Papers by Alessandro Lentini

The archaeobotany research began in 2004. Stratigraphical and paleopalinology analyses on vegetab... more The archaeobotany research began in 2004. Stratigraphical and paleopalinology analyses on vegetable macroremains taken in different layers have been examined in order to reconstruct the sequence and nature of the ancient agricultural economy during the centuries of settlement and to compare the results with the neighbouring sites coming ones. Since 2004 integrated sedimentology and palinology programs (chemistry and physics analyses, macroremains and pollen analyses) have been regularly carried on to investigate the evolution and changing of the landscape and the exploitation of the natural resources. The aim of the paleoethnobotanical field work investigation is to recover the charred plant remains from the archaeological soil samples, using different systems and dry-sieving. Mud bricks and floor fragments has been another important source of information as provides a large number of plant impressions The results of sedimentological and pollen analyses beside the charred seeds, fruit stones and plant impression revealed the main agricultural cultivation of the farming communities who settled in that area around the 2000 B.C.. Among the products cultivated at Pyrgos/Mavroraki there are Olea europea L. ssp., Coriandrum sativum L., Triticum dicoccun, Triticum monococcum, Triticum durum, Vicia ervilia (L.) WILLD., Vicia faba L., Lens culinaris, Lens subsp. orientalis, Cicer arietinum, Cicer bijugum, Pisum sativum, Linum usitatissimum L., Hordeum spp. and three different types of Vitis ssp. Moreover the archaeobotanical investigations produced macroremains (drupe) of Laurus ssp. and (berries) Myrtus ssp.. The characterisation of several vegetal macroremains recovered in the stratigraphic units (SU) H10L3, H6L3, H6L5, G8L1 and I9L2, may supply detailed information on the evolution of both the natural and agricultural vegetation in this territory. These analyses, therefore, also indicate the change in vegetation during the course of human occupation.
The archaeological site of Pyrgos (Belgiorno 2009) offers the opportunity to carry out archaeomet... more The archaeological site of Pyrgos (Belgiorno 2009) offers the opportunity to carry out archaeometric investigation on Bronze Age textile evidence. In 2003, during the excavation campaign, twenty spindle-whorls were found in the textile area G7 (Belgiorno 2004). In the following years, spindle whorls have been detected all around the excavation area and the evidence were distributed as follows: five objects from F5/7, a living unit; eight from E5/7, a living unit; three from F9, new excavation area; eight from G8, an area in connection with the textile sector; one from H7, a small storage/service room; two from H9, the winery; one from I6, the oil press/perfumery; two from I8/9, a metallurgical court; four from K7, a metallurgical court; four from M/L5, a working area with two basins in connection with metallurgy
I sedimenti archeologici presenti sulla superficie dei manufatti sono stati selezionati e preleva... more I sedimenti archeologici presenti sulla superficie dei manufatti sono stati selezionati e prelevati . I residui sono stati suddivisi cromaticamente con il sistema Munsell. I risultati delle osservazioni colorimetriche essenzialmente dividono i sedimenti in quattro gruppi, nove bianchi, quindici grigio chiaro, nove bruni tipo terra di Siena, quatto gialli e uno rosso. L’indagine archoemetrica è stata condotta con i metodi e le strumentazioni già descritte.
The site of Pyrgos-Mavroraki near Limassol in Cyprus, destroyed by an earthquake in 1900-1850 B.C... more The site of Pyrgos-Mavroraki near Limassol in Cyprus, destroyed by an earthquake in 1900-1850 B.C., is situated in an elevated position in the center of a vast settlement of the ancient and Middle Bronze Age before the Calcolitic period. The unchanged position of the structures and the finds, that remained unknown for 4000 years near the homonym village, offers a unique opportunity to carry out sedimentological, paleopalinolocical and archeobotanic investigations on totally uncontaminated materials. The results of the sedimentological and paleopalynology investigations and the characterization of other plants micro remains found in the samples from the bull's head SL (PY 09 D.10 B) make it possible to formulate some considerations on the vegetation in the ancient landscape.

