iside. Le due aule simmetriche rispetto alla basilica, caratterizzate ciascuna da un mosaico di officina alessandrina e da un'abside in forma di ninfeo dal quale sgorgava l'acqua che bagnava il pavimento musivo ravvivandolo, sembrano alludere a due aspetti della complessa personalità di Iside, attestati nel Mediterraneo orientale, frequentato dai negotiatores prenestini, nello stesso periodo della ristrutturazione monumentale della città: due epiclesi fondamentali della dea, quale Signora del mare e Signora della piena e dunque della fertilità. Si propone una nuova lettura del frammento di obelisco ritrovato nel sito con attribuzione al periodo di Nerone. Vengono infine presentati altri oggetti, alcuni dei quali conosciuti solo attraverso documentazione del XIX secolo. ""
Información del artículo Una statuetta della dea ippopotamo all'Università di Roma "La ... more Información del artículo Una statuetta della dea ippopotamo all'Università di Roma "La Sapienza".

Studies in Digital Heritage, 2017
The article takes as its point of departure recent work [Frischer forthcoming] critiquing the the... more The article takes as its point of departure recent work [Frischer forthcoming] critiquing the theory of Edmund Buchner about the relationship of the gnomonical instrument known as the Horologium Augusti and the Ara Pacis Augustae. As a result of this critique, the Montecitorio Obelisk could be situated with greater precision on the map of the city. A computer simulation showed that Buchner erred in positing that the shadow of the Montecitorio Obelisk went into the center of the Ara Pacis on Augustus' birthday. In this article, computer simulations are used to develop a post-Buchnerian interpretation of the relationship of the obelisk and altar. Over 230 hitherto unrecognized solar and shadow alignments are reported. The first part of the article defines four zones around the monuments where the solar and shadows observations were made. In the second part of the article, specialists interpret the significance of the annual solar and shadow spectacle from various points of view. The conclusion synthesizes the results, arguing that the monuments were intentionally aligned and situated in order to propagate the same message as the one inscribed on two sides of the Montecitorio Obelisk [CIL 6.702 = ILS 91]: that Augustus was a devoted worshipper of the sun god (Sol), who brings Rome victory in time of war, and prosperity in time of peace through his earthly representative, the emperor.
Atti Della Pontificia Accademia Romana Di Archeologia Rendiconti, 2001
Rivista Di Studi Fenici, 2008
Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, 2013
Polis, 2003
Recherche sur la signification des singes, des grotesques (nains ithyphalliques, enfants) que l&#... more Recherche sur la signification des singes, des grotesques (nains ithyphalliques, enfants) que l'on retrouve en grand nombre en Egypte. Plutot que de caricatures il s'agirait de traces de culte de fertilite
Cet article est constitue de cinq points. Le premier “L’Egypte a Rome, egyptomanie ?” est une int... more Cet article est constitue de cinq points. Le premier “L’Egypte a Rome, egyptomanie ?” est une interrogation sur ce dernier terme chez differents auteurs : est-ce une simple mode ou y a-t-il une penetration culturelle plus profonde ?
The Aegyptiaca widespread throughout the Mediterranean region sometimes display androgynous trait... more The Aegyptiaca widespread throughout the Mediterranean region sometimes display androgynous traits. This paper reviews past research on the subject in both foreign Aegyptiaca and in Egyptian art, particularly of the New Kingdom and later, tracing it back to mythological meanings.
Itinerari mediterranei fra IV e IX secolo. Città-capitale e Deserto-monastico, 2013

The article takes as its point of departure recent work [Frischer forthcoming] critiquing the the... more The article takes as its point of departure recent work [Frischer forthcoming] critiquing the theory of Edmund Buchner about the relationship of the gnomonical instrument known as the Horologium Augusti and the Ara Pacis Augustae. As a result of this critique, the Montecitorio Obelisk could be situated with greater precision on the map of the city. A computer simulation showed that Buchner erred in positing that the shadow of the Montecitorio Obelisk went into the center of the Ara Pacis on Augustus' birthday. In this article, computer simulations are used to develop a post-Buchnerian interpretation of the relationship of the obelisk and altar. Over 230 hitherto unrecognized solar and shadow alignments are reported. The first part of the article defines four zones around the monuments where the solar and shadows observations were made. In the second part of the article, specialists interpret the significance of the annual solar and shadow spectacle from various points of view. The conclusion synthesizes the results, arguing that the monuments were intentionally aligned and situated in order to propagate the same message as the one inscribed on two sides of the Montecitorio Obelisk [CIL 6.702 = ILS 91]: that Augustus was a devoted worshipper of the sun god (Sol), who brings Rome victory in time of war, and prosperity in time of peace through his earthly representative, the emperor.
Papers by Giuseppina Capriotti Vittozzi