Papers by Dr. Durlabh Singh Kowal

Applied ecology and environmental sciences, Feb 23, 2021
There are multiple evolutionary adaptations and multiple intelligences found in human and non-hum... more There are multiple evolutionary adaptations and multiple intelligences found in human and non-human living beings. The ecological-sensory intelligence is thread of general intelligence that permeates into both human and non-human beings. It is defined as the uniting quanta of general intelligence among all living beings measured by the ability of acquiring environmental awareness, consciousness and sensitivity to the total environment and its allied problems. Human receive a sense of psychological well-being from interacting with the environment. There exists a natural intelligence which is the root criterion of ecological sensitivity and well-being in all life forces. This paper tries to explore the relationship between eco-sensory intelligence and well-being of the human individuals. Total 304 male subjects participated in the study. The environment awareness ability measure, PGI general well-being measure and test of general intelligence were used to measure the variables of the study. The results showed that significant difference was found between general intelligence IQ and well-being (F=3.44; p<.01), no significant difference was found between general intelligence and eco-sensory intelligence. The significant mean differences found among pairs of above average IQ (level 1) and below average IQ (level 5) with mean difference = 5.31, SE=1.50 (p<.01); average IQ (level 3) and below average IQ (level 5) with mean difference = 4.21, SE=1.37 (p<.05) and just below average IQ (level 4) and below average IQ (level 5) with mean difference = 4.68, SE=1.53 (p<.05). A significant positive relationship was found between eco-sensory intelligence and well-being (r = 0.231; p <.01).

Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 2017
Anxiety is defined as the subjective feeling of apprehension, worry, and tension caused by the pe... more Anxiety is defined as the subjective feeling of apprehension, worry, and tension caused by the perception of situations as psychologically or physically threatening (Spielberger, 1972). Researchers distinguish between trait and state anxiety as dispositional and transitory experience respectively. The test anxiety is an anxiety experienced by the individuals in a test situation which differs on nature of test and purpose of undergoing test. Most of the researchers showed concern in relationship between test anxiety and academic success. This paper investigates relationship between Test Anxiety and Performance at the time of selection of Armed Force Officer Cadre applicants over a battery of projective tests for personality assessment. A sample of 122 male subjects (71 Fresher & 51 Repeater) pooled through purposive sampling had undergone a Battery of Projective Test comprising Thematic Apperception Test, Word Association Test, Situation Reaction Test and Self Description in group testing condition. Test Anxiety Inventory which consists of two subscales viz. Worry and Emotionality, developed by Spielberger et al. (1978) was administered prior to administration of Projective Test Battery. Results revealed significant difference between Test familiarity (Fresher & Repeater) and Emotionality t (107) =2.02, p<.05); Performance and Result χ 2 (1) = 22.11, p<0.01). However, no significant differences were found between Worry and Test familiarity. Performance, Result; between Emotionality and Performance, Result; between Total Anxiety and Test familiarity. Performance, Result. Similar study can be replicated Interview and Objective tests for assessing personality at the time of recruitment and selection.

International Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts, 2023
Disengagement from the social and physical environment is a result of the increasing number of en... more Disengagement from the social and physical environment is a result of the increasing number of environmental catastrophes and resource-depleting upheavals. The purpose of the study was to investigate in human subjects the link among intelligence, emotion, and ecology. A random sample of 304 job seekers men in their 20s and 25s was taken. The variables eco-sensory intelligence, emotional intelligence, and general intelligence were measured using the psychological instruments environmental awareness ability measure, emotional intelligence scale, and test of general intelligence, in that order. The parametric test assumptions were tested using descriptive statistics. The study employed inferential statistics, specifically product-moment correlation, univariate ANOVA, and multivariate ANOVA, to assess the null hypothesis at the significance level of 0.05. The findings showed that general intelligence was adversely correlated with emotional intelligence and had no discernible relationship with ecological sensory intelligence. There was a significant positive association between emotional intelligence and eco-sensory intelligence