L'indagine archeologica del sito di Pyrgos a Cipro è iniziata nel 1995 con la scoperta dell'insed... more L'indagine archeologica del sito di Pyrgos a Cipro è iniziata nel 1995 con la scoperta dell'insediamento di Mavrorachi nei pressi di Limassol. Nel 1996 e 1997 sono state effettuate le ricognizioni e i sondaggi preliminari sull'area prescelta. Lo scavo stratigrafico è iniziato nel 1998. L'area di studio è situata nella fascia costiera alle pendici meridionali del massiccio della Troodos, con formazioni calcaree che dalla penisola di Akrotiri (golfo di Limassol) arrivano fino al golfo di Larnaca, comprendendo una vasta area mineraria. Il sito archeologico, distrutto da un terremoto intorno al 1900-1850 a.C. circa, si trova in posizione sopraelevata al centro di un vasto insediamento del Bronzo Antico e Medio risalente al periodo Calcolitico. L'intatta giacitura delle strutture e dei reperti, ignorati per 4000 anni alle porte del villaggio omonimo, offre una rara occasione per effettuare indagini archeometriche e archeobotaniche in un contesto di materiali incontaminati. Le aree indagate in dieci anni di scavo, riguardano due vasti cortili e due officine per la produzione di oggetti in bronzo, un frantoio con magazzino per le giare, una fabbrica di profumi o sostanze terapeutiche ricavata nell'angolo nord orientale della grande sala del frantoio, una stanza per la lavorazione del vino e un edificio triangolare in elevazione con annesso, un altare costruito con pietre grezze per rituali di culto. Durante le campagne di scavo del 2004-9 sono state rinvenute nell'unità stratigrafica G7L5 e G2L3 sono state rinvenuti due ambienti dedicati all'industria tessile. Alcune fuseruole a volano (Philia -fase MC II), presentavano all'interno della sezione biconico -lenticolare sedimenti archeologici sigillati, che sono stati estratti e flottati in piccole quantità in una soluzione di acqua glicerinata. Alcune fibre mineralizzate (processo diagenetico, le particelle più fini di limo e argilla sono penetrate all'interno delle fibre) dopo imbibizione si sono rigonfiate e ingrandite risalendo in superficie. Sono state esaminate complessivamente 932 morfologie, di cui 150 di cotone (Gossypium ssp.), che risulta essere il più rappresentato insieme alle fibre di Asclepias ssp. (62) e Hibiscus ssp. (45) fra le fibre vegetali, mentre fra quelle di origine animale prevale la lana con 297 filamenti.
The site of Pyrgos-Mavroraki near Limassol in Cyprus, destroyed by an earthquake in 1900-1850 B.C... more The site of Pyrgos-Mavroraki near Limassol in Cyprus, destroyed by an earthquake in 1900-1850 B.C., is situated in an elevated position in the center of a vast settlement of the Early-Middle Bronze Age. The unchanged position of the structures and the finds, that remained unknown for 4000 years
near the homonym village, offers a unique opportunity to carry out sedimentological, paleopalynological and archaeobotanic investigations on totally uncontaminated materials. The results of the sedimentological and paleopalynology investigations and the characterization of other plant micro remains found in the samples from the bull’s head SL (PY 09 D.10 B) make it possible to formulate some considerations on the vegetation in the ancient landscape.

An ancient port of Etruscan and Roman origin was discovered in December 1988, during excavation w... more An ancient port of Etruscan and Roman origin was discovered in December 1988, during excavation works near the railway station of Pisa San Rossore (Tuscany, Italy). This discovery was particularly important, both because of the great number of well-preserved open ships 16 in all and the quantity of objects found abroad them. These included amphorae of various shapes, sized and types, pottery and glass artifacts, objects made of bone and horn, balm and balsamic cosmetics, oil lamp, surgical instruments, fishing and shipboard equipment: hooks, nets, ropes and lines, basket, small covered cord baskets, articles for repairing fishing-nets and sailors’ protective clothing in leather. The remarkably good state of preservation of all these objects is due to the fact they were completely immersed in water, in an oxygen-free environment. The area of excavation from which analyzed samples (textile fibres) shows a long narrows conformation morphological. In this area the rest of the Hellenistic ship together the dock with of the ancient port found the piling breakwater. In these stratigraphic layers prior to end as limitation of imperial age, same structures on the harbor of an Etruscan city have been found.
