Books by Antonella Pautasso
Le Monografie sono sottoposte a valutazione del comitato scientifico-editoriale e approvate da re... more Le Monografie sono sottoposte a valutazione del comitato scientifico-editoriale e approvate da referees anonimi.
Creta Antica è una Rivista fondata nel 2000 per iniziativa dell'editore Ausilio, prontamente acce... more Creta Antica è una Rivista fondata nel 2000 per iniziativa dell'editore Ausilio, prontamente accettata dal Centro di Archeologia Cretese dell'Università di Catania, nell'alveo della tradizione iniziata da Federico Halbherr nel 1884. Dal 2004 si è proposta come luogo di confronto su temi legati alla Creta di età antica e medievale in tutti i suoi aspetti (archeologia, storia e filologia). Essa accetta pertanto contributi relativi all'edizione di dati e materiali, all'analisi metodologica di nuove prospettive di ricerca, alla riflessione storiografica. Coerentemente con tali premesse, Creta Antica favorisce la collaborazione internazionale. Lingue d'uso per i contributi sono quelle correnti nella bibliografia di ambito egeo. Creta Antica è un peer reviewed journal. I contributi, in forma sia elettronica sia cartacea, dovranno essere inviati all'indirizzo sotto indicato. Ogni contributo sarà sottoposto all'esame di due revisori anonimi. Dopo un periodo massimo di due mesi, i revisori invieranno il loro responso al direttore scientifico, che comunicherà il risultato all'autore, accompagnandolo con la relativa documentazione. Per le norme redazionali si vedano le indicazioni nel sito
Papers by Antonella Pautasso
Annuario della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente. 101, 2023
The necropolis in the Contrada Siderospilia, associated with the settlement on the Patela of Prin... more The necropolis in the Contrada Siderospilia, associated with the settlement on the Patela of Prinias, from which it is
about m 500 away, is one of the most important funerary contexts in Iron Age Crete. Discovered in 1969 and excavated from that
year until 1978, the necropolis has remained essentially unpublished, except for a few articles and two extensive general reports by
its discoverer, Giovanni Rizza. A few years ago, a project for the study and publication of the necropolis was launched, involving
a group of scholars with different specializations. The aim of this article is to give a preliminary report on the results obtained
during these years of work, a general overview of the different phases, and some in-depth studies related to those areas in which
the work of documentation and study is now at an advanced stage. Among these, it seemed appropriate to devote ample space to
some of the results of the archaeozoological analyses, in view of the fact that the necropolis of Siderospilia is the context that has
so far yielded the greatest number of horse and dog burials. Finally, the ARCHIAS project for the creation and implementation
of a digital archive for the preservation and management of all the paper, drawing and photographic material relating to the necropolis,
which forms the basis of the study and publication project, is presented.
Schemata. La città oltre la forma, II, Preistoria e Protostoria, a cura di R. Brancato et alii, Monografie di Cronache, , 2023
Πολύτροπος. Τιμητικός Τόμος για τον Καθηγητή Νικόλαο Χρ. Σταμπολίδη, Τόμος II, Μ. Ι. Στεφανάκης – Μ. Γιαννοπούλου – Μ. Αχιολά (ΕΠΙΜ), 2023
tor of the Italian Archaeological Mission at Priniàs * Mi è particolarmente gradito offrire quest... more tor of the Italian Archaeological Mission at Priniàs * Mi è particolarmente gradito offrire questo contributo al Professor Stampolidis, in riconoscimento del ruolo di caposcuola da lui svolto negli studi su Creta e sulla proiezione dell'isola nel Mediterraneo. Colgo l'occasione per ringraziare i colleghi Giacomo Biondi per le proficue discussioni sul frammento oggetto di questo studio, e Orazio Pulvirenti per i disegni alle figg. 4 e 5.
«Craft Economy» and Terracotta Figurines. Approaching Systems of Production through Coroplastic Studies: Panel 3.14, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2022
On behalf of the 'Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica (AIAC)' the 19 th Internati... more On behalf of the 'Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica (AIAC)' the 19 th International Congress for Classical Archaeology took place in Cologne and Bonn from 22 to 26 May 2018. It was jointly organized by the two Archaeological Institutes of the Universities of Cologne and Bonn, and the primary theme of the congress was 'Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World'. In fact, economic aspects permeate all areas of public and private life in ancient societies, whether in urban development, religion, art, housing, or in death. Research on ancient economies has long played a significant role in ancient history. Increasingly in the last decades, awareness has grown in archaeology that the material culture of ancient societies offers excellent opportunities for studying the structure, performance, and dynamics of ancient economic systems and economic processes. Therefore, the main objective of this congress was to understand economy as a central element of classical societies and to analyze its interaction with ecological, political, social, religious, and cultural factors. The theme of the congress was addressed to all disciplines that deal with the Greco-Roman civilization and their neighbouring cultures from the Aegean Bronze Age to the end of Late Antiquity. The participation of more than 1.200 scholars from more than 40 countries demonstrates the great response to the topic of the congress. Altogether, more than 900 papers in 128 panels were presented, as were more than 110 posters. The publication of the congress is in two stages: larger panels are initially presented as independent volumes, such as this publication. Finally, at the end of the editing process, all contributions will be published in a joint conference volume. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all participants and helpers of the congress who made it such a great success. Its realization would not have been possible without the generous support of many institutions, whom we would like to thank once again: the Universities of Bonn and Cologne, the Archaeological Society of Cologne, the Archaeology Foundation of Cologne, the Gerda Henkel Foundation, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, the Sal. Oppenheim Foundation, the German Research Foundation (DFG), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Romano-Germanic Museum Cologne and the LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn. Finally, our thanks go to all colleagues and panel organizers who were involved in the editing and printing process.