The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 2023
Self Made Situation Test (SMST) was developed as a result of qualitative research insights to eva... more Self Made Situation Test (SMST) was developed as a result of qualitative research insights to evaluate the spread of behavior and to reduce the prevalence of socially desirable responses in selection and recruitment settings for personality evaluation. Flexibility of behavior is a multifaceted idea that includes personal construct, identity, cognitive conflict, motivated forgetfulness, susceptibility, moral injury stressors, and hypocrisy. These factors work together to provide latitude and variances resulting flexibility in a person's behavior. In the beginning, Study 1 was conducted to develop SMST as a semi-structured projective sentence completion test for qualitative personality assessment of teenagers through reaction behavior of a person across self-made situations of varying complexity of life. A 22-item test based on the grounded principles of the SO -R model was developed to assess the flexibility of behavior in two key areas of the personality's transformative growth, namely adaptability and resilience. Concurrent validity was found to have a correlation coefficient of 0.30 and split half reliability of 0.35. In Study 2, a confirmatory study of behavior manifestation in the social adaptability and resilience aspects of the Thematic Apperception Test with Sentence Completion Test and Self Made Situation Test was conducted. In terms of researching and objectifying projective measures that may objectively screen in/out intense emotions in the personality assessment, this test marks a new frontier.

International Journal of Indian Psychology
The strategies of cerebral hemispheres – right and left, though different for processing informat... more The strategies of cerebral hemispheres – right and left, though different for processing information but are not mutually exclusive rather complement each other to give rise to distinct style of learning and thinking to make decisions for various important progressions of life. Every individual’s decision to make a career is distinct in their styles of learning and thinking. A career in Armed Forces is a unique and unrequited in nature. The present study investigates the different styles of learning and thinking of the male – female and recommended – not recommended job applicants applied to become an officer in Indian Armed Forces. A total sample of 374 job applicants was collected comprising of 212 male, from which 24 were recommended and 188 were not recommended & 162 female, which had 9 recommendations and 153 not being recommended. Whole brain oriented male applicants were more often recommended, while right brain oriented female applicants were more often recommended for the A...

The International Journal of Indian Psychology , 2022
Background: Ageing related problems are not only one of the most burdensome worry for sufferers a... more Background: Ageing related problems are not only one of the most burdensome worry for sufferers and their caregivers but also one of the biggest challenges for many countries of the world and their health care systems. The complexity and multi-factorial nature of Alzheimer's disease (AD) related to pathology, phases, progression, life expectancy, risk factor, diagnosis has been discussed in details with reference to AD patients and caregivers. Aim: The present study focuses on development of a cognitive-behavioral program that combines theory based, multi-domain training and restructuring intervention strategies of Alzheimer's patients well-being for whose efficacy is to be determined in randomized controlled case studies with state-of-the-art trial methodology on Alzheimer patients and their caregiver in India. The research tries to develop a generalized as well as individualized cognitive behavioral therapy model for Alzheimer patients and their caregivers in Indian context by restraining the shortcomings of worldwide previous researches in several respects. Design: The Pre-test post-test non-equivalent control group research design will be used. A diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease will be made in consensus including the neurologist, neuropsychiatrist and neuro-psychologists based on the review of the clinical, neurological and investigation results. Discussion: The cognitive-behavioral restructuring program of wellbeing for AD patients will consists of fourteen modules in following six sessions: diagnosis and goal setting; psycho-education, engagement in pleasant activities; cognitive restructuring; training of the caregiver in behavior management techniques and intervention for the caregivers. It will be individualized according to individual problems of the subject and the caregiver.

An image or visual stimulus in the environment plays an essential role in exercising the imaginat... more An image or visual stimulus in the environment plays an essential role in exercising the imagination. An imagery based account of the imagination is directed to the mental imagining but if the image is entirely eliminated then it brings out the true nature of imagination. Hammer (1958) hypothesised that painters, composers, designers, and anyone who uses their imagination projects his personality through the form of self expression. Roeckelein (2004) describes imagination as the "recombination of memories of past experiences and previously formed images into novel constructions". Projective techniques are strategies used to access presumably repressed content that is often unconscious or difficult to get access. Projective techniques are predicated on the assumption that a person will cast his or her unfiltered perception, feelings, and desires onto neutral or ambiguous images (Branthwaite, 2002). There are five classifications of projective techniques based on response el...