La Sovrintendenza
del Lazio dovette pertanto
restaurla, effettuando al contempo
un rilievo topogr... more La Sovrintendenza
del Lazio dovette pertanto
restaurla, effettuando al contempo
un rilievo topografico di
dettaglio. Durante i lavori, la
d.ssa Annalisa Zarattini, all’epoca
ispettrice del territorio per
la provincia di Latina, mi invitò
ad effettuare dei campionamenti
delle “trappole naturali”
e dei sedimenti all’interno della
grotta, per un primo studio di
fattibilità sulle cronologie paleoambientali
del Lazio.
La grotta è situata alla base
delle pendici sud-ovest del
Monte Circeo (“Quarto Caldo”);
l’ingresso è attualmente ampio
circa 16 m, per un’altezza massima di 8 m, e nella
zona atriale sono presenti grandi massi di calcare
(fig. 1), che in qualche modo proteggono la
grotta stessa dal moto ondoso del mare.
Questa celebre grotta fu indagata una prima
volta nell’ Ottocento dal naturalista Arturo Issel,
che vi effettuò varie ricognizioni descrittive.
Morpho-biometric study of the pollens and seeds was carried out using an image analysis system (J... more Morpho-biometric study of the pollens and seeds was carried out using an image analysis system (JVC C322 RGB microscope video camera, mounted on a optical microscope) and an optical stereo microscope connected to a computer with a video imaging board and high resolution monitor, in order to characterise the images obtained. Pictures were acquired as raster images (binary matrix with an x -y origin), with maximum dimensions of 1200 pixels.

The fiber and woven materials, fastened on spindle-whorls, were treated with a solution of glycer... more The fiber and woven materials, fastened on spindle-whorls, were treated with a solution of glycerin and 50% bi-distilled water, and in some cases with paraffin oil and then mounted on microscope slides with a known refraction index. The fibers and woven materials, all of which were particularly deteriorated, were consolidated with a 5% vinyl acryl nitrile emulsion. We avoided physically handling such deteriorated material by employing techniques that have been used in the past for remote sensing of images obtained from optical microscopes. Some of the recovered loom weights had sealed sediments inside their perforations. We floated these sediments in small quantities of glycerinated water. The fibers that had been mineralized (probably through a diagenetic process where fine particles of silt and clay had penetrated inside the fibers) sank to the bottom. We treated these fibers with paraffin oil. The morphobiometric study of the different fibers was done using an image analyzer, as well as other auxiliary equipment: a microscopic video camera JVC C322 RGB mounted on an optical microscope (a J.S- model MP 3502M), and a stereomicroscope (model Nissho Optical). Both of these were connected to a computer equipped with a memory card for the acquisition of remotely sensed images. The images remotely sensed by the optical video-microscope, acquired in real color (and thus avoiding the false colors of commercial software) as Raster images (binary matrix with x-y origin), can reach a maximum dimension of 1200 pixel (Findlay F., 1995) We initially examined 932 morphologies, of which 150 of cotton (Gossypium ssp.), that it turns out to be the most represented with fibers of Asclepias ssp. (62) and Hibiscus ssp. (45) for the vegetables fibers, while for the animals prevails wool with 297 filaments.