La question de la chronologie a été abordée et discutée en détails par Muhly (2008, 3-11).
Annuario della Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene, 2021
Per l'acquisto rivolgersi a / orders may be placed to: All'Insegna del Giglio s.a.s. via Arrigo B... more Per l'acquisto rivolgersi a / orders may be placed to: All'Insegna del Giglio s.a.s. via Arrigo Boito, 50-52-50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) www.
Sicilia Antiqua XVIII, 2021, Studi in memoria di Mario Torelli, 2021
Per uso strettamente personale dell'autore. È proibita la riproduzione e la pubblicazione in open... more Per uso strettamente personale dell'autore. È proibita la riproduzione e la pubblicazione in open access. For author's personal use only. Any copy or publication in open access is forbidden.
Questo libro raccoglie gli scritti che tanti amici e colleghi, italiani e stranieri, di generazio... more Questo libro raccoglie gli scritti che tanti amici e colleghi, italiani e stranieri, di generazioni e di scuole diverse, hanno voluto dedicare in segno di stima e di affetto a Giuseppe Voza, un omaggio al Soprintendente e allo studioso che, nell'arco di una lunga e prestigiosa carriera, con le sue ricerche ha contribuito alla conoscenza della vicenda storica e archeologica, dalla preistoria all'età tardo antica e oltre, in modo particolare della Sicilia orientale. Per tanti decenni Voza è stato alla guida della Soprintendenza di Siracusa, in una delicata fase di transizione, raccogliendo l'eredità scientifica di coloro che lo hanno preceduto negli incarichi con risultati di indiscutibile valenza e dimostrando sempre grande professionalità, signorilità ed equilibrio. A queste doti, da tutti concordemente riconosciute, ha sempre affiancato un'intensa attività scientifica -qui documentata nella bibliografia completa dei suoi scritti -di prim'ordine per vastità di interessi e per qualità e originalità della ricerca.
Books by Antonella Pautasso
Papers by Antonella Pautasso
about m 500 away, is one of the most important funerary contexts in Iron Age Crete. Discovered in 1969 and excavated from that
year until 1978, the necropolis has remained essentially unpublished, except for a few articles and two extensive general reports by
its discoverer, Giovanni Rizza. A few years ago, a project for the study and publication of the necropolis was launched, involving
a group of scholars with different specializations. The aim of this article is to give a preliminary report on the results obtained
during these years of work, a general overview of the different phases, and some in-depth studies related to those areas in which
the work of documentation and study is now at an advanced stage. Among these, it seemed appropriate to devote ample space to
some of the results of the archaeozoological analyses, in view of the fact that the necropolis of Siderospilia is the context that has
so far yielded the greatest number of horse and dog burials. Finally, the ARCHIAS project for the creation and implementation
of a digital archive for the preservation and management of all the paper, drawing and photographic material relating to the necropolis,
which forms the basis of the study and publication project, is presented.
about m 500 away, is one of the most important funerary contexts in Iron Age Crete. Discovered in 1969 and excavated from that
year until 1978, the necropolis has remained essentially unpublished, except for a few articles and two extensive general reports by
its discoverer, Giovanni Rizza. A few years ago, a project for the study and publication of the necropolis was launched, involving
a group of scholars with different specializations. The aim of this article is to give a preliminary report on the results obtained
during these years of work, a general overview of the different phases, and some in-depth studies related to those areas in which
the work of documentation and study is now at an advanced stage. Among these, it seemed appropriate to devote ample space to
some of the results of the archaeozoological analyses, in view of the fact that the necropolis of Siderospilia is the context that has
so far yielded the greatest number of horse and dog burials. Finally, the ARCHIAS project for the creation and implementation
of a digital archive for the preservation and management of all the paper, drawing and photographic material relating to the necropolis,
which forms the basis of the study and publication project, is presented.
📆 La nuova serie dei webinars sarà disponibile, in forma permanente, ogni venerdì dal 5.03 al 7.05 2021, sul canale YouTube dela SAIA e alla pagina web
🇬🇷 Έργα και ιστορίες: δέκα συμβολικά τεχνουργήματα που αποκαλύφθηκαν μέσα σε εκατό χρόνια, ανάμεσα στο 1884 και το 1987. Πρώην σπουδαστές και συνεργάτες της Σχολής θα αναδείξουν τη σημασία τους και τις περιστάσεις που οδήγησαν στην ανακάλυψή τους, κατά τη διάρκεια των ιταλικών ανασκαφών στην Ελλάδα.
📆 Τα WEBINARS της ΙΑΣΑ θα είναι μονίμως διαθέσιμα, κάθε Παρασκευή, από τις 5 Μαρτίου έως τις 7 Μαΐου, στο κανάλι YouTube της ΙΑΣΑ και στην Ιστοσελίδα της