Mutuality between handwriting and individual’s inclination toward crime is an area of profound fa... more Mutuality between handwriting and individual’s inclination toward crime is an area of profound fascination. It is challenging to enter the most hidden corners of an abnormal mind in order to discover, understand and explain its resorts, and also to provide clues regarding the way of approaching, treating and planning rehabilitation. In India and other common law countries, insanity is exempted from punishment even if insanity leads to the person committing heinous crimes; because they are considered incapable of deciding the rightness or wrongness of an act. Therefore, it is crucial and imperative to understand the reason behind the anti-social crime and associated factors influencing personality of the offenders especially psychopaths. Forensic graphology and psychiatry are the two major disciplines involved in assessment of psychopathic tendencies and criminality. Both the approaches follow projective nature to analyse and get into deepest of the personality of an individual. Fore...

Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2021
There are multiple evolutionary adaptations and multiple intelligences found in human and non-hum... more There are multiple evolutionary adaptations and multiple intelligences found in human and non-human living beings. The ecological-sensory intelligence is thread of general intelligence that permeates into both human and non-human beings. It is defined as the uniting quanta of general intelligence among all living beings measured by the ability of acquiring environmental awareness, consciousness and sensitivity to the total environment and its allied problems. Human receive a sense of psychological well-being from interacting with the environment. There exists a natural intelligence which is the root criterion of ecological sensitivity and well-being in all life forces. This paper tries to explore the relationship between eco-sensory intelligence and well-being of the human individuals. Total 304 male subjects participated in the study. The environment awareness ability measure, PGI general well-being measure and test of general intelligence were used to measure the variables of the ...

This paper makes an effort to investigate the Imaginal Production and Press employed by the subje... more This paper makes an effort to investigate the Imaginal Production and Press employed by the subjects in story on blank card of Thematic Apperception Test with respect to Familiarity of the subject in writing TAT story. The blank card has been chosen for research because the response in TAT (projection in form of story) is a function of structural stimulus but the response on blank card of TAT (projection in form of story) is not a function of the structural stimulus. In the blank card no situation or characters are provided in the stimulus, here subjects are free to imagine a situation and characters of their own choice. Hence on the blank card, a stimulus has to be imagined and produced in the form of story. The three variables imaginal production of the subjects, familiarity with the test and presses employed during production of story have been considered as independent variables to see an effect on the characteristic of stimulus (dependent variable) which triggered the unconscio...

Integrity plays a significant role in our society. It can be defined as desirable, trans-situatio... more Integrity plays a significant role in our society. It can be defined as desirable, trans-situational goals, varying in importance that serves as guiding principles in people’s lives. Traditionally, ‘values’ has been assessed using inventory, retrospective questionnaire and scales. These approaches neglect intra-individual variabilitiy in values and do not capture values as it occurs in real-world settings. The aim of the current study was to provide a method for assessing integrity in day today life that provides both between individual and within-individual information. Pictorial Situational Judgment Test (P-SJT), a semi-projective approach based on critical incidents obtained from subjects and rated by panel of subject matter experts, for assessment of values to recruit potential human capital in Special Forces’ organization. Initially a pool of 120 critical incidents encompassing three domains of values i.e. self-discipline, dutifulness and courage of conviction were collected fr...
Industrial Psychiatry Journal, 2018
We investigate the origin of the colour-magnitude relation (CMR) observed in cluster galaxies by ... more We investigate the origin of the colour-magnitude relation (CMR) observed in cluster galaxies by using a combination of a cosmological N-body simulation of a cluster of galaxies and a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. The departure of galaxies in the bright end of the CMR with respect to the trend denoted by less luminous galaxies could be explained by the influence of minor mergers.