Microscopic analyses aimed at identifying the morphological characteristics, biometrics and other... more Microscopic analyses aimed at identifying the morphological characteristics, biometrics and other measurement of the various artefacts, in order to establish their origin and the technologies used to make them The morpho‑biometric study of the different archaeo-botanical materials (seeds, pollens and textile fibres) and various cross-sections of pottery and fragments of opaque and semitransparent glass (red, blue, violet, yellow, green, orange, white and colourless), was carried out with an image analyser. The image analysis system was composed of various technical components: a JVC C322 RGB microscope video camera mounted on a J.S. MP 3502M optical microscope and a N.135 optical stereo microscope connected to a computer with a video imaging board and a high resolution monitor in order to characterise the obtained images. A new software programme "Image Analysis and Measurement" (Findlay F., 1995) permitted either black and white or colour pictures to be acquired. The images obtained through the optical video microscope were acquired in true colour, in order to avoid the false colours obtained with commercial software. Pictures were acquired as Raster (binary matrix with an x ‑ y origin) images, which may reach a maximum size of 800 x 600 pixels. A colour threshold (Grieson P., 1986) common to all morphologies was established through operations in which particular areas / zones of the image (Berns R. S., 1999) under study were evidenced. Diameters, numbers, area, radii, and orientation of several morphologic characteristics were extracted automatically. In addition a series of mathematical equalisations, scaled enlargements and geometrical reflections made it possible to evidence particular distinctive structural features both in the archaeobotanical remains (seeds, textile fibres and pollens), pottery and glasses.
Besides, the use of fractal dimension method (FD) is a value describing the shape-filling capacity of a rough boundary. The concept of FD is based on the non-Euclidean system of geometry (Mandelbrot B.P., 1992) and it has been used in a number of research applications. Calculating a FD for a given object is a complex procedure based upon the measurement of area, perimeter and segments in terms of decreasing units of measurement, and requires a significant amount of data processing. Although this is essentially a geometric measurement approach it is a method that can be modified for the processing of digitally stored images. Because this factor has been applied in a number of studies its application to fretting particle shape description was attempted in the present study. Some noise and artifactual components of the original greyscale image possessed the same gray values as the particles. Consequently these objects were included in the resulting binary as well as the desired particles. Binary image editing procedures were used to remove the unwanted components prior to measurements being taken of the detected objects. The system also allows the video images to be saved in B / W or RGB as TIF files, JPEG (Compliant), RAS (Sun Raster Images), TGA (True vision Images), and so on, which may be opened and read by most digital image non dedicated programs.

The results of the chemical-toxicological analyses of the Pyrgos residues sampled from different ... more The results of the chemical-toxicological analyses of the Pyrgos residues sampled from different types of artefacts found in adjoining areas enable us to formulate some brief considerations on the natural botanical landscape in ancient times and on the seasonal nature of the production of medicinal and fragrant preparations . The substances we characterised, which had been obtained from medicinal plant species growing in the Mediterranean region, are numerically significant. Many of the medicinal ingredients characterised in the chemical investigation came from species documented at the site through archaeobotanical studies that began during the 2004 dig. A number of plant macro-vestiges have been found during the work still in progress, including olive pits and coriander seeds. Paleopalynological analyses of the archaeological levels from -180 to -230 cm in SU H5L6 document pollen from Pinus, Cedrus, Pistacia, Amygadalus, Myrtus, Laurus, Olea, Rosmarinus, Colchium and Papaver in significant quantities for the time period. Irano-Turanic conifers were one of the most characteristic features of the vegetation on Cyprus (M. Zohary, 1973) in ancient times. They were present not only on the slopes of the Trodos mountains, between 500 and 1000 meters above sea level, but also on rocky ground and in general in places where other kinds of trees would have found it harder to survive. Remnants of the ancient vegetation can still be seen near Paphos and along the middle stretch of the Pyrgos river, near the old asbestos mines (Dimmata).

Since 2004 integrated sedimentology and palinology programs (chemistry and physics analyses, macr... more Since 2004 integrated sedimentology and palinology programs (chemistry and physics analyses, macroremains and pollen analyses) have been regularly carried on to investigate the evolution and changing of the landscape and the exploitation of the natural resources. The aim of the paleoethnobotanical field work investigation is to recover the charred plant remains from the archaeological soil samples, using different systems and dry-sieving. Mud bricks and floor fragments has been another important source of information as provides a large number of plant impressions The results of sedimentological and pollen analyses beside the charred seeds, fruit stones and plant impression revealed the main agricultural cultivation of the farming communities who settled in that area around the 2000 B.C.. Among the products cultivated at Pyrgos/Mavroraki there are Olea europea L. ssp., Coriandrum sativum L., Triticum dicoccun, Triticum monococcum, Triticum durum, Vicia ervilia (L.) WILLD., Vicia faba L., Lens culinaris, Lens subsp. Orientalis, Cicer arietinum, Pisum sativum, Linum usitatissimum L., Hordeum spp. and three different types of Vitis sp. Moreover the archaeobotanical investigations produced macroremains (drupe) of Laurus sp. and (berries) Myrtus sp..

During the archaeological excavations conducted from 1991 to 2005 in the framework of the Tharros... more During the archaeological excavations conducted from 1991 to 2005 in the framework of the Tharros Project implemented by the Italian National Research Council’s, before the archaeological sediments were selected a detailed survey was made, using the transect method, of the wild plants present today in the Tharros archaeological area of Cape San Marco, Torre San Giovanni and the Su Pizzinnnu Mortu ponds. The samples of archaeological sediments selected in the Su Murru Mannu area (eastern section, square G17) came from 15 levels (starting from -1.03 m, which corresponds to the sandstone pavement laid in Roman times, and continuing down to a depth of 2 meters). At the -3.00 m level, vestiges of hearths prove the presence of some human activity even at the deepest levels. At the oldest levels, which date from the 9th century B.C. and the period after the 4th century B.C., species included in the bioma of the Mediterranean forest are present; this type of vegetation indicates that the local climate was hot and humid. In the next phase of this study, it was necessary to compare the findings obtained from the archaeological levels with other stratigraphic series from neighboring sites. The purpose of these investigations is to enrich the paleo-environmental documentation in order to better specify the chronology, and above all to enrich our knowledge of the natural landscape around Tharros (hence to provide indications about the salient aspects of the territory’s natural landscape, in particular for the areas where documentation of the paleo-vegetation is lacking).
During the 2007-2008 excavations at Pyrgos-Mavroraki, a series of preliminary archaeometric analy... more During the 2007-2008 excavations at Pyrgos-Mavroraki, a series of preliminary archaeometric analyses were performed, in parallel with the archaeobotanical investigations, on organic sediments selected from the interior of a number of artefacts from the necropolis at Erimi.The substances characterized in this study were obtained from officinal plant species typical of the Mediterranean area.
In questo lavoro sono presentati tre siti del bacino Mediterraneo di diversa cronologia e partico... more In questo lavoro sono presentati tre siti del bacino Mediterraneo di diversa cronologia e particolarmente significativi per il numero di manufatti recuperati. Il primo sito di ambiente umido è l'antico porto Etrusco-Romano di Pisa San Rossore, alcuni ambienti di Pompei prima dell'eruzione (79 d.C.) del Vesuvio e Pyrgos Mavrorachi (Cipro) sito di ambiente semi arido, probabilmente il più antico (2000 a.C.) e documentato per tutta l'industria tessile. Sono state evidenziate fibre vegetali autoctone degli ambienti Mediterranei. Inoltre sono state caratterizzate due fibre molto rare, l'Urena lobata e la seta totricida.

Various survey carry out from 1984 - 2002 following various archaeological missions in the area... more Various survey carry out from 1984 - 2002 following various archaeological missions in the areas of Deccan, Himalayan, Uttar Pradesh and Rajastan (India), Baluchistan, Punjab and Sind (Pakistan) been documented together with sample various rare vegetable fibers. Such fibers spontaneous and cultivated original species and you use in the manufacture of ropes cordages, nets, small covered cord baskets, coarse and refined textile.
Since there is very little literature regarding the principle characteristics of such fibres a morpho - biometrics study was carry out using an image analyser.