International Journal of Indian Psychology, 2016
Due to profusion of opportunities, varied trends of job market and perceived risk associated with... more Due to profusion of opportunities, varied trends of job market and perceived risk associated with career as Officer in Indian Armed force has made it unpopular and unattractive among many adolescents. Rapid economic growth and changing social norms in the society have certainly divided adolescents into aspirants and non-aspirants for this career choice. Career in armed force is characterised by its dynamic nature and pride associated with it. A study was carried out to investigate as whether risk taking behaviour has a role in aspiring to become armed force officer. Studies in past has revealed many factors affecting a career preference such as educational qualification, aptitude, intellect, father’s occupation, interest and many more. In this study risk taking behaviour has been investigated between aspirants and non-aspirants. The result showed that aspirants have more risk taking behaviour than non-aspirants especially in fire and military services areas which demands more risk t...

Individuals differ in their style of learning and thinking. The left hemisphere dominance is alwa... more Individuals differ in their style of learning and thinking. The left hemisphere dominance is always favoured for science enthusiast. The science further divides into two prominent pathways of engineering and medical field for a science aficionado. Before deciding the career pathway, one comes across interesting and life changing questions of have it or not? Such as, quantitative aptitude, fascination about innovations and technology, practical and applied sense of work, inclination towards research and findings, and finally satisfaction. Both engineering and medical are scientific subjects that allow exposure to various technical subjects and skill sets, varying in degree of requirement. Both subjects need problem solving, decision making, innovation, project or health management, team work and communication. Both have become creative profession in a time of rapid social and technological changes. From an educational perspective, development of problem solving and creativity both ar...
Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 2013
This paper suggests that the emotional labour provides a vital mechanism by which leadership beha... more This paper suggests that the emotional labour provides a vital mechanism by which leadership behaviour and leadership skills can be screened in/out for recruitment purpose in Armed Force context. Emotional labour is an essential requisite in most of the professions. Not all individual prefer Armed Force profession as a career because of its unique nature of requirement. This study attempts to correlate the emotional labour and self-esteem of the subjects to the recruitment in services selection boards at screening level. The results show both are required in order to make career in Armed Force. A comparison is also made that between these two which affect the most for screening at Services Selection Boards.

Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research, 2016
: Transition from school to professional career is most crucial and exigent developmental stage o... more : Transition from school to professional career is most crucial and exigent developmental stage of career for young adults studying in class 12 th . Indian Armed Forces presents an opportunity for youth to go through such transition. The so called transition is largely determined by hardiness and proactive career behaviour. After reviewing studies on the construct hardiness, proactive career behaviour and happenstance learning theory, the three ‘C’s of hardiness were evaluated based on the cognitive and conative aspects of subjects. The difference between hardiness (control and commitment) and proactive career behaviour were found significant at .01 levels. The correlation between hardiness (control and commitment) and proactive career behaviour was found moderate .Results of the study can be utilised by Indian Armed Forces for attracting young human capital, by focusing on control and commitment aspects of hardiness while making audiovisual/textual advertisement campaign.

Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 2017
Anxiety is defined as the subjective feeling of apprehension, worry, and tension caused by the pe... more Anxiety is defined as the subjective feeling of apprehension, worry, and tension caused by the perception of situations as psychologically or physically threatening (Spielberger, 1972). Researchers distinguish between trait and state anxiety as dispositional and transitory experience respectively. The test anxiety is an anxiety experienced by the individuals in a test situation which differs on nature of test and purpose of undergoing test. Most of the researchers showed concern in relationship between test anxiety and academic success. This paper investigates relationship between Test Anxiety and Performance at the time of selection of Armed Force Officer Cadre applicants over a battery of projective tests for personality assessment. A sample of 122 male subjects (71 Fresher & 51 Repeater) pooled through purposive sampling had undergone a Battery of Projective Test comprising Thematic Apperception Test, Word Association Test, Situation Reaction Test and Self Description in group te...
An attempt has been made to link value-orientation process to psychological maturity. Life-events... more An attempt has been made to link value-orientation process to psychological maturity. Life-events play a very vital role in this process, culminating in a state of well-being. There is an organismic basis for the valuing process within each person. Openness of a parson to valuing process, may lead to experiencing within his own self. It may also lead to communality of value-dimensions. Thus, finally a constructive and self- actualized states may be developed by meditation processes, that may lead to self-sufficiency, as well as autonomous growth of personality in the direction of wellness.