The image obtained through the optical video microscope were in true colour, in order to avoid the false colours obtained with commercial software. Pictures were obtained acquired as raster images (binary matrix with an x - y origin), with maximum dimensions of 1200 pixels. A colour threshold common to all morphologies was established through operations in which particular areas of the images were highlighted. From the images the images precise information about radius, diameter, dimensions, number of threads and the warp and weft orientation were extracted. In addition, a series of mathematical equalisations, scaled enlargements and geometric reflections highlighted detailed structural features in both fibres and vegetal cells.
Some chemical tests after the leaching with NaOH 1 molar under went and the reaction jodio sulphurous to highlight the presence of cellulose and lignin.
Besides some fibers from silk used locally and called “tussor or tussah” were examined. This silk is unusual because it from the cocoons of the Attacus atlas, Attacus ricini, Antheraea royley, Antheraea sp., Caligula simia, Rodontia menciana and Theophila mandarina lepidopterists who live on the Castanea sp., Quercus sp., Ailanthus altissima SWINGLE and some Ebanaceae. Another lepidopterists live only on the Morus sp. trees.
Papers by Alessandro Lentini
near the homonym village, offers a unique opportunity to carry out sedimentological, paleopalynological and archaeobotanic investigations on totally uncontaminated materials. The results of the sedimentological and paleopalynology investigations and the characterization of other plant micro remains found in the samples from the bull’s head SL (PY 09 D.10 B) make it possible to formulate some considerations on the vegetation in the ancient landscape.
del Lazio dovette pertanto
restaurla, effettuando al contempo
un rilievo topografico di
dettaglio. Durante i lavori, la
d.ssa Annalisa Zarattini, all’epoca
ispettrice del territorio per
la provincia di Latina, mi invitò
ad effettuare dei campionamenti
delle “trappole naturali”
e dei sedimenti all’interno della
grotta, per un primo studio di
fattibilità sulle cronologie paleoambientali
del Lazio.
La grotta è situata alla base
delle pendici sud-ovest del
Monte Circeo (“Quarto Caldo”);
l’ingresso è attualmente ampio
circa 16 m, per un’altezza massima di 8 m, e nella
zona atriale sono presenti grandi massi di calcare
(fig. 1), che in qualche modo proteggono la
grotta stessa dal moto ondoso del mare.
Questa celebre grotta fu indagata una prima
volta nell’ Ottocento dal naturalista Arturo Issel,
che vi effettuò varie ricognizioni descrittive.
Besides, the use of fractal dimension method (FD) is a value describing the shape-filling capacity of a rough boundary. The concept of FD is based on the non-Euclidean system of geometry (Mandelbrot B.P., 1992) and it has been used in a number of research applications. Calculating a FD for a given object is a complex procedure based upon the measurement of area, perimeter and segments in terms of decreasing units of measurement, and requires a significant amount of data processing. Although this is essentially a geometric measurement approach it is a method that can be modified for the processing of digitally stored images. Because this factor has been applied in a number of studies its application to fretting particle shape description was attempted in the present study. Some noise and artifactual components of the original greyscale image possessed the same gray values as the particles. Consequently these objects were included in the resulting binary as well as the desired particles. Binary image editing procedures were used to remove the unwanted components prior to measurements being taken of the detected objects. The system also allows the video images to be saved in B / W or RGB as TIF files, JPEG (Compliant), RAS (Sun Raster Images), TGA (True vision Images), and so on, which may be opened and read by most digital image non dedicated programs.
Since there is very little literature regarding the principle characteristics of such fibres a morpho - biometrics study was carry out using an image analyser.
The image obtained through the optical video microscope were in true colour, in order to avoid the false colours obtained with commercial software. Pictures were obtained acquired as raster images (binary matrix with an x - y origin), with maximum dimensions of 1200 pixels. A colour threshold common to all morphologies was established through operations in which particular areas of the images were highlighted. From the images the images precise information about radius, diameter, dimensions, number of threads and the warp and weft orientation were extracted. In addition, a series of mathematical equalisations, scaled enlargements and geometric reflections highlighted detailed structural features in both fibres and vegetal cells.
Some chemical tests after the leaching with NaOH 1 molar under went and the reaction jodio sulphurous to highlight the presence of cellulose and lignin.