The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 2021
Mutuality between handwriting and individual's inclination toward crime is an area of profound fa... more Mutuality between handwriting and individual's inclination toward crime is an area of profound fascination. It is challenging to enter the most hidden corners of an abnormal mind in order to discover, understand and explain its resorts, and also to provide clues regarding the way of approaching, treating and planning rehabilitation. In India and other common law countries, insanity is exempted from punishment even if insanity leads to the person committing heinous crimes; because they are considered incapable of deciding the rightness or wrongness of an act. Therefore, it is crucial and imperative to understand the reason behind the antisocial crime and associated factors influencing personality of the offenders especially psychopaths. Forensic graphology and psychiatry are the two major disciplines involved in assessment of psychopathic tendencies and criminality. Both the approaches follow projective nature to analyse and get into deepest of the personality of an individual. Forensic is a punitive science concerned with the passing judgement on human conduct while psychiatry is a therapeutic and reformative science followed for the benefit of society, human rights and psychopaths. Though the two approaches assess personality from different perspectives, when applied together can give a more effective and holistic explanation of criminal behaviour. The present paper describes some important techniques of handwriting analysis and highlights common handwriting patterns of psychopaths. sychopathy is characterized by a set of personality traits such as shallow emotional responses, lack of empathy, and impulsivity marked by poor behavioural controls, resulting in persistent antisocial and criminal behaviour (Cleckley, 1941; Hare, 1996). Psychopaths are responsible for an undue proportion of crime committed (Kiehl & Hoffman, 2011). In addition to immoral and antisocial behaviour, an individual with psychopathy manifests lack of ability to love and establish meaningful personal relationships, shows extreme egocentricity, and fails to learn from experiences. The conning and manipulative interpersonal style of psychopaths generally creates a huge, destructive impact on their life, work, and social functioning. Psychopathy is found in approximately 1% of the general population, and is much more prevalent in men than women. When compared to offenders, psychopathy constitutes approximately 15-25% of the prison population.
Papers by Dr. Durlabh Singh Kowal
This paper analyzes missing data mechanisms to identify and ascertain complete data for correct personality assessment. It is essential to give sensible and thoughtful attention to missing data for assessors so that assessors do not operate with a handicap of implicit valuing of inferential errors and avoid mundane realism.
KEY WORDS: Personality assessment, assessor, missing data, inferential errors
1. The Unconscious
2. Projective Test
3. Thematic Apperception Test
4. Blank Picture
5. Food for Thought
characterized by overwhelming experiences
accompanied by a lack of safety, agency and
helplessness when exposed to a significant
perilous event or series of events (either real
or perceived). Unhealed traumas may result
in re-traumatisation, triggering memories of
the past trauma and reliving trauma all over
again in the present moment as if it is
happening now. Further, the potential risk
for re-traumatisation increases with trauma
survivors’ exposure to high-stress
environments. Globally, individuals,
communities and societies' exposure to
traumatic stress is quite common, causing
horrendous impacts on biopsychosocial and
spiritual domains across life and
generations. As a result, to foster basic
needs of safety, connection and regulation
among trauma survivors in non-clinic
settings, Trauma-informed care(TIC) is
framed with the basic assumption to 'do no
harm' through re-traumatisation, ensured
employing of psychoeducation and training
for service providers.
🔹Dr Vivek Singhai- BDS & Master’s in Public Health from John Hopkins University and Director of Dr Sharkar Dayal Sharma Ayurveda College and Hospital, Bhopal
🔸Durlabh Singh Kowal, PhD
DRDO Scientist ‘E’ Sr Psychologist in Services Selection Board
This book is basically written to spread awareness about anxiety. It targets common people & students to understand its causes, signs and various methods of treatment before it becomes pathological in nature.
Anxiety is a physical and mental side effect of the stressors, diets, competition, cravings and lifestyle patterns. This book suggests methods of treatment to reduce and control anxiety without depending on medication. A 90 pages self help book for everyone. Must read it.