Besides some fibers from silk used locally and called “tussor or tussah” were examined. This silk is unusual because it from the cocoons of the Attacus atlas, Attacus ricini, Antheraea royley, Antheraea sp., Caligula simia, Rodontia menciana and Theophila mandarina lepidopterists who live on the Castanea sp., Quercus sp., Ailanthus altissima SWINGLE and some Ebanaceae. Another lepidopterists live only on the Morus sp. trees.
near the homonym village, offers a unique opportunity to carry out sedimentological, paleopalynological and archaeobotanic investigations on totally uncontaminated materials. The results of the sedimentological and paleopalynology investigations and the characterization of other plant micro remains found in the samples from the bull’s head SL (PY 09 D.10 B) make it possible to formulate some considerations on the vegetation in the ancient landscape.
del Lazio dovette pertanto
restaurla, effettuando al contempo
un rilievo topografico di
dettaglio. Durante i lavori, la
d.ssa Annalisa Zarattini, all’epoca
ispettrice del territorio per
la provincia di Latina, mi invitò
ad effettuare dei campionamenti
delle “trappole naturali”
e dei sedimenti all’interno della
grotta, per un primo studio di
fattibilità sulle cronologie paleoambientali
del Lazio.
La grotta è situata alla base
delle pendici sud-ovest del
Monte Circeo (“Quarto Caldo”);
l’ingresso è attualmente ampio
circa 16 m, per un’altezza massima di 8 m, e nella
zona atriale sono presenti grandi massi di calcare
(fig. 1), che in qualche modo proteggono la
grotta stessa dal moto ondoso del mare.
Questa celebre grotta fu indagata una prima
volta nell’ Ottocento dal naturalista Arturo Issel,
che vi effettuò varie ricognizioni descrittive.
Besides, the use of fractal dimension method (FD) is a value describing the shape-filling capacity of a rough boundary. The concept of FD is based on the non-Euclidean system of geometry (Mandelbrot B.P., 1992) and it has been used in a number of research applications. Calculating a FD for a given object is a complex procedure based upon the measurement of area, perimeter and segments in terms of decreasing units of measurement, and requires a significant amount of data processing. Although this is essentially a geometric measurement approach it is a method that can be modified for the processing of digitally stored images. Because this factor has been applied in a number of studies its application to fretting particle shape description was attempted in the present study. Some noise and artifactual components of the original greyscale image possessed the same gray values as the particles. Consequently these objects were included in the resulting binary as well as the desired particles. Binary image editing procedures were used to remove the unwanted components prior to measurements being taken of the detected objects. The system also allows the video images to be saved in B / W or RGB as TIF files, JPEG (Compliant), RAS (Sun Raster Images), TGA (True vision Images), and so on, which may be opened and read by most digital image non dedicated programs.
Since there is very little literature regarding the principle characteristics of such fibres a morpho - biometrics study was carry out using an image analyser.
The image obtained through the optical video microscope were in true colour, in order to avoid the false colours obtained with commercial software. Pictures were obtained acquired as raster images (binary matrix with an x - y origin), with maximum dimensions of 1200 pixels. A colour threshold common to all morphologies was established through operations in which particular areas of the images were highlighted. From the images the images precise information about radius, diameter, dimensions, number of threads and the warp and weft orientation were extracted. In addition, a series of mathematical equalisations, scaled enlargements and geometric reflections highlighted detailed structural features in both fibres and vegetal cells.
Some chemical tests after the leaching with NaOH 1 molar under went and the reaction jodio sulphurous to highlight the presence of cellulose and lignin.
Besides some fibers from silk used locally and called “tussor or tussah” were examined. This silk is unusual because it from the cocoons of the Attacus atlas, Attacus ricini, Antheraea royley, Antheraea sp., Caligula simia, Rodontia menciana and Theophila mandarina lepidopterists who live on the Castanea sp., Quercus sp., Ailanthus altissima SWINGLE and some Ebanaceae. Another lepidopterists live only on the Morus sp. trees.